Saturday, September 30, 2017

Fan Wubs: The Voyage of Vissy: Part One

Yes, I designed this, ok found the photo

This is part of my on-going hopes that Val and Krissy become an item. Here's a nice little banter scene for you. That hot kiss was one thing, now we must bond our girls with some nice old fashioned soapiness. 

Scene:  Valerie and Krissy are their  bedroom in their shared house with Amy, Felix and Kiki. (see what I did there?) They are painting each other's toenails. this is ONE SCENE. Not edited into little bits. 
Music by Regina Spektor playing in the background (this is my show, I can afford it). 

Valerie: So... why didn't you go to Amy's Man Landers's thing?
Krissy:  Pffffft. Yeah, no I mean, you're sitting here too, it's not like you went either.
Valerie: Like I'm going to use my night off for that? 
(Look at each other...burst out laughing)
Krissy: Oh my god, we are so mean! 
Valerie: I'll buy two of her books and I'll feel better. (pause) So..what did you do today? 
Krissy: Well, let's see, I went to Wyndams to get some adorable boots and then I went to Kelly's to meet Molly for lunch and..oh ..yeah..I quit school. 
Valerie: Oh right. Duh.. Quit school?? And I'd better see those boots pronto, girl.
Krissy: I did quit...seriously. 
Valerie: (stops painting, cocks head) Wait a up and quit grad school? When you have it already paid for from your parents? Why the hell would you do that??
Krissy: Um, nice judging, VAL... I did it because my grades sucked. 
Valerie: It's October, you don't even get your final grades until what? December? 
Krissy: Well, I'm going to run Perks for no time. 
Valerie: You are kidding me, right? You're going to run that miserable coffee spot that's getting crushed by Starbucks and probably launders money instead of getting your master's degree.
Krissy:  (glare) yeah.. 
Valerie: Wait a minute.. oh. my--GOD! Don't even tell me (gets off bed... spins around and stares) 
Krissy: What?? 
Valerie: You did this because of Parker!! Didn't you??
Krissy: NO-- I....
Valerie: I call total BS on that!! She's a professor...they can't date students so you QUIT? So you could date her?? After she's jerked you around so many times?? 
Krissy:  You know, this isn't your business right? 
Valerie: Uh, we live together and I thought we were friends so..yah, it is my business. 
Krissy: I have enough crap from my mom...I really don't need it from you too..

Door opens... Felix pops his head in

Felix: I can like hear you in the yard... what's up?

Valerie: Genius here quit grad school.
Felix: You did not. 
Krissy: Did too. 
Felix: Well..that's stupid. I'm trying to get my RN and you up and quit a paid for degree? What is up with you??
Valerie: Parker. 
Felix: Oh hell no. Seriously?
Valerie: Seriously. 
Krissy: (pulls out her toe separators storms out) Bye! See ya! 

Felix:  Well, she's officially crazy. 
Valerie: You haven't heard the best part yet...get this..she's going to manage Perks!! 
Felix: Perks.  That's basically outside --and it's gonna be winter? (laughs) Yeah. Crazy. 
Valerie: You said it. But I'm still borrowing her boots. 

Friday, September 29, 2017

Leaving PCPU

I MADE IT!! It's the end of the month so I wasn't sure..but here I am!! 

NOTE: Due to confusion...ALL Jasons shall be referred to by their sir names. 

Griff and Ava..oh fake out, it was a dream. Ava did have her surgery tho. She's got a huge bandage on. 
Burton is picking his lock with a paper clip. OH! NO! he drops it!! Oh! Wait! Ava picks it up!! he finally gets out. Beats a guy up. Says thank you to Ava. She leaves and he takes off his mask.  Runs.

Krissy and Parker. Kris tells her Jason woke up. I guess an excuse to talk to her?? Krissy says her grades suck. She withdrew from classes to manage Perks and so that Parker and she can date. They couldn't if she was at college.  Anyway, they are going out to dinner. 

It's DILLON WITH AN "i"!! 

Dillon and Kiki (Dillon is back? I guess for a min)  Kiki is eating lunch with Dr. David Bensch. He yells at Dilly for giving Kiki the tequila. Dillon is all "you said my NAME WRONG, its' DILLON WITH AN "I"--" He's being REALLY pissy. I wonder why. Hmmmmmm. 
Why do I feel like he's going to get hit by a bus??? 

Alexis wants to tell Julian that Miller woke up . Sam is like WHY? Do you want to TALK TO HIM??  Later, Sam tries to set Alexis up with Dr. David Bensch. LOL.. Boy, if he was acting like Max Holden used to they would make a cute couple! Not with this guy tho. zzzzzz

Weird Griffin Franco scene about Ava. Franco figures out Griffin likes her and says "you're polar opposites"! Griffin says: "JUST LIKE YOU and LIZ'!!  They talk some more (WHY? Who knows) and Franco says to get to Russia asap.  Griffin is going. 

Liz take Jake to see Miller. He says he could hear he and Danny singing to him.  Liz tells him about Franco and his paintings and that he's working in the hospital again. Jake shows Miller the photos of something on his ipad--- and he says "but I left out the photo of you and Franco" 
Liz says: There's only ONE Jason Morgan (AHAHHAA)

Jake tells Franco that people can "hear you when they are in a coma" !! Franco flashbacks to himself talking to Miller in the hospital. Then, his phone rings. It's Miller!! "Why haven't you come to visit me yet?? It's been 2 days since I've been up"?? So Franco and he are going to talk. 

