Sunday, March 31, 2024

Sunday Surgery: What Just Happened!?


WELP! I was so happily shocked by the Friday show I don't even know where to go from all of it!! They could just have kept building on that for a month and I'd be happy!!  So much came together this week it was a sight to behold. 

I almost wish I had written it myself. 


Friday, March 29, 2024



Valentine talks to Jack Brennan in the prison van. GET THIS. I think Valentin is THE HEAD OF PIKEMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!! and wants to bring Sonny down! OMG this is ... I need a moment to process this. He says he is messing with Sonny's meds with the provider and SONNY will do himself in and they don't have to do anything!!!! Val gives Brennan some money. 

Sam calls Olivia to tell her Dante is alive. They are all going to the hospital. They get there and Danny and Rocco go to his bedside. Danny wants to know if Jason shot him but Dante gets really tired and they have to leave. 
Dante wakes up enough to say that Jason saved his life. He tells Anna

Liz talks to Danny a little bit. 

Carly and Sonny argue then Jason comes in!!!!!!!!!! WHAT! With Ava too!
OOOO! Sonny says to Carly "HOW do I know you're not working with Jason too"??????? Then Jason tells them he's a FBI informant and Sonny says: What do they have over you? Who are you protecting and Jason says "Himself" which is false. Then Sonny says he can't trust either of them and Carly is like: WHO ARE YOU"? and she and Jason leave. 

AVA makes Sonny a drink and Olivia texts to say Dante is awake and AVA HIDES HIS PHONE!!!  She then tells him that Dante woke up but he can't see anyone and convinces Sonny NOT TO CALL OLIVIA. WOW. He sits, drinks and Ava sits next to him. 

Carly and Jason go to Bobbie's and talk. He hopes Dante exonerates him. They talk about what he's going to do and where he's going to live. She remembers the room over Kelly's ! SO old school I love it. He's going to stay there. 


Anna calls Carly to tell her that Dante said Jason saved his life

AVA AND SONNY KISS then he says "Goodnight" and leaves!!!!!!!!!!!


Thursday, March 28, 2024



So people are at the courthouse. 
Joss talks to Kristina about Jason and says he's not guilty. Kristina says: YAH he is! They keep arguing until Liz steps up and tells them to knock it off. Wow, everyone is dressed to the Nines for court! 

Carly is crying about not seeing Jason yesterday. Michael says it's going to be ok. Diane comes in as well. Then Olivia yells at Carly and Carly says Jason's not guilty and.. ugh. 

Everyone eventually sits down. Oh, Nina's there too (no idea why). She and Carly snipe at each other. Jason is led in. He sees Carly, she sees him and they stare at each other.  Danny sneaks into the back row.

Jason pleads not guilty. Bail is set at 5 million. Then Jason asks for a minute and touches Carly's hand and hugs her. 

Sonny gets home and Ava wonders why he's not at the courthouse. He says he thinks Jason did it. She says maybe not. He says he did. RINSE REPEAT. He talks about how great Dante is. He's glad Ava is there and "who would have thought". She says sometimes people aren't what you think they are. They keep talking about Avery and Dante being a good big brother. 

Sam is reading to Dante. Portia comes in. Sam says she's heard that they want to move Dante to some coma place like Turning Woods. She yells at Portia and says she's sure Portia wouldn't have put CURTIS there when HE WAS SHOT. Portia leaves to check it out. They'd send him there because there's better care. Stella comes in as the patient advocate and says Sam should have never been blind-sided like that. Stella ends up convincing Sam it could be a good place for him. Sam is afraid of what it will do to Rocco because Lulu's in a long term care place too. Stella says she'll be happy to talk to Rocco. Sam is going to talk to Sonny and Olivia about it--(She must be his health proxy)

Carly bursts into Sonny's place, yelling at him for not being at the courthouse. He says he was with Dante. She says JASON DIDN'T DO IT! 

Jason is bailed out



I think Valentin maybe talking to that Brennan guy? 

Liz talks to Danny

Dante wakes up 

Wednesday, March 27, 2024



Sam's NOT HAPPY today! She's the latest to visit Jason in his own personal reception room at the PCPD. She asks him if he shot Dante. He says no. She says she believes him. He says "there's something's about Danny". He tells her Danny helped him and he asked him not to tell her about it. She's pissed. She lays into him for being gone and then telling Danny to lie to his own mother. She's raised him on her own mostly and he just falls out of the sky and pulls him into this. HE could be UP FOR FEDERAL CHARGES! She says that he had no right and to stay the hell away from Danny. Leaves.

Diane comes in. Basically says they are up sh*t's creek without a paddle. Jason won't say anything because he'll incriminate the people that helped him. Leaves

Then BROOK comes in and gives him a letter from Monica. 

Molly is in the courthouse getting ready for Jason's thing. Krissy is there to support her but also gets in her face about liking Jason too much and not leaving her feelings at the door. It's a weird scene and Krissy's outfit is killin' me.  They continue to argue and Molly points out that Jason saved Krissy from Shiloh. Kristina isn't sure he's the same guy. This is just a STRANGE convo. 

Joss and Trina are waiting in the hallway. Trina wants to support Joss. They laugh and Trina says she's sorry for being a "B" yesterday. She said she's angry Jason is back and Spencer is dead. (Well, wait 2 minutes). They talk about getting through things together. Trina talks about Pairs and the fun they had. Then DEX shows up. Trina leaves. Dex tells Joss he might have a reason to stay in PC. 

