Monday, September 30, 2019

Baby's HERE!

I'm too psyched. Got a new iPhone 11 today! I had an iPhone 6 with 16GB space which is like. NONE.. The 11 wasn't much more than the X with my deals so.. whoo hoo!! GOOD PHOTOS for once!! 

OK, today's show.. here we go--Carson Baby predictions:
Boy-named Corbin

IF it's a girl (which I don't think it will be) she will be Ruby. (I was wrong LOL) 

Carly's still in labor--Jason is going to tell Michael about why Carly needs a C-section. 

Jason tells Michael about the condition. 

Carly and Sonny go into the operating theater... Carly's acting scared. Laura's playing this perfectly. Dr tells them what they'll do once the baby is born. They may get to hold it before surgery.  The baby is born, it's a girl.. . CarSon says she's beautiful.. The surgeon says the case is mild and should be fixed well. 

Willow and Mom are talking in jail. Willow tells Harmony Shank is dead.  Harmony thinks he deserved his end. 

Alexis and Krissy jogging in the park. Her trainer won't let her eat dairy. They talk about Keifer and suddenly Kendra comes around the corner. Krissy is like "Don't I know you from somewhere"??  Alexis thinks it may be from Charlie's.  Kristina leaves.  Alexis tells Kendra  A LOT about her life--then Kendra gives her A SUPPLEMENT to take for her program! UT OH!!  Then, when Alexis is looking it up on her phone to see if it's legit, Kendra looks at a photo on HER phone of she and Keifer. 


Nelle is going garbage patrol in the park. Guard lets her talk to Joss because she gave her a kidney. LOL Joss tells her Michael has a new 'smart, pretty, nice, girlfriend". Nelle smiles sly smile. She says she won't be in prison forever. Joss says she will--then Nelle smiles and whispers "I forgive you" to Joss. ALL CREEPY LIKE!!  They spar a bit, then Joss tells the guard Nelle is making her uncomfortable.

Sam is called to the PCPD by Jordan who's acting all pissy and mean. Wants to question her again. Sam calls Diane and Jason. Diane comes. Jordan reads the nurses' statement-- that she overheard them talking and Sam shot Shiloh because she wanted to basically take him out. Not self-defense. Diane is like NICE TRY, JORDAN we are leaving. They go to see the baby but Jordan stops Sam and puts her under arrest!!!!!! wowza! LOL!! 

Joss goes to GH sees Michael...she says she saw Nelle. They wait to hear about the baby. Later they go into Carly's room. They tell them her name and then Sonny says it's after a neighbor he had. "She you loved her or hated her or both"...."She kept secrets and didn't suffer fools" WOW..this is after the make up artist that passed away this year. Donna -- and what a tribute. Maurice even gets a bit teary =eyed. How nice. 

TAD MARTIN IS NELLE'S NEW LAWYER!!!!! Martin Gray will probs get her off.  She tells him she had a bad childhood....cries, says she gave up a kidney..cries, Michael didn't love her..cries..the baby died. Cries. He'll take her case..he thinks the parole board will be sympathetic. SO good to see Michael--he is SUCH a good actor. 

DR Terry is on tomorrow-- they must have heard me bitching lol

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Sunday Surgery: Flare Ups


Ok, so SAM ended up ending Shiloh but it was still the same ol' same ol' ... Danger Will Robinson! Let's talk about the week, shall we?

Since much of it took place on the water, let's do some seared seafood!! 

Friday, September 27, 2019


WELP---Shiloh went out with a big ol BANG, no? I'll comment on all that in the Sunday Blog. In the meantime...Here we go with Friday's show!!

Police Station: Diane is JaSam's and Dev's attorney. They have to make statements. Jason tells the truth actually about what happens. Diane is in there. Sonny is sitting with Dev and tells him to not say too much. 
Jordan believes JaSam and it's a case of self-defense. Diane's phone's Kim asking about getting Franco discharged. Diane blabs and blabs totally in front of Jason and Sam? Well, anyway, they find out all about the situation. 

Cortinthos' Kitchen:  Joss makes Carly breakfast..she says it's her fault about stuff and not Devvs. Then they talk about OSCAR some more. Ugh. BORING. OMG and a MORGAN mention. They talk about grief. Then Joss thankfully goes to school. 
Jason comes in later and Carly starts cramping.  She's in labor. She said her C-section is in 2 weeks and it can't happen. Jason says: WELL IT IS, let's go!  
Charlie's: I guess Trina and Cameron stop in there FOR COFFEE BEFORE SCHOOL? ahahhaaha OKay then! Dustin is in there getting coffee too. He says see you in school. Lulu and Laura are waiting outside talking. It's awkward-- Laura and she go into Charlies. Lulu gushes about Dustin. UGH he's going to turn out to be a giant creep, right? 

Olivia's on the phone and is all "OH HELL NO"..and leaves. She stomps into Julian and is very mad the sale of the bar is stopped and he changed his mind. 
Olivia goes to leave but hears Lulu talk about sleeping with Dustin to Laura. She looks at her open-mouthed.  Olivia says the ink isnt 'even dry. Laura tells her "that's enough"! 

