Monday, October 21, 2024

Monday Monday


WOW, do we have a nice weather here!! Just gorgeous. All weekend was beautiful and now it's up into the 70s and maybe 80s tomorrow.  The colors this year are wonderful too. 


Lucas, Liz and Isaiah are still suspicious about why Lulu's ventilator stopped working. Later, Liz and Lucas talk. He says that even though Lulu will get a new liver, it doesn't mean she'll wake up. Her quality of life won't change. He thinks he should talk to Lucky and Laura about this. Liz isn't so sure. 

Terry tells Lucky and Laura that Lulu has some portal vein thrombosis and it's going to be a dangerous operation.  It's a blood clot to the liver. Her odds just went way down for survival. Laura says she doesn't want to cancel. Terry says they have to tell Sam about this and she can decide to go ahead with the operation. She also says their surgical team hasn't done one of these more complex operations. Lucky says he might be able to help with that. 

Lucky talks to Isaiah and asks if he's ever done an operation like the one he's describing. He says yes and the person survived. BUT another surgery is why he went to Africa. That patient died and he can't have that happen again. Lucky says is it HOPELESS? Isaiah says he can't say that then Lucky is like: WELP you're just scared. 

Cody and Dante have a beer in the horse barn. Cody is ecstatic about Sam being the donor. Dante feels guilty about spending so much time with Lulu and not Sam.  Dante says Lulu is his past and Sam is his future. 

Sam has Jason and Drew come to the Qs so she can tell them she's donating.  The kid will stay at the Qs and she wants them to spend a lot of time with them when she's gone for a week. They agree. Sam goes to say goodbye to the kids. 

Maxie and Sasha talk about Robert. Maxie says: what if she's not lying? Sasha says she's just running a con and wants her to go to Europe and cut ties with Port Charles. Sasha also says the only reason Holly rescued all the people in Africa was because she was probably getting something out of it. 

Tracey comes home to say goodbye to Violet. They are going to have one last tea party. Violet's sad. Tracey's sad. Tracey says she'll visit. They have a tea party with Lila's china. Brook is like: HEY! I could never touch this! Tracey says life is too short and she's giving the set to Violet. Violet says to keep out  a cup so they can have tea party video chats. Then Violet tells Chase and Brook she wants to visit her grandfather's bench. She'll miss them and hopes they have a baby girl. 

Robert and Holly talk and he wants answers about not knowing about Sasha this whole time. He asks why she didn't say anything when he was upset about Ethan being Luke's and not his. She said she didn't want to hurt him and she loved him. She also says if it wasn't for the Cody/Sasha relationship she never would have told him. Holly then says that when the DNA tests come back, Sasha will hate her even more and need to lean on Robert. 


Chase is going to Seattle to take Violet to Finn's 

Holly calls Sonny about the diamonds 

Isaiah agrees to do the surgery. 

Lucas decides to be a Spencer and fight for Lulu and not tell Lucky and Laura about her odds and not ever waking up


Marshall's going away party at The Savoy

Anna finds out about Sasha being Robert's 

Nina's back and talking to Ava about Ric and does Ava have a crush on him? 


  1. Sam asking the fathers of her children to spend time with the kids made me laugh. Why wouldn't these children live with their fathers when their mother is in the hospital? Who is going to raise them when she is dead? The Q mansion has turned into a day-care, lol.

    Quite the sendoff for Violet. If only they had given KM the same! I don't understand why Violet was left on the canvas so long other than there's nothing else for Brooke and Chase to do until we get to the Gio of it all I guess. I really hope Gio isn't Brooklyn's child with Dante...that's all a bit much for Dante's character with Lulu / Sam going on.

    I think the reason the Lulu liver story seems so ridiculous is because of how long it is taking. To throw ANOTHER wrench into the donation with this blood clot at this juncture just feels cheap. Whereas if this had all happened rapidly over a couple of weeks it would have played urgent. I get there were writer changes and the KM situation that likely shifted things so I will give them a pass, but get on with it already.

    I'm also willing to suspend disbelief on Lulu waking up after the transplant. It's a soap, there are things that have been more farfetched. It would be nice if someone said there is a sliver of hope that a new liver might jolt Lulu's body/brain and she could wake up somewhere along the way here - not sure that's actually medically possible (lol), but at least it would be the reason why everyone is so desperate to find a donor even in a risky situation.

  2. Yeah this weather is so beautiful!!!! :) I love it!!

    The Q mansion:

    Little V, Brase, Tracy, and a little sprinkle of Yuri: Little V is making me all emotional! I want to hug her!!! Great scene!! I'm glad the writers didn't get rid of Yuri's accent.

    Karen says Then Violet tells Chase and Brook she wants to visit her grandfather's bench.

    OH! Is that what she said? I thought she said she wanted to see his bedroom. OH Chase is going with her. I thought she was going alone on the plane. I'm going to miss little V!

    Sam, Drew aka Ryan Lavery, and Jason: I'm glad the guys didn't tell her not to do it.

    Sasha and Maxie: Yeah Sasha. I don't want Robert to be your father either. I love you and Cowboy Cody together!!!! :(

    Robert's office:

    Robert and Holly: How did this happen Robert? Well your tiny spermies had a party with Holly's eggies. :D Hmmmm. Did you see the strange look on Holly's face when Robert told her that he was devastated about Ethan? Keeping more secrets eh Holly? Wait Holly knows about the DNA test? Oh oh. OH! FLASHBACK! Yes this is when she got the preggers with Luke's baybay then she had a miscarriage.

    The hospital:

    Laura, Lucky, and Terry: Portal vein thrombosis?! I never heard of that before. Where did these writers get that from? Did they look it up, or do they have doctors on staff? What's the point of Sam doing the surgery then?

    Lucky and Gannon: Oh Gannon! You should NEVER make promises!!! I hope you learned your lesson! Lucky looks so dirty! Change clothes and take a shower!!! I wonder how Toady the parasite is.

    Kevlar: Awwwwww great scene. :)

    Lucky, Gannon, and Kevlar: Now we got the surgeon. Let's make this happen!!!

    Lucas and Liz: Yes yes find out who messed with Lulu's machine!!!

    Cowboy Cody's horse home:

    Cowboy Cody and Dante: Awww Dante with all the guilt feels. I want to hug him. :(

  3. sonya said: "Lucky looks so dirty! Change clothes and take a shower!!"
    *** I'm surprised they didn't make him wear one of those surgical caps at least when he went in to visit Lulu. His hair is disgusting. If he's got parasites in his liver i hate to think what might be hiding in that head!

    1. "Di says, I'm surprised they didn't make him wear one of those surgical caps at least when he went in to visit Lulu."

      Yeah he really should!!!!!

      "His hair is disgusting."

      Laura doesn't want him to get a haircut.. No no Laura he really should!

      "If he's got parasites in his liver i hate to think what might be hiding in that head!"

      The parasite's eggs? ROFL!

  4. "lindie says, Lice??? Yuck"

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Yes he could have that too! :)


Monday Monday

  WOW, do we have a nice weather here!! Just gorgeous. All weekend was beautiful and now it's up into the 70s and maybe 80s tomorrow.  T...