Thursday, September 7, 2017

Punching Bag

IT's Thursday and here we go! I'm home at 2:00 so let's see how it goes. 

Curtis lost ROXY! Oh no!! They look for her. Sexual tension ensues. They kiss. BUT! Jordan pulls away because, you know. Gotta keep this see-saw going. 

Jake talks to Franco. May as well just kill off Cam and Aiden at this point. It's just a joke. Franco talks to him about Jason being in the hospital. Screw you Cam and Aiden LOL. Jake pulls out a photo of Old Face Jason saying how different he looks now. Later, Liz and Franco talk about what it would be like if Jason lived with his old face and this guy showed up. It was confusing but obviously in there for a reason.

Liz talks to  Sonny--filler. OMG for ONE line...then Michael comes along and Sonny can be all guilty with him.  Then Sonny leaves and... Bobbie comes in to talk to Michael. I take it they can't have everyone in one place? 

Carly talks to God. HE Is even bored up there in heaven. I think I've seen 900 chapel scenes in my lifetime. 
Sonny comes in. He's all mumbly and his BIZ and Jason and how now he has to stay in Da Biz. Carly is all cool with that and wants to be by his side..even if she has to protect everything. 

Ava and Griffin. "Don't go" says Griffin to Ava.  Ok, I'm not seeing any sexy in his voice. Seriously.  Maura is selling this 900% but boy Griffin is just flat as a pancake here. Not feeling this!! 
Griffin says he's still honoring his celibacy vow. Huh?  Ava leaves. 
Later, Sonny comes in and punches the bag as well. Ava is gone. 
Ava goes home to call Valentin to get the face-fix 

END: Jake gives Franco a photo of Jason as a kid..looks just like his imaginary friend! Ergo, I would think if the FIRST Jason was with Franco then Jason 2.0 and Old Jason are identical?  Not that I care. 

Chris Van Etten is not listed as co-head writer yet. Still has Jean on there. 


  1. ava is too old for griffen. no chemistry. he should be with liz. start out slow as friends.

  2. I agree. I loved how Ava called him on his hyopcracy but I don't want to see him with some mobster femme fatale who's much older than him.

  3. It looked like you said that that Curtis had sexual tension with Roxy, and then they kissed . . . Did I miss something, or were you being funny?

  4. I didn't watch yet, so I re-read what you wrote. You said THEY looked for her, so you must have meant Curtis and Jordan.

  5. Sonny only religious when it's convenient for him to be. Quite frankly the chapel scenes are just filler for writers anyway. Why not challenge Sonny's faith in some manner?

  6. I finally caught up on Wednesday and watched yesterday's, of course fast forwarding through most of it, but MW was outstanding - what a great actress! I admit Griffin may not be the best choice for a romance, but the scenario is believable.

  7. Finster's hotel room: Oh! Finster is away to work on himself? That's great!!

    Jurtis: Curtis looking for GuGu hahahaha. Love that Jordan helped!!! Love the HAWT kissing!

    Curtis: I am dangerously close to falling in love with you Jordan.

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. :)

    Liz's home:

    BobTodd and Jake: Hmmm invisible friend is REAL! DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN.

    BobTodd, Jake, and Liz: Liz wins the line of the day.

    Liz: Yeah he's fine. He is still sleeping.

    ROFL! Jake knows that Jason is in a coma!!!! No reason to say he is sleeping!! Hahahahahha. Shhhhh he is sleeping. Let's be quiet so we don't wake him up! Hahahahahaha.

    The hospital chapel:

    "Karen says Carly talks to God. HE Is even bored up there in heaven."



    Sonny: Whine whine whine. I can't get out of the business. Whine whine whine. I tried. Whine whine whine. I have to let you go. Whine whine whine.

    Carly: No Sonny! I can't live without you!! I tried. I refuse to let you go!


    Outside Jason's room:

    Michael and Sonny:

    Sonny: Whine whine whine. Whine whine whine.

    GO MICHAEL! You are more mature than your father is!!

    Michael, Bobbie, and Nelle: Bobbie is all like

    Bobbie: Stolen necklace? What? You don't say?!?! Oh I gotta Carly this right away!

    The gym:

    Grava: Griffy you are just SKEEEEEEERED!! Let your heart open up!! You are not a priest anymore!!!! Don't be skeered to fall in love!!!!

    Griffin and Sonny: Oh YAY! A scene with them!!! :)

  8. "AntJoan said...It looked like you said that that Curtis had sexual tension with Roxy, and then they kissed . . ."

