Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sunday Surgery: The Wolf Shift

Oh what a week. I am trying to figure out how people that have no clue about head writers looked at this week's show. My hairstylist texted me about spoilers and wanted to know why they didn't show JaSam for "two damn days" after they got engaged! She also said that she hated the Nikolas send off. (which was rewritten to include the Greece scenes) Shannon had no idea a new writer was on--so there's that. 
 MIL...that's right buddy!

Those of us that are more privy and pay attention to such things, noticed a DRAMATIC change.I think it can be summed up in the following list of "Garin Wolf's Top Ten GH Shifts"

10. Sonny wasn't on for a whole week-- We know MB went on vacation but in the old days we would have been served up at least 3 days of inserted block taping angst about the break up. This was a nice, welcome change.

9. Helena discusses Laura's time on the island...compares Nikolas to her son and looks fabulous in python-print. Not for nothing, but Guza hasn't had Hells on in AGES let alone working with Luke and someone else we haven't seen yet.

8. ELQ Offices: What?!

7. Liz, Jason and Sam scene that wasn't gratuitous or just plain weird. Loved the talk--it honored Liason history while looking JaSam straight in the face.

6. Siobhan goes bat-ass'd crazy. Sure, Guza loved his Oyrish Lass...but she was a  bit of a non-issue couch potato. GW has given her some psycho. We like.

5.  Steven Mentions his grandfather, his past AND has hot sex with Olivia.

4. Alexis and Molly discuss Cassadine Lore--all with a nice "wind of change" coming. Alexis also tells Jason she's his new Mom-in-Law after blowing into the brown paper bag. Nice.

3. Scrubs Sex in the Hospital..complete with picnic...and Epiphany throwing new sheets at Patrick

2. Tracy not only GOES to Jake's...she drinks a Manhattan there. What!? (Yummy AZ scenes too!)


MONICA, MONICA MONICA! I half expected Adam Sandler to walk out and start singing his Harmonica song!! LOL... She was on with Tracy, Jason and Liz. Not only that she brought a photo to Jason of him riding a big wheel!! The fact that Monica never knew about Jake in his lifetime was a huge mistake on Guza's part, imo. So was killing off almost the entire Q Tribe. Perhaps Mr. W will be fixing some of that mess.

How did you like this week? Did you think/see changes? I do think one of the bigger issues is the use of more characters in one show.  History mentions like Sam's brother Danny :thud: Lucky staring at the prescription bottle. A mobster that doesn't just skulk around but is a bit fun (talking Anthony here) and seems to be involved with everything from the drug ring to Helena to Skye to ELQ.  Follow them cupcakes!! 
Now, get rid of GumShoe Spinelli---it was cute for about 1.2 seconds. Now? Not so much. thanks.

Scene of the Week: I am going to have to go with the Sam/Jason/Liz scene. I really liked the tone, liked the way Liz said "It was much more than that" --and also the Sam interaction. Very nuanced and meaningful, imo

Who won "Best Smile Male"?? You won't be surprised! Vote this week for Best Smile Female--


AND if you haven't WATCHED One Life T o Live-- do it!! especially MONDAY! It's going to be epic!! 

Have a great Sunday. Thanks for all the Wub here and on Twitter. (@wubsnet)

Friday, July 29, 2011

One Life To Live: You So Rock My World!!

I had to make a post about this show today. This whole week has been astounding but today? TOOK the cake!! Even the direction of Christian to Shawn to the Film premiere was brilliant.

The porn..T he Vicker Man-- The Two Faces!! Water "Breaking"!!! 

Mrs Patel "If you need pointers talk to that boy from the movie seems to know what he's doing"!! 

Man in Black:  "We can't have you dying with that face on"!!

Rex and the gun!!


MONDAY is going to be ASTOUNDING!!

Just put this show on Lifetime  TV already... maybe after "Roseanne's Nuts"-- this show is priceless. 
If you've never watched OLTL before or just want to catch up, try to see some on SoapNet this weekend, it's that good. Really. 

I need to get a copy of that Vicker Man Movie poster!! 

James Franco on GH Return: HUH?!

In yet another twisty turn, seems no one told Mr. Franco that "Franco" is coming back to mess with Jason Morgan around the time of his wedding. WHOOPS. 

Access Hollywood:

LOS ANGELES, Calif. --
James Franco is scheduled to return to “General Hospital,” but exactly when appears to be up in the air.
Earlier this week, it was reported that James would return to the ABC soap on September 20. However, when Access Hollywood caught up with James at the “Rise of the Planet Apes” premiere in Hollywood on Thursday night — his return date was news to him.
“I will be back to ‘General Hospital,’ but I’m filming a movie about the Wizard of Oz in Detroit right now, I haven’t filmed any new episodes for ‘General Hospital,’” James told Access.
“I don’t know if they like think I’m going to fly out on a weekend and shoot something, but I don’t see it fitting into my schedule anytime soon,” the actor continued. “I’ll go back, but they said like September 20 or something I have no idea what they’re talking about.”
Adding, “I don’t know when I’m going back.”

Wubulous Friday!!

Alexis, like most GH fans, can't believe the cast integration happening this week.

AMC is awesome with everyone coming out of the woodwork--loving Oak Haven!! OLTL Is of course getting so good I can't stand it!! eeeeeeeeeeeeeee! 