SO, Some nurse is at GH and I think she's DOD-- she seems to hate Sam. She overheard JaSam talking about killing Shiloh. 
Sam sees Liz coming out of Franco's room. She doesn't think it's a good idea to transfer him to Shadybrook. She wants her to know that Jason wasn't going to have an operation for his malignant brain tumor and she wanted him to. In the end, he made his own choice and it was better that way. Liz tells her to go away, she's not helping her 

Carly's in GH all in labor. Sam's holding her hand but leaves. Jason's talking her through it-- Sonny finally gets the phone call at the PCPD that she's in labor. 

At the HS, class goes outside to discuss "Walden" and Teacher Dusty reads from the book. It's about dying and yada yada. Joss gets up and leaves. Dustin finds her at Oscar's rock. She's crying. OMG she's going to crush on him so hard.  They sit ON THE BENCH TOGETHER. He tells her to start a journal because its' a good way to work out her thoughts. 

That DOD nurse comes into the PCPD to see Jordan. I guess to say what she overheard JaSam talking. Then Jordan called Sam to come back in for more questions. 

Sonny arrives at GH.. Carly's in active labor. 

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Oh NO! No WUBS!??

WELL.... I heard some GREAT TEA but I can't spill!! LOL.. Anyway, I'm OUT today, doing Wubsie things and won't be blogging. 
So... have at it today! See you tomorrow to close out the week. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

By Hook or by...


Liz tells Cam that Franco is at GH--and she's having him committted. Cameron isn't happy. She tries to explain why.  Laura agrees with Liz. She says it's for the best. 

DAW!! Aiden gets Franco his fave candy.. :) Franco doesn't know him.  Aiden says they had a lot of fun together and he's sorry he doesn't remember him. 

Bobbie is in a private room.  Joss and Carly want to visit her. Bobbie's mad Lucas called her, 'she's pregnant and has a broken foot"!!  

Brad is praying at the chapel. Willow comes in and they pray together. 

Jax goes to see Sonny.. Jax thinks they should call the cops.. Sonny says nope. Jax--WHY? Jax knows something is up. 

Dev is taking Wiley to the hospital. JASON goes on the boat to save SAM-- OMG didn't I bitch enough with the Damsel in distress shit LAST TIME? 
Sigh. Even if Peter ends up shooting Shank, I don't even care. No, Jason tells Dev to go to GH. Dev sees Peter and asks him to dive him to the hospital. Peter says yes.
Shiloh is all "Not even Jason Morgan is here to save you"... OMG CAN THIS GET MORE BORING?????/

The Canadians could watch-- THEY got to see Shiloh unbutton his PANTS AGAIN to try to rape Sam and Jason shoots him.

Then they go to drive the boat back-- ( I didn't realize it was out on the lake?) and SHANK comes out with a BASEBALL BAT with a HOOK in it and starts beating on Jason, they fight. Shank is going to hit him and ...


NEWS INTERRUPTION WITH.. WHATEVER THE HELL IS GOING ON. I have NO idea why they broadcast that-- NONE. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

All Ashore That's Goin' Ashore!

Maxie and Spin talking about Georgie...she wants Georgie to come to PC to see James, Flea and Mac and.. meet Peter. Barf. She tells Spin that Mac and Robin even like Peter now. Ugh. 

Peter getting money together...he goes to leave but Maxie comes in! Wants to have sex Lol. She says Georgie is coming for a fall break and she wants him to get a 'Real Home" so they can visit. She wants to go "all in" with him and have him meet her kids.  They kiss. 

Bobbie in the hospital... Lucas calls the cops.  Jason is trying to calm her down and get a timeline down. He then asks Spin to locate his phone because Sam has it. Spin tracks it to the Pier. 

Chase tells Willow that Shiloh escaped..she drops her boxes. Brad overhears it. Lucas comes up later and tells them all Shiloh has Wiley.
Brad says to Lucas "I put all of this into motion".. Lucas thinks he's talking about trying to get into the DOD. 

Joss is telling Krissy CarSon wants to send her to boarding school. Krissy is raiding the fridge at Sonny's lol  Doesn't she live with Alexis?? LOL. Anyway, Krissy is talking her INTO liking Boarding School--she knew kids from Yale that went there. 

Jax tells CarSon Joss thinks they are sending her away. "You need to communicate better". Jax thinks sending Dev to boarding school is great. Sonny's like "of course you do"... Sonny also thinks Josslyn going to live with Jax is a great idea.  Hahahahaa. I'm loving this. 

Later in the kitchen: They explain to Joss about Dev and boarding school not her.  Joss says well, maybe I DO want to go now lol. But she decides she's pretty messed up at the moment and should stay home. 
Jax and Sonny talk outside and Jax wants to know the real deal with Dev. Sonny's like um, there IS no deal. 