Burton is free, running through the hallway. End of show. 

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Anne Jeffreys ..GH Star

I say STAR because when Amanda Barrington would come into a room, you KNEW it!! Sadly, Anne passed away at the age of 94. 

"Anne was a beloved member of the General Hospital and Port Charles families," a "General Hopsital" spokesperson said. "We’re deeply saddened by the news of her passing and all feel so lucky to have known her and will never forget the many talents she brought to GH and Port Charles."

Playing Hookey

Well, not exactly--just a shit ton to do in my real life and job. Hey, we had FOUR days of 91 degree weather here!! It was amazing and really weird!!  I think today will be more normal. 

Nothing happened on GH yesterday and I watched--ergo, you know something is going to pop up today! Always happens to me.  

OK! See you Friday!! 

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Save yourself.

Finn and Anna. I guess I missed where Finn talked to Cassandra?? I guess he did. OFF CAMERA!! Why?? Do you hire Jessica Tuck and not have that scene????? 

Man Landers Launch. Nina was there .. So is Amy and Marion (don't know her other name)
Spinelli didn't find out who Man Landers is...yet.  
OMG Maxie brought in 5 other "Man Landers" to work the party too. So that the Man Landers would be still under wraps. 
Spinelli spied on Amy and Nathan. He thinks they are having an affair. Not that Amy wrote Man Landers. But then, he goes to tell Maxie and Nate ends up exposing himself as Man Landers. 
Oh just end this already. 

Bobbie and Carly talking in Kelly's when Zach's sister walks in. (he's the guy Nelle tried to kill supposedly).  Sharon says Nelle lies all the time. Then Nelle isolated Zach from the whole family. They stopped going to family functions.  They went to Maine-- and they think she killed him. 

Sharon then went to see Nelle. Growled at her.

I tweeted Jackie Zeman to say good to see you and she said it was her last episode before a LONG break!! Sounded like a LONG break. Damn it, why wouldn't she be in the Nelle story? 

And my cable went out at 2:22!! No, it was a weird giant FEMA test! Geesh!! 


Tuesday, September 26, 2017


 Someone was on instead of GH. 
That's all I'm saying.
Oh, PS. I found out Puerto Rico is an island! Imagine that. 

GH came back on at 2:36.

I guess Franco is paying for Kiki's med school.  He lies to Liz about the photo; says he doesn't know the kid's name--his mom was making it all up. So, there's that. 

Ava's still yabbin it up with Burton. She just needs to go get her face fixed.  Burton can TALK!! WOW! He wants Ava to release him!!  Dr. America comes in and shoots him up again and he passes out. movement today. 
Ava tells him "If you wake up, Tomorrow I'll get you a paperclip" 

I think Naxie is having Man Lander's Sex. 

Monday, September 25, 2017

Ingo Goes to The Beautiful!

So, Ingo was cast as some guy "Thorne" on The Bold and The Beautiful. I don't watch...but Daytime Confidential does! Hit the link to learn all.  I'm happy for him, actually. I also think GH has been missing out on having Jax around but--that's me! 


Note On Comments:  I really don't mind comments unless they are totally nasty or they tell me to blatantly shut up (since it's my blog lol). So, I want to hear everyone's opinion. Some people are loving the show--we need to embrace that. We can only HOPE the ratings go up!! Right? :) 
Let's just be civil to each other because god knows, right now the world needs some niceness. 


Ava is all "What do you want me to do with this number? Call Port Charles and Say there's a psycho blue-eyed guy at a clinic in Russia, come get him"??  OMG This is so dumb.  It's so boring. And then the nurse comes in and says: WHY DID YOU GIVE HIM A WEAPON?! (the pen). For godsakes, just lock him up if he's that dangerous. 
Nurse: Oh My goshz! HE's GOTS A WEAPON!!
Doctor: NO! HE can't!! It's a PEN!! Who gave it to him? Did you?
Ava: Well...I er...
Doctor: YOU stupid bitch!!
Then....Steve Burton stands up, holds up the pen in his fist and...(laughing hysterically) takes down his hood to reveal his perfect St. Jaysus hair. AHAHAHAAA. 
FIGHT! He punches out 2 orderlies then some guy comes with a cattle prod. Then, they give Jason a sedative. He falls down. 
Later, Ava gives the phone number to the Dr. The doctor dials the phone. Sonny answers.."hello? Hello"?? 

Carly and Sonny blabbering about NELLE. Carly wants to talk to Zach Grant's sister. Sonny says no. Blah blah. So, of course Sharon Grant calls Carly later and she's going to talk to her lol. 

Nelle doesn't want Michael to buy her the apartment. 'What would your parents think"??  They talk about some kind of lease/trust. I don't even care. Oh she's renting from him. 

Billy Miller wakes up. Sam's in the hall. Then he has a seizure. Then! He wakes up and everything is great! LOL The doctors don't even stay in the room. GEESH. They talk about love...bullets..blah blah. 

Franco Mess: 
Mom says the twin is Jason Q's twin...the other one was sent to live with them.  He wants the whole story. 
Heather gave Franco to Betsy. When Susan ran from Port Charles and had an ultrasound,  they saw 2 heartbeats.  Susan, Betsy and Heather were all at the ultrasound, btw. Heather said "Just take one back to the Q's and fight for custody...they don't even know there's another kid!
Franco remembers his name was DREW. Full name was ANDREW.  Oh, and Betsy said He died. (but we know Helena took him).  Franco asks questions "Why don't I remember him dying"?? Then she hedges--you know that Hells prolly got him.  Franco wants to tell the Qs. Betsy says no, don't tell. 
My predictions look ON THE MONEY! 