Wubby Hubby took the day off so I am as well. (just to show him he doesn't ALWAYS come in second to the web lol) ... I might be home at 3, might not. Post away anyway. I am DVRing all the shows for later. 

NEW SPOILERS ARE UP! Go take a gander. Keep an eye out for cupcakes, bloody noses and Car Crashes!

More Dish on DIRTY SOAP..on E!

Here's the full press release about the show... Farah and John from OLTL (Gigi and Rex) are also starring in the show. It sounds VERY dramazzzzzzzzzzzzzz!! 

Los Angeles, CA, July 28, 2011) – They’ve been killers, ghosts, homeless, prostitutes, prisoners and even murder victims – but it’s off the set of their famous soaps where the real drama begins. Featuring a drop-dead gorgeous ‘who’s who’ of daytime television – Kelly Monaco , Nadia Bjorlin , Kirsten Storms , Farah Fath , JP Lavoisier, and Galen Gering – “Dirty Soap” is a titillating look at these stunning thespians as they navigate high-profile careers during pivotal moments in the industry and deal with their own real-life drama, which often rivals that of their daytime counterparts. Executive produced by Amber Mazzola’s Machete Productions and Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos’ Milojo Productions, the eight-episode, hour-long series, “Dirty Soap,” premieres September 25 at 10:00PM ET/PT only on E!

The “soap bubble” is a small and intimate world and this cast of characters has played extremely significant roles in each others lives for years. They’ve been co-stars, best friends, worst enemies, boyfriends, girlfriends, and everything in between. Working together on set and spending time with each other in their down-time, they have formed substantial bonds and created a pseudo “soap family.” In the series we see them all begin a new chapter in their lives – some have left the soap world, some are doing film, some are focusing on family, and others are simply trying to determine what would be the best next move. Romantic relationships are tested when one person’s career rockets forward and the others is stuck at “go.” Jealousies arise as actors attempt to jump from one soap to another, and arch rivals must find a way to coexist in this sudsy microcosm without ripping each other to shreds. The softer side of these heartthrobs is also exposed as they interact with their families – one beauty meets her biological father for the very first time and another tearfully sends her brother off to the United States Army flight school. All the while their goals are clear – to grow their careers and to keep their hearts and heads above water in Tinseltown – where it’s so very easy to drown.
“The soap industry is at a defining moment and the time is ripe for a series that goes inside this iconic world and explores the unique bond that these actors share,” said Lisa Berger, President, Entertainment Programming, E! “No one knows the inner-workings of the soap community better than Kelly and Mark, and it is exciting for us to work with them, in addition to some of the reigning kings and queens of soap featured in the series.” MORE:

Thursday, July 28, 2011

General Hospital Thursday: One Life To Live TOPS Itself!!

Oh yes, that's Alberta and MAC DADDY!! She's having a LOT of photos surface after the FCW!! She has her own page on Facebook with "Fan Club Album" photos from that weekend. Click to check it out!

ALL MY CHILDREN: Annie, Marion and JANET! OMG...hysterical!! LOVED it.  It was just priceless. Too bad the show had to announce it's ending to get these awesome scenes!! 

ONE LIFE TO LIVE: Ok, I only saw the last 15 minutes but it was BRILLIANT. I have to send head writer Ron C some damn roses. The CREDITS were hysterical. Mel Gibson as Clint...and Mia Korf as BLAIR! ahahaa (she played Blair #1!!!) Oh..lordy AND I'm not spilling what happened at the very end because it's jut too fun, you have to see for yourself!!

GENERAL HOSPITAL: Abner and Michael in Bob the Badger's office!! BOB had quite the closeup today!! Michael was being a little weenie.

Cassadine angst, day 3. Ok, we get it. Where's Spencer? Hopefully not in the Greek isles. I do think Nikolas needs to get over this-- he's like 30 something. Luke's "Hand" With Helena--with the diamonds from Javier. Okay... we get it, he's not there but his HAND is. heh. 
Nikolas was crabby pants.  Helena must be working with AZ. Nik sure gave her the "Fredo" kiss right there.

Maxie and SPinelli: All I could think of was the smell in that sewer! LOL

Tracey at Jake's...interesting. Just in time for AZ to show up! They are going to be interesting!! Loved he made her a good Manhattan.

Sam/Jason/Alexis..Loved that Alexis was all upset over the "ring"!! She even got her paper bag out. Sam to Jason "Welcome to having a mother in law"!! :)

Nathan Parsons was on "State of Georgia" last night..take a gander at the stills from the show on Smug Mug! He looks fabulous.

Kirsten Storms and Kelly Monaco Star in New Reality Show!!

Wow... SOD is reporting that Kelly and Kirsten are a part of Kelly Ripa's new "Dirty Soap" reality TV show to air on E! TV~~!! READ IT ALL on Soap Opera Digest.

Monaco shared with the fans in attendance. "So, you'll see us at work, but you'll get a bit of our personal lives as well. It's going to be great for daytime because it puts the spotlight behind the scenes on what happens there and what happens when we get home — and I'm nervous as hell [laughs]." The eight-episode series debuts September 25 at 10 p.m.

Rumblings: Richard Dean Anderson Back to GH?

