NOTE: just watch the Sonny/Liz/Mike scenes. You'll thank me later.
Oh BOY!! WHOO!! SO.. Poor Willow yesterday. Although come on, being dumb enough to fall for that? She kinda deserves it a bit. LOL Wonder if Michael will see thru it? ahahaha.
Mike's: OMG Liz is there. I love when she's a nurse. They do that so well. Mike can't swallow. She ends up giving him a washcloth with water on it. :sobbing: She tells Sonny to consider palliative care and a DNR. Mike wakes for a min.. Liz says goodbye and leaves.
Charlie's: Willow and Michael. There is NO emotion in this. Just horrible, clunky scenes. Sorry but they are. ugh. Just bad.
Michael: Stupid
Willow: Stupid.
Michael offers to put up Willow in The Metro for the night.
Chase's: Chase and Sasha talk about how much they love Michael and Willow. Again, just bad scenes. Sasha thinks that yes, Willow and Michael will marry and they'll fall in love.
Metro: Diane set up a meeting with Sam and Alexis. Alexis ends up telling Sam she had a drink ..and she tells Diane and Sam that she slept with Neil and lied to the board.
Crimson: Nina and Nelle. Nelle tells Nina she wants to buy a little house with a fence for she and Wiley. Nina says: OMG I've always wanted that too! :eyeroll: They talk about wants, yada yada.
Nina leaves. Nelle goes in to do paperwork and MOVES the necklace box but doesn't LOOK at it LOL. GEESH
Michael confronts Sasha and Chase.. Sasha leaves. Michael shows so much more emotion with Chase LOL They need to marry.
Nelle overhears Willow tell Nina that Sasha and Chase had an affair.