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Sunday Surgery: Jason Watch 2017

It's upon us, Wubbers:  Burton and Miller are both IN THE HOUSE! One, struggling with a face mask that's fit for a serial killer, the the other in a bed with electrodes on his forehead. Will we last? Will we make it though? Can we survive the boring, mind-numbing build up?  Hey, if Kelly Monaco can ugly cry for days, I guess I can sit and watch. 

First of all, it's gorgeous out here--I mean, like totally gorgeous. It has been for a week and will be 90 degrees MONDAY!! That means I'm totally not into doing the blog. I did do a MIDWEEK SURGERY so hit that link for some ranting info.   

Friday, September 22, 2017

EggHeaded Editing

Think to yourself: Should I be the blog by a person that CAN'T STAND LONG REVEALS ON SOAPS? Just as long as you're prepared for've been warned. 

Oh my GOD with the Jason standing up. Just stand up. You got 900 horse-pills in you and you're still going so DO IT. 
Ava is bugging the crap out of me. Just go get your face fixed. Thanks. UGH it's just tedious.
Why can't Burton take off that mask? Is it LOCKED on his head? Did they lock up his tongue too? How does he eat? Do they unhook him? 

Ava gives Burton some paper to write his name on.  He picks up the pen....he...he....writes down a phone number with a PC area code. 

CARLY JOSSLYN...MILO SONNY... Carly had Milo follow Joss to that footbridge thing... and Carly's all pissy and Sonny's like Keep and Eye out. Um, Sonny isn't Josslyn's father so?? Bye. 

Joss tells Nelle to sit with Carly and her. Carly is like NO WAY. Then she decides to tell Josslyn just why she's mad at Nelle.  Nelle is like: let's not talk about this now. Carly snarls, leaves. Nelle has to move because her apartment is going condo. Michael turns around and buys it for her. She looks perplexed.

Carly and Sonny are in his office bitching about Nelle and Michael and the apartment. Looks like Carly convinced him that Nelle's a Gold Digger. 

Liz and Franco.  He shows her the photo, says he thinks it's a brother. She says : You think Jaosn is your brother? 

AWWW Danny and Jake go to visit Billy Miller. It was so heart warming. Danny even crawled up on the bed-- and then... THE EDITORS CUT THE SCENE. I mean, it lasted maybe 30 seconds!!!! WHY?? that's just SO WRONG on so many levels.  Next scene, the give him a picture they painted. Next scene they sing to him-- Sam records it on her phone. It would have been so much more if it ran continuous. YEP

GET that blouse OFF Lexi Ainsworth. It's insufferable. Thank you. 

FRANCO finds his mother---not sure how but. He did.  She doesn't want to tell him. He's like I have to know, it's driving me insane. "Bobby I'm sorry, I lied to you-- your friend wasn't fake" 
"He wasn't your brother,  he was a twin but not your's"

ERGO Miller and Burton are the twins. Miller got a NuFace when he was run over by Ava. 

There it is!! 

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Special K

OMG Burton sitting in that chair forever is going to KILL ME. Why can't someone just come back from the dead and WALK IN WITH BALLOONS!! I'M HERE! IT'S ME! Tra-Lah-Lah!!! 
New doctor comes in and tells Ava he's taking over her case (he's cute...and American, no stupid accent). He tells the nurse to give Burton a tranquilizer. 
Oh, Burton almost stood up but then sat down when the doctor came in.
Ava: Wait, is that Special K? 

Doctor: Yes... but it's not called that really
Ava: Isn't that a horse tranquilizer?? 

THIS IS WORD FOR WORD almost!! bahahahhaa! 
Later: Jason tries to stand. Ava interrupts him. Guess we're supposed to get his strong despite the shot. Ava hears the Doctor on the phone saying he can't give anymore drugs to the guy or he'll kill him.
END OF SHOW: Burton stands up.

Curtis and Jordan. Sonny's ruining them too with his mob crap. I guess Aunt Stella is too expensive to have around to mess them up? Or does Sonny have to be in every story?? TJ is off camera filling out financial aid forms.
OMG I was totally wrong-- TJ was there!! He's on TODAY!! He's talking to his mom about Sonny and her job and Curtis. "didn't bother you when Sean did it" Ooooooo!! BURN!!  Jordan cries because she's made bad choices. 

Curtis leaves and sees Valerie in the park. He talks to her about his troubles. She said "will you make sacrifices for Jordan"??  He turns down Sonny when he calls.  Goes BACK to Jordan's and tells her, she said she was too harsh.  So....they are back. For this second. 

Parker and Krissy...hold hands at Kelly's. Krissy says that guy hanging around is her body guard, then tells her about her brother in law in a coma.   They end up kissing. Parker says it's inappropriate and could end her career.  She's not into it. 

OMG Lulu and Valentin are draggin' their crap to the Shriner's Hospital. No one needs that when there are kids running around. Valentin and the Mother go talk to the doctor about Bailey. Mom wanted him there.  PSA spot for Shriner's. 

SONNY and SAM talk about JASON. And guess what -- BILLY Miller's face is back!! He's in the bed. 
Today's show on a sleep scale:  2.2 sheep. That's all you need to count before zzzzzzzzz

Mid Week Mini Surgery: Crowded House

Seriously-- a Surgery Mid Week! Dr. Bensch is stoked! 