Jake sees Danny going into the boat house and wants to know why.  Jake says it's because it's Jason's court thing. Jake thinks he's guilty and Danny does not. They yell and talk about Rocco too and Danny ends up punching Jake. Aidan comes out and is like : GULP! They fight. Jake has a split lip and punches Danny to the ground. He leaves and Aidan runs after him. 

Sam comes and finds Danny. She says she's angry because he didn't tell her about Jason and that he could be facing charges. She says Jason broke all trust doing that. They are done. 

Anna and Dex. There's no change on Dante. Dex says he'll do whatever to put Sonny away. Anna says: even lose your life? They talk and she wants him to come work at the PCPD. He says he worked for the mob and why would they want him? Anna considers it a bonus. He leaves. then Robert shows up and says he's a coward. He doesn't want to do Jason's arraignment because Robin could get mad at him. LOL Anna gets it and she wishes she didn't have to do it either. 

Sam says she'll keep Danny safe and he never has to see Jason again. WOW. WHAT.

Monica's note says: "I believe in you"

Tuesday, March 26, 2024



I got here 20 min late!! whoops

Laura and Curtis.. Curtis is ALWAYS in PT . He tells Laura the theory that Wu said about Sonny knowing Jason is alive and maybe Sonny had him shot. She's like: WTF you talking about? 

OMG Jason tells Anna EVERYTHING!!!!!!! WOW! First she has to tell him that Britt was murdered. He pauses and gets teary. Then continues and says he got out and 2 FBI agents picked him up. He went to Quantico. Jagger got him to spy on Pikeman because they can't have the WSB know the FBI is working on it so they can't use their own agents. He has been doing it the whole time. OMG THEN he says that CATES KNEW he was being sent to off Sonny and Cates didn't stop it! Anna's like: HE KNEW THERE WAS A HIT out when WE WERE ALL IN THE WAREHOUSE???!! Jason says yes. He tells her he made sure the sniper missed and then Dante found them. Sniper shoots Dante and he called 911. Anna says but why didn't you stay with him? Jason says he would have been arrested and blown everything. He needed a place to hide and heal.  

Carly's at Kelly's and wants to go see Jason. Jagger stops her. She pleads and tells him how WONDERFUL JASON IS AND WHAT A great person he is and she HAS to get there. Jagger talks about Karen and how he couldn't believe Jason was Sonny's hit man. She tells him to get his food somewhere else and leaves. 

Sonny is yelling at Michael..he's so mad. Thinks Michael betrayed him. Ava says maybe Jason shot Dante by mistake. Sonny gets deeply angry. Tells Michael it's God who forgives. Tells Michael to get out and then reaches for the scotch. Ava watches him--damn. I can't figure out if she's smirking or WHAT. THEN Ava has a drink with him and basically says that Jason was a person he couldn't trust since Nixon Falls and he was marrying Carly. "That was really fast, wasn't it"?? Then she TOUCHES HIS FACE and says: there is someone you can trust... They almost kiss. Then they say it's getting late. Sonny is glad Ava is there. She's glad she's there too. She goes off to bed. He stays and stares out the window. 

Greg is struggling with breathing and Finn says they should move up the wedding date. Brook agrees but asks how they can with Dante in a coma. Chase says it's ok and they decide to downsize and get the wedding going. 


Carly watches Jason talk to Anna through the window. 

Monday, March 25, 2024

Jason in Blue


Jason is at the PCPD and will talk to Jagger without Diane. Chase isn't happy. Jagger asks Jason why he turned himself in. Jason says he has to set the record straight that he didn't shoot Dante. He tells Jagger he did "like instructed" and then Dante found them and his partner shot him. The extraction team must have taken the dead body out. Jagger wonders why Jason didn't call him or "come in" (I assume to the FBI). Jagger says he didn't follow protocol. Asks where he's been. Jason doesn't answer.  Jagger then says they placed Jason in "the organization 2 years ago" and if his cover is blown, the FBI will have to use the evidence against him they have. 
It's just a confusing mess.

Elizabeth is stressed out about Jason's return. Willow comes along and they talk. Michael texts and says the boathouse is empty. Liz talks about Jake being moody and angry and is reading all sorts of things online about Jason. 

Liz goes home. Jake and Aidan are arguing. Jake calls Jason "his psycho dad".  Liz explains he turned himself in. Jake thinks that means he's guilty and hopes he gets life in prison and he can pretend he's still dead. 

Chase has to leave the PCPD, he's had it. Wants to visit Dante. They go to GH and talk in the hall. Willow and Liz overhear that Jason turned himself in. 
Liz and Willow talk about whether they think Jason is guilty. Liz has to get home to talk to Jake before he sees it online. 

Chase is worried about Dante. 

Trina goes to Kelly's and is meeting someone. Doesn't want to talk to Joss (who's working). Trina is pissed because Joss and Jason's relationship and she thinks he could have shot Curtis.  She's not happy. Joss says No way because Jason wouldn't shoot at Sonny who was really the target. Michael comes in. Trina leaves to meet Stella. 

Stella and Trina talk about grief and how hard it is to process. Trina feels like she's walking through a fog. She lashes out at Stella... this is so different from what we've seen. Stella tells her maybe Trina needs to have a funeral for Spencer that's more meaningful than the memorial they had. Trina goes to Spencer's grave and gives a speech about water and hoping he made it to shore ok. It's a couple of good scenes. ABOUT TIME, btw

Stella talks to Joss about being a friend to Trina and to hang in there. Trina will come around but needs time to walk through her grief at her pace. 

