Friday, July 31, 2020


Well, first things first: Dom Z is coming back! That's right... he'll be back for "12 weeks"-- which might extend into more. Happy? Sad? I do think he fills a hole for both Lulu and Sonny. Maybe if Dante is back we can lose BRANDO. YEP. Bye. 

On to the BIGGER News! Kelly Monaco is being temporarily replaced by Lindsey Hartley  (of Passions fame) Go check it out on Daytime Confidential.  Why you ask? Well... Kelly's Mom took to twitter to let everyone know that Kelly had "difficulty with the mask" and even tho she tested negative for COVID, she was told to go home. 

SO, does this mean they don't have to wear masks next week? Mom went on to explain that Kelly is claustrophobic and has been since she was a kid.  Okay then! Here's hoping she's healthy and working soon. I don't know much about Lindsey but it will be a little exciting change in the show to talk about! 

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Don't You....Forget About Me..

"I'll be alone, dancin' you know it baby"....


SO REMEMBER, I'll be back recapping starting MONDAY!! I think they had some footage saved for "reopening" and also shot newer scenes. Either way, excited to be back to OUR SHOW again. 

I just saw CA had a little earthquake that was actually around where they film. What more can go wrong? LOL....(don't answer that!!) 

I hope you are well. Have you been catching up on episodes? I think I might watch tomorrow to get "caught up"?? Although it was right when the custody thing was going to be decided, right? 


Sunday, July 26, 2020

Sunday Surgery: Surgical Date Confirmed

So, looks like we are back! Soap Opera Digest writes that GH will be back with new episodes August 3rd!  I was skeptical but it's happening. 

If you look at the spoilers for that week you'll see that GH is basically continuing as it was. Doesn't look like it's missed a beat.  Nelle is "Shaken"... Sonny is "devastated"...Willow and Michael get closer...yada yada. I guess Wiley is given to Nelle, Mike probably dies and we'll get some Cyrus/Brando interaction. How do I feel about this? Can I be honest? I'm a bit let down. I was hoping for some big shake up to happen and GH to be REALLY changed.  The show was boring before COVID hit and I was looking forward to the Nurses Ball to take the yawns away. I will tune in of course but it's not making me excited. 


Dom Z became a US Citizen!  Did you know he was Canadian? YEP...he took to IG to let us all know he's now able to vote in the good ol USofA. 

Will you be watching when the show is back? One of my greatest fears is that it will have lost viewers that just won't bother. One of the reasons I was hoping for something dramatic to happen when it did air again was so that people would HAVE to tune in. "See who died while you were gone"!!  or "Port Charles one year later...who survived"?? 

Have a great Sunday. We are in good shape here in NY and our numbers continue to go down. We have another whole month until school so that's also a good thing. I celebrated my..gulp  30th wedding anniversary this past week and I think the saying "the days are long but the years are short" is so true! Time flies.  Regis is gone. He was my birthday buddy so I always had a little bond with the man (he and Gene Simmons lol). 

My advice for today? Have an ice cream or if you can't a sherbet... or if you can't do that... go for a nice swim! 

Friday, July 24, 2020

It's Happening....

Finola says wear ya mask and watch me on GH ! 

It's here!! GH's official site on Facebook also said they are back to work. Steve Burton put up a notice. Soooo, I guess they are back taping! Maybe we will hit the August 3rd date for new shows! 

Thursday, July 23, 2020

August 3rd??

Kristina Wagner posted this on Twitter! 

So, several sites including Soap Central with Dan Kroll (whom I trust) are saying that GH will air new episodes starting August 3rd. 
I still have not heard this from my sources ... but I'll keep trying. I hope THIS IS TRUE!! It seems very soon and with CA now having numbers that look downright scary, I just don't know. 

I'll try to keep you posted! 

More purging at Days continues, and Greg Vaughn is out. Does that mean Lucky may be back? Hmmm Who would you rather have? JJ or Greg? Or maybe you're a Jacob Young fan?? 

Are you watching GH daily? I am not because they are just too close to when it ended LOL. I may do a few next week to 'catch up' if possible. It's going to be interesting to see if people DO come back after this. Here's hoping! 

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Sunday Surgery: Sliding Doors

I wish I had something to report. ANYTHING!! Like even an update on something small but alas, that's a big NOPE. 

