Wednesday, May 31, 2017


I guess I missed a big show yesterday. Oh well.

Valentin's in the hospital. I found out on Twitter that it was a THUG after the CHIMMYERA. :eyeroll: 

Jordan and Curtis in bed. 

Anna explaining the Chimmy to Laura and Lulu. blah blah...

Sonny and Carly talking to Dante about Morgan's PILLSssszzzzzzzz.  Bitches about Ava non-stop. 

Epiphany tells Kiki about her Mom being burned. 

exposition day. 
I must go. 


Sunday, May 28, 2017

Sunday Surgery: Having a Ball Yet?

Oh, Just set that thing off already, will ya? 
Well, it was a weird week for me at least. I watched Mon-Thursday then didn't see Friday's show until Saturday. FF really helps--lol. Sometimes I think all the commercials are just making the show seem to drag during the live watching. 

*Most of the acts-- the actors put it out there and for that, I applaud them. I wish more were actually in the variety show but I'll take what I can get.   
*Krissy--Valerie chem test. Sure it was a Burt's Bees promo but hey, don't care. Just get them on more than 2x a month and maybe we'd have something!
*Mario was a decent addition. Cute, did the red carpet well. 
*Helena-I'm glad she's an illusion. I do wish she would be in full on Kabuki Makeup however. Give her some more creepy :) 
*Valentin singing and playing piano because I had no idea


*Not having Robin for the actual Ball.  I get that she's Pregnant but she was on at the airport. Put her in there.  I was hoping she'd have her baby during it. But...GH.
* Too many damn BREAKS between acts. Used to be the NB would be a day or two with almost all acts. A break here, there. Now it's all break and one act. 
*Not having Lucas and Brad there. It's the one time I could count on seeing them together
*Double Ditto for Alexis and Molly. Um, Krissy was in the show....? 
*Mac should have been there to avenge Mr. Marbles
*I was sad Nina wasn't her usual fun self on the red carpet. I get it was part of the story line but I like her goofy when she's interviewing.  
* Nelle the Kidney Princess-- because zzzzzzzzzzz. 

Let's talk about some other snarky stuff, shall we? 

LULU's DRESS: Dear GOD--come on! LOL.. we didn't even wear this kind of maternity tent in the 90s! There are so many great gowns for pregnant ladies out there. I'm sorry but it was a funny distraction. Like, REALLY funny. The material and color were gorgeous but--hell, anyone could have been hiding under there! 

NURSE AMY:  She does have a great voice. I'm sure she's a good actress--but man, can they write her LESS ANNOYING, please??? And get this--she's going to have a story line now. Stalking Nathan or some such non-sense. It could be interesting if they did a stalking thing right but I have NO HOPE. None. Zippo. It will be a filler until Ms Storms decides to get back.

I looked, and I found no less than 10 photos of THIS EXACT BILLY FACE. 

THE CHIMERA:  What a terrible story this mess is. I can't even begin to explain it all.  Jake wandering around like a zombie, staring at that damn can for DAYS ON END is not good TV.  BM sure seems to think this is stupid too, he hardly even tries anymore.  The Helena will reading was over a year ago. In all that time we saw Jake being a little creepy for a few weeks at the start of it all. Then he WAS GONE for almost the entire rest of the year!  Now all of a sudden it's BOOM! Here you go. If they were going to have this story get some life, strange stuff should have been happening for awhile. (and I'm not talking that stupid scarecrow) It's just all-- not very well planned or executed. 

BACK ENVY: Oh, you have NO IDEA how I've wanted to be able to look like this in a dress!! In the 70's Cher was my beauty idol. Think about it: a tall, olive skinned beauty with long long black hair compared to...well, Cindy Brady with short-waist. LOL Anyway, it's why I'm giving Liz best dressed. Love the print and oh, that back..

YES.  I'm not even a Valerie fan but lets get some people under the age of 40 that have life and maybe an angsty story. 

