Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Rootin' and TOOTIN


Sonny, Ava, Anna and Jagger on the docks. Sonny says this is all payback for Karen Wexler. HE TELLS THE ENTIRE STORY about Sonny and her past sexual abuse and how Sonny got her to strip and drugged her and slept with her. Oooooooooooooooooo. YOU MUST WATCH THIS because it goes into detail and also has a lot about Stone/Robin. Anna is in tears. Jagger thinks she defends Sonny because Robin loves him. Jagger gets a call, has to leave so does Anna. 

Ava tells Sonny she believes him about Karen but Cates never will and an FBI agent is a bad enemy to make. 

Jason calls an ambulance for Dante. It takes forever to get there. Jason stops the blood as best he can. Leaves when he hears the sirens. 

Dex and Joss drive to Port Charles. They find out there's shooting on the docks. They find Dante and Dex is in the same place Jason was, staunching the blood. Chase FINALLY comes along and FINDS NO PULSE! Then Dex and Joss do CPR and they get one. The ambulance comes. Chase realizes someone was helping Dante before they all got there. 

Cyrus and Laura talk in the GH chapel. Zzzzzzzzzzzzz. They talk about Ace and the family and yada yada. Ace's tests are fine. Laura is going to go get a prescription filled. 

Heather keeps trying to get out of her handcuffs. Oh she gets the guard and STRANGLES HIM!! She then roams the hall. She ends up in the chapel with Cyrus after Laura leaves. She has a HATCHET THING and is threatening him. 'Why do you get to live old man, and my Esme is dead"? She rants and raves and charges him and then Laura bonks her on the head from behind! Heather is down! 

Curtis, Stella and Marshall talk about his misdiagnosis.  Stella wants to find out if the doctors that misdiagnosed him are still alive and find out why. Marshall says Nope. Stella says he has to because it will explain so much and he can be free of that. 

Sam and Olivia talk about their kids and Olivia says that she's so happy Sam found Dante. There's a lot of talk about Sam and Dante and their relationship. 


Heather wakes up, then collapses in the hallway

Joss and Dex tell Olivia and Sam that Dante is in the hospital

Marshall agrees to find the doctor 

Sonny tells Ava to find Spinelli and get the footage of the warehouse before Jagger does 


  1. I enjoyed todays show. It moved fairly quickly.

    The number of people who were misdiagnosed for mental problems 50 years ago were astronomical. Why are they pursuing this?

    Heather in manic mode drives me crazy. And why didn't they tell 911 that a cop was down. That might have speeded them up or at least got police there more quickly.

    hmmm Wonder where Jason will go for help. I was assuming this meant he'd be outed but since Dante is in critical condition I'm assuming if he mentions Jason they will assume he confused him with Dex, since he came to his aid after. Could get interesting and drag it out longer.

    Start deleting files, Spinelli!!!

  2. ----another great show - Sonny and John Jag were perfection/mesmerizing and then Anna was amazing.....and it should be stated again that Ava and Sonny are SO good...
    ----Sonny never mentioned though how Jagger wouldn't visit Stone who had AIDS.
    -----the shooter got a shot off to Jason before Jason killed him so the spoiler about Jason showing up on Liz's doorstep needing medical help must be true...
    -----Dex and Joss saving Dante is why Sonny must forgive and accept Dex back.
    ----for sure Dante gonna try to say Jason saved him and then he's cra cra----but Steve B even showed a clip of Jason being booked at PCPD...
    ------not sure why we have this Marshall story interjected
    ----Laura and Cyrus I liked so again I changed my mind - don't think he is involved....not sure where they are going with Heather (who is really sick/hurt) but Laura saving Cyrus was great)
    -----the only complant is that JohnJag and Sonny rehashed their history and Ava and Anna were enthralled - but time and place - they were in no hurry/they heard no siren, etc.
    but it was a needed conversation so Anna and Ava could hear it....
    ----great show

    1. I hope those Rumors are true Mufasa, honor Liason connection/history please. So many years he looked at her like she was a nobody. Made many fans crazy.

      As much as I have enjoyed Sonny the past 2 years, I loved watching him have to hear what he did today in front of 2 women he respects. Oh and Sonny is a nickname too not just Jagger.

      I hope still Dex goes away. The actor hasn't shows much IMO. Joss's hair looked amazing today. She had the Laura Wright look for sure.