 Richard Dean Anderson At Comic Con

Exclusive: Oh, interesting...could Richard Dean Anderson reprise his roll as Dr. Jeff Webber just as his GH's Son's Story heats up?? Jeff Webber is the daddy of none other than Dr. Steven Lars Webber--and to Elizabeth as well. 
Known for his roles as MacGuyver and on Stargate, a little wubbie told me that producers are looking at a guest cameo later this year or for Feb Sweeps. As memory serves, he just might have had an affair with Monica way back when as well!
Anderson is on Twitter, maybe we can ask him ourselves...ABC is mum. As usual!! Trying to contact his 'people' now!

@andersonrdean is the twitter address.

Chip Docks: The Man Behind the GH Magic


Chip Docks has been staging scenes, arranging props and sets for General Hospital for 12 years. Most of you know my LOVE for all thing prop on GH-- and even have the photos with Alberta to 
prove it. From Bob the Badger to the Bubble Lamps to Olivia's giant pine cones, I LOVE looking at the sets on the show. This June Docks and his crew won an Emmy for their work on the show. Now I have a name to send a Wubulous Thank You card to!! How fun is that his name is DOCKS!! LOL  Read the full interview on The Valley Sun.

As easy as the finished episodes make the whole process seem, Docks’ job involves real craftiness for designing scenes that look intricate but cost as little as possible. There are 125 existing sets for “General Hospital” — from homes and offices to local haunts and operating rooms — including the main hospital, the only set that remains permanently intact inside the Prospect Studios building in the Los Feliz area.

Constance Towers Sings in 1972!

Rare fun footage of Connie singing on Sandler and Young in 1972.Hark the Herald Angels Sing!! (I think she looks better now, btw!! LOL those '70's!! Thx to Belle Kristin for finding this!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Wolf: Day Two

 Want the latest Jax rumor? Go to WUBS NET and find out!!

SO, most people liked yesterday's show!! Many of us are figuring out GW is going back to his days of writing during the GH strike--the drugs, the carnival ("Gothic warning)-- it will also be interesting to see JJ play drug addict.
I had the BEST dental appointment today! The power went off 1/2 way through so they did the cleaning by hand, fast and I was OUTTA THERE!! woot!! 

OLTL: I love Trevor, it's going to be so hard when he goes. I also love RH so I'm so torn! I wish it could work  out somehow with both of them!!  
It's such a good show!! Loved Roxy and and RH..he growls and she thinks it's totally John! LOL 

GENERAL HOSPTIAL:  Jax was talking to Brenda on the phone today. Nice looking tie too. That was BEFORE he went back to film more (the whole getting Joss) -- (his hair, you can tell). So, they block taped that.

OMG, Swoon with Helena and Nikolas!! He helped her down the stairs. I'm so mad Tyler's gone now!! GET THEM BACK!! ALL the Cassadines!! NOW! Loved Lulu's face when Helena was talking about her being the "second child". Tyler Christopher looked GREAT.

Siobhan is really nuts. heh. You'd think GH would have put a railing up on that dang roof already. Also the backdrop? At least have some twinkling lights, it IS 2011. It's static! 

Steve and Olivia... they just make out all the time. LOL that's about it. Did you hear a drop about "Why did you leave Memphis' and then Steve dropped it. Huh.. wonder what that's about! 

Jax is going back for JOSS..wonder if he'll wear a wig heh.

...a woman who wears desperation like some women wear perfume"-Helena on Liz. She also said "Your father chose to consumate his affair on the Disco Floor"!! ahahaaa. She had some GREAT lines today. 

OFF TOPIC: I think it's hysterical that Kat Von D and Jesse James broke up Monday, and they are running all her dang promos for her show all over TLC!! HAHAHAA..AND in the premiere she gets a TATTOO OF HIS FACE on her!! Oh, the karma. THG has the clip. Pfffft.

Wubs Net Interviews: DaJuan Johnson New Guy in Port Charles!!

Meet Port Charles' newest business man, Asher Caldwell! Although he's tangled up in the Zacchara family, it's great to see some action at the ELQ offices. Not only that, he's interacting with Tracy Q-- what more could we want??!

Wubs: I don't know much about you, so let's start at the beginning! Where did you grow up?
DJ: I grew up in Miami, FL. (Born in Chicago) but, my schooling was done in Miami.

Wubs: What made you want to get into acting?
DJ: Some people’s gift is to heal as a doctor. I believe mine is to heal (including laughter) through my craft. I know, I know...such a chessy answer, but it’s my truth.

Wubs: I see you've been in TV...and was on the Private Practice and 24 a few times. What's your history for TV acting?
DJ: Working on those two shows was great. I got to work with some of the greats in television. And I love watching things blow-up — so 24 was extra special for me.

Wubs: You've also been in some movies, and are listed as the composer for one. What was that like
 DJ: Ha. I have NO idea why I’m listed as a composer on that film. I’ve tried extremely hard to get that off imdb, but it’s proving harder to get that off than getting out of a gym membership — and we know that’s hard! But, I love working in film. I love the process that goes a long with it.

Wubs: How did you come about your audition or hear about GH? Had you ever watched the show?
DJ: Absolutely, I’ve watched the show. it’s funny, I use to say Soaps are one of the reasons why I got into acting. During the summers, while I was in high school, I use to watch the whole 3 hours block (amc, oltl, & gh). Booking this show was a dream come true! Seriously.