BEST OF THE WEEK:  (acting, not story) 

And Finally: Give Maura West ALL the awards. She was superb-- and acted the hell out of that scene. Carly and Sonny being all "you do anything to protect your kids"--like they don't do that lol. Like MORGAN never switched Michael's meds. Like Carly wouldn't claw some chicks eyeballs out to save Michael or Joss. They call him "little boy" AHAHAA.  But--that's not the point. Maura even got visually  SHOOK in that scene..sweaty, pale. Perfection. 
Don't get me wrong, this story was ill-conceived from the get go. Having Morgan go through his bipolar story, at least there was a purpose. Having Ava switch the pills out turned it into one more damn plot point. It's taken since Oct to get to get here.  Was it worth it? No, because Maura West could have had way better stories than this.  Hearing Sonny's hate spew out for yet another time--could have lived without it, thanks. 
PS. Ava's get-away jump suit was way better than her ball gown! 

The lantern was a good touch but I wish Ava would have used the gun and mowed Carly down. 

Ok, MONDAY'S SHOW is a repeat.  Not sure which one but if I were you I'd enjoy the Memorial Monday. See a parade, hang a flag--thank a vet, eat some picnic food. 

What did you think of the Nurses Ball? I am happy and grateful we still have it.  I would however, like to see it done up the way it should be! 

Friday, May 26, 2017

After-Ball I have a family thing I have to get to so I won't be able to watch live. Looks like The Ball is over and the Chimera will do it's thing and CarSon will confront Ava. 

Spoiler ahead so don't read if you don't wanna know...

Ava somehow gets disfigured by fire? Maybe the gun backfires? Not sure-- but I saw a pic of her in a hospital bed with her face bandaged up. 

AND..Happy Birthday to Genie Francis!! Ok, I gotta go-- hope to see you soon!! 

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Chimera on the Loose

Morgan's PILLS with Ava/Lucy and Carly and Sonny.. later Lucy tells them Ava was sleeping with Morgan and she threw the pills away. Sonny is all: AVA HAD THEM PILLS? Lucy said she saw her throwing them out October 29th. OMG that's how LONG. 
Carly and Sonny figure out Ava did it to keep Kiki away from Morgan. Scotty yells at Ava to GET outta TOWN! 
Sonny goes in to beat up Scotty.
Ava runs to--?? Not sure...oh the gallery. She has a bag that has a passport and money.

Valentin and Anna talking about selling the CHIMERA to Helena. He wanted a new face and fixed back.

Backstage, Jake sees Charlotte with the Chimera beer can and takes it and shoves her away. Nina's mad.  Jake is alone later, putting away the Can--and Helena shows up and "tells" him she's disappointed. 

Anna talks to "the room" (Liz, Jason....Maddox) about the BIO-TOXIN Chimera. Jason is all "OMG I saw that on the island-- Jake drew it!! What is UP"?? 

Ned and Olivia sang "Faith" ...Wally Kurth is so talented.  Lisa did ok too but Wally was really good. 

Curtis and Jordan: OMG...these two are isolated from EVERYONE--and their back story happened OFF CAMERA. zzzzzzzzzzzz He gets a room and they sleep together. 

Dillon does Bowie.  Kiki's there too. It's Bowie and my 80s memories so--no thanks. He's ok but... not that song. 

The finale was "Hallelujah" which was nice, but all I can think of is SNL.. LOL sorry.  Amy, Felix etc have great voices.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

It Started in 1994

I want to See You Be Brave

Just thought I'd stroll down memory lane today. The number with Emma and "the girls" was cute.  Then we had CHIMERA talk,  Ava/Sonny Pill junk and Kidney Nelle wanting Michael. 

So, today, Sonny talked about Morgan's PILLS,  Krissy and Valerie promoted Burt's Bees lipstick, JaSam studied the CHIMERA necklace.

Valentin sang a song and played the piano for Nina. He took Dr. O's spot-. Nina was all teary eyed.  Then Anna ran after him and Curtis stopped Nina from going.

Maddox tells Sonny the pills are placebo. Dante tells Sonny Ava was at the bar when it was robbed.
Sonny's gears are turning.  