We thought taping would being this week for the show and it may still. I haven't seen anything from any actors about going back and the powers that be have been quiet. I would think if they were going back, there would be some grand-band announcements going on. 

This means...what? Not sure. There will be more reruns of near-term shows going on so that's no fun. I will never understand why they don't crack open the vault for old shows. REMEMBER HOW POPULAR THE LUKE AND LAURA ON THE RUN time was?? I mean, people would flock to relive that. Youngsters would be dragged into the fray with their moms or grams yelling; NOW THERE'S A SOAP! 

Even the Laura and Scotty love story was great. Laura also murdered someone--SHOW IT! Show Alan bringing the roof down on Rick! OR... Duke and Anna days. Asian Quarter. ANYTHING! People would love to relive the olden days an even newbies might tune in to see GH in it's glory. SPEND THE MONEY!! Now would be a great time to celebrate the shows past. 

Here are some ideas for a week's worth of shows: 

Robin and Stone's last days 
Felicia and Frisco meet
End of the Ice Princess saga
Laura comes back after being on Cassadine Island 
Anna tells Robert about Robin 
Alan/Monica/Leslie/Rick triangle 
Lucy marries Alan 
Laura kills David 
The Ward Family 
1993 Laura/Luke/Lucky Return 
Luke's Club Clips (with the acts that were on) 
If you have to have Sonny--do the click boom with Lily 
The invention of Pic-a-Lila and Qs living at Kelly's. 
Grant Putnam --Satan the Dog 
CASEY THE ALIEN! OMG.. too fun! 

I CAN GO ON AND ON! what would you like to see?? During these times, actors would come on to set the scene and talk about their memories. But, who am I?? I know it costs money but dang, you could really get the buzz going. 

Here's hoping you and yours are still healthy, your state is slowly reopening and things feel a tad more "normal"??  Our cases are still going down but they closed bars that don't sell food because of some fools in NYC that pack them and spill onto the streets. Doesn't help the craft breweries up here!! 

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

PODCAST IS LIVE!! Listen to Our Take on GH !

That's right..our long long podcast is up for your listening pleasure!! Join me, Toni, Jonathan, Tina and Ryan for some insight on what we'd like to see happen on GH when it returns. Also included are FAN wishes as well. 


Sunday, July 12, 2020

Sunday Surgery: Reset

So I did a podcast last night with the ever-fun  Our Take Media.  We discussed our top five things we'd like to see come back when GH does. It's not up quite yet but I'll let you know when it is and you can hit the link. You can always listen to our past podcasts as well. 

So, I decided  asked the same question on Facebook and I thought I'd put some answers here since we've not seen new shows in awhile!!  What do you think? On target? More? Less? 


1) Maxi not pregnant
2) tie up the Peter / Heinrich story and put Peter away. Bring Wes Ramsey back as Peter's doppelganger, but a super nice guy and put him with Maxi
3) end Jason and Sam struggles and let them live happily ever after!

4) Cyrus just a nightmare of Jordan's
5) Taggert is still alive


 Willow pregnant with Chase's baby. Avery be Morgan's baby. Taggart come back.


Drew returns

Nelle murder mystery, but not until Michael and Willow develop feelings for each other

Dr. O-anything with Dr. O! She would be so fun with Marty/MEK

More Epiphany
I’d love to see a younger family member in her life.

Liz gets back into her art. Ava gives /rents Liz and Franco a studio space.

Less Ava. Maura West is amazing, but it’s becoming overkill.

More Robert and Anna. Robert needs a protege - Chase?

As much as I like Wes Ramsey, they’ve written him into a corner. I’d love for Drew to return and be the one to take him down.


1. Drew in a big story 2. Dante in a big story 3. More Diane & Alexis 4. Much more Dr.O and Epiphany 4, The cops win and the mob lose  5. people in therapy with Kevin

KAT !! 

Maxie dumps Peter and no baby!


 Drew is back with Dr O, Tyler Christopher is back, Nelle is gone and Lucas is back with a new love


Get rid of the crooked cops storyline.
2) Bring diversity front and center...
3) More Hospital centered stories.

4) Bring back Love in the Afternoon
5) I got plenty more They need to bring me on board 

SO WHAT SAY YOU WUBBERS? This is just a little taste of what was up on the comments!.

