Wednesday, March 13, 2024


 Savoy: Curtis found the doctor that misdiagnosed Hat Daddy. He's retired outside of Baltimore. Marshall wants to go talk to him and find closure. Selina Wu walks in and Curtis doesn't want to talk to her. She says she has info on the shooter. She says that it was Jason and she thinks that Sonny knew he was alive and hired him to annex new territory. 

Sonny and Anna talk at the PCPD. He wants to know if there's evidence that Jason shot Dante. She goes through the timeline. Jagger sees her talking to Sonny and is pissed. 

Drew leaves Carly because he doesn't want to be second to Jason. Carly's sad. Drew says the minute Jason got home, they were done because he knows Carly loves him. He tells her he's going to let her go from Crimson (I thought she quit?). Leaves. 

Carly goes to GH to see Dante/Sam. Sam's upset that Carly didn't find out if Jason shot Dante or not. If he did shoot Dante "She'll never forgive him". 

Drew is boxing at the gym. Jordan comes in. She's mad she can't go after Jason because she's deputy mayor. He says he hopes they catch Jason.

Michael comes home and then Danny knocks on the door and needs a favor. He wants Michael to come with him. 

Jason is still in the boathouse, changing his wound bandages. HE HAS A GIANT SLEEVE TATTOO. I guess he got it after leaving GH. Pfffffffft. whatever. Michael and Danny come in and then Jason wants Michael to take Danny back to the Q house. NOPE Michael takes him to the Gatehouse to get Willow and leaves him there to watch the kids. Willow stiches him up. Jason tells Michael that he and Hamish were on the roof and then Dante chased them. Hamish shot Dante and then shot Jason. Jason killed him. 

Danny goes back up to the big house and Willow goes back to the Gatehouse. Jason is drinking water. 


Sam tells Carly if she sees Jason, call the police. 


  1. Allegedly Jason's return was changed by the new writers. Oy, how bad could the first draft have been.
    What is the point of Hatman and Curtis going to see the old doctor? Close to worst story idea ever. Remember when Curtis and Drew(BM) were best friends. What potential they had.
    Sam is weird.

  2. I know it doesn't sound that way but I AM trying to like what is being written but it's all over the place/outta sync and doesn't make sense.
    ------I stand by my statement that a doctor doesn't remember 40 days ago much less 40 years ago UNLESS he was like blackmailed years ago to diagnose Marshall for some reason....just sad to me that we gotta go back 40 years to find a storyline?? Make Stella Curtis' mom or Marshall not his biological dad or whatever - and is Curtis just gonna walk in one day?
    -----TOMORROW is the day Jason tells Michael where he has been!!!
    ----Jordan just NOW after MONTHS of investigating with Curtis and not doing ANY Deputy Mayor jobs? My fear is that Jordan and Drew are gonna get together when I am ready for CM to leave.....I just don't know WHAT she is asking Drew?
    -----Yes Carly quit one day _ WEEKS ago - and then nothing except Drew and Carly had WAY now she could run Deception - so will he ask Nina back? Maxie? Jordan? Brook Lynn? Lucy? PLEASE not a new character...
    -----sorry but Mumbles talking to Carly made me feel nothing.....she cannot act...
    ----by the way - haven't seen Dex or Joss or Olivia or Chase?
    ----the stupidest line of the day belongs to Anna after saying there was another man but not sure where he is------ 'If Jason had died, we would have found him in the river by now"
    say what???????? and why is there no dead body floating around?

    1. Drew needs a new editor - he can give the job to Jordan! She has as much experience at a fashion magazine as Carly did!

    2. I thought that was what she was asking but she couldn't investigate, right? Her convo to him made no sense.

  3. and is Selina just lying or does she believe this about Sonny?

    1. I think she is probably trying to use the situation to her advantage by manipulating others.

  4. I think the return of Jason story line - along with several others - are just fine. I'm a huge Jason / Steve Burton fan - I admit it happily- and I think Jason being back has brought a breath of fresh air. It's the editing that makes it difficult!!! None of the story lines flow and there are a lot of things that don't make sense (ie: Carly quitting Crimson and now Drew is letting her go??). Fix the editing - a lot fixes itself.

    Side note - Selina has something up her sleeve and I'm here for it!!

    1. 100 percent agree with all of this

    2. I'm ok with Jason being back, just wish it was in a different way not the same story over and over. Original Jason at least for a bit could have been good.


