Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Auld Lang Syne

2014 was certainly not the best year for those I love and I'm hoping that 2015 brings some sunlight into some dark corners. Most of you know my best friends lost their son in May, and it's been an unbearable journey. There will always be that sorrow that follows everything we do now. It has taught me to say I love you to just about everyone in my life as often as possible. That old saying  "you just don't know" is so damn true it can break your heart. So many things that seemed urgent or stressful just fall to the wayside now. Being happy in the place that you are and finding joy is something to strive for. 
Hug that person next to you...or dog or cat or yourself. Have that drink, take that trip ---eat that dessert. Play The Game. 

Again, thank you for reading--you are why I'm here.  Raise a glass to the New Year and do a spin around the room for fun.  Cheers. 

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

New Year...New You

OOOOOOOOOO It's almost 2015.  Maxie was so quick to run back to PC and Nate is in Portland. WHOOPS. Soapy Soap or what?  NOW he's in Beecher's Corners not where he should be!!
Dante and Lulu bring them a dinner -- with ribs and then they eat them. 

AND..then, Maxie drives to Beecher's Corners and Nate drives to the apt in Port Chuck. Oh how funny (eyerollin)....such a screwball comedy. 
OH and thennnnn, Maxie gets to the airport in Beecher's Corners and her car gets towed! Oh AHAHAHAA. UUUGh. Anyway, they are FINALLY together for the New Year. 

Duke and Lucy--Anna and Sloane. Whatever, whateverrrrr

Ned and Alexis and Jules is all jelly. 

Liz and Ric; he shaved. Yawn 

Carly and Jake are talking at the Metro Bar. She hates Ric, btw. If you didn't know. She hires Jake as her new bartender.  But he can't mix drinks so he passes out champers. 

Nikolas arrives with a new chick, red head or auburn.  They "met in the elevator and had an instant connection" LMAO

Carly gives the toast. People kiss. Yada yada


Monday, December 29, 2014

NEW WSB info!

I was thinking Lucas hasn't been around in a long time--has he? Geesh. Someone on FB was talking about Maxie and wondering why she was in such a hurry to get home since she hasn't seen her kid in FOREVER. Which, if you think about it, makes no sense. 

SO, it's MONDAY--- I suppose I have to get my ass in gear and do some spoilers. I'm too tired now, and frankly, zzzzzzzz. Just get that Fluke crap OVER with. I so don't care who he is.  Plus, I'm hating the fact that he's totally telling Julian to KILL people and Julian doesn't do it. Um, you are so bad???? YOU DO IT! Obviously Ava and or Julian will FAIL every time so, step up! DID JULIAN kill her?????? of course not.  Another 30 min of my soap life waiting for people to talk while they have guns pointed at each other. 

Maxie is in PC and NATE is at SPIN'S. Oh geesh. They so WANT TO RING in the New Year together! IT's so tragic!!! HOW can they DO IT??????????? how??????????? He's coming back to PC. Whatever.
Frisco is the head of the WSB now, btw. YEP. Maxie dropped that nugget. And Frisco called off the investigation on Anna.  (about the Faison thing) 

Fluke is acting all weird again. HOW THE HELL can't anyone tell that's not LUKE is killing me. Duke is playing with this tea again today. He's been playing for that tea for 2 weeks. Anna is making him think she'd dating Sloane. But Sloane is only telling her the investigation was stopped by the head of the WSB, Frisco. 
Duke asks Lucy out for New Year's 

Sam wants to talk to Paddy about the kiss. zzzzzzzzzzzz. They want to go "one step at a time" and they kiss again. They are going out for New Year's. 

Jake is moving out. Liz says "Stay for NYEve"....

THE CLOCK CHANGED from 3pm to 9pm. LOL... time passages. 

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Sunday Surgery: Desperate Times

20141226 1037(9)

A week of fun, cheer and KrampusKlaus... then it was New Years! WOO HOO... love the time jumpin. GH does it so well. "This week just flew by" said Maxie .

I was in NYC Friday. WONDERFUL time seeing "Here Lies Love"--a concert type play that was just amazing. This blog will be really disjointed and probably make little sense as I'm trying to play catch up. Forgive me the minor bumps/mistakes I may have! honor of the season and it being magically 2015, let's have some champagne and chocolates. 