Next week? Well, they are going to show the weeks leading up to when GH left off. It will start from April 28th 2020. SO! Get ready for the whole Chase/Sasha/Michael thing wrapped up with Molly and Brando.  The start date is now pushed back to July 20th so who knows when it will start back up. 

Have a good Sunday. We are having a small gathering today, socially distanced appropriate.  

Friday, July 10, 2020

HAPPY Birthday To Haley Pullos!

I always thought there could be so much more for Molly!! Here's hoping they sign the Davis
Girls to a contract!! Perfect ages and So many stories to tell! 

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Surviving The COVID

                                                         So, how ya'll doin? 

Monday, July 6, 2020

2008: Mobular Warehouse action

Megan Ward as Kate. Old Michael. 
Claudia, Johnny Z and Trevor Lansing. 


Oh this is where Michael gets shot in the head! Hmmmmm, middle of the Guza blood-bath years? 

Liz and Robin talking about Jason. OMG, Becky looks EXACTLY like she did in March. That girl does not age. Dang. 

Jax and Carly. Carly is STILL just running her mouth. ugh 

Luke and Lulu at the Haunted Star.

Claudia runs into Jerry Jax at The Metro. 

Michael is shot ... will be in a coma, then SORA'd. 

Yeah, mob talk.  I did not like this year of GH. BoRINg 

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Just a 2020 WUB

 Charlie's Bar... 

Julian:  We open at 5pm and I have masks for everyone right here... 
Krissy: Um, I'm not wearing this. 
Julian: Why? 
Krissy: It literally says "Maple Syrup saves Lives" 
Julian: SO? 
Ava: Julian.. you know it's bleach now... (sips martini) or..maybe Lysol. I'm not sure. 
Julian: Ava, put your mask on
Ava: All right, All right.. here. See? It's a Franco original.
Julian:  (squints) that the Leftist sign for...
Ava: Sure is! 
Door opens
Alexis: (rushes in) OMG you don't have one of these in YOUR WINDOW AND I DEMAND IT NOW! (waves paper)
Ava: Um, Alexis, is that a gas mask??
Alexis: Can't be too careful! SO WHAT'S THE DEAL JULIAN, DON'T YOU CARE? Black Lives MATTER! GET IT UP in this PUB!!
Julian:  I have one right on the door! Along with a pride flag...and a trans flag! 
Ava: That's what SHE said... 
Krissy: Oh My GOD Mom.. do you really need "I'll kill your redneck ass" shirt on? 
Alexis: Damn straight. Idiots. Oh wait, speaking of...
Jax: G'Day! 
Julian: Hey, put a mask on, pal. 
Jax: No, I don't think so, it's my right not to wear one. 
Ava: (looks him up and down) are you even an American? 
Jax: Doesn't matter, it's pointless anyway... they don't work.. 
Alexis: (gets out her phone) OH I'M GOING TO SHOW YOU ALLLLLL THE DATA! 
Jax: Look, I don't want any trouble.. just wondered if I could sell these here..
Julian: (takes box)..wait a minute..
Krissy: Um.. (holds up a tropical print) These are..MASKS. 
Jax:  That's right! Big sellers right now.. how many boxes you want?
Julian: GET OUT! 
Door Opens 
Sonny: Don't let that hit you in the ass, Candy-Boy 
Julian: Oh what the hell.. Sonny, it's my first day open, I don't need you around here being  pain
Alexis: Is your mask Al Pacino's face? 
Sonny: One and ONLY!  Listen, Julian...I need somethin' 
Ava: Hi Sonny... 
Sonny: Shut up, Ava... Julian I can't get your coffee this week because our imports are being strangled by customs..
Julian: So what? 
Sonny: I want my money anyway because Carly and I are going to Bezo's house next week and I need cash. 
Julian: They shut down your island? 
Alexis: yeah, I saw some arrests come out...need a lawyer? 
Sonny: Just get my dough ready, Jerome, I'll be back. 
Ava: EESH, you know he's up to his eyeballs in that situation.... 
Sonny: I'm in the process of getting ventilators for the hospital and literally saving this town so you know...
Everyone: Yeah, you'll be featured in 90% of the shows coming up... 
Jason walks in...Stares.
Julian: Um...Sonny, your dog is here
Jason: Blink Stare
Sonny: Wha ?? 
Jason: We got a situation... 
Sonny: And? 
Jason: Carly is freaking out because Mayor Webber is going to paint "Black Lives Matter" on the street in front of the hotel. 
Sonny: (eyeroll) Seriously? 
Sonny: Is it bad? 
Jason: She's eating all the cake she can get her hands on..
Sonny: Let's go... 
Lucas: (walks in, drunk) HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!! How ya doin? My husband is in jail.. I have nothing and I think I got COVID from a patient yesterday...
Ava: Um, you think we should tell him it's July? 
Julian: OUT! GET OUT!! Kristina, wipe down the door and  where his feet have been!! General Hospital: 