Wubs: Can you tell us a bit about "Asher Caldwell"?? We heard today he's a Harvard Grad with Martha's Vineyard ties. Maybe  you're buddies with the Kennedys!
DJ: I don’t know too much about Asher as of yet...just that he’s really skilled at what he does and LOVES his job at ELQ!

Wubs: Any idea where your character is heading??
DJ: I have no idea where Asher’s heading — I just know I love playing him and feel honored to bring him to life. Who wouldn’t want to wear Dolce & Armani suits and have such swagger.

Wubs: How were your first few days on set?
DJ: Like any “new” situation it was a little nerve wracking, but believe me when I say EVERYONE...I mean EVERYONE was awesome. So, nice. So, sweet. So, helpful. I can see why people want to stay in PC for a long time. Me included.

Wubs: We know now that Asher is involved with Anthony Zacchara, were you surprised to be working with Bruce Weitz?? (he seems a little fun-scary! LOL)
DJ: Surprised in a good way – Yes! It was a great twist that I think was set up extremely well. It’s hard to be scared of Bruce since he’s such a great giving guy. I’m so pumped to see where it’s all going...

Wubs: Rumor has it your character will be all involved with the upcoming hospital drug storyline...any truth to this or can't you spill?
DJ: Wow, that’s a good one. And I wish I could tell you more on it, but I’ve learned suspense is key in daytime dramas. I mean how cool was it when you found out I was working with Anthony?

Wubs; You know one of my favorite people, Chrissie Fit...I heard you ran into her on the set. Did you know she worked on GH? I'm hoping for some Asher/Mercedes scenes!! (A girl can dream, right?)
DJ: Love me some Chrissie. She’s pretty cool. We actually knew each other beforehand, but I think I forgot that she was on GH. Until she tweeted something about it. Running into her on set was pure luck. As for a little Asher/Mercedes action??? Well, from your lips to the power that be’s ears! She’s beautiful and a great actress.

Wubs: You are also active on twitter! Have you found it a good way to connect with fans? Do you tweet during the show?
DJ: I enjoy twitter a lot. It’s taken on a whole new form for me since I debuted on GH. And yes, it’s a GREAT way to connect with fans. And let me tell you, they tell you what’s on their mind. (ha!) The first couple of shows I’ve tweeted during the east coast airing and it’s been great. Can’t say that I always will, but I’ll always try to respond back if time allows.

Wubs: Any other projects you are working on you'd like fans to know about?
DJ: Just shot an AT&T commercial that should be airing any day now! And I’m writing a web-series with my talented writing partner. Looking forward to production beginning on that in early fall. Don’t worry...I’ll TWEET ya when it’s ready!!!

Thanks so much for your time!! 

You can follow DaJuan on twitter: @dajuanjohnson facebook: and visit his webpage: DaJuan Johnson.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Daytime Confidential: Take THAT One Life to Live!

Daytime Confidential is reporting that the studio that currently houses our beloved One Life to Live is to be given to...arch enemy KATIE COURIC!! HISS BOO!! Hit the link to read all about it! 
OLTL Tapes at ABC, 320 West 66th street in NYC

Greg Vaughn Gets New Gig on "Good Christian Belles"!

Greg Vaughn (ex-Lucky #3) just tweeted that he has a regular gig on the new show "Good Christian Belles" that will air this 2011/2012 on ABC. He will play Bill Vaughn, ex-hubby of  Leslie Bibbs!! How's that for synergy??

 Follow Greg on Twitter @gregvaughn.

New Rumors... New Start.... New Wolf-Howlin'

This is an interesting thing... fans are all over the Rumor that Jax is presumed dead after a plane crash. It's supposed that Sonny is behind the crash--not sure yet. I"m not even 100% on this, but it looks legit. Carly laments that if Jax had taken Josslyn they'd "both be dead". Jax will be off canvas for good. I'm not happy about it because I really was wishing that he could go away for a bit and come back the corporate raider he once was and do some ELQ damage. But..sigh, not to be. The other part of Wolf's interview that got me was the AZ/Sonny war heating up. I'm so tired of Father/Sons. SO TIRED. Well, Helena is back!! That's what I'm concentrating on. :) See? That's me smiling!! The WOLF is in the house today-- NEW SPOILERS are up! 

AMC: I tell you what, If David turns out to be a Cassadine I TOLD YOU FIRST! He's experimenting on everyone! LOL... Can't wait to see Erica's lock up with all the past ladies!

Oh, Monica!! "I've been to every medical convention in the country" heh..Loved the Alan mention. It's all the set up for Jason's coma/dream. 

Molly and Alexis--Alexis mentions Stefan and a wind comes up. Anyone see Chocolat? These were my fave scenes today

What is with Krissy's dizzy stuff? Hmmmmmmmmm. Haven't heard more on that. She was cute today though, looked like she ate the canary! 

Liz and Jason-- Liz sees Sam's ginormous engagement ring!  VERY good scene. SEE---You can have the 3 of them in a room without the fanbase spontaneously combusting!

NO comment on Siobhan today.  I just really see her as goading Liz--she has to be working for Helena. The roof scene?? TOTALLY a Cassadine move!!

Helena taunting Lulu. "Your Mother was the Queen of adventure"!!  I saw Nikolas' shadow!! There he is!! The brooding Cassadine. 