When I get frustrated, you know I love to take to the blog and just---well, speak my mind! I have no idea what in the heck is happening over at GH ABC Headquarters but it can't be all that good. It seems like they are throwing everything but the kitchen sink at this show. I thought I'd list for you (in no particular order) the on-going stories that are clogging up the dial. Don't forget that within each story lies 50 3-4 minute scenes. Yep.  They are so chopped up we can't even get long pauses at a guy's coma bedside!! The show feels like I'm on a hamster wheel. I know Jean left...we have a new co-head writer who's stuff is coming  and now...some chick I don't even know joining the staff. A woman people are basically afraid to talk about. Mention Bloom and you get blank stares, laughter or screaming. 
Great. Can't wait. 

Here are the things currently on our plate:

Jason Coma Watch 2017 ( guest star, Spinelli!) 
Jason Hoodie-Mask Watch 2017
Franco "Who's my Little Friend" Adventure (guest starring his mom!) 
Ava's Face Fix (guest stars: "Russian" people!) 
Kayak Killer Nelle
Shriner Special Charity Event (guest starring Londyn!) 
Charlotte's Never-Ending Custody Battle
Krissy and Parker: The Occasional Love Story
Sonny's Not Leaving the Mob, Damn IT! 
Curtis and Jordan's We're on a Break, Not on a Break story 
Man Landers (with guest star Jennifer Bassey!) 
Griffin's Guilt Priestly Penace
Anna and Finn's Find the Diamond in Monaco Caper (guest star Jessica Tuck!) 
Kiki Dreams of Being a Doctor (guest Starring JDP!) 

Not sure if these are still happening but they were a story at one point: 

Aunt Stella Hates Jordan. Yes, yes she does. 
Ned was going to solve he and Olivia's problems--then?? Break? 
Alexis is.......I guess waiting for William DeVry to get back to Julian can get out of Jail? 
Is this really all JDP is going to do? Walk 2 feet down the hall with Kiki and growl medical terms? 

Oh, Felix.  What have they regulated you too? 
Ok, what did I forget --because I'm sure I did! LOL. I don't even bother to mention Brad and Lucas anymore. 

**When was the last time we saw Avery?  Ava and Sonny spent years fighting over that baby. Yet--? Um? Also--Scout? She's going to turn 12 before we see her again. (not even mentioning Cam and Aiden)

**Why would Ava wear that mask in the clinic? I mean, seriously. She's going to get surgery. Everyone knows what you look like, lady. 
**Hoodie Boy sitting out in the open but is SO DANGEROUS. (at least try here, will ya?)
**Why do we care about this damn diamond? Because of Valentin? So that Finn and Anna can be totally apart from the cast? (sigh)
**If Amy, Kristina and Kiki are all friends why don't we ever see them BE friends? 

I think it's hysterical we are "in" Monaco and Russia  Everyone speaks English with bad accent (again, at least TRY).  

I feel better getting that off my chest. Just a maze of stories that I know are (mostly) going NO-Where. This Jason thing is going to kill me. I swear. know he's gonna be in that chair for AT LEAST another few weeks. Or, he'll get out and no one will see him--he'll skulk. I still say he and Billy Miller don't meet until Nov sweeps or Christmas. 

Ok, your turn! Use one word to describe General Hospital in it's current state. 

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

LATE I'm Late

Wednesdays are HORRIBLE FOR ME!! 

Why is Carly all Nutty about NELLE NOW? I thought she didn't care!!? Did Michael and Nelle have a talk about all this off camera or did I miss it?? I must have. Anyway-- Michael doesn't care about the whole "kayak" thing at all ,  she was a scapegoat.  He believes her and doesn't think she killed the guy.  Carly is in full NAGGING YAMMERING mode right now. UGH, I'm not even hearing her. 
When she leaves Kelly's Zach Grant's sister either texted or emailed her (couldn't tell but she was reading her phone) and says she needs to talk to her about "Janelle Benson". Meanwhile, Michael calls someone to 'check something out' ( I think Nelle) 

I see Jessica Tuck is on. Anna put something in her drink and Finn ran in.  I guess we are in Monaco. He "Saves" her.  She is interested because he's a disease or allergy guy.  At the end of lunch, she gives him a note to visit her at home to say thank you. Anna is ecstatic. I love Jessica Tuck. 

Dante asks about Ava's business with Valentin. Kiki asks if it's  police matter. Dante says it's not, it's about the custody battle. Isn't that totally wrong??? Kiki SPILLS in like 2 seconds flat!! Geesh. Don't count on her for loyalty!! She tells Dante Ava went to get her face fixed and Valentin probably paid for it, ergo the not testifying at the court custody thing. 

Later, Nelle storms into GH and Kiki asks her what is wrong. "CARLY" she growls. Kiki tells Nell that Carly can hate you but then turn around and forgive you. She knows because of the Morgan stuff. 

Krissy and Molly. Kristina makes up a story about having to talk to Molly after Parker's class-- just so she can see Parker. Molly is not amused. Krissy  wants to tell Parker that Valerie isn't her girlfriend. DAMN IT. I love them! Ugh... not good. I think since Krissy is bi-- then they can make Valerie bi too and fall for her. HEAVY MAKE up in this scene!! Either that or the lighting is awful.  Yeah, Kristina tells Parker she was trying to make her jelly. UGH

Shriner's spot-- Bailey is getting her spin looked at. They mention a spine app. They have apps for EVERYTHING!  Bailey's mom calls Valetin and Lulu "Mr. and Mrs. Cassadine"! LOL  Lulu is sorry for what Valentin went thu when he was a kid-- "I thought you were a monster" she said. Now she doesn't think so because of how he is with Charlotte.  He tells her his past. He was sent to boarding school at 5 to hide him from Helena. He says there was "no money left over for medical care"?? HUH?? Weren't the Cassadines like totally wealthy?????? 
Just when Lulu is liking Valentin, Dante comes in and tells her that he may have made a deal with Ava. 

