Tuesday, March 26, 2024



I got here 20 min late!! whoops

Laura and Curtis.. Curtis is ALWAYS in PT . He tells Laura the theory that Wu said about Sonny knowing Jason is alive and maybe Sonny had him shot. She's like: WTF you talking about? 

OMG Jason tells Anna EVERYTHING!!!!!!! WOW! First she has to tell him that Britt was murdered. He pauses and gets teary. Then continues and says he got out and 2 FBI agents picked him up. He went to Quantico. Jagger got him to spy on Pikeman because they can't have the WSB know the FBI is working on it so they can't use their own agents. He has been doing it the whole time. OMG THEN he says that CATES KNEW he was being sent to off Sonny and Cates didn't stop it! Anna's like: HE KNEW THERE WAS A HIT out when WE WERE ALL IN THE WAREHOUSE???!! Jason says yes. He tells her he made sure the sniper missed and then Dante found them. Sniper shoots Dante and he called 911. Anna says but why didn't you stay with him? Jason says he would have been arrested and blown everything. He needed a place to hide and heal.  

Carly's at Kelly's and wants to go see Jason. Jagger stops her. She pleads and tells him how WONDERFUL JASON IS AND WHAT A great person he is and she HAS to get there. Jagger talks about Karen and how he couldn't believe Jason was Sonny's hit man. She tells him to get his food somewhere else and leaves. 

Sonny is yelling at Michael..he's so mad. Thinks Michael betrayed him. Ava says maybe Jason shot Dante by mistake. Sonny gets deeply angry. Tells Michael it's God who forgives. Tells Michael to get out and then reaches for the scotch. Ava watches him--damn. I can't figure out if she's smirking or WHAT. THEN Ava has a drink with him and basically says that Jason was a person he couldn't trust since Nixon Falls and he was marrying Carly. "That was really fast, wasn't it"?? Then she TOUCHES HIS FACE and says: there is someone you can trust... They almost kiss. Then they say it's getting late. Sonny is glad Ava is there. She's glad she's there too. She goes off to bed. He stays and stares out the window. 

Greg is struggling with breathing and Finn says they should move up the wedding date. Brook agrees but asks how they can with Dante in a coma. Chase says it's ok and they decide to downsize and get the wedding going. 


Carly watches Jason talk to Anna through the window. 


  1. Maura West is definitely performer of the day. With everything that’s going on in PC, she expertly portrays Ava as someone whose intentions cannot be truly read by the reader become she doesn’t know them herself. Maura’s portrayal of Ava reads as a woman who is both attracted and afraid of the darkness in Sonny, as well as her own. After the disaster that was her and Nikolas’s pairing (it would have worked with Tyler Christopher however, RIP), it is refreshing to see her back in that light.

    1. She is the best actress on GH in my opinion. She can do it all.

    2. She is. She always gives 100%.

    3. I love Maura West. Even though I think Ava is attracted to Sonny, part of me thinks this is her way of getting back into the mob life.

  2. ----SOOOOOOOOOOOOO good today - I mean when Jason just blurted out he was working for John Jag I jumped.....and then and then he told Anna everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    -----NOW having said that I still am confused - was Brennan not head of Pikeman? WHAT is the end game? Maybe John Jag IS involved with Pikeman and wanted Sonny dead.....I need to go listen again - very confusing....
    ------also confusing is the leverage cause Jason never said the RICO charges were about HIM - and I don't think Sonny - I think it's Carly------if it was Jason, he wouldn't work 2 1/2 years for himself - he would go to jail.....that needs to be cleared up.
    ------Anna is SO gonna pretend she doesn't know I think - and that will be great! and telling Jason about Britt (sob) and to come is about Ephinany -------she never said though Heather did it.
    -----such a great show I'm gonna let it go that Laura declares Heather is in surgery still and it's night -----not sure the timing - Jason DID call Diane at night but still...Liz said the boys are just getting out of school.
    ------Ava - Karen, I don't want her to be in on this cause eventually she would leave and I want her there for Avery and Trina.....but she flat-out threw Jason under the bus today for her own 'getting closer to Sonny'................disappointed she let him drink and that there is liquor in the house.......Maura is perfection and gorgeous.
    -----Sonny was on my nerves with Michael...and LOVED that Laura realized someone (Selina) got in Curtis' mind about Jason/Sonny connection.
    --------Hope Carly doesn't screw this up.
    -------Steve Burton was so good today - and when he JUST found out Cates was Stone's brother and he slammed his fists????WOOHOO
    GREAT SHOW today!

    1. "Mufasa says, Steve Burton was so good today - and when he JUST found out Cates was Stone's brother and he slammed his fists????WOOHOO"

      YES!!!!! Fantastic! Of course Jason wouldn't remember his high school days.