Lucky's drug dealer..heh. 

WELL, more history crammed into today than in 9 years. Sam even mentioned her brother. Monica gave Jason a pic of him on a big wheel... Liz and Jason hug-- Stefan mention--wow. Even Patrick's past dalliances in the hospital.
IF you haven't watched GH in awhile, watch today. Good history-- good balance.


Garin Wolf Dishes ON General Hospital

He gave an interview to about the coming months and here's an excerpt. He talks about JaSam's "conconvential" everything-- and this about the mob. Still no photos because well, you know I think he's invisible LOL 

All right, we'll be waiting with bated breath to see where it goes! Beyond Jason and Sam, can you tease a little bit to the big conflicts coming up in the next weeks and months? It seem like things are kind of headed towards Sonny vs. Anthony. Anthony seems to be consolidating his forces, as it were.

Sonny, Anthony, Johnny – it's going to get personal. It's going to be less about the business, less about the bombs, and more about the fire inside them. Anthony is a loose cannon. Sonny's a loose cannon. Stand back. Don't get in the way

New Spoilers are UP!

Well, Jax is back--looks like he's taking Josslyn (but won't make it). Visits Robin, Sonny finds them, yada yada. Car accident--Jason's out for a time-- a storm shakes things up and Ethan goes to comfort Krissy and Molly at the Lake House (is this when the "kiss" happens?) More stuff on WUBS NET!

Amber Tamblyn in "Main Street"

WOW, look at this cast!! Colin Firth, Olrando Bloom--only problem is they are British, and they are playing Southern. This Speech Therapist can hear it a mile away!! I can't want to see it because my girlie AmTam is in it though. Trailer: 

Monday, July 25, 2011

Prospect Park Statement Concerning CyberSoaps

Here's the Statement that PP put out regarding the Union talks going on right now in regards to the upcoming digital switch:

The love and support for ALL MY CHILDREN and ONE LIFE TO LIVE is truly amazing. Since we announced our intention to work with the shows, the fan outreach we’ve experienced over the past few weeks further validates our decision to work to keep them going for years to come. However we also respect the organizations and processes that are in place so that all can apply their craft within the infrastructure that the entertainment industry has set, specifically in this case with the appropriate guilds and unions.

We are in the process of working out the essential terms of our proposed collective bargaining agreements with the appropriate guilds and unions, which we must do prior to firming up deals with above- and below-the-line talent. We will provide updates as needed.

This may delay things a bit later than the AMC date of October for the webseries but at least talks are going forward for the transition!  Read more at Deadline. 

New General Hospital Promo

Because everything ALWAYS Changes in Port Charles LOL 

Soap Monday: NINE Years of GUZA--GONE?!

It's WOLF-DAY!! Guza's out of the building!!  I'm hoping for the best.
It's just another round of stuff getting me down. I mean, YOU KNOW I'm a Franco-Fanatic-- and I always get giddy over his weird stints but this just makes me feel like everything's going backwards. Unless he's exposing Abner or buying up ELQ, I'm not sure I want the Jason-love.  *sigh* and I SO KNOW GUZA'S going to be IN THERE SOMEWHERE,  I knpw it. I JUST KNOW it. Non-credited writing or something. He can't stay away from this LOL

AMC: Oooooooo, you think David has Leo, Bobby Martin, Jenny, Luna, Stavros, Geogie, Jake all in his "project"- it would be hysterical if he crossed-soaps to have saved all those people heh.

OLTL: Manning and McBain!! Eeeeeeeeeeeeee! Someone called them McManning. I didn't realize that John never met Old Face Todd!! DUH! I thought he had. OY! No wonder John was as cool as a cucumber. "You're very attractive" Old Face says to John LOL 
Maybe they are like Body Snatchers at that "compound"
WHY ISN'T MARTY around? She would have FREAKED out!!
Don't like the Baz kid. 
Maybe they'll show that porno when OLTL goes online heh. "Pepperoni Porno" !!

"See how well endowed I am" says Helena!! What was Lulu thinking sending him in there?! LOL Like Helena doesn't KNOW EVERYTHING!! 
Helena says Luke drank over Lucky being a policeman and Lulu dating one.Siobhan is so being the NuLisa.. she's out of control. Her big jealousy seems  to be coming outta no where though. Or as she would say "Outsa no wheres dough" HEH  
Erin did GREAT work with Becky today though--nice scenes!! She can act, that's for sure.
They said Robin was COS for 2 weeks, how can this be? LOL She just got the job! I did like Matt/Patrick's fun with each other though. 

 See a TON of photos from Vanessa's FCW event on the Sonny and Brenda Forum!!

NOTE: Anyone that was at Vanessa's event at the FCW know who donated the baby blanket to her?? Let me know!
Anyone going to Port Charles gig in Rochester Sept 1st?? 

*Just saw a rumor that a newbie 20-something rookie cop "Hispanic" might be coming to GH. Looks  like it might have legs--casting call is out.

Franco IS Coming Back

And not just for a little says Michael Logan on TV Guide.

Franco's upcoming story arc is being called "longterm," meaning we'll see him well into the fall and possibly beyond. This should be a nifty trick considering GH is filmed in Hollywood and the actor is due to open on Broadway this fall opposite Nicole Kidman in a revival of Tennessee Williams' Sweet Bird of Youth — but don't forget he's known for shooting weeks and weeks worth of GH material in just a couple of days.

