Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Back to School!

LATE!!  First day back to work and holy heck, I'm tired!! LOL... 3-5 year olds take it out of you!! 


Griffin pulled away from Ava-- he wanted her to "heal" not kiss her, geesh. Ava is horrified. Poor Ava. Who says no to MW's charms? Ava reads Griffin hard-- "you won't let anyone touch you"!! "You are the one hiding"!! They need to have Matt C just be the hot sex man we know he can be. I can't stand him like this. 
Oh her face make up is awesome. 

Krissy and Parker. Lexi looks really good--now get Valerie back on here. YEAH! She comes out and Parker is so jealous!! 

Carly and Michael talking about the VIO-LANCE.  Carly blames herself about the five families and the shooting of Jason.  Michael says No..Jason wouldn't want that. They go to GH. 

Sam cryin' to Jason not to die.
Whatever. I think Sam has been at "a Jason's bedside" at least 30x in my viewing lifetime and he's been to hers 22. UGH. Weren't we JUST here? Wasn't Sam having a damn viral attack? God those kids aren't going to know their parents. And I hope they have great insurance.  Molly comes in and says Danny wants to see his parents. YOU THINK? 

Sonny in Jason's his bedside "I think I know what I have to do" he says. (Stay in the mob, right??) 

Dante is in the chapel.. thinking about Jason. HE wishes Sonny liked him as much as he likes Jason.  LOL. Lulu thinks Sonny might get out of the mob. AHAHAHA. Yeah, nope. 


  1. I gagged at the line by Dante that to Sonny he was just "the cop that got shot trying to infiltrate his organization." These new writers who live in lala land can't even say " he was just the cop who HE shot when he tried to infiltrate is organization!

    I'm also so tired of the cycle of violence followed by moaning and crying by bedsides. And I'm especially sick of Sonny in the chapel. I'm a practising Christian and I gag every time he's in their talking to HIS God. After all they write it as if God only hears the prayers of this psychopatic mobster and all his victims and the innocent collateral damage are just chaff in the wind.

    I also hope they're not going to have Kristina go back to Parker, or have a few months of "will she or won't she"scenes. Poor Kristina didn't even know the TRICK of rocking a baby. lol Too much time in the attic as a kid.

    Poor Danny. Sam couldn't walk downstairs and talk to him. They're writing her as a lousy mother who never sees her kids.

    I liked Ava's talk with Griffin but I don't want him to have a romantic relationship with her. Why do they have to tie every character to the mob, or to criminals.

    OK. lol Finished venting now. Too much of da mob today. Put me in a bad mood.


  2. Dante and Sonny: Sonny whining. Too bad Griffy wasn't there for Sonny.

    Lante: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Jason's room: WHAT THE HELL?!!?! Jason is in a coma, but they aren't showing his face?!?!!?! So the next time we see him, he will be Steve Burton?

    Outside Jason's room:

    Sam, Krissy, and Molly: Oh goodie. Krissy will take Cheeto out, and Molly will take baby Trim out.. Strange.. Why can't Krissy and Molly go out together with the two kids?


    Val and Lulu: Oh great scene!!!!! Little awkward at first but it got better. :)

    Parker and Kristina: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. OH HI VAL! :) Parker all jelly.

    Val and Krissy: Oh sure get Parker jelly at first, but then Val and Krissy will fall in love right? Old school soap 101! :)

    Carly's home:

    Carly and Michael:

    Michael: Or are you just overly dramatic and making this about you?

    ROFL! Go Michael! :)

    The gym:

    Grava: GREAT SCENE!!! :) Hawt kiss and Ava giving him truths after the kiss!!!! SHE GOT YOU THERE GRIFFY!!! :) He is scared after Claudette! Miss Pinocchio nose! Ava wins the line of the day.

    Ava: Yeah sure you do! When you are not screwing married Parishioners!!!!!!


  3. I thought it was weird they weren't showing Jason's face too! What's up?

  4. sonya said...

    Jason's room: WHAT THE HELL?!!?! Jason is in a coma, but they aren't showing his face?!?!!?! So the next time we see him, he will be Steve Burton?

    ** I doubt it. That to me sounds more like wishful thinking by some people, than it actually happening.


    1. The writers don't even know what they are doing. I wouldn't be surprised if Steve is in that bed. LOL
      Throw Steve and Billy against the wall and see which Jason sticks.

  5. Yes, Sonya, they did not show his face, I noticed that too, I now am waiting for him to be SB.

    Krissy and Parker KEEP running into each other, this means that they will be together. I don't think they will make Val a lesbian, it would be nice to see a great friendship between her and Krissy that does not have to be romantic--the younger women on this show need more girlfriends. I am SO glad they are using Val more, having her with Krissy and reuniting with Lulu. She has a GREAT look, and is a really good actress, I think.

  6. AntJoan said...the younger women on this show need more girlfriends. I am SO glad they are using Val more, having her with Krissy and reuniting with Lulu. She has a GREAT look, and is a really good actress, I think.

    I agree. The social part of the show has almost completely disappeared. Now it's just couples fighting or crying.

  7. Every time Sonny starts praying in the chapel I expect the roof to cave in on him

  8. nance24 said...
    Every time Sonny starts praying in the chapel I expect the roof to cave in on him.

    It showed Carly praying there today with the big cross behind her and I kept expecting her head to start spinning. lol I actually giggled throughout the scene.

    I would love to have those padded pews though. I've been in churches in N and S America and central America and Europe, and I've never seen a padded pew.


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...