Wednesday, March 20, 2024

My Three Sons

Lately, the show has been spotlighting/mentioning Elizabeth's 3 sons. We are quite sure that most of you, being longtime fans, know who belongs to which father and the history and backstory. For those who don't we are going to talk about it today. Fun Fact: ALL WERE KIDNAPPED at least once! 

Cameron Webber (father: Zander Smith (deceased))

B: May 11, 2004

Who's his biological father? ZANDER! One of Karen's fave characters over the years. Of course, Cameron never got to know his father who was shot by police and died.  Did you know that although Ric Lansing agreed to raise the baby, Liz named him Cameron in honor of Zander's father?  Cameron liked to play with matches, tried pot and various other adventurous things over his young life. He was kidnapped by Shiloh and almost had Drew Cain's memories implanted in his head but Franco saved him. He lost his virginity to Josslyn and was also a victim of revenge porn launched by Esme Prince. Cameron is now in California where he attends college. 

Jake Webber (father: Jason Morgan)

B: May 4, 2007

Oh, POOR JAKE.... this kid has been through it all. Hit and "killed" by Luke Spencer in some of the most dramatic soap scenes ever, he was then resurrected via Helena Cassadine who had him the entire time. Who knows what body they had. (he was actually the "kidney donor" for Josslyn before it was changed to Nelle.) How did he come to be? One nighter with Jason Morgan when Lucky was addicted to pills. Jason did learn the truth but said he'd keep quiet for everyone's sake and let Lucky raise him as his own. Lucky of course found out who he was and the rest is history. Oh! Jake has been kidnapped 3x.  First by a grieving mother who lost her own son in a house fire. Next up the Russian mob!! Third by Helena. Helena programmed Jake and he almost let loose a deadly virus "Chimera" during the Nurses Ball.  For NOW, Jake appears to be a normal teenage boy who has a crush on Charlotte Cassadine. How do you think that will work out? 

Aiden Spencer (father: Lucky Spencer)

B: July 19,2010

It's a bit ironic that Liz' first love fathered her last child. Aiden was born ! Did you know his name was originally Aiden Alexi Nikolosovich Cassadine when he was born? It was changed to Aiden Nikolas Spencer on June 21, 2011 when he was found to be Lucky's ...not Nikolas' child. Aidan was kidnapped by Franco (played by James Franco) and given to his mother, Betsy to raise. He was obviously recovered and through twisty turns was then kidnapped by Nikolas!! Lord that kid has been through a lot. Maybe that's why he bakes? To soothe is infant PTSD? Recently, Aiden came out as gay to his mother and has a crush on a guy named Tobias. Let's home no one kidnaps him anymore. 

Note: Interesting that all 3 of Elizabeth's children were "Who's the Daddy" stories. First with Ric Lansing, then with Lucky and again with Lucky. So many DNA tests were done on Jake and Aiden, you head could spin! Also, Lucky was basically the only father that Cam and Jake knew yet their last name is still Webber. 


  1. Thank you for this, I absolutely loved it. Not only is Becky one of the most beloved GH characters with history with so many, but she is timelessly beautiful. Liz and Lucky had the most poignant love story and she was a pill when she first joined GH. SO much fun watching her over the decades on our screen. When Emily passed away Liz's reaction over her dead body will be a close second to when she thought Jake passed. I bawl every time.

  2. -----I am screaming DO NOT put Anna with John Jag!!!!! She deserves an honest man---
    I did think today that right now Anna is all about "bringing Sonny down" BUT BUT when she finds out about John Jag's part and deception in this, she will realize she once again has been a fool.....and again Anna will be a victim of TRUSTING a man..I HATE this storyline. PLUS this comes outta nowhere - she KNEW about Sonny through the years and I can't believe DEX talking to her changed her mind.
    --------I also do not want Natalie sleeping with Sonny - please no...but I DO wanna see her face when she realizes Sonny is the Mob Boss!
    --------I find it selfish that Molly doesn't want her mom to try and go back to practicing law. I don't think it's about Alexis drinking again - maybe she feels threatened?
    -----Once again, Nina is unbearable - SURELY CW is not happy with her character??? HOPEFULLY Valentin got through to her today.....he was good! and tomorrow it DOES look like Drew offers Nina the job back
    ------REALLY liking Tracy talking to others and being nice.
    ------also Anna's face/make-up was flawless today - she looked so different and so good and healthy!

  3. Thanks Dave. Life on a soap is not simple.
    Today showed improvement. It was just smoother or something.
    I loved the Tracy/James/Cody scenes. It is great for Tracy to more real and show her soft sides.
    JohnJag is quite a bit younger than Anna. A friend of her daughter. Like it or not, if it happens, it is soapy.
    Having been in the cosmetics biz I can't help but notice makeup. Kristina looks great with a more natural look. Most of them do.