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Sunday Surgery: Of Gods and Mobsters


Elizabeth's Face Says It All!! 

So, this week went ok for me for the most part! I actually liked some shows and was laughing. That means promise and hope, people!! How did you feel about it? I almost think they've hired different dialog writers as well. Some days I am really into it and others....stink-a-roo! 

It's winter again here. We were so spoiled and now--brrrrrrr. I'm having hot cocoa! 

Let's give it a go!! 

Friday, March 22, 2024

Friday: Turning In Day


So first we got the princess Catherine update with the stomach cancer diagnosis. Now I guess we give privacy. 


I GOT THIS FROM THE CANADIANS who POST! Donna's touring the PCPD. 

Olivia brought Cody some food at his Horse House because she needed to do something. He invites her to dinner. They talk a lot about Dante. 

Sasha quits Deception. Lucy tries to talk her back into it but she doesn't want to be a model anymore. Lucy says if she quits, she'll lose her shares and her position on the board too.  Maxie is so mad at Lucy and tells her she's a terrible partner and to LEAVE HER OFFICE. 

Brook talks to Chase and says she is about done at Deception too because she hates Lucy. 

Diane and Robert are talking about Alexis and getting her law license back. 

Jason won't let Michael get him a jet to get out of the country. Jason says it's too risky. He calls Diane.  Well, hell, he turns himself in . Chase, Brook Lyn and the cops in the station are all open-mouthed LOL. Chase arrests him. He's very angry. 

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Hair! Wardrobe!


I TOOK yesterday off for the dentist (great report BTW)...and I didn't even want to watch the show so I haven't. I did read some on twitter but that's about it. 

Laura is waiting with Heather before her hip surgery. They are like BFFs now :eyeroll:  Heather talks about getting older --about dying. Lots of stuff about the past and people they've lost. Heather is going to surgery and she is wondering what's going to happen to her after because she's supposedly going to San Quentin. She's taken out. Kevin walks in. Laura's all sad. Laura wonders if the poisoning will wear off. Kevin doesn't think so. Laura also wonders if Heather's REALLY responsible for her actions if the cobalt did it. 

Deanna tells Liz meds are missing (Willow looks guilty). Liz says it's not a big deal yet. Pharmacy might have messed up. Willow texts someone and then 'takes her break' right there. Goes to see Michael and freaks out. I MEAN SHE FREAKS OUT! Then Michael goes into how Jason helped him in Jail when he was beaten and "other things" and he has to help him now. He calls Spinelli to hack into the hospital computer. Spinelli starts hacking.

Drew comes in Nina's office at the Intruder looking all punk-ass'd. OH! He wants to offer her her job back at Crimson! LOL She figures out that Carly is messing up. Drew says NO, I fired her! She says OH! You broke up! Nina also gets Drew coffee and donuts LOL . He says he's not sure if he wants her back but he doesn't want the magazine to fail either. This is a turn of events. Lordy.

Spinelli passes out security measures for Deception to Maxie, Cody, Brook and Tracey. MAXIE LOOKS FANTASTIC!! WOW. Spin tells them about changing the passwords daily. 

Sasha's doing a photo shoot. Tracey wants her to look mean in her photos. The client thinks Sasha is too wholesome and nice looking and he cancels the shoot. 

Then, Sasha and Lucy walk into the Deception meeting with everyone else. Everyone is bummed that the photo shoot didn't go well and Sasha was "too wholesome" for it. Lucy says they want a "kate moss' type. Tracey says "HEROIN CHIC"?? ahahaha. Tracey gets called to a board meeting at GH. Lucy thinks they need a 'second' face to go along with Sasha. She insults Cody "the stable boy" and he quits! She tells him he can't quit, he has a contract and he says "SO SUE ME".  Then Sasha threatens to quit too. 

Kevin is going to see if anyone ever got off stuff from heavy metal toxins

Nina's considering taking back Crimson. 

PS. Did they hire all new wardrobe/hair/make up people? Because everyone looks better! 

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

My Three Sons

Lately, the show has been spotlighting/mentioning Elizabeth's 3 sons. We are quite sure that most of you, being longtime fans, know who belongs to which father and the history and backstory. For those who don't we are going to talk about it today. Fun Fact: ALL WERE KIDNAPPED at least once! 

Cameron Webber (father: Zander Smith (deceased))

B: May 11, 2004

Who's his biological father? ZANDER! One of Karen's fave characters over the years. Of course, Cameron never got to know his father who was shot by police and died.  Did you know that although Ric Lansing agreed to raise the baby, Liz named him Cameron in honor of Zander's father?  Cameron liked to play with matches, tried pot and various other adventurous things over his young life. He was kidnapped by Shiloh and almost had Drew Cain's memories implanted in his head but Franco saved him. He lost his virginity to Josslyn and was also a victim of revenge porn launched by Esme Prince. Cameron is now in California where he attends college. 

Jake Webber (father: Jason Morgan)

B: May 4, 2007

Oh, POOR JAKE.... this kid has been through it all. Hit and "killed" by Luke Spencer in some of the most dramatic soap scenes ever, he was then resurrected via Helena Cassadine who had him the entire time. Who knows what body they had. (he was actually the "kidney donor" for Josslyn before it was changed to Nelle.) How did he come to be? One nighter with Jason Morgan when Lucky was addicted to pills. Jason did learn the truth but said he'd keep quiet for everyone's sake and let Lucky raise him as his own. Lucky of course found out who he was and the rest is history. Oh! Jake has been kidnapped 3x.  First by a grieving mother who lost her own son in a house fire. Next up the Russian mob!! Third by Helena. Helena programmed Jake and he almost let loose a deadly virus "Chimera" during the Nurses Ball.  For NOW, Jake appears to be a normal teenage boy who has a crush on Charlotte Cassadine. How do you think that will work out? 