ALERT: Remember Cassandra Cassadine? She was Helena's daughter-- Helena shot/killed her. It would be cool if Jessica Tuck's Cassandra is really her and she's Hell's kid. Just a thought. 

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

New Faces at GH ! Updated 2x!!

Because it's GH I have two more announcements to make today! 

First, Jessica Tuck, who played Megan on OLTL (but has done a LOT since; she's on TNT's Proof right now) is coming on tomorrow. I'm thinking she's going to be that Shriner Girl's mother.  BUT! Twitter people are saying CASSANDRA, the lady Anna and Fin are after. Don't think it's long term.

PS. I Loved her on Judging Amy 

Secondly, Barbara Bloom is joining the "writing staff" -- and Daytime Confidential has the details on her. Doesn't sound great. 

AND......HOLY SHIT: Tamara Braun is in talks about COMING BACK!! I can NOT TAKE THIS RIGHT NOW!   Read it on Daytime Confidential. 

AND--- HERE WE least this is a good one-- Brooklyn Silzer's sister Londyn is playing Charlotte's Shiner Girl friend!! I Bailey I think??

Blue Eyes at 2:58

Nina and Val having Champers, celebrating their WUB.  Talking about Charlotte. 

CarSon talking in the GH Hallway outside Jason's door-- Alexis and Sam went to check out the facility. They talk about how Jason isn't really acting like Jason anymore.  "Look how fast he got out of the business".

Lante making out on the couch, talking about Charlotte's custody. UGHHHHH.. Charlotte comes in and wants money for some girl at school with spinal scoliosis  They go to visit Valentin, I think for money? Anyway she asks him about it. Is that what he had??  Yes, that's what he had!  Val is going to try to help Bailey's mother to help her through this since he went through it.
Kudos for tying the Shriner's story into a character that already had something. Good job. This will be good for Valentin. 

Ava with Hoodie Boy. Why the hell would they let him sit like that if he's so damn dangerous? I mean..DUH.  She's just yabbering on and on. Oh, when she mentions Nikolas Cassadine, he reaches out and grabs her. 

Scotty is trying to convince Franco to leave the whole Photo thing alone -- Franco thinks it was his "friend" leaving that turned him into a nut. Scotty says it was the "TUMOR, SO CUT IT OUT." He doesn't want him to follow Betsy. 

Some rando chick comes to the Art Show and yells that Franco killed her sister and all she got was a million dollars. Then she pulls out spray paint. We don't see her spray it--but later Liz is seen with red paint on her. She protected the painting!! The sister yells and said he killed Lorainne.  Dante is going to arrest her but Franco won't press charges. She says "Burn in Hell" . Franco and Liz leave the Art Show to go see about Jason (???) --Scotty is frustrated. 

Liz goes to see Jason (Billy Miller) in the hospital. Franco slips in alone. He says that he has to wake up "So I know who I am"..whatever.

Carly later confesses to Sonny: "I've been grieving for myself because I don't have that connection with Jason like I used to..." (paraphrased) SO.. ugh

END:  JUST Like the EW spoiler video they put on FB and Twitter yesterday, at 2:59pm/est The HOODIE BOY removed his glasses. Looked at the camera. Steve's eyes. 
That was it. 

Monday, September 18, 2017

Come To Dinner

Alberta wanted shrimp in this photo and @AgentScully on twitter got it DONE!! 

Ava talks to "Patient 6". Yammers away-- The Clinic Lady runs in and grabs her -- yells. Then Ava's phone goes off (which the Clinic Lady has in her pocket, it's Griffin). Then "Fix Your Face Doctor" walks in and introduces himself.  Patient 6 hears "Cassadine" and balls up his fist. 

Sonny and Curtis make a deal...Jordan is not happy she heard that.  Sonny leaves. Jordan wants to know what the hell they were talking about. He says "oh just bein' friendly". LOL She doesn't buy it.  She says it will look terrible for her being police commissioner.  She says either you have a relationship with me or with Sonny. 

Scotty and Liz he wants to know what her 'intentions' are about Franco. He says that Franco is impulsive.  
Franco's Mama-- says "Be careful what you ask for, you might not be happy with the answers" Then Mama says how do the boys fathers feel about Franco raising their kids? Liz says well, they do except for Jason... and Mama says "JASON ..JASON MORGAN"???? "YOU'RE RAISING Jason Morgan's CHILD"?? Then Liz invites her to dinner. She says yes--- and leaves. 
Franco tells Liz he hates the Art Scene and leaves to go talk to Mom at the Metro.  When he gets there, the door to her room is open. She's gone. 

Franco's "Friend" Painting sells online. Lady says IT'S A FINAL SALE. 

Sam on the phone waiting for Jason to wake up and his finger moved.  She finally feels him squeeze her hand. She runs out: JASON IS AWAKE!! Sonny and Griffin look at her. Griffin goes in to examine him. Ut oh...only spontaneous movements he says. Sam won't believe it.  She wants him home. Sonny says ok. Then he talks to her about what she'll have to tell the kids and what they'll see. He knows because of Michael. Oh good advice actually. She decides to put him in a clinic. 

