Thursday, September 21, 2017

Special K

OMG Burton sitting in that chair forever is going to KILL ME. Why can't someone just come back from the dead and WALK IN WITH BALLOONS!! I'M HERE! IT'S ME! Tra-Lah-Lah!!! 
New doctor comes in and tells Ava he's taking over her case (he's cute...and American, no stupid accent). He tells the nurse to give Burton a tranquilizer. 
Oh, Burton almost stood up but then sat down when the doctor came in.
Ava: Wait, is that Special K? 

Doctor: Yes... but it's not called that really
Ava: Isn't that a horse tranquilizer?? 

THIS IS WORD FOR WORD almost!! bahahahhaa! 
Later: Jason tries to stand. Ava interrupts him. Guess we're supposed to get his strong despite the shot. Ava hears the Doctor on the phone saying he can't give anymore drugs to the guy or he'll kill him.
END OF SHOW: Burton stands up.

Curtis and Jordan. Sonny's ruining them too with his mob crap. I guess Aunt Stella is too expensive to have around to mess them up? Or does Sonny have to be in every story?? TJ is off camera filling out financial aid forms.
OMG I was totally wrong-- TJ was there!! He's on TODAY!! He's talking to his mom about Sonny and her job and Curtis. "didn't bother you when Sean did it" Ooooooo!! BURN!!  Jordan cries because she's made bad choices. 

Curtis leaves and sees Valerie in the park. He talks to her about his troubles. She said "will you make sacrifices for Jordan"??  He turns down Sonny when he calls.  Goes BACK to Jordan's and tells her, she said she was too harsh.  So....they are back. For this second. 

Parker and Krissy...hold hands at Kelly's. Krissy says that guy hanging around is her body guard, then tells her about her brother in law in a coma.   They end up kissing. Parker says it's inappropriate and could end her career.  She's not into it. 

OMG Lulu and Valentin are draggin' their crap to the Shriner's Hospital. No one needs that when there are kids running around. Valentin and the Mother go talk to the doctor about Bailey. Mom wanted him there.  PSA spot for Shriner's. 

SONNY and SAM talk about JASON. And guess what -- BILLY Miller's face is back!! He's in the bed. 
Today's show on a sleep scale:  2.2 sheep. That's all you need to count before zzzzzzzzz


  1. kd said... Or does Sonny have to be in every story?

    ** Yes because this has turned into the Sonny show. The connections used to be to the hospital and the Quartermains but that ended when TPTB became enamoured with "da mob".

    Krissy looked real PO'd at the end. Glad the Parker is gone, unless they have Krissy getting all vengeful and linking that story to da mob too.

    1. It's been the Sonny Hour for many yrs, too many to count. I'm surprised they haven't changed the name yet.
      So off topic:I posted this the other day and guess nobody saw it. Jason Thompson and his wife welcomed a baby girl, Rome Coco on Sept 20.

  2. The park:

    Curtis and Valerie: She gave good advice!!!! Glad Curtis took it. Love that Valerie loves Curtis's aunt! :) Valerie wins the line of the day.

    Valerie: Don't push it cousin.

    ROFL! Oh please let Stella adopt Valerie!!!! :)


    Karker: UGH! Karker kiss. UGH! Zzzzzzzzzzzzz. Oh hi Valerie!!! Damn it I want a Valerie and Krissy kiss again and I want them to have a relationship!!! Vrissy for the win!!!

    Jordan's home:

    TJ and Jordan: GREAT SCENE!!!!! Glad Jordan is taking TJ's advice..

    Jurtis: YAY!

    New hospital room/Headless Jason's room: Oh look!!!!! Jason has his head back!!! The operation worked!!!!!

    Clinic: Oh look! It's FrankenJasoNik!!! HORSE SHOTS?!!?!?!?!?!?! :0 Well apparently it's not working anymore. Man that one doctor was hot, and now this new one is hot too! Is it time for Ava's surgery yet? Ava is so drawn to FrankenJasoNik! Really Ava? You thought that he is Nik? :) Could be! :)

    Shriner's hospital: A back brace for Bailey YAY! Oh so the nicey nicey from Lulu wasn't fake, cool! Oh boy Dante used the transporter again.

  3. I LOVED Jordan and TJ, and Jordan and Curtis. They all are really good actors, and TJ has grown into such a nice, handsome young man. Saying how his mom is the best--I was tearing up!

    Oh PLEASE with Parker and Krissy, if Parker is so not wanting a relationship with her, why did she HAVE to talk to her, why are they always in each others' faces, and WHY did they kiss? Someone here said that Ava and Morgan also had an age difference, but Ava was not Morgan's professor, and Morgan was big and strong. Krissy looks so tiny and puny next to Parker, it just doesn't look right . . . Parker also talks to her like you would talk to your daughter or niece--or student. . .

    If Patient 6 is so dangerous, WHY do they keep in a common area where Ava just keeps talking to him? And why does Ava keep talking to him when told this will jeopardize her chances of the treatment she needs? I guess Ava is just being Ava, no one can tell her what to do . . .