OH YEAH...MORE BLOCK taping!! More crazy kidnapping stuff!! Welcome to Guza.2-za. I'll try to remain optimistic but lord, it's hard. 

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Sunday Surgery: The Waiting Room

It's crowded in there folks...really crowded. We knew that Wolf was ushering in a new 'era' on GH  but this? The POST-GUZA ERA  is getting to be amazingly complex. Let's list them, shall we? 

1. Writers: David Goldschmid and Meg Bennett were let go from GH.(Meg is Bob Guza's wife) . Replacing them on the breakdown team will be Shelly Altman, who's been writing breakdowns for "One Life to Live" for the past 11 years, and current "GH" script writer Tracey Thomson. (SON)

2. New Doctor: 30-something, I think a replacement for the failed "Ian" character that Wolf wrote for during the writer's strike. His name is Ewan and he's mysterious and angst-ridden. 

3. "The Woman in White": 30 something, Ethan will see her like a 'vision' but she's real. A Gothic mystery will unfold.  Can you say: ANGEL SOREL??! Those that remember her know just what I'm saying.

4. Stuart Damon:  Is back... as a vision or ghost..not real

5. Skye is back...she's real. 

6. Newbie Mob-Daughter: 19 years old, from NYC possibly connected to Tracy Q from the old 
 "City" days... 

7. Recast Kate:  Well, a new Kate-- after we've been hoping "Crimson" would resurface, we get a whole NEW face for the editor--and she's 16 years younger than Maurice. I know people want me to "get over"that fact but hell, I'm mad. There are MANY 40 something actresses needing jobs out there.

What did I forget??  Lucky's going to be a druggie, Skye is coming back and I think she'll be in the mob story --the mob may jump to the Q's with all this news. The whole Mob connection seems to not fit the "getting away from the mob". Oh hell, as long as the STORY is good, we don't care, right!!?A wedding is coming (I'm always up for those)-- and Siobhan is going a little crackers. I think she's the new "Lisa"!!  Helena's back. *sigh* thank you

SID weighs in on CYBER SOAP NEWS: ABC's press release said that Prospect Park would continue to broadcast AMC and ONE LIFE TO LIVE in their same length, but made no mention of how often the shows would air? Our spy reports that the latest scuttlebutt is that AMC may become a seasonal series -- not a daily one -- thus opening up the door for the cast to pursue other projects.

TO ALL at the FAN Club weekend people, thanks for all the photos and tweets and Facebook updates. I so appreciate you letting me use some pics on this blog as well. It helps keep everyone informed and makes us feel like WE WERE THERE!!  

SCENE OF THE WEEK: TIE: Jax in the Police Station and Sonny/Brenda saying good-bye. It was a good week for actors. 

SEE who won BEST DRESSED this week on the WUBS NET!!  

One more note: Heart goes out to Norway. Such sadness. 

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Fan Club Weekend: More Fun Photos!!

Thank you to ALL that gave me permission to use their photos in my blog!! This is great. Now we can all pretend we are there!!

These photos are on yfrog from radarlizou hit the link to see more!! 

Bruce Weitz got a standing O from the crowd!!

Becky and Scott @BeckyHerbstRHO

 Kirsten and Kelly 

Of course, I'll have way more pics of ALBERTA soon as well. She was all over the place.
@LisaLoCicerogh: I had the best time meeting all new and old friends!! Thank you all so much for coming out to play!! Lets do it again next year!!!
@TeenysTweeting: (Kirsten Storms) sooooo much fun at the fan event today!!! thanks to everyone who came out to see us! we luv you guys :)
@lldubs (Laura Wright) I Had the best time with all of u this weekend!!! Woo hoo and hell yeah!!!


Friday, July 22, 2011

Keepin Cool Soapers??

That's me... LOL. It's just brutal. I'm not a real hot weather person-- but I don't mind the heat.  It's the HUMIDITY! yep.. We also haven't had rain in a month. A MONTH!!

THIS AMC thing with "Jane" is weird... I wanted it to be someone from her past. I wanted it to be Silver. Oh well. Erica sounded SO CRAZY today!! ahahhahaaa! "it was a fan, with plastic surgery"!  They aren't believing her. AND JR sees Dixie when he's drunk-- ut oh... heh. 

OLTL: Old Face is saved by a fisherman guy. He had on a bullet proof vest. New Face is freaking out. They even had an outside shot again (with TWIZZLERS!) John's going to meet the OLD FACE!! eeeee!! 

Berta at Lisa LoCicero's event this afternoon!! 
GENERAL HOSPITAL: OMG, Dante and Lulu in "Greece"...eating Feta sandwiches I think! LOL They were some GIANT sandwiches! Helena looked FANTABULOUS! Snake skin jacket. Nice... That house looked like the Q's foyer though. Why would LUKE send Dante there? Helena would see right through it. Anyway, it got Dante's shirt off.

Mac Daddy is on !!  He wants to give a case to Dante? Uh, Dante's not even in the USA! Geesh! Anyone even know he's gone??

Anthony comes in with flowers for Abby--they are gorgeous. He wants into ELQ so badly. Is Skye the key? Tracy calls Michael a "Mob Magnet" !!

