Thursday, July 21, 2011

JaSam Wedding Date Announced!

General Hosptial's Facebook page is saying the JaSam wedding will take place on Sept. 23rd. Interestingly enough this is also the launch date of "The Chew" (AMC's replacement) and D Hall's back on DOOL. Guess it's a big date in the annals of Daytime, eh?

*NOTE: Jason Cook will not be at the Fan Club Weekend, his fan page is saying he has a "prior engagement.

Enough updates for you today? LOL! They just keep coming. 


  1. will not be watching the jaspam wedding. hopefully the ratings go down that day. looks like more of the same jasonny and new characters.

  2. They really pushing this aren't they......{sigh} o well congrats to their fans (there I said it now let me go wash my mouth out with soap) lol!


  3. I am not a Jasam fan OR a Liason fan or whatever, but congratulations to the Jasam fans!

  4. I was never a fan of the character of Sam from the first time she set foot on GH as a con, so I find it hard to see her with jason.However, I find that I no longer like Jason's character as much as I used to so maybe they fit. I will always wish for liason and I get my fix watching old clips online. I can't get enough of their proposal, or when they declare their love for eachother.
    Anyway, I can say to jasammers to enjoy the proposal and wedding, even though I can't bring myself to watch it.

  5. Sam watched his son get kidnapped. I can't get passed this, and I won't watch.

  6. How about lets change the subject huh????Anybody read James Franco's interview still complaining about the Oscars give it a rest will ya.You sucked lol....heres the addy on it ....

  7. You know what, I'm really sick of all the Sam/Jasam hate. I personally love Sam's character since the second she came on the show. I actually like her better when she is more independent, but after everything they put her character though she deserves a happy day. I've been waiting for Jasam wedding since 2004 and us jasam fans are finally getting one.

    For the record I actually do like Liz, just not with Jason. I don't think Liz could ever accept Jason, and yes I do realize he's in the mob and does illegal stuff so she shouldn't have to, but thats just the way it is.

    I for one can't wait for the Jasam wedding (:

  8. Well I guess on Sept 26 I will watch no ABC shows.

    But I will tune in for Marlena on Days.

  9. I am so stoked for this wedding! I am a huge JaSam fan since day one!!!

  10. Not interested in jasam.

  11. Can't stand seeing jason and sam together , so fake. Frons' work.

  12. People, there relationship is fact, it's a damn SOAP OPERA! Gezz. As for us JaSam fans, we can all say that Sam's character is the only character on GH that has changed her ways. She's not a con anymore. She's even way more mature than Liz is and Liz has/had 3 children. Also, I'm stoked for the wedding, that couple went through hell, just to be together. They deserve it. The dedicated Jasam fans deserve it too. The Liason fans love the history between them BUT you gotta realize Liason was never a real relationship and it could never/would never work because Steve Burton just stated, that Jason can NEVER leave the busy even if he tried. Liz has 2 boys, she would never put them through that. So therefor, obsess over your liason scenes and shut up because THE JASAM WEDDING IS GONNA HAPPEN AND WE'RE GONNA GET A BABY! Cuter than Liz's might I add.



  The new show "Beyond the Gates" topped GH during it's debut week. It runs 2-3pm/est in major markets against the ABC soap. N...