    1. I've noticed that the makeup seems much better lately too. I first noticed it with Maxie. It made a world of difference.

      And I didn't like the fact that they looked like they're trying to redeem John today.

    2. Redemption drinking maybe.

  4. A lot of funny one liners today! :)

    Brase home: Poor Chase doesn't think he should be a cop anymore. Brooky is awesome! Doing reverse psychology! Brooky talking to him about John the FBI agent and how she threatened him hahaha. I'm glad Chase is on her side! Awwwww. :)

    Cowboy Cody horse stables home:

    Tracy, Cowboy Cody, and James: Oh when Tracy was hearing voices, I thought it was young uncle Leo! Anyway, these scenes are spectacular!!! James and his pearls of wisdom that he got from Mac! :) I love it! :) James wins the line of the day.

    James: It's called a high five. You want me to show you how to do it?

    BAHAHAHAHA! Tracy is really good with James. She has mellowed out thanks to Gregory. James is right about bosses and friends. :)

    Charlie's pub and restaurant:

    Sonny and Blaze's mami: Hmmm more chem testing? :)

    Sonny and Krissy: Awwwwwwwww father and daughter scene. :)

    Alexis's office:

    V.C. and Nina: Great scene!!!! :D Who published about Sonny? Wasn't that gossip? And didn't you hire that guy DimWitt for the gossip? So you should fire him! V.C. talking about how he was relieved that Sonny wanted a divorce from Nina and can breath! :)

    Nina: Why? So I could go back to you?

    V.C.: That IS lovely, but no.

    LOVELY!!!! :D Now I really want them back together. :)

    John's metrocourt hotel room:

    John and Anna: Did you see the look on John's face when he found out that Anna lives just above him! He was smiling! :)

    John: My brother's always with me.

    GAH! That made me cry! :( Great scene between them today!

    Cafe Cheri:

    Alexis and Molly: At first I thought that was Krissy.. Anyway great scene!!!! Molly is skeered that if Alexis gets rejected about being a lawyer again she will drink. :( No Molly you are not selfish!!!! :(

  5. Wow, realizing liz's kids are pretty accurately aged, rare on soaps not to have been sorted.
    Re john/jagger, yesterday w him at qs and Jason at boathouse I had vague memories of the 2 of them, plus Karen and Brenda having get together at boathouse as teens. And today, I expected Anna to say brooke lynn was Ned and lois's daughter, bc I feel he knew them back then. Jaggers was more than someone who hates sonny in the past, jason may not remember their high school yrs, but jagger shld mention his history in pc...

    1. For the most part, Liz's kids have never been significantly SORAS on the show. I think it's because how Liz was potrayed as young mother and Rebecca Herbst's real age. Despite Liz having a kid in college, and 2 teenagers, Rebecca Herbst is only 46!

  6. "Who's his biological father? ZANDER!"

    Zander!!! *heart*

    "One of Karen's fave characters over the years."

    Yes! Me too!!!!!! :D *Heart*

  7. I still remember how painful the Jake paternity story arc was. If my memory is correct, Lucky didn't even learn of Liz sleeping with Jason until around the time Jake was born. And even then, he didn't learn about the paternity until LATER that year (November). From the start of the Liason hookup to Lucky learning about the true paternity at the Black & White ball, the story spanned a painful 16 MONTHS!

    This doesn't even factor in Liz marrying Lucky (again). Lucky getting addicted to drugs and going to rehab. Maxie being a floozy and having an affair with Lucky. Maxie faking a pregnancy AND miscarriage with Lucky. Sam becoming a bitter jealous ex (Nina like levels) to Jason. And Sam pressuring and trying to leak Jake's paternity to Lucky. It was painful.

    Side fact: During Aiden's birth arc, Rebecca Herbst was controversially FIRED from the show. The Fandom revolted against the show, and GH immediately unfired Herbst.

    1. Matthew yes and they somehow redeemed Kemo's Sam from all of that mess.

  8. I guess I'm the only one on here who likes John/Jagger. Here's why: 1) Adam Harrington exudes a good energy, 2) we need a strong male character on the right side of the law who is a formidable opponent to Sonny, and 3) he has great eyes. LOL

    1. At first I did not but I am starting to like him. And I do like him with Anna. No one, except Lucy, has a good fling anymore.

    2. I like him a lot and mostly due to the fact that he is extremely attractive and can act.

  9. Amazing column. Loved the Liz backstory

  10. Jagger and Jason, Karen and Liz were ALOT younger than Anna.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...