Aiden Spencer (father: Lucky Spencer)

B: July 19,2010

It's a bit ironic that Liz' first love fathered her last child. Aiden was born ! Did you know his name was originally Aiden Alexi Nikolosovich Cassadine when he was born? It was changed to Aiden Nikolas Spencer on June 21, 2011 when he was found to be Lucky's ...not Nikolas' child. Aidan was kidnapped by Franco (played by James Franco) and given to his mother, Betsy to raise. He was obviously recovered and through twisty turns was then kidnapped by Nikolas!! Lord that kid has been through a lot. Maybe that's why he bakes? To soothe is infant PTSD? Recently, Aiden came out as gay to his mother and has a crush on a guy named Tobias. Let's home no one kidnaps him anymore. 

Note: Interesting that all 3 of Elizabeth's children were "Who's the Daddy" stories. First with Ric Lansing, then with Lucky and again with Lucky. So many DNA tests were done on Jake and Aiden, you head could spin! Also, Lucky was basically the only father that Cam and Jake knew yet their last name is still Webber. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2024



Sonny's at Charlie's having coffee, talking to Krissy who's bartending. They talk about funny Dante stories. Kristina loves  him and he's an awesome dad. Then Eva LaRue walks in to talk to Krissy. She needs her help. Sonny gets introduced to her. 

Carly hugs Joss who tells her that she has broken up with Dex FOR GOOD this time. She says Nina told her about Cyrus and he was an old man and Sonny made him do it BUT Dex was going to kill him in cold blood. Carly's like: Yeah, SO? Joss just DOESN'T KNOW HIM. Cripes. THEN Joss asks if Jason ever killed for Sonny. UM. WHAT???????? DERP.

Liz and Willow talk at the nurses station. Jagger tells Liz that he has to talk to her about Jason. Willow's all paranoid. Jagger asks Liz if she's seen Jason --she says no. Then he says if she's harboring him, she'll be an accessory. Willow basically runs outta the station LOL 

Aiden comes in with cookies for Liz to try. Then he says Jake is mad at him and Jake thinks Jason tried to kill Dante. Jake doesn't want to talk to Liz because he thinks she's going to defend Jason. Liz says that they DID talk about it when "they found out Jason was alive" (this was off camera). Then Chase walks up and Aidan asks him if he thinks Jason shot Dante. 

Jason is wandering around the boathouse, can barely stand. Danny comes in. They bond over stories of Danny's misdeeds. Jason was just like him, yada yada. Willow stomps in, tells Danny to leave. She dresses Jason's wounds and she's angry he involved Danny. She says Cates is looking for him. 

Dex goes in to see Anna and tells her he tried to kill Cyrus ON SONNY'S ORDERS! what! Why put that part in LOL!! WELP! He tells her about Michael hiring him, then Carly too and about the PIKEMAN SHIPMENT of arms Sonny took! OMG! Whaaaaaaaaat is he doing!!!! He just spills it all. LOL  Anna basically says it would go no where if they tried to proscecute and it would be Sonny's word against his-and to FORGET HE EVER SAID ANYTHING TO HER! LOL! SHe's like You'll be killed, get out. He says if she needs help taking down Sonny, he's there for it. 

Agent Cates goes into the Q kitchen to question Danny? Um, NO ONE IS THERE? Danny says that he hardly knows Jason and stuff. Then Brook comes in and stops that line of questioning. Thank GOODNESS.


Sonny talks to Eva LaRue about accepting her gay daughter.

Anna goes to Jagger's Metro Room with a bottle of wine. 

Joss thinks she made the right choice breaking up with Dex 


Monday, March 18, 2024


Joss is shocked that Dex almost killed Cyrus. Nina leaves. Dex explains he did try to talk Sonny out of it but Sonny was insistent. He went to do the job but Sonny stopped him.  Joss asked if he would have killed him if Sonny hadn't showed up. HE says yes. She's like WHO ARE YOU?! 

Olivia and Tracey talk. Tracey is being nice to her. Then, LOIS comes out with coffee because Tracey left. They talk about Dante's early life and how he stood up to bullies. 

Sonny tells Dante to hang in there and be strong. Tracey comes in to visit. She's reminded of Luke in the hospital. 

Trina is talking to Ava about missing out on Paris and working at the Gallery. Nina walks in. Trina goes into the backroom. Nina cries to Ava about Not seeing SONNY. Ava's going to take her to see him I think. She tells Trina to take all delivers that might show up. THEN Joss comes in all crying. Trina hugs her. 

Diane is trying to figure out how to get Alexis back her license. A LOT of lawyer speak. Diane is going to try to get her reinstated asap. 

Kevin explains bias in early psychiatric studies and how that mistake could have been made. A lot of information and also Marshall discusses his experience about society and institutions. Stella then starts talking about racism and bias in the medical field and how she still sees it to this day. She gets angry. Curtis says she's a social justice warrior. 
Curtis and Marshall talk in the PT room and Marshall says he has to forgive that doctor or it will make him as hateful as he was. 