    ROFLMAOPMP! You just cracked me up!!! :)

  9. yesterday's episode....blame, guilt, Jason, blame, guilt, Jason...blah, blah blah. Loved MW though , amazing

  10. Is there anything more boring than listening to characters doing the "It's all MY fault" guilt trip? That kind of dialog is so repetitive. All the GH stories are stalled or uninteresting now. It's all filler, just waiting for Saint Steve Burton Jason to finally make his appearance and somehow save the show. Zzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    And yes, Maura West is an outstanding actress. Her friendship with Griffin would help to redeem the Ava character, but it's definitely a mismatch of a romance.

  11. Hrrrm, for some odd reason again, this post didn't fully go through last night. (Though, my connection was pretty spotty and unreliable last night) At least there hasn't been much activity since last night. So I'll try this again.

    For Thurs 7:

    Di said...

    I agree. I loved how Ava called him on his hyopcracy but I don't want to see him with some mobster femme fatale who's much older than him.

    ** That was great! And VERY deserved. Really, he's just been frustratingly wasted, ever since he first showed up in PC. I really can't think of anything that he's been fully vital to. The whole mess with Claudette/Charlotte really could have been done with just about anyone else randomly picked up off of the streets. There was the whole mess that was the return of Olivia Jerome, which he ended up being a minor part, at what was really the tail end of it. As much as I have enjoyed his connection with Anna, Robin, and Emma, that feels more like an afterthought, though. And I don't think that's even been one full hour of screen time total.


  12. sonya said...


    Sonny: Whine whine whine. I can't get out of the business. Whine whine whine. I tried. Whine whine whine. I have to let you go. Whine whine whine.

    Carly: No Sonny! I can't live without you!! I tried. I refuse to let you go

    ** I wonder if when this whole storyline was being written if Jelly really thought that there was ANYONE AT ALL watching that actually thought this could really go any other way, than it is.


  13. Sept 8th episode.

    Finny's hotel room:

    Jurtis: Ewwwww they made the luv in Finny's hotel room! Gross! I hope they wash the sheets!! Glad they are back together though. :)


    Maxie, Amy, and Nathan: Oh my gosh! Stop with the damn Man Landers already!!!!!!

    Stella, Jurtis, and TJ: Stella don't go!!! The writers just need to give you a storyline!!!! Oh when she saw Jurtis holding hands I thought she was going to flip out! ROFL! Oh good Stella isn't leaving. :) Love that Stella wanted to give TJ money for college. Awwwww. :)

    Friz's home:

    Scotty and BobTodd: Scotty you are acting funny. Do you know the truth, but you want to keep it secret? If you do know, why keep it a secret? Yes Heather is a good place to go to get the truth!!!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Lulu and Valenina: Oh Lulu shut up about Nik's death! He is alive somewhere for crying out loud!! I mean there was no body. And Spencers and Cassadines are known for them coming back from the "dead" Now just think about little Charlie and what is best for her!

    Ava and V.C.: Great scene!!!! But Lulu stop staring at them! GAH!


    Maxie and Nina:

    Maxie: Is it really the worst betrayal you ever suffered?

    Oh shut up Maxie!!!!! That is such a rude and obnoxious line!

    A Steve Burton return date promo.

    That promo looks pretty cool. :)

  14. "K says I wonder if when this whole storyline was being written if Jelly really thought that there was ANYONE AT ALL watching that actually thought this could really go any other way, than it is."

    Yeah I know!!!!!!

  15. sonya said...


    Maxie, Amy, and Nathan: Oh my gosh! Stop with the damn Man Landers already!!!!!!

    ** As happy as I am to have Maxie back, (It'a been VERY long overdue, but KS health definitely comes first) This does REALLY have to stop. I'm HOPING that the story she gives Nina to get back to Crimson, is what puts an end to this crap, finally. (Even though Maxie has NEVER been an investigative journalist)

    Friz's home:

    Scotty and BobTodd: Scotty you are acting funny. Do you know the truth, but you want to keep it secret? If you do know, why keep it a secret? Yes Heather is a good place to go to get the truth!!!

    ** I don't think Scotty knows anything. Remember how absolutely floored he was when Heather told him that Franco was their son, at the gallery showing. To me all that looked like on Fri was just Scotty being pragmatic, more than anything else, which is the way he's always been for the most part. Because when you think about it, were this not GH, and were those involved are the ones who are, Scotty's take on what Franco was thinking/asking him about, was just reasonable common sense, that was a much more likely answer,



Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...