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Seriously-- a Surgery Mid Week! Dr. Bensch is stoked! |
When I get frustrated, you know I love to take to the blog and just---well, speak my mind! I have no idea what in the heck is happening over at GH ABC Headquarters but it can't be all that good. It seems like they are throwing everything but the kitchen sink at this show. I thought I'd list for you (in no particular order) the on-going stories that are clogging up the dial. Don't forget that within each story lies 50 3-4 minute scenes. Yep. They are so chopped up we can't even get long pauses at a guy's coma bedside!! The show feels like I'm on a hamster wheel. I know Jean left...we have a new co-head writer who's stuff is coming and now...some chick I don't even know joining the staff. A woman people are basically afraid to talk about. Mention Bloom and you get blank stares, laughter or screaming.
Great. Can't wait.
Here are the things currently on our plate:

Jason Coma Watch 2017 ( guest star, Spinelli!)
Jason Hoodie-Mask Watch 2017
Franco "Who's my Little Friend" Adventure (guest starring his mom!)
Ava's Face Fix (guest stars: "Russian" people!)
Kayak Killer Nelle
Shriner Special Charity Event (guest starring Londyn!)
Charlotte's Never-Ending Custody Battle
Krissy and Parker: The Occasional Love Story
Sonny's Not Leaving the Mob, Damn IT!
Curtis and Jordan's We're on a Break, Not on a Break story
Man Landers (with guest star Jennifer Bassey!)
Griffin's Guilt Priestly Penace
Anna and Finn's Find the Diamond in Monaco Caper (guest star Jessica Tuck!)
Kiki Dreams of Being a Doctor (guest Starring JDP!)
Not sure if these are still happening but they were a story at one point:
Aunt Stella Hates Jordan. Yes, yes she does.
Ned was going to solve he and Olivia's problems--then?? Break?
Alexis is.......I guess waiting for William DeVry to get back to Julian can get out of Jail?
Is this really all JDP is going to do? Walk 2 feet down the hall with Kiki and growl medical terms?

Oh, Felix. What have they regulated you too?
Ok, what did I forget --because I'm sure I did! LOL. I don't even bother to mention Brad and Lucas anymore.
**When was the last time we saw Avery? Ava and Sonny spent years fighting over that baby. Yet--? Um? Also--Scout? She's going to turn 12 before we see her again. (not even mentioning Cam and Aiden)
**Why would Ava wear that mask in the clinic? I mean, seriously. She's going to get surgery. Everyone knows what you look like, lady.
**Hoodie Boy sitting out in the open but is SO DANGEROUS. (at least try here, will ya?)
**Why do we care about this damn diamond? Because of Valentin? So that Finn and Anna can be totally apart from the cast? (sigh)
**If Amy, Kristina and Kiki are all friends why don't we ever see them BE friends?
I think it's hysterical we are "in" Monaco and Russia ...lol. Everyone speaks English with bad accent (again, at least TRY).

I feel better getting that off my chest. Just a maze of stories that I know are (mostly) going NO-Where. This Jason thing is going to kill me. I swear. ..you know he's gonna be in that chair for AT LEAST another few weeks. Or, he'll get out and no one will see him--he'll skulk. I still say he and Billy Miller don't meet until Nov sweeps or Christmas.
Ok, your turn! Use one word to describe General Hospital in it's current state.
Total suckage.. oops that's dos.
ReplyDeleteFrustrating. Sorry, I just have to add that I CANNOT STAND the Krissy/Parker story. Krissy may be an adult, but she still looks like a little girl. Parker is older, and a professor, and together, at least to me, they look horribly wrong . . .
ReplyDeletei agree about krissy and parker. parker looks about 50 and krissy about 18 with that famous scowl.
ReplyDeleteI agree with the comments about Krissy and Parker. Krissy actually comes across as less mature than Molly. Parker looks like her mother. All of these storylines are such crap.
mishmash (presented as a kaleidoscope )
ReplyDeleteAnd I FF'd through baby faced Christina and Parker. Krissy's backup made her look even younger and the bewildered look on her face did nothing for the sick feeling in my stomach when I watched her.
ReplyDeleteBut I do want to day that I am loving the scenes between Scotty and Franco. Anybody else think their work together is fabulous??
ReplyDeleteMolly seems to have really, ahem, "blossomed," she can give Sam a run for her money.
ReplyDeleteA Happy, Healthy and Sweet New Year to any fellow "members of the tribe."
ReplyDeleteThanks AntJoan and wishing you and the rest the same!!
ReplyDeleteishouldreadmore, any scene and anyone with Scotty is fabulous.
I agree with K. Clusterfuck.
ReplyDeleteI'm on board as well with Franco and Scotty. Scenes are very entertaining.
ReplyDeleteWho cares! Steve Burton is back!!!!!
ReplyDeleteOff topic: Jason Thompson has a new daughter. His wife gave birth yesterday to a girl. Rome Coco.
ReplyDeleteTrying. GH is trying to be a compelling show. It's also trying our nerves. I was just thinking about the Kristina/Parker thing. I don't remember as much revulsion when Ava and Morgan hooked up. To me, it's a May-December thing with questionable motives on the older partner's part. Just like it was with Ava and Morgan.
ReplyDeleteYES: Kin and Roger are GREAT together... just two actors,not taking life seriously and riffing. LOVE IT.
ReplyDeleteI don't care about Parker/Krissy age--THEY HAVE NO CHEMISTRY. Period. Now, for me-- Val and she does. There's a spark there. That's what I base my couples on. The actors' chemistry is like 90%, writing 10%. Two people with natural oomph can made magic out of even the worst writing
AntJoan said...
ReplyDeleteFrustrating. Sorry, I just have to add that I CANNOT STAND the Krissy/Parker story. Krissy may be an adult, but she still looks like a little girl. Parker is older, and a professor, and together, at least to me, they look horribly wrong .
** I totally agree. Between yesterday's (Wed) and today's (Thur) episodes, there was something else that struck me, that's a pretty big factor in itself: Kristina is FAR too immature in pretty much every way she comes across. She acts like she is only still in junior high. Not the in her early 20s, which she is supposed to be.
kdmask said...
ReplyDeleteYES: Kin and Roger are GREAT together... just two actors,not taking life seriously and riffing. LOVE IT.
** DEFINITELY one of the best parts of GH right now. They're both such amazingly talented actors. It's SO obvious they LOVE working together, and it's just natural with each other. Making Franco Scotty's son was one of the best things RC did, IMO.