DEX calls the non-emergency PCPD hotline. I think he's turning himself in tomorrow? 

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Sunday Surgery: Tattoo You


Well, it HAPPENED The NUWriters were finally in the credits on Friday. So, going forward, let's hope GH is all rainbows an happiness that everyone expects!! I do have to say that given the Jason return was 'rewritten and reimagined' by them I am not hopeful. What a sloggy week this was. 

Let's give it a go! I'll be listening to Tattoo You by the Stones. A lot of you are probably too young for that reference! 

Friday, March 15, 2024

NEW HW are on deck today


So I watched yesterday's show and...well. I'm trying folks. Ava's taking Avery to SCHOOL in the middle o the night! LOL. Sam hates Jason all of a sudden or something--whatever. The Molly/Anna talk? Meh. Michael asks Jason about his tattoo and Jason never answers it? 

SUPPOSEDLY today is the FIRST DAY of the "NEW" HW stuff. I beg to differ but who am I to say? 

"Heather's not going anywhere" says Portia to Robert, Diane, Kevin, Laura and Finn. Her hip replacement is poisoning her-- "colbolt poisoning" -- and it can change BEHAVIOR. Will this be her "Franco Tumor"!!????? hahahaa.  She has metalosis. AHAHAHA. I'm dead. Ok, so Laura thinks the poison turned her into a serial killer and THAT'S WHY SHE'S CHANGED. YEP.  Laura also finds out she's Heather's health proxy. 
They go in to talk to Heather. She can't make a decision and asks Laura to help. Laura says she should do it. Heather signs the papers. 

Nina is pissed that Alexis wrote a follow up story on the docks that was a 'smear piece on Sonny'. ALexis tells her to quit. Then Nina yells at Greg-- tells him he made too many mistakes or something and Greg quits. 

Diane goes in to complain to Alexis about the article in the paper that says she's "Shaking up with the DA". Alexis says she doesn't know anything about it. It's the gossip guy. Alexis hates working at the paper and would do the law for FREE ! Diane has an idea. She wants Alexis to come and work with her and she'll try to get Alexis' law degree back. 

They are trying to find Marshall's doctor in Baltimore but can't right now. Curtis goes to PT. Marshall tells him the pills they gave him long ago made things worse. Then they wanted him to do shock treatments. 

We watch Curtis doing PT!  WOW! 

Stella asks Kevin if he knew Dr. Braddock. He says yes, and it's not good. Then she goes down to tell Marshall and Curtis that Dr Braddock died right before Christmas but Kevin has the answers they need. They go talk to him. Kevin says Braddock was infamous and probably misdiagnosed Marshall because he was young, poor, angry and black. 

DEX is packing to leave PC --AGAIN. He and Joss make love. He's still going to leave because he doesn't like what he is becoming around Sonny. They talk and then NINA comes over. ? Okay? She wants Dex to tell Sonny she didn't have anything to do with the article in the Invader. Then she notices he's leaving and she's afraid he's going somewhere because Sonny is leaving too. Nina then tells Joss that she saw Dex going into Cyrus' room as an orderly LOL . 

That's that! No Jason today. 

Thursday, March 14, 2024

My Day Off


Dave and I are working on a nice fun filler blog for you but it's not quite there yet. So, today, please enjoy these photos from my archives that star Alberta. She hasn't been to an event lately but I hope to change that in June! 

Wednesday, March 13, 2024


 Savoy: Curtis found the doctor that misdiagnosed Hat Daddy. He's retired outside of Baltimore. Marshall wants to go talk to him and find closure. Selina Wu walks in and Curtis doesn't want to talk to her. She says she has info on the shooter. She says that it was Jason and she thinks that Sonny knew he was alive and hired him to annex new territory. 

Sonny and Anna talk at the PCPD. He wants to know if there's evidence that Jason shot Dante. She goes through the timeline. Jagger sees her talking to Sonny and is pissed. 

Drew leaves Carly because he doesn't want to be second to Jason. Carly's sad. Drew says the minute Jason got home, they were done because he knows Carly loves him. He tells her he's going to let her go from Crimson (I thought she quit?). Leaves. 

Carly goes to GH to see Dante/Sam. Sam's upset that Carly didn't find out if Jason shot Dante or not. If he did shoot Dante "She'll never forgive him". 

Drew is boxing at the gym. Jordan comes in. She's mad she can't go after Jason because she's deputy mayor. He says he hopes they catch Jason.

Michael comes home and then Danny knocks on the door and needs a favor. He wants Michael to come with him. 

Jason is still in the boathouse, changing his wound bandages. HE HAS A GIANT SLEEVE TATTOO. I guess he got it after leaving GH. Pfffffffft. whatever. Michael and Danny come in and then Jason wants Michael to take Danny back to the Q house. NOPE Michael takes him to the Gatehouse to get Willow and leaves him there to watch the kids. Willow stiches him up. Jason tells Michael that he and Hamish were on the roof and then Dante chased them. Hamish shot Dante and then shot Jason. Jason killed him. 

Danny goes back up to the big house and Willow goes back to the Gatehouse. Jason is drinking water. 


Sam tells Carly if she sees Jason, call the police. 

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Happy Birthday Dave!!


That's right, it's our own 2nd in command's birthday! Here's hoping it's filled with joy and a lot of whatever you like to eat. 


Jason is in the boathouse, bleeding and sweaty. Danny finds him. I bet he was going to vape lol. Danny is angry he 'shot Dante'. Jason said he did not. Then Danny goes to get a first aid kit. 