Joss sings an original song. It was nice. Michael put it on speaker for Nelle and Princess Kidney woke up! Awwwwww.

Jake decides he wants to go home, not do his show. Charlotte and Emma get his magic kit and arm/turn on the Chimera Beer Can. 

OMG there are SO MANYBREAKS in this show!! I mean, I know that it started getting breaks to fit stories in but it USED TO BE ALL SHOW-- !!! JUST THE BALL with people doing acts. 

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Nurse's Lounge

Sit back a bit and take a load off! I had a meeting until 2:15 so I was a bit late  I see the red carpet is progressing! Nina looked great-- Ava looked old Hollywood.

Where's Rocco? 

Where's Robin? 

Nina looked great.  Ava looked like old Hollywood.  Lulu looked..well...9mo PG and just like she was going to float away!!

Chimera necklace--DON'T CARE

Sonny and Maddox discussing DA PILLS. He spills them out and spies something in the very bottom.... a broke and crumbled pill. Maddox takes it to the lab.

Ava wants to drop a check

First number takes places in the Hospital-- they play a film to the Ball Audience-- we see it like it's live. Felix has a deep voice. Bobbie sings!

Of course there's no Cam or Aiden! 

Monday, May 22, 2017

Before The Ball

Kiki has her Nurses' aid certificate. Ava tells Kiki that Avery is spending the night at Ava's. You know THAT's not gonna last long, we know that. 

Carly and Sonny-- BLABBERMAMABLABBERDADA OMG, these two. Carly's mad Sonny cooked for "her lawyer". Martina is like "I quit"!!  They yell, Sonny mentions Jax..Carly gets all bitchy. 
Nothing new. 
Jax... Martina... TIT FOR TAT 
Carly leaves. Martina says "You can go after her" Sonny says: I don't go after anybody, not even Carly.
okay then! 

These two are boooooring lately. I know shippers love when their couples are all happy but-- eesh. Maybe the stupid Chimera story will put a fire under their butts  They are having Chinese Food and kids in sight. He gives her a VINTAGE motorcycle jacket. 

Nina is still yapping at Valentin about Anna. Later, Anna walks in--I think it's her, she has black on but you know GH, could be switched up. NO idea. Don't care. 
Guess it's Anna. Nina tells her to go away and that watch "you gave him is a spying device" and Anna of course doesn't know about it.  Val walks in and yells at Anna 'What the HELL are you doing here"?? 
She tells him about Alex (She should have BROUGHT ALEX with her!!) 

Later, Nathan tells Nina about Alex.  Alex was taken away by the WSB. So is this the end of the story? How stupid--the OMG. 

Helena was in Jason's livingroom as a hallucination after he had sex with Sam. "I warned you" she said.

No Robin today.  IT was SUCH A FILLER SHOW. ugh

NEW RATINGS LOWS for DAYS AND GH: Soap Opera Network   Read it and weep! 

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Sunday Surgery: A Dime a Dozen

This week moved like a snail--on Sominex. I guess they were so busy with the Nurses Ball, the stories just went out the window. I  I DID watch every show, so no yelling at me for that.  It was a chore though.  
BUT!!  I'll make it easy this week and give you 12 of the most important things to know: 

1. Julian is NOT a Rat. Sure, he may have murdered guys-- even roughed up and almost slit his wife's throat but-- HES NOT A RAT.  Oh, well, yes... he has been trying to get Sonny for years. Sonny has tried to get Julian convicted and Julian has done the same. They wanted to put each other in the slammer. BUT NOW? Nah...why would he do that? He's not a stoolie. No way.  Won't sign an agreement to get Sonny arrested.  BECAUSE HE'S NOT A RAT, DAMN IT! 

2. Even after laying in a hospital bed for weeks, Anna can still stab an evil bastard doctor in the neck when she needs to. 

3. Nelle's in BIG pain... in her KIDNEY.  That's right..her ONLY KIDNEY. Dun dun dun...

4. Rocco does NOT get chocolate chip pancakes on school nights!! That is, unless Charlotte sleeps over because it's oh so special. Oh, so very, very special. 