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Twas the Day After Christmas

And I'm off to NYC!! Seeing Here Lies Love...from two of my fave people; David Byrne and Fat Boy Slim!! Sooo, you'll have to do the blog today. I hope I can watch Sunday and do the Surgery that afternoon.

Hope your Christmas was Merry and Bright! 


Thanks for your readership all year! Hope you and yours are having a great day. Cheers! 

Wednesday, December 24, 2014


Or whatever Dr. O called him. LOL. Pretty Funny... All the kids, awwww. Except Aiden.

That girlie looked JUST like Bradford, wonder if it's his daughter? She was a cutie. Someone on twitter said Becky's kids were on the GH Set, so many people had their children in tow.

So, Dr. O was the one that got Judge W to change his mind about Maxie. In flashbacks we see Dr. threaten Monica with her job--and Monica convinces him to let her see her baby. They are all Kissy! 

Jake and Liz.......almost kiss and Ric walks up. Liz and Ric hug and cry. Ric wants her back. She says "I've dreamed of this" and kisses him back. Awwww. 

Paddy gave Sam a keychain from Amsterdam.... they kiss under the mistletoe in the hospital up on the Titanic deck. 

Alexis and Julian say goodbye again. (Paving the way for--well go see spoilers up there) 

Dr. O sings "Noel" to her son...aww. 


Merry Christmas Eve!!! Santa and his elves are very busy today! Hope everyone is enjoying this special time!

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Joy To the World

HOW PERFECT is this for me?? Twubber Carrie found it! LOVE...So, we have 2 days of GH because they aren't going to show a rerun on Wed due to the president last week. I will be in NYC the day after Christmas so--- no show for me then. I hope I can get to Sunday Surgery but not sure about that either!

Jingle the way, it's warmer here and MUDDY. Why couldn't we have had our little dusting this week? Oh well. 

Fluke is walking around...he's acting like a zombie. Jules thinks it's the real Luke. Then, Fluke pulls a gun on him. Then, says "KIDDING"..then tells Julian he's NOT the real Luke, he's FLUKE.
Carlos now knows that it's Fluke. Fluke orders Julian to kill Jordan. *sigh*

Ric is saved by Shaun and Jordan-- he's got quite a beard going.  He wants to go home.  Alexis is going to tell Molly he's alive. 
Doorbell rings, it's Ric. 

Jake and Carly talk. 

Kiki and Morgan kissed.

Maxie tells Nathan she can see Georgie. They exchange presents before she goes to Portland. Nate gives her special shoes and puts them on her awwwwwww. 

Sonny, Johnny and Franco. Johnny hates Franco because of the Lulu bomb. And Sonny says he's going to have FRANCO RAPED IN JAIL! 
"once you've been passed around like the bitch you are, then I'm going to kill you"..
NICE. So GH like. Good God, and here it is almost the holidays. 

SO GLAD I'm not going to be around much. Guza must be so mad he's not around writing this. It's his dream come true! Just blow up something and he'd be golden! 

Monday, December 22, 2014


Says Sonny's the Daddy--but we know how many times it could be messed up. What if Morgan isn't even Carly's kid? LMAO...anyway, I'm Joking.
Hey, the test only says the baby isn't Morgan's it doesn't say.

Anyway, I was out to a Christmas Lunch with the GIRLS..had Sam Adam's Winter Ale. I love that beer. Only caught last half of GH.

Where's DIANE? for Pete's sake? Franco has a 15 year old repping him. Come on, Diane!! Anyway. Todd is off to Pentonville with JZ and Sonny. Here's their show coming to Pentonville soon: 

Nina freaks out in the courthouse, says she can't go without Franco.  

Maxie and Nathan..playing Connect Four.  Judge reversed his decision. Maxie isn't sure why. Spinelli will come soon! 

Johnny gave the "kill order"..because Shawn was scoping around. Sonny goes to kill Johnny with his toothbrush and FRANCO stops him. Good lord. He flew there 

Danny is out of his crate.

Carrrrrrrlos goes to kill Ric but Jordan and Shawn show up with their guns. 