On the boat, Shiloh tells Sam 'Fate has brought me everything I've ever wanted"... Dev wakes up. Sam tries to talk Shiloh into letting Dev and Wiley go and taking her but he won't leave without his son.  Peter's taking too long. Shiloh says "You're right Sam, I have too many hostages" 
He decides to let Dev and Wiley go. He tells Sam to drive the boat to Canada. Why would he let Wiley GO? To keep that damn story going.
So-- they leave. Shiloh tells Sam actually HE can drive the boat himself...but first he's going to 'take care of her"

Dev tells Jason where Sam is (one of the worst performances I've seen in a LONG time. Sorry but I'm going to say it. Wow, it was so bad)
Joss tells CarSon and Jax Dev probably ran away
Peter is trapped between the pier and the boat because Jason/Dev are there
Maxie finds a 350K withdrawl slip in the hotel room after Peter leaves 

Maurice Benard Pens Book Detailing Struggles..


Harper Collins is set to release Maurice's book "Nothing General About It' by William Morrow chronicling his  struggles and triumphs over mental illness. Diagnosed with bipolar disorder at just 20, he recalls harrowing episodes and treatments that defines who he is today. You can pre-order his book either on the Harper Collins link or through Amazon.  He's shot to #2 in pre-orders on Amazon so get your order in early! 
As you can see, cast members have been nothing but supportive of Maurice and his new book. 

Monday, September 23, 2019

By Car! By Boat!

Gross here today! After a great weather week, it's humid and rainy and making my head hurt. LOL 
IT's still in the 70s tho, which is pretty good for this time of the year. 

At the Metro, Joss confronts Jax about the "boarding school' she thinks CarSon is sending her to.  She wants to move in with Jax! Sonny will be so happy. 

Finn meets with Peter because "Anna thinks they should get to know each other better" (Barf) Peter asks about his work and Franco's memory. Finn is like, you doing a story on Franco or something? Peter's like's hot right now. Finn says, you could answer some questions for ME about the memory thing, since you were there!! 

CarSon at GH checking on baby Status. Carly goes in. Epiphany goes and talks to Sonny about the baby being "Perfect in God's eyes". Awww, nice talk. 

Franco is hooked to the bed--I think he's at GH? I thought it was going to be Ferncliff? He's very calm and measured with Liz-- says she has no right to keep him from the woman he loves. Scotty says: Well, she does.  You're not sane--who doesn't believe their own driver's license? Liz asks to talk to Franco alone. She tells him she's doing this because she loves him. He said she wouldn't do this if he was going to be a vegetable... she shouldn't do this to Franco OR Drew. 

Dev is on the Haunted Star, waiting to take a Ferry to Canada. Please, swim there. 


Kim is frantic, calls Diane to get Franco out of this. Julian comes in all happy she's packed (ut oh). He tells her how much he loves her and how she's changed his life.  BLOOP! He finds the letter she wrote him when she was going to leave with Franco. I think she kinda wants him to read it. Oh, no..she tells him she 'made a mistake but realizes her future is with him". Boy she IS nutty. He asks her if more happened with Franco last night than a kiss. She says yes. He's pissed--WDV is great in these scenes!! He yells at her "It's always been Drew'!!! 

Shiloh tells Bobbie to get out of the car. She's like WHY--OH NO! it's YOU!!! She says: take my car, let us go. YEP, WILEY'S IN THERE!! He's like Oh, you've given me something more precious than money, MY SON!! 
Next scene has Bobbie yelling, trying to figure out how to walk home..fog comes in. She faints. I think due to low blood sugar. 

He takes her to GH.. she's still out. He tells the doctor that she has type 2 diabetes.  The doctor gives her fluids. Jason asks her what happened. She says: "Shiloh"! 

Jason's going to look for Shiloh on Rt. 9 where the guard was found.  Sam and he switch phones because his is almost out of charge. He finds Bobbie on the road.
Dev calls "Jason's" phone and gets Sam..He says: tell Jason, Haunted Star-- and he's hit and knocked out by Shiloh.
Shiloh calls Peter. OH! The Jesus guard was supposed to kill Sholoh but he didn't, Shiloh stopped him!! He wants MONEY from Peter, as much as he can get his hands on. 
Sam rushes to the boat to find Dev...Shiloh walks out. Hi Sam, want some tea?? 

Shiloh shows Wiley to Sam

Lucas finds out Bobbie had Wiley in the car when Shiloh took it. 

Wubs Pod Castin'!!

That's right!! Jonathan from Our Take Media got me into a fun group chat about General Hospital!! 

PodCast available HERE:  OUR TAKE MEDIA: Spill The Beans GH   It's been a hot minute since I did anything like this! I love dishing on the show and having to listen to others' opinions without screaming. LOL


Sunday, September 22, 2019

Sunday Surgery: Meet Me in St. Louie

If you come with me, I promise to lose this accent. 

Well, I managed to watch the show for a full week. Yes, I missed a blog but I did watch the ep I missed !!
Was the week worth the watch? You decide! 

Since I'm back home, doing my normal routine I'm just having an espresso. I need it. 