5. Laura gets an earful from Brad about Finn's pee being positive and tells him to take a hike. She also seems to have found some bright over-sized flowy summer frocks. 

6. Robin and Emma flew in from California in time for the Nurses Ball. They run into Alex (not to be confused with Anna who stabbed the doctor)  at the airport and Emma immediately knows something is wrong. Oh, and Robin? Yeah, she's still pregnant. 

7. Sonny once again used his dimples (and some pasta) to get Martina in bed. Carly walks in however, and well.. the jig is UP!   Like we haven't seen that 13,000 times before. 

8.  Finn's Pee Tests? Tainted by Brad? Oh no, silly rabbit, it's Ze naughty, mean Dr. O who's been in the lab mixing up "urine trouble" for Hamilton Finn.  (urine trouble, get it?!)

9. That F'king CHIMERA thing is in Jake's "Magic Box"-- and Alex and Anna are looking for it. They had a scene "together" on Friday. Alex paraded around her Chimera necklace for Anna to look at. *sigh* I could care about nothing LESS than this story.  It's supposedly a weapon. I hope it has biological agents in there to wipe out 1/2 of the town. 

10.  Lucy gets ready for the Nurses Ball next week...traditionally a pretty good ratings pull for GH. Many people tune in that haven't watched all year. 

11.  Hayden is pregnant. (I can't even remember the last time they had sex, can you?) Hayden decides she wants to have the baby... Finn is happy, I guess.  You know--hard to tell. 


12. Aiden is, indeed alive.  No Cam sighting least this guy isn't working the coal mines this week. 

The ongoing PILL Switch story is still happening, I guess the "reveal" takes place during the Nurses Ball. I know people like Sonny with Martina but--what's the point?  Is Carly going to be jealous? Do we care? This couple has been divorced a BAZILLION TIMES. The Chimera thing?  Bringing back Anna's twin in this context is just--dumb.  This isn't a intriguing sci-fyi story, it's not a nail-biter 'who done it'. It's NOTHING.  Nina's thrown in there as the jealous wife-- tedious. Julian..?? What's going on there?  Finn's drug addiction? We know he's not addicted. We've lived through this lizard-serum story long enough. Hayden is now pregnant. Which, again, I don't care. This couple is so isolated that they sit in the damn hospital hallway talk most of the time.   GH has so many kids it's ridiculous. I bet they are going to throw a scare in there because of the medication Hayden was injected with. 
Will their baby be HALF LIZARD??? (Bearded Dragon!!!?)
Kiki and Dillon--dull, dull dull.  Jordan and Curtis? They are on the 2 week half-rotation choppy cycle. Valerie was on this week, giving Jordan the what-for.  I didn't even recognize her. 

Positive Note: I love the kid that plays Rocco. He's a natural-- camera loves him and he just delivers his lines perfectly. 

Side Note: I need to know from people that never watched AMC and who didn't know Anna has a twin.  Was this the weirdest? I mean, it was never presented to the audience before hand-- and it was basically 'revealed' when Anna woke up in London. So-- did you have any idea what was going on? It just seems like if I was watching and had no clue or backstory I'd be so confused. Alex hasn't been referenced in what? 20 years?  

So, next week is our Nurses Ball. Here's hoping it's fun and entertaining. Last year was the serial killer mess. (oh man, was that a disaster!).  
Oh, and I'm hoping and praying no one I like dies and gives their kidney to Nelle. Or even donates it. 

Friday, May 19, 2017

Finally Friday

Brad talks to Dr. O about Finn.  Later we see Dr. O-- NOT Brad tampering with the urine test. 
And we get a close up of the Finn pee--SO GROSS. 

Everyone is getting ready for the Ball. Jake is doing a magic act. 

Robin sees Griffin and tells him Anna "isn't herself" .

Sonny talks to Martina about MORGAN. wants her to 'stay with him'

Carly is trying to order Ava around in the park. Um, Carly--you get NO SAY in Avery's life!!! Later she goes to talk to Sonny about Ava and finds 2 wine glasses! What else will she find?! 