RIP JOE COCKER. Had the pleasure of seeing him 3x in concert. Great songster. 

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Sunday Surgery: Winter Solstice

20141219 0532(22)
I was given what? zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

There has to be down weeks in soaps and man o' man this was IT. So much narrative and so much NOTHING ELSE. Then the Prez interrupts Friday's show which was going to be the Ric in the trunk, baby DNA day.

So, why don't we eat some EGGS OVER EASY-- and get to it. 

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Show Airing Details!

SOD posted this:

The Friday, December 19 episode of GH was preempted nationally, so the episode that was originally scheduled to air today will now air on Monday, December 22. Instead of airing a repeat episode on Wednesday, December 24, an original episode will be now be broadcast on that date.

Friday, December 19, 2014



Anyway....ABC is going to preempt the show nationally so we will ALL SEE IT Monday! 

Thursday, December 18, 2014


That's what Duke's having!! :) 
He's talking to Shawn about the biz. Then he talks to Julian about the biz. Shawn and Carlos look on.

Jordan wants to tell TJ about her being undercover. BUT Anna wants her to stay in to help find Ric.

Johnny's garage; "Ric" is in the car trunk. We don't see him or hear him. SO there's that.

Nate wants Alexis to work with Nina-- She's like no way...she's been too nasty to her daughter.  She now says she will because she's a lot like her (Well, her family).
OK then.

Liz and Sam are BLABBERING FIGHTING over everything..whatever. Sam says "Jake is NO Jason" LOL
I so don't care about the Jason vs Sam/Liz history. DO NOT CARE. Nada.  Liz tells Sam to "back off" JakeFace

Nina and Franco..blabbering in the jail. Blabber.blabber.  Alexis comes in. Nina says she has to rep Franco too. LOL

Jake won't see Kevin 

Nate calls Spinelli 

Toys for Tots!

Michelle Stafford provided this adorable photo on instagram-- Frank V is in the background! 

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Most boring DAY EVAH

UGH. BOooooooooooooooring.

The only thing that remotely happened that was worth it was Mike telling Kiki and Morgan to get out of the Brownstone.

Other than that?
Sabrina and Patrick. He tells her about Victor Cassadine
Nate/Maxie...Maxie cries
Sam and JakeFace..Did you or didn't you? Jake: "nope" ..Sam: "yep"
Sonny and Shawn: blah, blah... yada yada Sonny says Johnny is taking over so he can save Ric
Ava and Silas: Blah blah...yada yada then Sabrina comes in to say she's sorry. And Ava accepts it.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

STILL counting those VOTES!

Yep. Maxie tells Lulu that Mac and Fe are at city hall about a meeting on the "recount" --Um, Okay then! Diane didn't show up for court either.
Geesh, all them actors not available??????? Alexis is her lawyer sub. The lawyer that trashed her as a mom before. Oh, the judge knows she was seeing Nate!  How? HE was picking up MONICA for lunch and saw her in his room! So Mon and he are still dating. 

Dr. O tells Jake how wonderful HE IS WITH CHILDREN in the ward--she wants him to "fingerpaint" with them. Not that there's anything wrong with some amnesia guy WITH NO NAME running around the kids.

Nik and Spence are talking. Nik finds out Helena was at the docks and goes to call security. She walks right out of the wall! LOL OMG Nikolas sends Spencer away-- NO!! I Miss him already.
Nik and Helena hug..and she's not letting him call security.
Helena tells Nik to be the PRINCE or she's taking everything.. all of IT! 

Olivia says she likes Ned. And Ned wants to be friends. She doesn't want to see him at all if he wants to make a go with Alexis. Which, he does. 

Sam is trying to tell Dante Jake is the gunman. Whatever. Dante can't find his file. 

Monday, December 15, 2014

General Hospital WUB AWARDS 2014

Welcome to the Best and Worst of GH from the WUB AWARDS! 2014 was very up and down for me. Luckily, it's ending itself on a roller coaster, which always makes a soap fun! I'm calling 2014 "The Year of Tears and Fears". 



RUNNER UP:  Kelly Thiebaud

ACTOR OF THE YEAR:   Roger Howarth 


Eastern Seaboard

So, Johnny's taking it over. In exchange for Ric's life, he wants Sonny to tell his people to work for him now. Yeah right.