Heather is in GH and Finn comes in with news. She has cardiomyopothy and maybe something else. She wonders why a disease expert is seeing her. He says they may have to run more tests. Heather pleads to see Ace. Finn says he'll see what he can do. 

Sam is visiting with Dante, talks to Laura about her world being 'in pieces' because Jason might have shot Dante. Very weird dialog. She also tells Laura that Scout is staying home from school and Danny READ ABOUT JASON IN THE INVADER okay? Michael comes around to talk. I fell asleep.

Laura then goes to yell at Heather. She tells her she's going to be sent to San Quentin LOL. Heather pleads with Laura. Laura tells her they are adopting Ace. Heather is angry. 

Blaze, Krissy and Molly are in GH. They are going to get Sam breakfast. They seem to know about Jason too. Blaze and Kristina talk. zzzzzzzzz they call each other "girlfriend". Blaze is going to see her mother for breakfast. Then, Molly comes back and Kristina tells her all about Blaze's mom finding them in bed. 

Eva LaRue and Blaze have breakfast at Bobbie's. She thinks Blaze is experimenting because of the trauma she went through with Linc. 

Drew knocks on Carly's door. She says he didn't have to knock but he wasn't sure because 'of his brother'. He's angry Carly didn't call him to tell him about Jason being in the house. HE also says OF COURSE Carly believes Jason didn't shoot Dante. "You'll always be first in each other's lives' Or something like that. 

I Guess SPixie are still stuck in the woods? This show is on my LAST DAMN NERVE lol 


Sam is crying at Dante's bedside

Laura tells Heather she'll never see Ace again

Drew basically tells Carly Jason is her "person" not him, not Sonny and not Jax

Danny gives Jason the first aid kit and Jason tells him not to tell his mother

Monday, March 11, 2024

Still the Same Day!


It's still the same/day and night as LAST FRIDAY a week ago --- and Scout's Birthday LOL 

Carly tells Jaggar and Anna to wait outside until Diane gets there to look at the warrant. Jason skulks. Anna says forget it they are going in. They don't find anything. Leave. Carly's worried SICK. 

Finn and Jake at Liz' house. Finn finds part of the vape pen (I think?). Oh part of it. Finn asks about it. Jake says it's a friends. Finn says that Jake needs to tell his friend that Vaping is NOT GOOD. PSA on Vaping. Liz gets home. Liz believes Jake and is happy he is tolerant and will take advice from Finn. "our families are melding" she says. Aidan also told Finn about Tobias and Liz is so happy he told someone else. 

Liz is trying to get home from the hospital but she sees Danny wandering the halls. Takes him to see Sam. Sam's like WHY YOU SNEAK OUT AGAIN? He wants to stay there with Dante. Alexis says he can stay with her and then go to her house when they are done. 

Sam and Sonny talk. He doesn't mention Jason.

Carly texts Sonny to meet him on the roof. Carly tells him Jason was at her house. He says Jason was trying to murder him. Carly says no way. Sonny says he thinks so! They argue about what Jason is up to. 

TJ and Jordan are talking in the GH Lounge. TJ realizes that his child will be tied to SONNY for it's whole life AHAHAHAHAHA DUHHHHHHH. yeah, kid--um, like A LOT. 

Sasha and Cody talking about Dante too. She was SO worried. WEIRD. They talk about being friends. AWWW. They were just thrown into the episode for sure. They are in a hallway far from everyone. 

Maxie and Spin are going to try to find Jason but her car won't start. They are looking for a safe house that Jason might be in. They talk about why Jason would be in town. 


Anna and Jagger find Jason on the bridge and he jumps. 

Jason is in the Q boathouse and falls over.  Tomorrow, he's talking to someone in there

Sonny told Sam Jason is alive

Also tomorrow: Heather is finally on

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Sunday Surgery: Bleeding OUT


I do realize I've seen six or seven too many "back from the dead" stories on soaps, so perhaps you'll forgive my old crony cynisism when it comes to Jason's return. After an absolutely A+ Monday show, GH moved into the messy, sloppy editing hell it always seems to lumber towards. Friday? Meh. Sorry... SO HOLLOW for me. If you don't want to read bitter words, please save yourself. 

I'm eating hash today because all of this is just--rehash. 

Friday, March 8, 2024

Two Days in ONE


So I watched yesterday's show and.. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON? I guess that the writers changed guards and like it was a few weeks ago--ALL JUMBLED THE FK UP. Everything... the timeline, characters, time of day. Whatever. The fact they said Leo was off with Ned in Australia and at the beginning of the party he was leading a tour of the barn with Cody-?? 

 HEATHER WEBBER! Freaking attacks Cyrus and falls on the ground Monday and then.... what.? Laura goes out in the lobby Thursday NO mention of anything. ANY-THING. 

Carly being at the Qs..? Whatever..I guess she went to Scout's birthday or something and there she is. And POOR DREW had to watch both boys LOL I think the beginning of Scout's birthday was filmed way before the 2nd part. I mean.. Olivia popped up, Tracey disappeared. Leo was with the horses... now in Oz. Rocco wasn't there with the VAPE-- now he is and Jake is gone.

Carly giving Danny the history of St. Jaysus ahahahaaha. OMG they can't make me dislike that woman anymore than they have--that's for damn sure. GEESH.

I guess they are pushing Ava and Sonny big time, huh?


Carly goes home.. Jason is in the dark and says "Carly"....They are crying and hug a lot. She's going to get a bandage for his boo boo. She tells him Bobbie is dead. 