Anna blackmails Finn with his drug transactions.  He says OK he'll go meet Cassandra. I still don't get this. AT ALL!!  Griffin sees that Anna is leaving--with Finn. She said she'd get info on the clinic for him. 

TOMORROW IS THE BIG DAY PEOPLE!! I hope I can make it 

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Sunday Surgery: The Man In the Iron Ski Mask

  I like his mask so much more than mine!! 

Oh boy-- just when you think the week is going to be boring, there's a big ol' curve ball sitting on my plate! Nikolas? Jason? --- When will we see "The Real" Jason? Now that the "Known Jason" is waking up!!? Why is Ava looking at some guy that could be on the cover of Antifa Magazine in the clinic in Russia?  Those are just the sane questions. A whole lot of other sheeze was flapping in the wind this week too. We'd better settle in! 

Yesterday was my son's birthday so it's blueberry pie that's left over for me! 

Friday, September 15, 2017

Come on, Bobby!


Love Maxie's outfit!! 

Sam's dream shows Jason in the fog on the docks... will it come true??

Nina and Valentin zzzzzz

Art Gallery:  Franco's BIG PICTURE CAN'T BE SOLD. (it's not even that good). Maxie wants to do a story about her one night stand with Franco but he won't comment on it. Franco's adoptive mama comes to see him.  She sees the painting Franco did of he and the blonde kid. Then he shows her the photo. "You deserve the truth" She says. (then the show ended)

Finn's acting weird?? Anna is talking to him about a caper. Then he goes to see Liz-- to tell her Hayden's gone. She has to go to the Art Gallery.  She gets there and runs into Franco's Mama. I love her dress. Franco's Mom is a nurse too! 

Finn goes to Anna's after she fakes an emergency. She hands him a folder and says "now you are coming with me, right" This is about Cassadra and the diamond? This is chopped up and I don't understand what the story is. 

MONICA! MONICA! MONICA!! "if Jason Dies you have the blood of BOTH of my sons on your hands"!! She's yelling at Sonny. Yeah! Then Alexis totally interrupts her rant. Thanks for nothin'. 
Oh crap, Monica was all mad then she backed off and was like "well, it's not all YOUR fault, Jason wanted this life"..blah blah blah. UGH 

Spinelli wants to talk to Det. West. Then he goes to see Sam and Jason. He talks Spin-Speak to him. No change for Jason. Alexis and Monica both go talk to Sam about them (nice touch). They tell her no difference. Monica says he can't stay in GH forever, he has to move to a facility. She can't even pull enough strings. Sam says I want to take him home! We have the means so I'm getting all the equipment. Alexis says: What about Danny and Scout? Sam's all: I don't care!! 
Spinelli talks to her a bit.  He says it may be for the best. She hugs him and Jason's hand shakes. 

Rando Curtis and Jordan filler scene on the docks. She leaves. Sonny comes up and they talk about Jason. Is Curtis getting ready to fill in for him?? Yes, they shake on it and Jordan sees them around the corner. 

 Thank you I said HER NAME WAS Karen on GH ---no one believed me. It's Betsy. UGH. WEIRD! she was named after me, damn it lol. Oh, the recast Mama called Franco "BOBBY" LOL that was fun.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Like a Jelly Donut.

Spinelli and Amy--hmm interesting. He's there for Jason. Of course since St. Burton is coming back, he may follow?? Spinelli is reading MAN LANDERS -because of course he is 

Dr. Bench. I'm still not into this--if it's supposed to be all SCRUBS? Well, not even close. 

Nina and Valentin-- he tells her that he got Ava to sign the papers.

Griffin is talking to Anna about the clinic.  She's like? are helping AVA JEROME? huh? 

Maxie and Nate talking about Man Landers.

Ok, I let my kid watch what he wanted because... it's ALL FILLER. I Will watch tomorrow. Promise. 



UPDATED!! OMG...look what showed up at the CLINIC with Ava!! Can it be Jason OR is it Nikolas?? 

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Wub Free Day

HELLO.... I have work today-- so I'm not going to be here for it. I'm sure I won't miss much PRE-JASON return.  Spinning wheels right now or what? eesh!!

Thanks to DISCO DAVE for the photo!! He's a photoshop master.  Behave. BeKind. YOU  BE YOU.  

Tuesday, September 12, 2017


Dr. O and Franco--my reason for tuning in today I see. He shows her the photo.  It comes down to the fact that Franco didn't have a twin, so Jason must have. 
There I saved you a lotta work.

Kiki talks to Griffin about Ava. Sonny leaves (because of course we can't have 3 people talk together) They figure out she went to St. Petersburg. RUSSIA

Sam is damn nuts with her Carly loves Jason junk. Ugh. Weird Has nothing to do with anything and-- ugh.  Anyway-- they fight, then Sam says "I love you" and talks to Alexis. Carly leaves (can't have 3 people there). 

Michael and Nelle on the bridge. He talks about being shot in the head because of Sonny. He says he doesn't want to go into the business because of the danger. She's happy Michael works for ELQ and not his Dad. 

Ava is on the plane with some chick who says she had scars as well and is now cured! Oh she works at the clinic. She's going with Ava to keep her company?  God she's a bad actress. I'm callin' it like I see it. With all the talent in all of LA--you get this?? 