Julian is in court. Carlos is trying to talk him into joining Johnny's mob too. Julian pleads not guilty and Carlos gives him 200K in bail so he'll join the new Mob Frat. 

Carly visits Franco. Just so we can hear her mouth run again. UGH..Then, Franco asks to "use the bathroom" (there are NO toilets in those cells???) and goes by Nina and talks to her a lot. The guard just stands there. 
Um duh.

Kiki is that baby's guardian. I bet she names her Coco. ahahha. I don't know but it could happen. Silas is going to do a paternity test.  You CAN buy them at Walgreens now.  Silas says the only way to do a quick one since SonnyMorgan are so close in DNA is to test Carly. @@ don't ask. 

Ned and Alexis at the Metro. Olivia gets in some good digs about Alexis' over easy eggs. LOL. But theres' a fake out where Olivia makes a plea for Ned. STUPID fake-out. GH has way too many lately.  

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Sunday Surgery: Maple Syrup

20141212 0747(5)
Well, hello, Dudley! 
WELP. The baby is back...only it's mama and everyone around her is basically in jail now. This week was great in many ways-- so many good things going on at the docks. Soap-Tastic! There were also a LOT of weird questions that popped up. Mainly--Do Mounties wear those red suits for duty or only parades? (answer from our Friends in the North later) 

So...why don't we get some Canadian Bacon, Tim Horton's coffee and settle in. I've also been busy working on the 2014 WUB AWARDS (coming out soon) so this may be brief. My head is spinning.

Friday, December 12, 2014

St. Jake Face Bartender

Yep, seems Carly needs a bartender and welp, there St. Face is!! SO ..he's going to tend bar at the Metro!!! That was easy.

The gang is in CANADA with the MOUNTIES. I so wanted a MOOSE to walk by LMAO. OMG..where's the maple syrup? 
Franco had FLOUR. We knew it wasn't real.  Silas goes in and confronts Nina. They get the baby back. BUT! Ava is arrested. 

Julian was doing shirtless handstand push ups in the jail. Alexis is like PUT YOUR SHIRT ON!! 

Carrrrrrrrrlos. And he has a pony tail!! WOOT! Jason takes him down.

Sonny tries to shank Johnny with a toothbrush. AHAHAHA. DYING.

ok, the ENTIRE TOWN is going to be in jail. I mean, like ALL OF THEM--what the hell?????

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Docks Magic

THROWBACK Thursday... Nurses dressed like Nurses!
Amy and Georgia 

HELLS and FLUKE! She looks like a million bucks in her beige.  Fluke and she talk. Fluke has some weird accent. GEESH. UGH. It sounds JUST LIKE Stavros. really, really does. Maybe he's Meekos? BUT Damn he sounds like RKK doing Stavvy@@@@ Doesn't he?  Or could it be Mekkos. It's some weird stiff euro-accent. 

Cabin in the Woods. The blonde chick won't let up. "That baby doesn't look like either one of you". Um, like anyone would say that?  Ok, so at the end, Dante finds Franco (and brings Canadian Mounties with him) but I bet Franco doesn't have the baby. That's a ham. LMAO

Maxie visits Nathan posing as a volunteer. They make out in bed. 

Betsy Franco is on...she dogs on Ava without knowing who Ava is. LOL  She's really short. So they go to find him. 

Sam figures out it's prolly Jake Face that took her for a hostage. Pretty fast too

Carly and Sonny. Even Sonny is tired of Carly's mouth.  BYE! 

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Delia Ryan! NYC!

So, yesterday's show? Um...the CELL PHONE IN THE BUSHES? ahha. OMG, I died. And RIC is MISSING???? hee hee. Giggle.

Is that the Metro Court? Did they redo it??? It's got slate floors, I can hear them. And um, why would StJaceFace go in there and talk to Sam like that? Won't she be suspicious? I guess not. She says she called Spinelli to help find the guy that took her hostage.