Friday, September 20, 2019

Get Your Guard Up

Sonny left the trial early because he "couldn't stand to look at Shiloh's face"

Carly's trying to get Dev into boarding school I think lol --Bobbie comes into the kitchen. About damn time. Carly tells her she's having a C-section. Bobbie is like WHAT? God I'm so pissed Carly hasn't told Bobbie about the baby yet.
Bobbie talks about the baby...says "Well, if anything was wrong we'd know by now" 

Carly is going to tell her and SONNY walks in. Carly then says they know the gender but didn't want to tell anyone. SERIOUSLY????
Bobbie leaves. CARLY yaps on and on about Dev going to boarding school. Sonny isn't happy-- Carly says it's not good for them all, especially making Joss lie. OMG! Sonny tells her 'maybe it's better if Joss moves in with Jax for awhile" ahahahahaa OMG! Guess he doesn't hate Jax so much, huh?? Carly yells at him... THAT'S NOT GONNA HAPPEN! 

Dev is having a study sess with Joss at Kelly's. He's sad because he overheard CarSon talking about him. Sonny comes over, tells them to take a break from homework. Joss wants to finish before the weekend. She talks to Dev about Oscar. They talk about home. 
Joss leaves
Dev googles 'how to get to Montreal" 

Maxie and Lulu have lunch. Peter comes in to interrupt the fun. Lulu wants to do her crime beat again on the paper, not the pet section. He will help her.  Lulu realizes that Maxie wants to start her own mag. Maxie says it has to be online-- and she has a ton of ideas but she doesn't want to leave Crimson right now. 

Peter talks to the goonie guy who I think is clean shaven now and posing as a guard? I think he is. 

Shiloh takes the stand. He says he's a founder, not the leader of DOD. It's a community service agency.  Talks about Krissy and Sam's motives for going to DOD.  Talks about Sam's past with his Daddy. Yada, Yada...
The goonie guy goes with Shiloh and the real guard to the jail.
Shiloh escapes. 

END:  Bobbie is stopped by the police, but it's Shiloh
Joss thinks the boarding school info is for HER

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Wubs Wonders...

WUBSY's gonna miss me today!! 

So Tuesdays and Thursdays are my nightmare days. Three-year-olds coming for me from 9-2 and I can't do GH live. Ergo, blog may be late or no blog those days at all. 

BUT! I'm going to use today to ask you some opinions you may have on the current happenings!

1. Is Liz justified in locking up "DrewCo" or should have have free will even tho his mind is a mess? 

2. Do you think Kim will be pregnant? 

3. Pick the month you think it will be revealed that Hayden/Finn have a daughter.

4. Do you feel badly for Brad at all? 

5. What should Ava's story be? 

Ok that's enough for today! Answer some or all...

See you tomorrow! 

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Teacher Teacher


So..DrewCoKim are at the door, talking, Kim opens it but doesn't see Liz in the hall. Liz sees everything tho. DrewCo says he loves Kim 'probably now more than ever". He says he's sorry to Liz but he's leaving. 
Kim and Liz are alone. Liz notices the blankets and mess. "You slept with my husband"??
Kim is like, he's not Franco, in mind and heart he's Drew. Liz hauls off and smacks her. Heh. Liz says Kim took advantage of Franco-- Kim says nope, he's Drew and we both wanted it. "Franco's gone, and he's not coming back, just like Oscar"..

Jason and Sonny at the Metro Bar... they figure that someone wanted Maddox and Drew dead. Jason pulls out a sketch. Jump to docks, he's with Peter getting paid off. QUITE HANDSOME for a goonie. 
Jason gets a  call from Shank from Jail. HE tells Jason to read the Intruder tomorrow and Peter August did the article. "I think he's trying to tell me something"....They discuss whether Peter is good..or bad. Sonny suggests they ask Maxie and Lulu. LOL !! 

Maxie and Lulu talking about Dustin at the Metro Bar.  Maxie's mouth runs a mile a minute but Lulu shuts her up by saying she had sex with Dusty already  lol.  She tells her Curtis and her mom walked in. Maxie is laughing. Lulu feels badly because she's only been divorced for a "hot minute" . Maxie says to shut up, it's fine. 

Jason asks about Peter. Maxie's like : "he's a good guy now". 

Cam and Joss talk about Volleyball practice but she wants to talk about Oscar.  Cam listens, then she asks how he's doing. He says he spent too much time hating on Franco...and now he's gone. Joss goes in to order. Sees "Mr. Phillips"--Dustin. He says hello, I'm just reading your essay.  He says it was good but he was left "wanting more". Hmmmmm, it was weird...ooky weird. Was it? Or was it just me?? 

Franco comes by. Wants to talk to Cam. Cam's hair is got it's own wave thing going today lol. geesh.  Franco says he's sorry about not being the man he wants him to be and he's leaving PC. Cam wants to tell him about Franco.  Says he was a great guy and if it wasn't for him, "Drew" would be in his body now. 

Peter visits Shank in jail. Shank tells him he called Jason Morgan to put Peter on 'his radar' because he's not out of jail yet. 
Peter is going to speed things up. 