    1. Wow! Awesome! Does this mean that John J York is feeling better?! :D

    2. It certainly sounds like it. Hopefully he'll be back soon, or at least on a video call with people.

  6. Carly's home:

    Crew: Uh okay "Drew" Buh bye! Oh and Carly already quit Crimson you idiot! Now shut the hell up and take your shirt off, then get the hell out!

    The gym:

    Drew aka Ryan Lavery and Jordan: Man!!!! He really really hates Jason for really no reason. *Throws Tribbles at him*

    The Savoy:

    Mr. Hat man and Curtis: Geez that doctor must be like 100 years old! Does the doctor and Audrey know each other? :)

    Mr. Hat man, Curtis, and Ms. Wu: Mr. Hat man wins the line of the day.

    Mr. Hat man: I'm not afraid of whatever this is that you dragged in here from the bottom of your shoe.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! And Ms. Wu throwing Sonny under the bus! ROFL!

    The Q boathouse:

    Jason, Danny Cheeto, and Michael: Yeah Michael it's best not to hug Jason since Jason's wound is being a bitch! OH! Jason is being a good daddy to Cheeto. :)

    Mildew home:

    Mildew and Danny Cheeto: Willow didn't know that Jason is alive?! I guess she didn't read the invader! ROFL!

    Q boathouse:

    Jason and Mildew: Man that is one HUGE tattoo that Jason has! Does it talk too? Yes Jason! Mildew has 2 kids! I'm sure you will meet them soon! Hamish? Sounds like a sandwich.

    Jason and Willlow: Hmmm. The drink looks like blood. Is Jason a vampire now?

    The hospital:

    Dante's room:

    Sante: Sam's allergies are acting up. Poor thing. She should really use Zyrtec.

    Outside Dante's room:

    Carly and Sam: MAN!!!!!!!!! Sam do you still love Jason?!


    Anna and Sonny: I'm bored. Sonny time to take your shirt off.

    Anna, Sonny, and John: Oh good! John is here. John can take off his shirt too! :)

    1. Jason could have met Esme while she was away after her first trip off the parapet, she could have bitten him.

    2. "Gary says, Jason could have met Esme while she was away after her first trip off the parapet, she could have bitten him."

      Hahahahaha. Yes! She could have!!!! :D

  7. Alexis could run Deception --- I keep thinking though she will go back to practicing law BUT also if Crew break up, what exactly will Nina have for gossip in the Invader?

  8. (Accidentally posted this on yesterday's show, whoops...)

    Sam seemed somewhat off today, as she seems convinced that Jason is guilty. I get that she doesn't know that Jason didn't shoot Dante and the fact that he has been MIA. But this is SAM. A woman that has literally PRAYED to Jason (yes, you read that right).

    Even more off is Drew. He learns that his twin brother is still alive and what does he do? He immediately dumps Carly. He doesn't question how Jason is still alive or CALL THE QUARTERMANES, but acts immature and envious over Jason and Carly. Huh?!

    I was surprised that Willow is actually acting like a medical nurse. She is finally embracing her inner Monica Quartermane, LOL.

    Things that Jason doesn't know (it's a lot):
    Liz has been made head nurse. Maxie has another daughter and Spixie reunion, Sonny hooking up and breaking up with Nina (EVERYTHING), Sonny Vs Michael, Sonny and Ava getting closer. Nina is Willow's Mom, Who is Cody, Marshall or Dex are. Curtis being Trina's dad. Jake dating Charlotte. CarDrew. Brooklyn & Chase upcoming wedding. Cyrus is out of Jail. So many deaths: Luke, Peter, Brando & Liam, EPIPHANY, BRITT (and how Heather was the hook killer).

  9. I am going to make a guess about what Jason is up to: The WSB found him in the collapse of the tunnel on Cassadine Island. As he was nursed back to health, they gave Jason an ultimatum -- either help us stop the gun runners (Pikeman) by going undercover or go to jail.

    But who knows?

    1. love it - the only thing I keep wondering is wouldn't mob/people KNOW the Enforcer?????

  10. I'm just gonna register my complaint and then leave it alone: He could get that massive tattoo, but lost his job for years over one needle.

    1. I guess he wasn't afraid of dirty tattoo needles that could give him an infection.


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