That BABY smiling at AVA! I knew it was a dream..but still. What a puddin'. Who's at the door? Some lady that found a sock in the snow. She thinks she recognizes Franco. HE's like "NOPE..go away" 

Delia!! how did Morgan and Kiki manage to find NYC all by themselves? Delia calls Kiki "Lauren". Oh please, let's go with that.  And...Ava walks in with Silas. Morgan tells Ava he told Sonny where to find her. LMAO 

Fluke and Michael's convo was telling. Fluke was all over Sonny's ass and past. Michael is wondering why he's being like this. Fluke also seems to have LIKED AJ. Hmmmmm. He couldn't stand him.  Fluke wants a Job at ELQ. LMAO 
Fluke is going to go meet someone tomorrow. Helena? 

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Yesterday was GLORIOUS!

Can you believe I've watched and watched and when SPENCER FINALLY meets his Grams I'm on there!!
LOL..TOO Cute. He held his own with those 3 ladies. Kelly did a wonderful job. Even ol' Hells was touched. I am actually going to miss Britt. Glad Dr. O is staying.

Things were good  yesrerday with Eliud. Now not so good. so I'm out again this afternoon, sorry.  His oxygen levels need to come up. We joked that he looked like he was on a soap yesterday, all hooked up to everything. He was responsive so that's a huge plus. Thanks for all the thoughts. 

Pic from General Hospital Snark on FB 

Monday, December 8, 2014

Real Life Surgery

No, not for me. My good friend Eliud had an aortic tear last night and although he made it through surgery, it's going to be a long road. I am going to the hospital today so I won't be here to blog. Say a little something for he and his family (3 small boys) in whatever spirit you wish. 
This is El  with his the Jazz fest. Some random girl wanted a photo with him on it! LOL...He's just the best guy EVER. 

Thanks... Here's hoping GH is worth the watch tonight and will take my mind off all of this! xxoo 

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Sunday Surgery: Fight Club

Are the fruits of our labor...finally coming into fuition? *sigh*...don't know, don't know.  You'd think so. You'd think that I would be happy for Helena and the whole of Port Charles going nimbly-nuts. And yet...
Haven't I seen a lot of this before? Thank goodness the actors on GH are so wonderful. They make the time well spent no matter what Tom-Foolery is going down. 

I'm dedicating this blog to DecloDave who planted a seed of an idea. Of Ed Norton and Brad Pitt. Of soap and... "First Rule"...

So grab your towels, energy drinks and ciggs. We're heading into no man's land

Friday, December 5, 2014

Basement Fixer Upper

OH For the LOVE OF GOD... I'm so tired of this LUKE SHIT. He's sounding like Bea Arthur!  "I have your face---no mask here" ..Luke says WHO ARE YOU? "I suppose it could be extensive plastic surgery ...or something much more complex" he says.
I don't get why Luke is still alive if Fluke wants to take over his life so damn bad.

Told you that Faison was Luke for a hot-second. Man, Anna can't walk away from Faison. What a powerful scene. He tells her "the spell is broken". She is trembling and sits, and weeps. WOW.  Amaze
Mind Control Flashback

Helena tells JakeFace that he's really Jason Morgan.  Billy Miller is doing a great job with this. She also gives him a job..but we dont' hear it.  She tells him he's mind-controlled. 

Sam and Patrick. VERY Powerful. Kelly did a great job. Loved her emotions--Jason too. "Jason was alive..well, then he died again SORRY". LOL  Poor Sam.

Nikolas and Liz. SERIOUSLY ..this again? AGAIN??????? Ughhhhhhhhh. Nik finds out his Grammy is in town

Sonny is all twitchy in jail. Carlos razzes him and is out in about 3.4 minutes after that scene and hugs Sabrina at Kelly's. Johnny Z walks up to Sonny in the prison  yard.

DUN DUN DUuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnn! 

Franco Du Franco

On Twitter:

Franco...sees FRANCO! If the rumors are true, Betsy Franco might be back, so perhaps Real Franco totally loves all this. I'd lover for Roger to get in one of his movies! 

Thursday, December 4, 2014

"Who Do You Think You Are"?

Here we go...continuing with the madness.

Spencer is all mad about Britt. She's at Kelly's and Brad stops by.  She tells him about Nikolas throwing her out.  I really like Brad and Britt's friendship.
Spencer is not happy. Lots of Courtney's talk--and Nikolas forbids Spence from seeing Britt. "She's a Terrible Person"! 