Robin's stuff is already giving me a headache. I'll try to like it-- I really really will!! 
OK for the FIRST TIME TODAY I saw the potential of Mr. Cook. He was darling!! Why haven't they written for Matt like this before?! GEESH!! What a waste!  

LOL: Nancy Lee Grahn just tweeted this:
BREAKING NEWS: Got my work schedule 4 1st wk in August. Am working MORE than Steve Burton....

Lisa LoCicero says people are going to be very mad at Olivia Soon..hmmm. WONDER why!  There's also a charity event  in the near future. I did see photos of that. I think it's the night of the car accidents.

New Scoops Up and FCW Stuff

That's right..Alberta met BABY JOSSLYN!! 
Follow all of Alberta's Fan Club weekend encounters on her FACEBOOK Fan Page! 

MANY new SCOOPS are up on the WUBS NET!!  Helena/Lulu--Nikolas and Feta! LOL. Lucky's going druggie and Jax comes back to Port Charles for 'closure'. MANY newbies coming. Sunday Surgery Blog will have a round up of all the goodies for you. 

Photo from LexiAinsworth Online hit link to see more!

Some tidbits from the FCW: NLG says that Alexis and Diane will go on an Adventure together. It involves a bar, a fender-bender and hijinks. Also the news came out that Sam's daddy may be found after all! Imagine that. Vanessa Marcil showed up as a surprise guest at Nancy's event last night. How fun is that? 

Many more fan club events to come!! I hope anyone who is there will let us know and maybe give some scoop/photos. We are all baking out here and are a tad jealous. 

INTERESTING: When I posted the JaSam "save the date" yesterday, it was Sept. 26th. Well, The GH page on Facebook changed it to the 23rd!! (that's the last day AMC airs, ensuring a bigger pull). So mark that on your calendars instead. Of course, you know it will run into the next week as well. 

INCOMING: This is from the IL so take it with a shot of tequila, but it was so interesting, I had to pass it along!!!: Rumor has it Frons wants Alicia Minshew as the Woman in White. (Kendyl on AMC)

New GH Character Gina: Homage to "The City"??

 That's Lisa LoCicero when she was on The City!
SID was thinking out loud on Twitter and predicted that the new 19 year old girlie "Gina" (only child of a NYC Mobster) could be the granddaughter of Tracy Q's ex Mobster hubby on the defunct Soap "The City"! Would make total sense as his name was "Gino"... It would tie the girl to the Q's as well. Interesting. Always wondered if they'd ever  bring up Tracy's mob ties!

More News on Digital Daytime Drama!!

Get over to Daytime Confidential and read all about the latest Prospect Park info and the Cyber Soaps. Looks like All My Children might not air right after it leaves television, but in January.

The bigger bombshell?? "Even if one of the new shows ABC is premiering fails, everyone knows this is General Hospital's last year," an insider states. 

 What? Me Worry?

We knew it was coming-- I've said it all along. I may be a nay-sayer but the writing's on the wall for GH. I'm also really wondering what our shows will look like on the net. If they wait  until January to get AMC running, how many actors are going to bail?? When would OLTL Air if it's set to leave in January??  

Thursday, July 21, 2011

JaSam Wedding Date Announced!

General Hosptial's Facebook page is saying the JaSam wedding will take place on Sept. 23rd. Interestingly enough this is also the launch date of "The Chew" (AMC's replacement) and D Hall's back on DOOL. Guess it's a big date in the annals of Daytime, eh?

*NOTE: Jason Cook will not be at the Fan Club Weekend, his fan page is saying he has a "prior engagement.

Enough updates for you today? LOL! They just keep coming. 

Kelly Sullivan to Play Kate Howard

Timing sucks as there is a big Megan Ward event at the FCW--and I'm not even sure she knew she was "recast"...

SID is reporting that Kelly Sullivan will be playing the Crimson editor. The mag also reports on the new doc that's coming and..Gina Soleita, the 19-year-old only daughter of a New York crime boss. Both are contract roles scheduled to start taping in September. (That must be the Bensonhurst connection)

Going Backwards ..and Frying Eggs on the Sidewalk

PHEW!! What's worse?  A giant blizzard where you can't go outside or 120 degrees with humidity!!? LOL At least I'm not in England (the last time they had a giant heat wave it was 102)-- they had NO AIR! Not even the restaurants. I went into the cheese section of the grocery store to get cool!! ahaha.It's officially 100 here!

 Seamus Dever

Someone on twitter was talking about the new doctor (Ewan) and thinks it's a replacement for Ian Devlin who was at the head of the Wolf story during the writer's strike. Guza had him then shoot Michael... and the actor went to Castle. Interesting, could be!!  Dr. Ian sold illegal/fake Rx drugs, remember? 
Makes sense. 
I'm also wondering if the Lady in White will be connected to Siobhan and the Cassadines... that would make sense as well. Maybe Siobhan is a closet Cassadine? 

Kris Alderson tweeted this pic of her "train buddies"!! A Ford and a Dog.. lol

HEY!! Tina and CORD are coming back to OLTL!! WOW!! Andrea Evans and John Loprieno are going to reprise their roles. I love them, can't more on SID !!
OLTL was funny today and just a great watch. LOVED it.  Vamil's parents came--Bollywood!! David took the tip. Heh.