Kim and DrewCo on the docks, they are going to leave together. Men in white coats run out and inject Franco and drag him off to Ferncliff. Kim's frantic, calls 911. Liz walks out "I did this, you gave me no choice"
Peter wants the goon to kill Shiloh
Spinelli is on tomorrow 

Tuesday, September 17, 2019


Drew and Kim kiss...and more!!

Liz discusses the pros and cons of Franco's memory thing with Maddox and Finn. Only 4 things can happen, only one good but she thinks Franco would want his memories back. 
Chase tells Liz that Drew's search has gone from "rescue" to "recovery". Liz finds out Franco has his ankle monitor off and Chase says he's at Kim's house. Ut Oh...

Kim and Drew are in bed, after-glowing. 

Nina and Val set up Sasha at the Metro. Spoon Island is "too far away"... Nina goes out to get supplies and Vaentin tells Sasha to cool it with the truth. He's yelling at her under his breath. Nina walks back in. 

Michael talks to Chase. Willow tells them they are considering her for the pediatric teaching position at GH. Guess a tutor thing for sick kids. She notices Michael is mopey. Chase leaves. Why is Michael sad?? wahhh. She wants to know what's wrong.  She tells him forgiveness is the way to go. 

Then, just as Sashsa is going to tell Nina the truth, Michael knocks on the door.  He wants to APOLOGIZE TO HER!! Um, okay?  He thinks that he was triggered because of what Nelle did but Sasha wasn't like Nelle. 

Nina and Val go down to the bar..Dr. O is there. Nina asks Lesil to walk her down the aisle. 

Cassandra is in the closet on the Haunted Star... Curtis opens it and she has a gun. Tells him to tie up Laura and he together. She's looking for the Cassadine document too.  Curtis ties up he and Laura...they talk ..blah blah, then Curtis gets free, lunges at Cassie and the gun goes off.  Oh, no one is shot. Cassie gets tied up-- and Laura calls the PCPD. 
They get to the PCPD but Cassandra wants to talk to Laura alone. Cassie says she can bury Valentin Cassadine once and for all if Laura drops the charges. 

Brad and Julian..Julian couldn't go through with killing Dr. O. YEAH!! SHE LIVES!! 

NOTE: Sam from OLTL is on as the boyscout again, he just got his tonsils out. He wants to help other kids be brave. Finn and Willow talk to him. 
Willow gets the job as teacher for GH 

END: Franco wants Kim to come with him when he leaves. 
Liz is at the door and doesn't knock yet. 
Cassandra calls Valentin from the PCPD. 

Monday, September 16, 2019

Give me the LUSTIN!!

Lulu has fantablous SEX and HER MOTHER WALKS in with Curtis! LOL . I love Lustin already. Laura and Curtis leave. 

Curtis and Laura are great for escapades together. Good pair. Curtis tells her he'll find out anything she wants to know about Dustin.
Lulu walks out to find Laura and says it's none of their business if she's moving on. Laura agrees. Lulu tries to figure out what they are doing on board. They hedge and dance around the reason.  

Kim and DrewCo-- Franco still has that weird accent --it's a diphthong thing says your resident speech path. Kim's packing. 
"I'm way more Drew Cain than that other guy, he didn't even know you"!! 
Oh, Kim's going to fall for this!! lol 
He finds a snowglobe "he" bought for her. 
Chase comes over to Kim's. He says that the charges were dropped for Franco due to the circumstances.  He takes off the ankle bracelet.
DrewCo says he's free to do whatever--even go to San Diego with her. She says nope. 

Oh! So Sasha is going to be The Face of Deception. Glad they are bringing this back.  Dr. O needles Valentin about Sasha getting famous and her history being explored to the "T". Val tries to tell Nina it might not be a good idea but she's all over it. 

Dr. O scares Brad. She wants a favor. "reunite me with my daughter".  He says she'll reach out when she wants to. Julian overhears Dr. O threaten Brad. 
He goes out to tamper with Dr O's car. Her license plate says DR. O!! ahahhahaha!!
Julian DON'T DO IT!!  Looks like he's going to cut the break line? 

Sasha and Mihcael.. she's going to tell him "the truth"?? Oh, she does say "I'm not Nina's daughter"..hmmmm will he not "GET" it? She tells him she needed money for her grandmother's operation and the offer to play Nina's daughter came at the right time. "I looked like her" (AHAHAAHA well, you USED TO).  She tells Michael it was Valentin that did it all. 
Her grandmother ended up dying after the operation--then she got close to Nina and couldn't tell her. She met Michael and got selfish. 
Nina comes in and asks what is wrong. Michael says "nothing, we are done". 
Nina says Michael's a jerk for leaving her, they are going to put Sasha up in The Metro. 

END:Not sure if  Julian did or did NOT tamper with the brakes. Couldn't tell.  Kim kisses Franco just about when he's going to leave.

Wubs Writes GH

Title: "One More" 

Single Camera--continuous shot. 
Music: one piano note over and over (if you've seen The Favourite, you'll understand)

Setting:  Corridors of Wyndemere...

Dr. O carries a candle. She's dressed in an off white old fashioned sleeping flying behind her. She hurries through the maze that is Wyndermere, pausing now and then to listen. The single piano note plays over and over. She reaches a door...pushes it open..