    2. I have two thoughts on Ava: "in on this" meaning I want her to be playing Sonny for revenge for Julian. OR somehow also being an informant like Jason is--although in a smaller (non spy like) role. I think she's drawn to Sonny because of the danger factor but-- there's something underneath too. I don't want her to be Pikeman or IN the Pikeman org. Because anything against Sonny eventually leaves or dies LOL

    3. In my opinion killing off Julian was a mistake. Ava's brother, Sam's dad, and he was likable!

  3. Yes, the truth. Maybe. But very well done. Tears for Britt. It still is a ball of confusion but a smaller ball. Who is the boss and why all this anyway? Could it be about Sonny backing out of a deal. That would be harsh. Agree about the RICO charges being for Carly. Ready for "Pikeman" to never be talked about again.
    Sonny is such an ass with Michael. Get over yourself.
    MW is exquisite.
    The usual boring Chase and BLQ were lovely today. I sure hope the writers can come up with a way to save Gregory. It can be totally ridiculous as long as he gets to stay.

    1. I'm one of the few Michael likers here and Sonny was a total ASS! You're so right, get over yourself Sonny. Bah!
      I'm totally for saving Gregory. And GH does ridiculous all the time, it shouldn't be too hard, lol! :)

  4. I admit the show was good today. This could have happened sooner but I'll take it. And thank goodness he told all this to Anna and not someone else.

    I could not stand the screeching from Carly at John Jag. He's the best person I know! (Even though he has killed several people). Shut up Carly.

    1. Totally agree about it being a great show, Anna and Jason were wonderful. Guts were spilled, info was exchanged, and the reactions from both were spot on!
      Carly didn't need to be on at all. I hated her nasty looks and nasty mouth to John "don't call me Jagger" Cates.
      Loving Ava too. Holy smokes, she was something else.
      And Laura and Curtis were pretty good. Curtis needs to get out of that PT room and get some fresh air. :)

    2. Julie I would have loved if John Jag would have said Ok Caroline!

    3. Linda, that would have been hysterical! LOL!!!!

  5. I was so glad that they let jason tell the whole story today. Dragging it out would have been awful. And Anna was the perfect one to hear it. And what the hell is Ava up to? They are turning her into an evil conniving old bat. I think she's identifying as Helena these days. lol Watch your back Sonny.
    And Curtis seems to be going backwards with his physio progress.

    1. Evil conniving old bat? I respectfully disagree. I am on board if she is the new Helena! Like Karen mentioned we can pray she's up to a little something and not just drawn to Sonny for his obvious appeal.

    2. lol I LOVED Helena. But when Helena got that look on her face that's what I thought of. I hope Ava goes that route too.

  6. Bobbie's:

    Carly and John: Of course Carly is in the Saint Jason club! Not surprising. I wonder who else is going to be in it besides Joss, Carly, and Michael.

    Sonny's home:

    Sonny, Michael, and Queen Ava: Queen Ava has brainwashed Sonny! BAHAHAHAHA! So hysterical!!!

    Sonny and Queen Ava: Oooooo! So close to kissing! Mmmmmmmm. :D The sparks were flying!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The hospital:

    Brase, Gregory, and Finchy: Oh Gregory if this was the other way around and your sons were in your shoes, you would want to help them too! :( Great scene, but I hate this! :( I hate this storyline and want him to be misdiagnosed so badly! :(

    Brase and Finchy: When was the wedding supposed to be?! When is it now?! I don't think Gregory can marry Brase anymore. :(

    PT room:

    Curtis and Laura: Awww I'm glad they are friends! :) Come on Curtis you can do it! You can walk!!! The shooter was not trying to kill you!!!!! Now take off your shirt. :)

    Police station:

    Anna and Jason: I'm glad Anna believes Jason! Jason was an informant! I KNEW IT! :D I'm glad Anna told him about Britch! Dammit Steve Burton and his blue eyes! GAH!

    1. Oh forgot to mention, that Sonny drank for the first time today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :O WHOA! Will he get drunk with Ava and sleep together? Will he throw barware?!

    2. Yes, old blue eyes had the best reaction to Britt's death! For me it was perfect. Loved the reactions Anna/Jason had for all the information they shared. Excellent scenes!

    3. Yes. Best scene with Anna in ages. It definitely left me wanting more..

  7. Karen/Wubs here! I forgot to mention that Greg Harrison was SO GOOD with Gregory today and the struggling with his condition. The breathing and voice was so perfect. Not easy to do. Kudos to him.

    1. So true. love the actor. Still hoping for a miracle.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...