Sonny and Ava almost  kiss but just end up hugging. Then Olivia comes in to tell Sonny Dante is out of surgery and doing ok. Nina is there too--Sonny doesn't even look at her and leaves. She stays to talk to Ava. Wants to know why she was there and ... she was in danger and everything. Nina says she loves Sonny. Then she thinks Ava might have more feelings for Sonny. 

Sonny and Olivia go in to see Dante. Then Krissy talks to him . Then Sam sits and holds his hand. 

Jagger shows Anna Jason's photo. She can't believe Jason would go after Sonny. Jagger wonders where to look for him. They go to Carly's. 

Dante is stable. Sam sees Alexis and Krissy at the hospital. They talk about Dante. Sam and Krissy leave. Diane comes in and she and Alexis talk. Alexis misses being in court. 

Michael and Willow worry in the Gate House. Oh joy. Then Dex and Joss come over to tell them about the shooting and someone helping Dante. It's the most boring bore in the bore of bore. 


Ava says she's going to help Nina save her marriage. 

Carly says you can't search the house and Jagger says: We have a warrant. Jason looks concerned. 

Anna and Jagger go to Carly's. She acts all innocent. Anna tells her Jason is alive. Carly acts surprised. They show her his photo. They want to search the house. 

Ads In My Blog

Ok, so somehow Google decided to "Optimize" my ads and put them IN the blog. I did NOT do this. I don't like it and I hate POP UPS (which I've never had).

I have to figure out a way to go back to the old way--because even though I'd make a bit more "money" (HA HA) I know it's ANNOYING 

So bear with me, ok? 

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Subbing for 2-3 Year Olds


TODAY I sub for a class of little ones and I can tell you by 2:30 I will be SPENT!! So, you'll have to watch Thursday's show without me. I have a feeling Jason probably doesn't show up until the end of the show today or on Friday so....? 

There's going to be a new soap on CBS!! It's called "The Gates" and is going to be written by Michele Val Jean who's a wonderful writer and used to pen #GH at one time. MORE daytime TV? WOW.

Do like Sonny did yesterday, and say a little something for me to endure the germs and chaos of today!! 

Wednesday, March 6, 2024



Chase talks to Anna and Sonny in GH. The bullets were armor piercing so Dante was shot. He also says someone else called 911. That Dex and Joss saved Dante. Sonny's like: WHA?? Then Olivia, Sam and Joss and Dex run in. Olivia asks Sonny if the shooting had anything to do with him. She says it's familiar and flashes back to Sonny shooting him in the chest. Sonny's sad, he blames himself too and then Anna tries to make him feel better. Oh brother. 

Chase explains to Sam and Olivia that Dante told him to secure the rooftop and he went after the 2 other suspects and that's when he got shot. 

Dante is in the operating room. Bunch of medical mumbo-jumbo. Portia says he might be too weak to operate on. 

Sonny prays in the chapel. LIKE HE ALWAYS DOES. Cripes. Olivia comes in too. They BOTH PRAY. Olivia apologizes him for calling him out-- and she is afraid. 

Alexis is trying to get to the crime scene for the paper but Nina stops her with some guy she wants him to meet. And instead of saying NO, Alexis invites him in. He's Adrian DeWitt some gossip guy that wants to work for the Invader. This scene is... weird. This reporter guy is supposed to be a Capote type but it's just weird dialog and smooshed in there at the wrong time. Adrian leaves. Alexis says she likes him but doesn't have faith in Nina. Nina says Alexis will have to trust her. Alexis gets a call about Dante being shot. 

Maxie, Cody and Sasha are meeting in her office and she says she knows what they are up to. They talk about Spinelli and Maxie. (they are not needed today). You love Spinelli! Then Maxie is like: you two don't do anything about your attraction to each other. Maxie leaves. 

Spinelli gets a visit from Ava in his video den thing. She says he has to upload all the footage to Brick ASAP and he says it's 12 servers and a lot of work. They look through the footage and see Jason's face. They are like WTF!!????? Then Ava puts it on and iPad. Maxie comes around and Ava runs out to show Sonny and Maxie wants to know what Ava was doing at Spinelli's. She says he looks like he's seen a ghost. He says He has. 

AVA COMES INTO THE CHAPEL... tells Sonny he has to see the iPad footage. She shows him Jason. 

Spinelli still can't believe what he saw...will he tell Maxie? 

After yesterday's show, this was just flat ..flat and weird. Especially since Heather went down at the chapel and they showed nothing. No Jason either. 

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Rootin' and TOOTIN


Sonny, Ava, Anna and Jagger on the docks. Sonny says this is all payback for Karen Wexler. HE TELLS THE ENTIRE STORY about Sonny and her past sexual abuse and how Sonny got her to strip and drugged her and slept with her. Oooooooooooooooooo. YOU MUST WATCH THIS because it goes into detail and also has a lot about Stone/Robin. Anna is in tears. Jagger thinks she defends Sonny because Robin loves him. Jagger gets a call, has to leave so does Anna. 

Ava tells Sonny she believes him about Karen but Cates never will and an FBI agent is a bad enemy to make. 

Jason calls an ambulance for Dante. It takes forever to get there. Jason stops the blood as best he can. Leaves when he hears the sirens. 

Dex and Joss drive to Port Charles. They find out there's shooting on the docks. They find Dante and Dex is in the same place Jason was, staunching the blood. Chase FINALLY comes along and FINDS NO PULSE! Then Dex and Joss do CPR and they get one. The ambulance comes. Chase realizes someone was helping Dante before they all got there. 