Lesil: (sets down candle--crosses to other corner, pushes a button...door slides open). 

Helena: (dressed in  her white Ermine fur)  Finally!  How long does one need to come down 3 fights of stairs?

Lesil: I got heres as soon az I could.. you know Valentin..haz to have brandy after dinner.

Helena:  Do they suspect?

Lesil: Happy to say, not in zah least! 

Helena: Ah, working with the ignorant is such a pleasure. 

Lesil: I trust your flight and accommodations were up to your standards? 

Helena: (leans in...whispers) I may owe you my life but I don't owe you anything else, certainly not conversation, understood? 

Lesil: Yes.. understood. 

Helena: Where are they? 

Lesil: Scattered around per your instructions. 

Helena: Are we ready then? 

Lesil: (smiles)  Oh, we are ready...but is Port Charles? 

Helena glances out the window and pushes back the curtain...scans the dark night sky....

Montage Song:  (this is important) 

Cut to Franco walking down a road (a read road--outside) under the lit moon.. he looks up.... tilts his head....shakes it slightly and keeps walking. 

Jason rises from Sam's bed and goes out to the balcony. Stares up at the sky....puts his hands on the rail leans in... 

Peter is sitting in a chair, staring out a window with a drink in his hand.  Takes a swig... looks up at the ceiling....

Cut back to Wyndemere.... (Song still playing) 

Lesil: They all have no clue... 

Helena: (Laughs) Let My Games...Begin.... 

Montage shot of Peter, Franco and Jason----staring into the camera while song fades out. 

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Sunday Surgery: It's All Greek To Me! Part TWO

I tell yous Brad, dis story is still not going to end soon! 

Hello! I'm back-- what a week. Going away that far, and to a country where you've never heard the language OR know the alphabet is --well, different. I was overwhelmed by most of it when I first arrived. Usually when I travel one of my fave things to do is go grocery shopping because grocery stores are so diverse and I just love looking at all the products and cool neat new things. In Greece, it was VERY different! Some things were in English but most were not. The store I was in was also crowded and not being able to talk to people was also disconcerting. BUT! By the time I left I was ok and could relax more when in Athens. (Tourist area so... they were used to people looking confused!!) 

Temple of Poseidon-- we saw Helena behind a pillar!!

I watched ZERO television other than a Spanish Soap Opera dubbed in Greek (hilarious). I haven't seen GH-- so I thought I'd do a fly-by and see what I can muster up by just looking at photos.

OH! Other than my Sister In Law's Moussaka (to die for) fave thing I ate in Greece was-- Watermelon!! I am not even joking. I love watermelon..and have been eating it since I was a little kid. I don't know what they do to them there but damn, the best ever. Wowza. 

Friday, September 13, 2019

Welcome Back, Karen!

To celebrate Karen's return from Greece:

29 Fascinating Facts About "Grease" (1978)

1. The 1978 film was based on the 1972 Broadway musical of the same name, which originally ran for 3,388 performances and has since been revived twice on Broadway and a live TV version on Fox. 
2. Several changes were made for the big-screen adaptation—the "Burger Palace Boys," as the greasers were called in the Broadway show, were changed to the much catchier "T-Birds" in the movie.

3. Originally, producers had the idea to make Grease an animated movie—they settled on a live-action film with animated opening credits instead.
4. Four Grease film stars also appeared in the Broadway production: John Travolta (Doody on Broadway and Danny in the movie), Jeff Conaway (Danny on Broadway and Kenickie in the movie), Barry Pearl (Sonny on Broadway and Doody in the movie) and Jamie Donnelly (Jan on Broadway and in the movie).
5. The majority of the cast hadn’t seen the inside of a high school in quite a while: John Travolta was 23 at the time of filming, Olivia Newton-John was 28 and Stockard Channing was 33.

6. Henry Winkler was considered for the part of Danny but he turned it down because he didn’t want to be typecast after starring on Happy Days.
7. Linda Ronstadt, Marie Osmond, Susan Dey and Deborah Raffin were all considered for the role of Sandy. Marie Osmond said the script she turned down was much raunchier than what was filmed. When Olivia was cast, the character was changed from Sandra Dumbrowski to Sandy Olsen to accommodate the singer's Australian accent. 

8. John Travolta was initially star struck by Olivia Newton-John—he went to her house to convince her to co-star in the movie and was very impressed that she had a pool.

9. Elvis Presley was originally offered the role of Teen Angel, but he turned it down. It was played by Frankie Avalon in the movie.
10. Another Elvis connection: In the stage version, “Look at Me, I’m Sandra Dee” had a reference to Sal Mineo, but he was murdered in 1976, so the reference was changed to Elvis for the film. Elvis died on August 16, 1977, the same day the scene was filmed.