GENERAL HOSPITAL: More GREAT Alberta SET PHOTOS!! She's a nurse!! Gotta love it! 
I'm glad that Sam and Alexis are talking and NLG is back on the show more. Krissy came in! woot!
Morgan can cry, I'll give him that..sniff. Poor Jax, saying goodbye to Joss. aww.
Brenda and Sonny "I told you that girl would destroy you" -- "Tell me your sorry"!!!  
The house would be real but the rest would be a lie, my power base is here" says Sonny. Wow..that was some powerful Maurice work. "Power isn't something I can keep, hold on to and understand and I'm not giving it up for anybody"....   
"No matter where you are, I will always love you"....
Great scenes, then CARLY has to stomp on in to talk to Sonny--Laura Wright gets a TON of airtime already, did she have to come in at that second and blab to Sonny? Uh, no.
ROBIN and Brenda scene!! NICE!! thank you!!! It could have been longer but I'm not complaining.
JaSam on the rooftop... very romantical "I would be honored to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me"?? Sam says "You have changed me so much".... I hope their wedding is fun and has food, unlike S&Bs LOL The lug nut was fun--can't wait until they find the real one. I loved that dang ring!!
Brenda and Jax:  "Would you allow me to play the white knight for you one last time"???  Alec was cute on the plane! Teaching him Italian..awww.
Sonny says get "my plane ready"--he's going to flee for awhile (MB was touring the East Coast).

SO, CarJax: Over

Sonny and Brenda: Over
Jason and Sam: Getting Married 
Brenda: Leaving
Jax: Leaving 
Carly: Still yappin' 
AND... Sonny threw NO BAR WARE TODAY! 

GREAT GH day in so many ways--- the dialog and acting were really good.


And yes, I was a little teary-eyed about this!! Summer and Dante Fans took Alberta on a set TOUR--and Lisa,  Dom and Ronnie were so great to her!! (They did remember her from Canada).  Well, Berta got her photo with BOB THE BADGER--- you know that I love that stupid prop!! Look at HIS TEETH! LOL.. this is just so wonderful. Thanks so much to everyone for this....even though I can't be there, at least my lobster is!!

Follow Alberta's  adventures this weekend on her Facebook Page. Also go to for Fan Club updates as well! I tell you what GH fans, actors, crew--everyone ARE THE BEST!!

Steve Burton's AOL Interview

Steve Burton's AOL interview is interesting. This line caught my eye: . Now that we've been constricted by budgets, you're going to get a lot of two people scenes in one set.
Uh, Sorry Steve, already happening for years now...

More excepts:

GH' fans can count on seeing Jason interact with more of his semi-estranged Quartermaine family members even if Sam says no. New head writer Garin Wolf is a big fan of the show's history, and Burton shares that he's spending more screen-time with the fan-favorite clan.

Hey, there's nothing wrong with that.
No. Absolutely not. It's relationship-based. What I see with Garin and what I like is that he's using everybody on the canvas. I've always been an advocate of the Quartermaines and of seeing everyone be used. Tell story and it will all be good. I think we're headed in that direction. Garin's a great guy and a good writer. He's using a lot more people. Jason's had scenes with Monica and Edward -- I feel an old spark coming back.

That's surprisingly GOOD news, eh? Hit the link to read the whole thing!! 

Two New Characters to Kick of Wolf's Era..

Well, it's official... ABC floated the script for the new DOC-- the 30-something "Ewan" I mentioned earlier this week. Raven has the Full script up.  Excerpt: 

Dr. Ewen Keenan is an analyst who heals outside the rules. He's 30, Thick blonde hair, scruff of a beard, blue eyes. Handsome and masculine, but accessible. A man with nothing to prove. A big unpredictable kid at heart. Broad and expansive one minute, balled up and tender the next. Kind, affable and funny, Ewen's not afraid to get his hands dirty. He's a sports fan, a water baby. He loves children, animals, and horses in particular. He's a guys best friend, and a woman's fondest wish. He dabbles in art, painting broad canvases of water. He is in the process of writing a book, the contents of which he guards fiercely. He can be absent minded at times and careless about clothing. He's also prone to sudden bouts of brooding melancholia. A moment from his own past threatening to pull him under and drown him in unnamed sorrow. His treatment methods are challenging. Always keying in on one key trigger word rather than dwelling on the past. Something he is very careful to avoid when dealing with his own secrets. Ewen always pushes his patients to find new daring paths of interest. Finding the answers to their most problematic issues along the way.

Now.. why, why why? With Matt and Steve still hanging around, why a newbie? Your guess is as good as mine. The "Unnamed Sorrow and brooding melancholia" just cracks me up. Angst..angst angst.

Lady in White?? Gaga?? ahahhaa

This on the heels of the "Lady In White" that Ethan will see-- and hardly anyone else for awhile. A Gothic Mystery that is supposed to involved the Cassadines/Spencers and Q's.  Hell, at least they are both for something OTHER THAN THE MOB and can I pray NEITHER KNOW Carly??! LOL.

Get ready for the 2 newbies. Asher, the guy connected to ELQ will also figure into the hospital/drug story with Lucky and the prescription story. 

Hit the link for the "Lady in White" description.

Monday Monday

  WOW, do we have a nice weather here!! Just gorgeous. All weekend was beautiful and now it's up into the 70s and maybe 80s tomorrow.  T...