Anna/Alex talking about the Chimera -- blah blah blaaaahhh. Don't care...don't care SO DON'T CARE...

Thursday, May 18, 2017


A song for you today!! I heard this in the car--and I was JAMMIN'!! Such a summer song!! 

Ok, Brad was on.. Hayden looks like death today?? Don't like that makeup. She and Ham are trying to scam Brad about his PeeTest. Hayden's pregnant. She needs to make a decision--about having the baby.  She says she wants to have the baby now, he's happy. But his DEMONS are strong and he knows she may not want him around the kid.

OMG, Alex is tied to the stairs with the scarf--she's not dead. Hey, she tied PAUL up to that same banister, remember? 

Eyeroll. Whatever.  Dr. Evil calls Alex to tell her Anna escaped. 

Alex goes to the airport to escape before Anna gets to PC .  Oh! Robin and Emma are at the airport too!  Alex doesn't know what Emma is talking about when she mentions some graphic novels she gave her last visit. "Something's wrong" says Robin. 

Laura is on the hospital board because Tracy gave her her spot. Brad comes up to her and tells her that there's a "situation" at the hospital. He also tells her Monica and Tracy covered up for Finn.  She tells him about opioid addiction (PSA) and until Finn fails a drug test, he's fine. 

Lulu and the fam are eating. And...when Valentin comes in, the social worker pops up for a surprise visit.  They tell her about the arrangements they made for Charlotte yesterday. She leaves.  Lulu and Val argue. (surprise) 

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

It's 89 HERE! 89!! LOL

Lante playing Memory with Char and is that? Oh Rocco. 

Nelle in the hospital and Michael is there and-- Nelle's KIDNEY is compromised. You know how I feel about that. 

So did Valentine really kill Alex? Hmmm..  His neck looks really skinny today to me lol. 

Oh the British nurse is talking Anna's side and kept it from the doctor that she woke up. 

Sony and the NuGirl, drinking scotch. Whatever. 

Nicholas B tweeted this today! 

Bobbie and Carly talk about NuLawyer (Martina?? )   quitting.  Carly's jelly.  *SIGH* 

OMG Maddox is calling some pharmacist about THE PILLS!! That's still out there--up in the air?? LMAO!! GEEZE. 

I made it to 2:27--tell me if Alex is really dead, ok? thanks!! :) WUB YA

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Watching the LAST 15 min today..change of tactics? Not really. I was busy, busy! 

Griff had no shirt on...sooooooo

Friz are all making out on the couch. 

Nina tells Charlotte to stay overnight at Lante's...I'm sure that's to piss off Val. 

Alex wants the Chimera. Cripes. Val says he's been addicted to "her" since the Academy.  Then he says he's going to end it and walks towards her with a scarf. Commercial. I guess we are supposed to think he strangled her because the next time we see him he's talking to Nina at the Metro saying "You'll never have to worry about Anna EVER AGAIN". 
Like they'd kill off Alex now. LOL Whatever. 

OMG I think Nelle is going to need a damn KIDNEY LMAO!! LOL  If I hear KIDNEY ONE MORE TIME@!!!! UGH

Jake talks to the beer can with the lion on it. 

Anna tells the nurse she's Anna NOT Alex... and that the doctor is in on it. 

Monday, May 15, 2017

England's National Health

Anna's in"LONDON"...which is basically Ava's old cancer room in NYC.  But the nurse tells her she's Alex. Anna can't talk, something is wrong with her speech. Oh, Call the speech pathologist! 
Alex is drinking wine with Val. He tells her Nina left him. She gets all giggly... he gets giggly. Oh brother. 
OK, So Anna got switched out after she said to Griffin "I have to go find/see someone" --that was the end of March.  So Anna has the cancer and she's in London right now. Alex has been in PC for like 2 months at least. 

Julian is on. He's offered a deal to go back home and help trap Sonny so they can arrest him.  Julian said NO. WHY???  Because Julian wouldn't WANT Sonny in Jail? That makes no sense.
Alexis is talking to Scott...blah blah blah. 