Last thing I saw was Sonny telling Carly HE'D be the one to decide if Jason has to get off the machine and HE'LL DO IT.  Good God. :EYEROLL: 

Monday, September 11, 2017

TO Hell and Back

Well, it's 9/11 and every year I'm reminded that GH was off the air for weeks due to all the coverage-- rightly so, of course. At the time, I didn't think I'd ever watch "normal tv" again. The story of the hour when everything changed was "The End Game"--Cassadine-Spencer feud. The ending was changed because of the climate of the times and it felt for awhile anyway, that the anchor of GH was just blowing in the wind. It was also when I was first on the net, in the AOL folders and no one could believe what was happening. There wasn't any Twitter-- or Facebook, we only had these boards to talk on. Soap Zone was up so there was a lot of discussion there. Big Brother 2 was going, and a few places were chat rooms for that show. Just scary times. 

Heroes All....


Rocco's birthday. He and Charlotte are on. Olivia comes over with Italian food.  Dante is worried that Valentin will take her away.

Lulu sees Ava sign Val's paper..wants to know what it is.  UGH we are going to do this Charlotte crap even MORE?? Lulu lays into Ava. Ava lies about what they were talking about. She says a tapestry is being sold to him for Wyndemere. 

Carson is at GH-- Sonny says the 5 Families are so happy he's still in the mob! It's a good "Balance of Power"!   They are talking about moving in together but Sonny's worried about security. 

E damn it!! Jason--of whom we don't see his face. I think Miller was doing his contract at this point.  She finally goes when Grffin says he needs to be alone with him to do an eval.  Sam gets all pissy with Carly about Jason's condition. She seems to think Carly knows more than she does? HUH?
Griffin comes out and says the longer Jason is unresponsive, the more likely he wont' recover. He suggests long term facility. Sam freaks out. She's mad at everyone. She lashes out at Carly and Liz.

Sonny takes Griffin to the Metro to ask him "spiritual questions"..."Why was Jason punished and not me"? 

Kiki brings over the poster for Franco's art show. (Title: TO Hell and Back)  He's going to go see Heather though. He is all upset that Jason isn't waking up. "We are connected" he says. 
When Franco goes to see Heather, she won't see him.  He gives the guard the photo to show her an the BLT he brought. She still refuses to see him. 

Ava tells Kiki she's going to a spa. 

OMG. this is just like PULLING TEETH zzzzzzzzzzzz

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Sunday Surgery: Lame Duck

Seeing Double Ducks? 

Why do I feel like these last ending weeks of Jean P's leaving as GH co-headwriter are just...well..not much about anything?? We know St. Jaysus is do back on Sept 18th (or 19th depending on who you read) so it just feels like giant limbo.

That makes my job easy! I'm back to school, and have my first cold so I'll keep it short. 

We sure aren't having duck this Sunday so maybe some Malt Duck? Who remembers that? :giggle: 

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Punching Bag

IT's Thursday and here we go! I'm home at 2:00 so let's see how it goes. 

Curtis lost ROXY! Oh no!! They look for her. Sexual tension ensues. They kiss. BUT! Jordan pulls away because, you know. Gotta keep this see-saw going. 

Jake talks to Franco. May as well just kill off Cam and Aiden at this point. It's just a joke. Franco talks to him about Jason being in the hospital. Screw you Cam and Aiden LOL. Jake pulls out a photo of Old Face Jason saying how different he looks now. Later, Liz and Franco talk about what it would be like if Jason lived with his old face and this guy showed up. It was confusing but obviously in there for a reason.

Liz talks to  Sonny--filler. OMG for ONE line...then Michael comes along and Sonny can be all guilty with him.  Then Sonny leaves and... Bobbie comes in to talk to Michael. I take it they can't have everyone in one place? 

Carly talks to God. HE Is even bored up there in heaven. I think I've seen 900 chapel scenes in my lifetime. 
Sonny comes in. He's all mumbly and his BIZ and Jason and how now he has to stay in Da Biz. Carly is all cool with that and wants to be by his side..even if she has to protect everything. 

Ava and Griffin. "Don't go" says Griffin to Ava.  Ok, I'm not seeing any sexy in his voice. Seriously.  Maura is selling this 900% but boy Griffin is just flat as a pancake here. Not feeling this!! 
Griffin says he's still honoring his celibacy vow. Huh?  Ava leaves. 
Later, Sonny comes in and punches the bag as well. Ava is gone. 
Ava goes home to call Valentin to get the face-fix 

END: Jake gives Franco a photo of Jason as a kid..looks just like his imaginary friend! Ergo, I would think if the FIRST Jason was with Franco then Jason 2.0 and Old Jason are identical?  Not that I care. 

Chris Van Etten is not listed as co-head writer yet. Still has Jean on there. 

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Back to School!

LATE!!  First day back to work and holy heck, I'm tired!! LOL... 3-5 year olds take it out of you!! 


Griffin pulled away from Ava-- he wanted her to "heal" not kiss her, geesh. Ava is horrified. Poor Ava. Who says no to MW's charms? Ava reads Griffin hard-- "you won't let anyone touch you"!! "You are the one hiding"!! They need to have Matt C just be the hot sex man we know he can be. I can't stand him like this. 
Oh her face make up is awesome. 

Krissy and Parker. Lexi looks really good--now get Valerie back on here. YEAH! She comes out and Parker is so jealous!! 

Carly and Michael talking about the VIO-LANCE.  Carly blames herself about the five families and the shooting of Jason.  Michael says No..Jason wouldn't want that. They go to GH. 