20141204 0719(28)

"FLUKE" is the headline in the Port Charles Paper...and Anna questions Faison. Um, you'd think she prolly might want to recuse herself. Such good actors. LOVE Anders and Finola. "in that instant you made yourself no better than me" Faison says about Anna putting him in the pit.
HE grabbed her!! WOW..they are so good!!  They talked about Robin--great dialog! 

Fluke talking to Alice-- poor Alice thinking this guy is the real LUKE. 
Tracy lays into Anna about putting Faison in a HOLE. LMAO--- 

Liz seems to be spending a lot of time at the diningroom table now--without the kids. LOL. I really DON'T like them tying Jason/Jake into all this mess. It's enough he has a new damn face, I don't need a giant "mystery plan" too.
Makes me TIRED. 

Jake tells Liz Hells showed up to her house on Thanksgiving. She's NOT happy. 
Jake is going to get a job.
"What can you do"?? "What skills do you have"??

"Um, can't remember"'
He has NO Social Security number, NO history--no ANYTHING how can he get a job? LOL. Of course in PC, he'll probably end up running a company.
AND-- get this. NIK shows up at Liz'. Can they redux them enough?? 

HELENA AND LESIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhh :) love. love. love LOVE. "Seems like I'm the only Cassadine around to avenge Victor"...Helena is making Lesil shake. She takes out a---powder compact. Helena also says Faison won't be in jail for long.

Meanwhile, Sam and Paddy go to question Faison. He says Victor was the one that ordered Pat's car off the road. OH FAISON spilled the TRUTH about Jason to Sam--and Patrick has to tell her the truth!!!!!  NICE. 

OMG...OMG I so hope that they put Spencer and Hells together SOON!!!! 

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Swan Song?


I'm going to let that sit right there. 


And, as I said..that wasn't Luke at the Q's house. *sigh* 

This is what I think of GH right now: 

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Don't read if you don't want Spoiler Biggie

SO, COULD you hear the accent the "NEW FAKE FLUKE" had going when he was talking to Juilan? It's Ashton and they are using him to do this. Fluke is just hanging out at the Qs, everyone thinking it's Luke. That IS SO NOT LUKE.
Tracy throws a glass 'Who are you, Corinthos" says NuFakeFluke..Fluke

At Julian's Anna and Dante rush in to arrest Julian only to see "Luke". They know it's not "Luke" so they are going to take him to the PCPD.

Britt's in TROUBLE!! Oy boy! Spencer thinks his dad knows about "the secret" and spills. Nik didn't know but suspected.

Silas tries to call Anna on Ava. She's not available. Ava begs Silas not to turn her in.

Nina tries to get Franco to fall for the baby of joy.  He says Sonny or Morgan could raise her. Nina says "Any Corinthos is a bad Corinthos" LOL.. Franco seems to be falling for that cute little Pumpkin!
Franco says he'll stay with the baby and Nina.

AND I WAS WRONG, that wasn't Ashton as fake Luke--it was FAISON!! wow..color me shocked. We won't see him until tomorrow but it was Faison. WHY did they do that with the height? LOL Come on.

Explaining Luke/Fluke: Speculation

*** UPDATE: We know now that it was FAISON not Larry under the Mask Anna pulls off..if you substitute Faison for Larry in this, it still works.

I still say that is NOT the real Luke at the Q's house. I don't think it was Faison doing it the whole time, I think he just put the mask on this one day.  (Remember Helena "Faison you have a task at hand")
So, there it is.
Here's my speculation. I have NO details. I seriously stayed off spoilers and although I had an inclination at the beginning of all this, I really think things have ebbed and flowed as time went by. With Geary's long absence especially. Everyone had time to regroup and rethink.
I love mysteries -- and this is what I think will happen based on 450 years of my watching soaps. So if I'm wrong...sorry! 