Jason is all bruised.  "The scarecrow was me" says Jason. He's telling Liz about the island. Zzz

Jake is in the park.  HELL...Aiden is there too! Am I seeing things?? Nope! He was allowed out today with a soccer ball! WOW
Franco and Liz are in the park.

Then,  Friz and JaSam are ALL in the park. Jason goes to talk to Jake about not being afraid of him or "the scarecrow". 

Watched until 2:30 today! 

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Sunday Surgery: Chain-Smoking

It's Mother's Day and I saw GH one day this week. That means I get to play my favorite blog!! I go grab pictures off Twitter and see if I can guess the "dialog"!! 
I'm not missing the show all that much... they are on the cycle up of one story...cycle down of another.
BTW, I watched the day that Jason and Franco were chaining each other up in the scarecrow patch. LMAO. I pick them well. :eyeroll: 


Hey Dumkofs!! Knocks its off!!! You look like two lovers getting readys for ze zex! 

What is it? 
How did we see this in the pitch dark? 
Wanna chain me up? 

MOM! Tell her to stay away from me!! 
Stay away from my Lulu! 
NO way, she's a bitch, trying to take Charlotte away
Now, a psychologist I must say...
All the Ladies: SHUT UP KEVIN!! 
Wub Note: Were Laura, Lulu and Kev going to a funeral??

Oh..Mom, I remember the happy times...
Carly, that's a photo of Michael in a coma..
I know, was so special...

And....I just flash my dimples and---BAM!  It's a gift! 

Oh? My cancer? Well... yes, I know.'s manageable.  I'm  coping. It's difficult. You know, with the memory loss...and..
Memory loss?? What memory loss?
Pardon? Um...oh, nothing.nothing. You look pretty today. Did I tell you that? 

Yah, well.
Um...what do you want to talk about? 

My urine? 
Ok, let's just sit here. 
Exciting, yes? 

Nelle! Why are you out here, don't you know it's dangerous? 
Well...I'm dangerous, Michael.
No you're not.
Ok, I'm not...but it's badass to stand here and talk.
Well, as long as you don't get ..I don't know, hit in the head or anything...
Don't worry.  Like that would ever happen...

COOL! Look, I got a magic set!! Wow.. what could this be?  It's a NOTE?? Did that creepy UPS guy leave it? What is it? Says 'TOP SECRET" must be really exciting...right? RIGHT? 

Oh, large, handsome body goon... you should have seen some of my other boys. One I even stabbed in the eye with an ice pick!  I miss those days...that and when we had real rocks on our set. (Coughs because of fog machine) 

Come on, Andre...look at me in my LuLuLemon outfit..don't you notice anything that's "off"?? Can't you see this GIANT NECKLACE I have around my neck? No? Here, let me play with it and have the camera give a close up.  Isn't it great to be outside on our one set?  Did you see my necklace yet? Did you? 

Why am I here? Well, I have to be on once a month to be considered recurring ..I think. I dunno.  Maybe to make you and Curtis more interesting? Aren't I interesting? 

Here is the beer can oh mistress of the island....
Oh my, it's much more than that my twisted henchman...much much more...
What? What is the beer can with the picture on it? 
Wait...wait for months perhaps years until I decide to tell everyone. 
Yes, master...I mean mistress...

Oh. My. God.  Am I gonna screw with my contract demands... like, BIG TIME! 

Between Jake's Magic kit and that Chimera thing, I'm waiting for ABC to offer decoder rings for us to order....only $45 plus postage and handling. 

Ok! That's it!! I GNFs about the Chimera story --NONE.  Don't care about anything this week. Sad. 
I suppose I'll tune in for a day or 2 of the Nurses Ball. 

Have a great Mama's Day to you mothers out there-- 

Monday Monday

  WOW, do we have a nice weather here!! Just gorgeous. All weekend was beautiful and now it's up into the 70s and maybe 80s tomorrow.  T...