Tuesday, May 9, 2017

This is Sweeps?

Image result for gh 2017 nurses ball
OH, Mario Lopez is going to be at the Nurses Ball this year. 

I flipped to GH to see what was up since I last watched:  
Charlotte Custody
Carly blabbing about Sonny 
Sonny trying to cover his ass
Sonny bitching about Ava 
Franco and Jason on Cassadine Island. 

Wow......didn't miss anything, huh? 


  1. Yeah - see my comment from SS - all Sonny 24/7 now.

  2. I saw the promos yesterday where it looked like Franco was on Cassadine Island. First, how did he get there in, like, 5 minutes? He would first have to book a flight to Greece, get the plane, get from the mainland to the island--I know, I know, this is a soap, but this is NUTS!. . . Plus, isn't he unemployed? How could he afford the airfare?

  3. If it's going to be Sonny 24/7 there will be a lot of fast forward. Anything new on Roger's contract? I'm hoping there is a better brand of writing for the Cassadine Island story. I don't want to watch a Jason Franco fight fest.

  4. I have a question that has been bothering me for a while now. When did Micheal change his name back to Corinthos? He legally changed it to Quartermaine but I don't recall him ever changing it back. Yes he forgave Sunny but that is not changing your name.

  5. Michael changed his last name back to corinthos a while ago.I was wondering how Franco could afford the airfare to Greece as well I guess working in ghs garage pays well because the last I heard he was broke.

  6. Sonny's fake restaurant:

    Sonny and Martina: Oh he is trying to charm her!!!!

    Sonny: She is a lying murderess bitch.

    Oh like you are Sonny?! :)

    Sonny and Krissy: AH HA! We got it confirmed by Krissy! She and Amy are living together!!!! Sonny do you think they are dating and want to learn more about it? Hahahahaha! Oh Krissy is back in school! YAY! Good for you Krissy! Hmm so Krissy gets her trust fund never year? She is a little young to get it.. Isn't she like 20 or 21?

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Nina and Nathan: Love when Nina gets excited seeing her brother hehe awwwwww! :) Oh oh a text message from Maxie! No no no Maxie will come back!!!!

    Nina and Lulu: Wow Lulu wow!!! You want to take Charlie to Buffalo? Yeah I don't think so!!! That violates the rules!!! I love that Emme Rylan is hiding her baby bump with black clothes and a HUGE purse! :)

    Lulu, Laura, and Doc's table: Oh there ya go.. Lulu whining again.. Oh come on Laura! Stop your crying! Nik is still alive!!!! How many family members who you thought "died" and then came back? Even your family thought you were dead! So what a waste of scene.

    Metrocourt hotel:

    Carly and Bobbie: Bobbie wins the line of the day!

    Bobbie: Oh stop it! Jax is a billionaire! An adventurer. He can discover a new country and buy the damn thing for Josslyn.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Well she has a good point. :) Jax will be back though. Eventually.. Hopefully soon! Oh my! More talk about Pilly!!!! When are they going to show Pilly again?! I miss Pilly!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Martina and Carly! HOLY COW!!!!! Sonny's charm worked on Martina!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA! Martina you should not have slept with Sonny! You have become SO dumb!

    Greece lobby:

    BobTodd and Jason: Oh my! Jason is so close to him, are they gonna kiss? Well it looked like it anyway.

    Cassadine Island: Oh wow! Jason is remembering!!! Yes Jake must have seen Jason get all chained up!

    The REAL park:

    V.C. and Alex/Anna/Alex/Anna: Geez everytime she smiles at him it looks like she is flirting.. So V.C. sold Chamira!?!?! Hmmmm to Helena?! Why does Alex/Anna/Alex/Anna want it?!

  7. Looks like GH's Jagger is running for Congress.

    Antonio Sabato, Jr. will run for the 26th Congressional District seat (Ventura County in California) in 2018.


  8. dear wanda,

    not sure how far he will get. he did a full frontal scene in the movie Testosterone and you know how stuff like that tends to kill a political career.

  9. I also mentioned the absolute absurdity of Franco showing up on the island. That and Sonny again were enough for me to fast forward almost the whole show.

  10. LSV422 said...

    Yeah - see my comment from SS - all Sonny 24/7 now.

    ** Since Jelly has taken over, EVERY sweeps period has pretty much been no different at all than every other month. Y&R on the other hand, has got things going on right now that really make me look forward to every day. I do have to wonder though, with DVRs and services like Hulu and Netflix, and "on demand" services from the cable companies have changed the TV landscape and how viewers can watch everything, when it's convenient, if the whole concept of sweeps is in the process of, or already has been phased out. Things are so different now, than they were even 10 years ago. Just a thought.


  11. Anne Long said...

    Michael changed his last name back to corinthos a while ago.I was wondering how Franco could afford the airfare to Greece as well I guess working in ghs garage pays well because the last I heard he was broke.

    ** Actually no, it still is Q. It even still says so on his office door at ELQ. I suspect he just goes by Corinthos informally now, but it still is Q, technically. (It's just Jelly's very sloppy writing that makes it confusing) I would LOVE if he went by Q only still like he did, before caving in when Sonny was shot.


  12. sonya said...

    Sonny's fake restaurant:

    Sonny: She is a lying murderess bitch.

    Oh like you are Sonny?! :)

    ** Pot, meet kettle!

    Sonny and Krissy: AH HA! We got it confirmed by Krissy! She and Amy are living together!!!! Sonny do you think they are dating and want to learn more about it? Hahahahaha! Oh Krissy is back in school! YAY! Good for you Krissy! Hmm so Krissy gets her trust fund never year? She is a little young to get it.. Isn't she like 20 or 21?

    ** I would think when it was setup for her, it was just setup so she would get it at a younger age than when other people set them up to get them. I don't think there is any law that says a person has to (whatever age set) to access it, is all. Having never had one, or having to set one up for someone else, I can't be certain. But, it makes sense.

    ** Watching her gush about how great Amy is, was very nauseating, though.

    Metrocourt rIestaurant:

    Lulu, Laura, and Doc's table: Oh there ya go.. Lulu whining again.. Oh come on Laura! Stop your crying! Nik is still alive!!!! How many family members who you thought "died" and then came back? Even your family thought you were dead! So what a waste of scene.

    ** Not to mention her mother! It was great to FINALLY see Kevin again today, even though he pretty much just sat there. (And the black turtleneck with the black jacket was just...odd)

    The REAL park:

    V.C. and Alex/Anna/Alex/Anna: Geez everytime she smiles at him it looks like she is flirting.. So V.C. sold Chamira!?!?! Hmmmm to Helena?! Why does Alex/Anna/Alex/Anna want it?!

    ** It's pretty obvious he sold the Chimera project to Helena. (Which makes ZERO sense, even if he did need the money for the surgeries, he absolutely despised her, and everything about her. Granted, Jelly seems to like to change his personality/history/motivations every couple of weeks, wo who knows.)


  13. david said...

    not sure how far he will get. he did a full frontal scene in the movie Testosterone and you know how stuff like that tends to kill a political career.

    ** Were we not living in what seems to be some alternate universe, I'd completely agree. But, after everything that's gone on in the last year or two, I definitely would not put money down on him to lose were I in Vegas.


  14. I think that a man doing a full frontal scene will not cause him problems like it would for a woman. There is still a double standard, you know.

  15. Believe me, if he did a full frontal scene, and has a great "package," I'm sure men (and women) would admire him for it. Of course, I don't know the status of his package, but am thinking that, if it wasn't pretty good, he wouldn't have shown it.

  16. At least he wasn't grabbing ladies private parts.

  17. It was spectacular. Trust me.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...