11. Dinah Manoff, who played Marty, couldn’t dance, so she was conveniently missing from most of the dance scenes.

12. Lucie Arnaz was the studio’s original choice for Rizzo. Reportedly when Allan Carr told Lucille Ball he wanted Lucie to do a screen test, she refused.
13. Gerald Ford’s son Steven was initially cast as Sandy’s jock boyfriend Tom, but even though the part had no lines, he decided he was too nervous. The role went to Lorenzo Lamas instead. Steven went on to star in the Young and the Restless as well as many movies. 
14. During the movie’s shoot, the cast reportedly chewed 100,000 pieces of bubble gum.

15. The hickeys on Rizzo’s neck in the diner scene were authentic, given to Stockard Channing by Jeff Conaway, who played Kenickie. Talk about method acting!
16. The song “Greased Lighting” was originally supposed to be sung by Jeff Conaway, but John Travolta convinced producers to let him sing it instead.

17. John Travolta was disappointed when the last shot of the song “Sandy” ended with a cartoon hot dog jumping into a bun. “He wanted a close-up [on him],” director Randall Kleiser told The New York Post. “But that hot dog was fantastic. I didn’t want to shoot the close-up because I loved the hot dog. That was a battle, but I won.”

18. Although he was taller than John Travolta, Jeff Conaway slouched when he was filmed with the star so he would appear taller.
19. Most of the dancers had character names like Sauce, Trix, Cee Cee, Woppo and Bubba, even though they were never used in the movie.
20. It was 116 degrees during the filming of the Rydell prom scene, which took two weeks to film in a downtown Los Angeles gymnasium. Several extras were treated for heat-related illnesses.
21. The late Annette Charles (Cha Cha), who had been in the hospital undergoing tests for pain, checked herself out to film the drag race scene. That night, she was rushed into surgery for an ectopic pregnancy.

22. The producers had hoped for a product placement deal with Coke, but it fell through. There are several shots of Coca-Cola products and signs in the scenes taking place in the Frosty Palace that had to be blurred out or digitally removed.

23. After the success of the movie, Paramount had plans for a Grease franchise, featuring three more movies and a TV series. But when Grease 2 flopped in 1982, these plans were put on hold.
24. Randall Kleiser originally wanted to direct the song “It’s Raining on Prom Night” as a Singin’ in the Rain-esque sequence with Sandy, but that was vetoed in favor of a new ballad, “Hopelessly Devoted to You.”
25. The actors behaved almost like real high-school students on set. "We were so bad," Susan Buckner, who played Patty Simcox, told People. "Almost everybody would come in two, three hours late. They had to bring us all in and give us a lecture."
26. Jamie Donnelly had prematurely grey hair, so she had to dye it black to play Jan.
27. Jeff Conway (Kenickie), later married Rona Newton-John, Olivia’s sister. They both passed away; Jeff in 2011 and Rona in 2013. 
28. Grease only cost $6 million to make, but has taken in $400 million internationally to date, making it the highest-grossing movie musical of all time.

29. According to her autobiography, Adrienne Barbeau, the original Rizzo from the Broadway show, didn’t audition for the movie because, at 32, she assumed she was too old to play a high school senior. When 33-year-old Stockard Channing was cast, Adrienne was so disappointed, she couldn’t bring herself to see the movie for decades. She did hear the soundtrack, however, and stated that she didn’t like the jazzy arrangement for “There Are Worse Things I Could Do,” preferring the simpler version from the play. We were lucky to get her on GH in 2010! 

This is the blog for Friday. Please feel free to comment on the show and anything else.

PS. This is it for me for awhile. The queen arrives at midnight.
(Sounds like some secret code phrase, doesn't it?)
I am sure she will have something cooked up for Sunday Surgery.
Thanks as always for welcoming me into your backyard!

Thursday, September 12, 2019

All Greek to Me!!

I'm trying to post from my phone and I have no idea if it will work!!!
Greece is amazing, friendly and FULL of food. I'll write more when I get back. Here are a few photos of my adventure and the wedding.


So, you think you know SOAP RAPID AGING? Well, believe it or not, many of the kids on the show are just about their true ages to when they were ""Born". Why does it seem so crazy?? We see them as babies and then all of a sudden--BAM they are giant!  This doesn't hold true for all characters however--see if you can spot the ones that are really wacky in age!  (see Josslyn Jacks!) 
Note: Many of the child actors under 10 do not list an age on their bios--possibly due to getting acting gigs for different ages. 


Aiden Spencer, Played by Jason David (age unknown)
Character born: 2010 (9)
Character age: 9-10


Jake Webber Played currently by Hudson West, 
Character born: 2007 (12)
Approximate age on screen: 11 


Cameron Webber currently played by William Lipton, 16
Character born:  2004 (15)
Approximate age on screen: 16 


Josslyn Jacks, played currently by Eden McCoy,  16
Character born in 2009 (10)
Approximate age on screen: 16 

Spencer Cassadine, Currently played by Nicolas Bechtel, 14
Character born: 2006 (13)
Approximate age on screen: 14 

Rocco Falconeri:  currently played by O'Neil Monahan (age unknown)
Character born: 2013  (6) 
Approximate character age: 8-9

Charlotte Cassadine, Portrayed by Scarlett Fernandez, 10 
Character Born:  (due to embryo stealing/incubation; approximately 2013), 6
*Note: One site lists her birthdate as 2009, however the embryo story took place in 2012
Approximate character age: 10


Avery-Jerome Corinthos, Portrayed by Ava and Grace Scarola, 4
Character Born:   2014 (5) 
Approximate character age: 4-5


Leo Falconeri, played by Aaron Bradshaw (age unknown)
Character Born:  2015  (5)
Approximate Character Age:  4-5 


Danny Morgan, Portrayed by Porter Fasullo, (age unknown)
Character Born: 2012, (7)
Approximate Character Age: 10 

Emily Scout Cain, Portrayed by Ella Ramacleri 
Character Born:  2017 (2)
Approximate Character Age: 4 

Question: If you can SORAS one of the younger actors on the show,
who would it be? What age and why?