Cyrus and Laura talk in the GH chapel. Zzzzzzzzzzzzz. They talk about Ace and the family and yada yada. Ace's tests are fine. Laura is going to go get a prescription filled. 

Heather keeps trying to get out of her handcuffs. Oh she gets the guard and STRANGLES HIM!! She then roams the hall. She ends up in the chapel with Cyrus after Laura leaves. She has a HATCHET THING and is threatening him. 'Why do you get to live old man, and my Esme is dead"? She rants and raves and charges him and then Laura bonks her on the head from behind! Heather is down! 

Curtis, Stella and Marshall talk about his misdiagnosis.  Stella wants to find out if the doctors that misdiagnosed him are still alive and find out why. Marshall says Nope. Stella says he has to because it will explain so much and he can be free of that. 

Sam and Olivia talk about their kids and Olivia says that she's so happy Sam found Dante. There's a lot of talk about Sam and Dante and their relationship. 


Heather wakes up, then collapses in the hallway

Joss and Dex tell Olivia and Sam that Dante is in the hospital

Marshall agrees to find the doctor 

Sonny tells Ava to find Spinelli and get the footage of the warehouse before Jagger does 

Monday, March 4, 2024



SO, Tracey and Brook eat Scout's cake in the kitchen while the "party" goes on in the other part of the house. Brook tells her Lucy asked her to work against Tracey. Tracey is so happy Brook told her about it. 

Laura invited Cyrus over to her house. She wants to hear ALL about his meeting in Pentonville with that guy. Oh, geesh. Then Ace wakes up and they take him to GH with a fever. 

Heather is in GH. She has a rash and her hip is killing her. She had a replacement 20 years ago but the recent fight at Pentonville has left it sore. 

Heather sees Ace and yells and screams at Cyrus and Laura. Drama at the hospital. She thinks she let Esme die so she could have Ace. HHAHAAHA.

Portia tells Cyrus to beat it after he asks about Curtis. She says to STAY AWAY from her and TRINA! 

At the docks, Sonny and Wu are negotiating where she can set up but he says NOT THE SAVOY and then the FBI and the PCPD break in and tell everyone to put up their hands. Up on the roof, Jason and some sniper guy are going to shoot someone. YES, I said JASON. The sniper lifts the window and aims at Sonny. 
The FBI searches the warehouse.. Wu's trying to tell them they were just going to have a poker game. 

So, Dante goes after the suspects and finds Jason and is like: WHAT!! then Jason's partner shoots him but he has a vest on. Jason's 'partner' called him "Jacobs".  Then when the other guy goes to leave, Jason shoots him. Then Jason checks on Dante who's not doing well. Even tho he has a vest on, he's starting to bleed out the mouth. 

Heather is escaping, will she take Ace? 

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Sunday Surgery: Popcorn


So, what do you think? Most people saw Friday as a "NEW" Day Dawning, even though DandC's credits were still there. I've been getting vibes all week-- especially in the mob/FBI story. I have to say, Mon-Thursday dragged for me for sure. Just having hope things work out.

POPCORN You say?? Well, vaping and watching the show have that in common. Get some and have a seat! 

Friday, March 1, 2024

Pink Party


For the JASON FANS--this photo is in the new People Online. 
He's back MONDAY

MARCH FIRST! in like a LAMB here in Rochester . Very nice and sunny. 

Drew and Carly doing it up for Scout's birthday at the Qs. In the kitchen. Dang, totally forgot her lived there. Sam brings in Scout. Alexis shows up too. Jake is there and Danny too. Not sure why Jake is there? But whatever.  Blaze and Krissy come and Kristina introduces her as her girlfriend. Millow come over. oh joy.

Then Alexis asks Drew about Nina talking over the paper and why he fired her. He says she's reckless and unpredictable and basically, she turned them into the SEC. Then Same finds him and asks him to talk to Danny because he's going through some things. 

Danny went outside and then Jake found him with a VAPE ahahaahaha. He's all mad and says Danny will get :popcorn lungs: AHAHA. They fight, Willow comes by and Jake puts the vape in his pocket. 

Maxie and Felicia and Maxie tells her she knows about Spinelli and her plan. She's mad at Spinelli but not Felicia. She's in love with Spinelli and they meddled with her heart. Felicia and Maxie talk about Maxie's life and losses--good scenes. 

Dante and Chase are at GH and there's a guy there beat up. That's Selina Wu's bodyguard, says Dante. They question him. 

Ava and Sonny.  Ava asks about his talk with Nina. Then Spinelli comes over and says everything is set up for tonight. Sonny tells Ava he's bringing his enemies to their knees.  Li got beat up to lure the bad guy out of the shadows. So Spinelli is going to watch from the sidelines and Ava is going to help Sonny as a rep for the Jerome family! :clapping: 

Anna is in her office and Jagger tells her she's going to help him get Sonny Corinthos out o his life for good. Anna takes him down a peg and I think they are trying to banter. They talk more about Sonny and she says you have to not do it wrong so you can bring him down later. Dante and Chase come in and say that Sonny and Wu are making a move. 

Sonny, Wu and Ava are all on the docks. Wu freaks out because Ava is there. Sonny says they can trust her. 

Monday Monday

  WOW, do we have a nice weather here!! Just gorgeous. All weekend was beautiful and now it's up into the 70s and maybe 80s tomorrow.  T...