    2. "Oh and Sonny is a nickname too not just Jagger." Excellent point. Loved the whole confrontation between Sonny and John.

    3. I loved that confrontation too, it was outstanding! And copy that about Sonny being a nickname. I can't stand it when he gets that nasty tone and is so dismissive and mocking. He was so scummy back then. And yes, people can change but I was thrilled Ava and Anna got to hear all about that mess. And my eyebrows went way up when John brought up Robin. Yowser! He really did speak the truth.

  3. ----I don't feel that John Jag knows Selina Wu well enough to call her Selina - she deserves to be called Mrs. Wu!
    ----and technically Dante was shot, Olivia, on duty as a cop

  4. On the road: Not sure who's car they are in. Probably Dex's.

    Jex: Yeah forget it Dex! She ain't budging. She is staying put and not going home! You know her better than that!

    The pier:

    Jacobs and Dante: Hmmm Jacobs knows Dante's name! And of course he knows what to do!!! He went to medical school once for crying out loud! :) OH! The ambulance is coming! :) They sound close!

    Dante, Jex, and Chase: Geez! Where the hell is the ambulance? They sound so far away now!!! Come on! ROFL!

    The Q home:

    Olivia and Sam: Geez you two.. You don't have any gut feelings that something is wrong with Dante?

    Olivia, Sam, and Jex: I love how Olivia looked quickly at Sam in shock! :)

    The warehouse:

    John, Ava, Sonny, and Anna: Great history talk!!! I like how Sonny feels bad!

    Sonny and Ava: Oh yes!!! Go to Spinny's! Get the video tapes!!!!! HURRY!

    The dumpster: Mmmmm those blue blue eyes. :)

    The hospital:

    Heather's room:

    Heather and guard: AH HA! She WAS faking her pain! :) GO HEATHER GET OUT! :D

    The chapel:

    Laura and Cyrus: I love that she loves how Cyrus is worried about Ace! Awwww worried about Ace. :D

    Cyrus and Heather: Ooooooo great scene!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Cyrus, Heather, and Laura: Whoa! GO LAURA HAHAHA!

    Cyrus, Heather, Laura, and the guard: Heather wins the line of the day.

    Heather: Hitting me over the head was a little extreme don't you think?


    The guard and Heather: Hmmm either she is having a panic attack, anxiety attack, or she is faking.

    Purtis's home:

    Curtis, Stella, and Mr. Hat man: Great scene! Awwww my Curtis wants to help his daddy! :) So sweet! Well first take off your shirt Curtis, and then go help your dad. :) Oooo Stella has got cookies!!! I want one! I just saw Vernee Watson on Bob Hearts Abishola last night. :)

    Sidenote: I forgot to mention yesterday, about the Laura and Cyrus scene, She was all crying and he was consoling her. I loved that! :)

  5. gosh I hope Laura doesn't have to step down as mayor cause she clobbered Heather.....cause that means Jordan would be mayor...

    1. OMG I think I just threw up a little in my mouth!

      Laura was SAVING A LIFE. She shouldn't lose her job for that.

  6. meanwhile somewhere Li is realizing Selina and/or Sonny gonna kill him for exposing their plan to the Feds...................LOL

  7. So, I am enjoying the chemistry between Ava and Sonny. Ultimately, I think it's more likely they will become business (crime) partners than lovers, but if they do pursue that last option the writers need to deal with the elephant in the room.

    Ava shot and killed Connie, Sonny's fiancee. Now, maybe Sonny thinks Ava has suffered enough since that time -- her face was burned, her daughter was murdered, she had to help Sonny turn on Julian. Still, the issue needs to be addressed.

  8. I have been wondering why in the world they brought in "Jagger" instead of just introducting a generic FBI agent. Yesterday's scenes where John explained the whole history of Sonny and Karen to Anna and Ava, was the reason. No better way to bring out that history than to have someone who was there at the time review it. Expect Jagger will be gone once this current storyline wraps up.

  9. The show is definitely getting better but...
    Why on earth would they revisit, again, Hatman's misdiagnosis. No one cares, especially Hatman. A better story for Curtis please.
    The conversation between Olivia and Sam might have been nice if it wasn't coordinated with his shooting. Looks like wardrobe really is getting better. Olivia in a cute black top and jeans!
    Can't get past the letting Dante pursue shooter alone. SO dumb.


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