  4. "AntJoan said... And why does Ava keep talking to him when told this will jeopardize her chances of the treatment she needs? I guess Ava is just being Ava, no one can tell her what to do . . ."

    She is just drawn to him!!!! :)

  5. As far as only just today FINALLY seeing Billy Miller again, I THINK it was a combination of him just being off when that stuff was shot, so they just used it to kick up speculation about who SB would be playing again. Since it's cheaper to just show an extra's body for a few episodes, than to just pay Billy Miller to lie in bed for a few days. That's definitely something I could see FV doing, budget-wise.


  6. sonya said...

    Clinic: Oh look! It's FrankenJasoNik!!! HORSE SHOTS?!!?!?!?!?!?! :0 Well apparently it's not working anymore.

    ** It's what vets use to tranquilize horses. (My grandparents on my mom's side of the family ran an outfitting business for quite awhile, and I do remember some stuff horse related and what not. But, that was 30+ years ago at the LEAST. So, things probably have changed since that time. I'm just going by my memory.) Really, that should've knocked him on his ass, that would be one enormous tolerance his body has built up, in light of how much he could actually move around. In otherwards, that was just laughable.

    Shriner's hospital: A back brace for Bailey YAY! Oh so the nicey nicey from Lulu wasn't fake, cool! Oh boy Dante used the transporter again.

    ** Now if we can just get the writers to actually write normal dialog while talking about which ever issue they are, instead of having people sounding like they're reading what they're saying from someone with cue cards standing behind the cameraman. It just sounds SO stiff.


    1. The nice nice from Lulu wasn't fake? Really? LOL! Val is no saint and he's fixing Ava's face so she won't give her statement or whatever. Lulu isn't the bad guy here, and at least she and Val both kept it civial at Shriners in front of the kid.

  7. It's so ridiculous that "Jason" is supposed to be dangerous yet he isn't even in his own room, and they brought out the huge needle again, LOL. When are they going to start on Ava's face - it's like she is just staying in a resort? I know VC is no angel, but I have really grown to hate Lulu - so inappropriate to be confronting him in a children's hospital waiting area. Love seeing TJ - that kid is adorable and a good actor, but the back and forth with J and C is tiresome. And Parker and Krissy - I agree, no chemistry, too much of an age difference and Krissy looks young enough to be with Oscar. She actually seems to be getting younger all the time, which she will be grateful for as she gets older but it doesn't help here.

  8. I don't understand why people continue to watch if the show is so bad. Most people on this blog bash the writing, actors and directors 90% of the time. The show was close to cancellation a few years ago so I'm just glad it's still airing. I'm sure ABC has to do things within budget so everything may not be as we would like it, or how soaps were many years ago.

    1. I think mostly it's that we are tired of Sonny and the mob, the bloated cast and choppy story's. I'm pretty sure 99% people would agree.

  9. It was another Papa Papa Papa day. Appreciate all they do for Shriners hospitals but that kid drives me crazy saying Papa!

  10. You may as well get over it. My kids call their father Papa. There are lots of countries who don't say "daddy." This is the third time I've seen you address that on this board.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. When John Ingle returned to the role of Edward Quartermaine, he just walked in the front door and yelled "Alice, I'm home." Everyone looked at him and asked where's he been. That was the way to handle an actors return.

  13. I love how that doctor walked all the way down the hall talking on the phone then opened the door so Ava and patient 6 could hear him

  14. LSV422 said...

    I know VC is no angel, but I have really grown to hate Lulu - so inappropriate to be confronting him in a children's hospital waiting area.

    ** Yeah, she's been turned into someone I don't recognize at all. At LEAST VC has been trying to compromise and work with Lulu when it comes to Charlotte. He made a very good point, also. How in the eyes of the legal system, his record is even better than her's. Yeeh, he's done a lot of crap. Which now that I think about it though, not a whole lot different/worse than Luke did over the years.


    1. Refresh me cause my memory sucks, what exactly has Lulu done that makes her just as bad or worse than Val? I think she did kill somebody, Cooper or something, maybe? Like I said bad memory.

  15. Michelle Latta said...

    I think mostly it's that we are tired of Sonny and the mob, the bloated cast and choppy story's. I'm pretty sure 99% people would agree.

    ** That's definitely one reason. For me at least, I've been watching for ALMOST 40 years. After investing so much time into it, makes it harder to quit also. And of course, there is soaps ALWAYS have their ups and downs. So patience is essential.


  16. Michelle Latta said...

    Refresh me cause my memory sucks, what exactly has Lulu done that makes her just as bad or worse than Val? I think she did kill somebody, Cooper or something, maybe? Like I said bad memory.

    ** Yeah, she killed him in self defense. He definitely could have benefited from a couple decades worth of therapy. I never liked him anyways, and generally just tries to forget his existence. The ONLY time I can even remember him even coming up at all since then was when Laura and Scotty first came back about the time of the 50th, and were remarried again for about 5 minutes, he brought him up to Lulu at the time.

    I loved John Ingle, my fave Edward.

    ** His and David Lewis' versions were very different. I loved both, JI's I always thought was MUCH more "bark than bite", More and moreso, as time went on.



Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...