That said, I still WANT HOPE AND NEED "FLUKE" to be Bill Eckert. Why? I can NOT tolerate another mask parade OR plastic surgery.  I'm so over that. You have NO idea how over it. Ergo, I choose to continue to believe this is Bill.  Why does he hate Sonny so much? No idea--other than maybe Sonny ruined X number of crime families that Bill worked for? I don't know. I DO know he'd have connections with the entire cartel, and especially Larry Ashton. The Quartermaine thing fits like a glove as does the Jerome thing. Maybe Bill thought Luke should have been the one to "die" and not him. Taking over Luke's life now would be sweet revenge. Also note that he really hasn't mentioned the taking down Sonny angle in awhile. 

Explaining what I think is happening now:

1. Fluke/Luke are in the bin, and we are kind of led to believe it's either Ashton or Faison in there because of the "mask" and the safety deposit box photo. Editing made it seem that way. BUT! It's neither of them, it's Bill Eckert. 

2. Helena comes in..threatens the real LUKE--we see her with the knife. Then commercial yada yada... and then Helena is walking out as Alexis is walking in with Julian (who I think is clueless at this point).  Helena just lets her go in there. Doesn't yell, doesn't pull out a knife. Just leaves. Like she WANTS HER TO GO IN! Alexis finds Luke, unties him and he makes her double think it's him by saying "Natasha".  I'm thinking Helena, after waking up, filled ol' Bill in on everything he needed to know to further his cause.  The "Cupcake" for Lulu--the grandson thing. Making him more "Luke Like". 
The switch happened before Alexis even got there-- Luke is somewhere else. 

3. Alexis says "Let's go to the cops"...panic on "Luke's face"..and in the end he showers and goes to the Q's.  Makes people think it's him. Outs Larry Ashton. Larry has "A car waiting" and runs. Everyone is like "he's the FAKE"!! It fits. The safety box, the mask on the flash drive, everything.

4.up...Larry is at Julian's. I can't think it's Faison in a mask as he's way way too short. Ashton has the hair too. Note when the mask is peeled off in the preview, there's no hair. Ok, so.. Anna finally 'discovers' the FAKE Luke (Ashton) which is all part of the plan. He goes away.  BILL is able to totally be LUKE with no strings as everyone will think the fake guy is out of the picture. 

The one loose end is Faison. I think he's in there as a red-herring and part of the "Let's take over Port Charles" contingent. 

Does this make ANY sense? It's all I can think of that's going to happen. Maybe the only person that can stop this is Laura. Wouldn't that be awesome? She comes in for sweeps takes one look at Fluke and Goes..OMG you are Bill Eckert!! I'd love that. Then, the real Luke and Laura would sail off into the sunset (because Geary is finally retiring). 

This is my story. Now, it could be totally wrong and that's the fun of it all. YOU have your own speculations I'm sure. Have at it! 

Monday, December 1, 2014

Stink Face

Is what Faison makes when he has to hug Lesil. Just pretending! Faison says he thinks Anna isn't worthy of him. BUT Lesil is! He kisses her. She tells Britta that she'll tell Nik about the whole Spencer scam if she calls the cops.

Speaking of...there's "FLUKE" who I'm saying isn't LUKE BUT FLUKE..whatever. I explained it in Sunday Surgery. Looking at the video below took my will to blog away today. 
Tracy is stunned that Fluke wasn't Luke.  "Luke lays into Larry saying he was the one that had his face. I say that's not true. They are going to have a mask so people will THINK Luke is Luke but he's not.

Nina and Franco in the cabin...*SIGH* Franco did have some good one-liners. 'How will Sonny care for the baby"? Says Nina..
:Hench Nannies: says Franco 

Ava sure looks recovered huh??? They are in NYC looking for Franco. She doesn't want him to have his phone.  Kiki tells Silas that Ava killed Connie

Jordan finds out it was fake Luke being the boss. 

OH I'm back!  Coming SOON

If Fluke wants to convince all he's really LUKE ..he'll use a FAKE mask to throw them off center. So the mask in the video could be totally a red herring.
I think Fluke is still hidden.

SO, when you see the OTHER LUKE tomorrow threatening Julian, I say it's Ashton in a mask-- TRYING to get caught so they'll all think it's him.

Monday Monday

  WOW, do we have a nice weather here!! Just gorgeous. All weekend was beautiful and now it's up into the 70s and maybe 80s tomorrow.  T...