Sam cryin' to Jason not to die.
Whatever. I think Sam has been at "a Jason's bedside" at least 30x in my viewing lifetime and he's been to hers 22. UGH. Weren't we JUST here? Wasn't Sam having a damn viral attack? God those kids aren't going to know their parents. And I hope they have great insurance.  Molly comes in and says Danny wants to see his parents. YOU THINK? 

Sonny in Jason's his bedside "I think I know what I have to do" he says. (Stay in the mob, right??) 

Dante is in the chapel.. thinking about Jason. HE wishes Sonny liked him as much as he likes Jason.  LOL. Lulu thinks Sonny might get out of the mob. AHAHAHA. Yeah, nope. 

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Last Rites

Oh WHO COULD have stolen that necklace? Oh, Valentin has it to Nina in front of the Security guard. Probably all paste now LMAO 

Anna is talking to Maddox about the jewel heists. NICE to remember he was in WSB. Thank you. 
So, I suppose the Valentin being a jewel thief COULD be good if they write it right and exciting. (stop laughing). COULD HAPPEN! 
Maddox wonders why Anna wants to do the diamond thing. She doesn't want revenge on Valentin, she wants to follow the case. Valentin sold jewels to this "Cassandra" person.  She's the one that would market them.
I am speculating that Valentin is also Cassandra :)  LOL

Griffin and Dr. Dave-- they are talking about Marasol. She's paralyzed. Her parents are crying. "What can you do for her Dr.""??  He calls the hospital priest to give her last rites.  Griffin comes out crying--he yells at Ava.  Marasol is dead.  He goes to the gym and works out his upset on the boxing bag. Ava sees him shirtless. Swoons. 

So, Kiki goes on a an observation with Dr. Dave. He asks her what she speculates is wrong. She is hesitant, he is gruff. She says the patient's tremor could be due to being nervous with Dr. Dave. He's all gruff again. Calls her JEROME-- as in "Hop to it, Jerome"!!  He says later she has empathy and is doing well. 

Curtis doesn't have Hayden with him. Finn is bummed. Curtis found a trail and it led to LAX and then Hayden called him. She told  him to go to a hotel room and there he found a suitcase. (but no Hayden). Hayden wrote a letter to Finn.  "forgive me but forget me'. Um, you got his baby in there, girlie. SO...NOPE. 
OH! Wait...Hayden writes she lost the baby-- Finn cries hard. So does Hayden (in another frame). Is she lying or???
YEP She is..they show her later, standing up, still pregnant. LOL I knew it. She'll return at some point with a kid in tow. As old as time, that story! 


Kiki calls Dillon..I think he might have a fever? Is he sick?? 

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Sunday Surgery: Singing the Bluesberry-Jam

It will come out! Use some soda water and baking soda!! 

The weeks are FLYING BY! Now it's September and the 'end' of summer on soaps. If GH had any sense (and the money and 1/2 the cast) the Morocco jaunt COULD have been a fun August fling. Little adventure, intrigue--Cassadine shennanigans. But.. you know. Nelle was there so...sad horn. Giggle 

You know we are eating jelly donuts, right? 

Friday, September 1, 2017

Squirt Guns

I totally forgot about Silas and Anna LMAO-- hee hee. WELP.  They are all upset about A) the diamonds and B) Hayden.  Guess who's worried about who.

Diane and Alexis are on-- yeah!! They are at the Floating Rib.  Diane says Sonny's going legit. Alexis laughs "yeah, that worked out really well with Julain, right"??  Diane explains why Max is better than Julian. Doesn't lie to her, respects her yada yada. 
SUCH GREAT dialog about Julian and Alexis fighting her feelings for him. I can't get into it all, but Diane is mad that Alexis is compromising herself and Alexis is explaining her feelings. Nice and felt very natural. CH and NLG did a great job. Bravo. 

Jake and Franco playing Squirt Guns. Jake finds the Bro Photos. Jake wants to find more. Franco says no.  Jake is so into Franco's 'imaginary friend'! 

The kids are at Monica's... Sam is waiting for the surgery.  CarSon brought food for her. Awww. 
Then CarSon talk about the damn shooting a million times. OMG, get this Sonny says he HAS to stay in the mob because everyone ELSE is so nasty!! Yep. HE's gotta be the good one in there. OMG AHHAAAA
Then Carly says that Sonny getting out was a stupid idea. She knew who he was, and shouldn't have asked him to do that!! She's so sorry. (Barf) 
Later, Franco walks in. The boys (I guess Cam and Aiden were home in the attic) are with Lindsey. He finds out Jason is shot. Says he's sorry to Sam. She says "get out of my face".  Carly yells at him too. He goes and pouts. 
Sam texts Alexis about Jason. Alexis leaves and goes to GH.

Anna and Finn are visiting RayHay's Dad.  They argue a lot. It was kind of strange.  Then they talk to her Dad. He says no way is the Montenegro diamond from that necklace. Not his. Nope. He says he doesn't know where Hayden is. That's it.

SO..if the diamond and necklace is gone-- maybe Valentine did both? He's an international jewel thief?? 

OMG my cable went out at 2:54!! I DIDN'T SEE THE VERY END! On a Friday!!? Seriously!!? GEESHHH!! Sorry. Someone on twitter said at the end Curtis texted Finn and said he found Hayden. 

The summer is sure winding down, no?? WOW.. Labor day is coming soon!  Oh, "Squirt Guns"... why that title? Jake was hosing down Franco with one! 

Monday Monday

  WOW, do we have a nice weather here!! Just gorgeous. All weekend was beautiful and now it's up into the 70s and maybe 80s tomorrow.  T...