Liz: (on phone) Well, we have the patients comfortable and things are pretty quiet, Gran..thanks for taking care of the boys for months and doing their Zoom schooling. Where would I be without you?? 
Felix: I'm tired, girl.. I've been here three weeks straight. I get called in to do the Nurses Ball and I am. 
Liz: It's awful they aren't having it this year.
Lucy: You bet your bottom it's awful! 
Liz: Lucy! What are you doing here? Personnel only! 
Lucy: Oh, that doesn't apply to me, silly.. 
Felix: Um, yes, it really does. 
Lucy: Oh you're just joking... that sore throat I had yesterday is completely gone! 
Liz: You're going to need to come with us... 
Finn: (comes around corner, holding 2 swabs) Already ON IT! 
Lucy: (runs) 

At the Corinthos: 

Trina: (watching her phone) Oh my God, but Claudia Conway is hysterical... 
Dev: I don't think that's appropriate content for us to be viewing! 
Joss: :eyeroll: Oh, Dev, go watch Hamilton again.. 
Dev: Yes, it is now on Disney Plus and is my ticket to learning about American history..thanks Josslyn, daughter of Sonny. 
Cam: What do you have to eat around here? 
Joss: I don't know, mom always has Cheetos in the pantry..
Trina and Cam catch each other's eyes... laugh..
Joss: What's so funny???
Cam: Oh, nothing... laughs harder
Trina: Well, we decided your mom is the biggest KAREN in town!! 
Joss: Oh HA HA... don't you think I don't know that!!? Oh my GOD...
Trina: What??
Joss: LOOK! (shows her phone)
Trina: Girl, I'm going to just faint. 
Cam: What.. I um.. Kanye is running for president? What!!? This can't be true
Joss: But it is, Cam.. 
Dev (pops back in) Does that mean I can cast my vote for The Yezzy in November? 

At the Quartermaines: 

Ned: Oh, the stock market is looking fine! Just fine... 
Michael: Of course it is, we are on the right track! I'm feeling pretty good about my haircut and all that investment in the Hydrocholorquinine... 
Olivia: You believe in that hooey? 
Michael: Doesn't matter, we made 5 million on it just in the last.. um.. (looks at Apple Watch) 20 minutes. 
Olivia: (eyes narrow) Look, I'm hungry, anyone want to order from The Rib? 
Ned: Where's Cook 2? 
Olivia: Oh, she got those brain amoebas last week, she's at GH 
Ned: Well, ok, but don't use Grub Hub, they are the worst. 
Willow: Hey... I just got in from outside and... there is something really wrong in the rose garden. 
Olivia: Lila's roses! What about them? 
Willow: I don't know but I saw some really big hornets out there. Like the size of my thumb!

Sunday Surgery: Scheduling

Hello! Happy 4th weekend! Remember when GH was so into Independence Day? We always had a picnic in the park with everyone there.  

Next week on GH the episodes will feature Michael and Kristina according to Daytime Confidential.   The episodes range from 2008-2016.  Monday is a day when Michael (Dylan Cash) is shot and Claudia Z is on so I will probably watch then if I can. (That's the 2008 ep). If you want full details, hit the link. 

It's been strange getting off of work and not diving into GH like I usually do! I try to watch 1 or 2 episodes a week but I'm not really interested. With CA going backwards in the re-opening we have to wonder if the cast/crew will be back mid July? 

Meanwhile, I'm watching The Great on Hulu and Unsolved Mysteries (reboot) on Netflix. if 2020 isn't nutty enough, Kanye is supposedly thinking he can run for POTUS. This year. 

Anyone else just exhausted? 

Monday Monday

  WOW, do we have a nice weather here!! Just gorgeous. All weekend was beautiful and now it's up into the 70s and maybe 80s tomorrow.  T...