This is the blog for Thursday. Please feel free to comment on the show and anything else.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

You STILL Look Familiar

Continuing in our series, "You Look Familiar", here are two more GH character actors
that have been seen over the airwaves throughout the years. 

Vernee Watson: (Aunt Stella) 

I was kinda surprised when Vernee didn't come on GH to play a role in the hospital other than the social worker. She has portrayed either a nurse or a doctor 14 times in her career.

Big Bang Theory 

Two and a Half Men
Young Sheldon

John Ingle: (Edward Quartermaine 2) 

Gruff but lovable Edward Q a man of the cloth? You betcha. He portrayed the role of priest/minister 11 times throughout his career. 

Stepfather III - 1992
Family Ties - 1982

John was a semi-recurring actor on The Drew Carey Show, playing "Father Seymore". 
No photo of John but this was for Kate's wedding. Look who she married! A guy from AMC!! 

This is the blog for Wednesday. Please feel free to comment on the show and anything else.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

WubTub Time Machine: Georgie Edition

When the writers killed off Georgie, I always felt it was the worst killing the show has ever done. This was a major character, and a young one at that. Maxie was already abandoned by not one, but both her parents, and this was leaving Maxie in all accounts an orphan. There was an entire generation (late teens/early 20s) that was working together on the show that would have grown up to take over the canvas. We saw Georgie from birth to adolescence to adulthood. The path was set for her to become a doctor or some noble profession and meet and marry Harrison Chase. 

I remember when this happened, it destroyed me. And now, 12 years later I am able to look back a little more objectively and with a different perspective.

If there is one plot device that brings out the best acting in a cast, it is a funeral. Lila's and Edward's both gave us great performances. Looking back on Georgie's funeral (I recently watched them) I was able to see some absolutely spot-on writing and wonderfully acted scenes. mainly from Kristen Storms as Maxie.

To start, Felicia has been off canvas for 4 years and left the girls in Mac's more than capable hands. Frisco has been gone for... who knows. I think he was written off a long time ago (by both the show and the fans). The writers could have easily made this a warm homecoming with Felicia, a beloved character coming home and giving comfort to a daughter who needed her mother. Instead, they had Maxie bitter and justifiably pissed and she laid into Felicia the minute she walked into the door.

Felicia: I came home as soon as I heard about Georgie.
Maxie: So, one of us had to die to get your attention?


Kristen Storms gave a tour de force over the course of a two-parter. As people were coming to the house to see (Robin) or meet (Spinelli/Dillon) Felicia, Maxie was clearly getting more and more pissed at the attention people were giving to the absentee mother. You literally saw Maxie seething and her anger just building up. Sarcasm was always her strong suit.

Dillon was also off the canvas for awhile. He came home to surprise Georgie and ask her to go away with him. And he ran into Kelly's and was given the devastating news. I would be remiss not to comment on Scott Clifton's brilliant performance. He deserves all the Emmys he received in his life.

At the funeral, Maxie kept doing her slow burn against Felicia and was nice and reserved until she stepped to the pulpit and then tore her a new one. Absolutely destroyed Felicia and chased her out of the church. Great performance by both but especially Kristen. 

We knew that mother and daughter would eventually reconcile. How could they not? It also set the stage for Georgie to return as a ghost. A tacky plot point (if you ask me), but in this case, it always gave Maxie the courage that she needed during the most difficult points in her life. Something I think all of us need from time to time from our loved ones who passed on. 

The death of Georgie brought out some of the absolute best performances by some of the best actors on the show. Don't believe me? Get on YouTube  and do a search. (I don' know how to embed videos, sorry. Just type GH Georgie Death Felicia Return). It also was an excuse to bring back two fan favorites, Felicia and Dillon.

I will always feel that Georgie's death was a misstep in the history of the show. I miss the character and the actress was absolutely the sweetest thing possible. But looking back now, it wasnt a total disaster. It changed some of the characters in Georgie's orbit and made them much stronger. And unlike other characters who leave and are never mentioned again, Georgie has been mentioned many times, returned as a force-ghost and also had a child named after her.

Georgie will always be with us in one form or another. 

This is the blog for Tuesday. Please feel free to comment on the show and anything else.

Monday Monday

  WOW, do we have a nice weather here!! Just gorgeous. All weekend was beautiful and now it's up into the 70s and maybe 80s tomorrow.  T...