Wednesday, April 8, 2020



What a month.. or months or? Who knows ... WHAT DAY IS IT????? LOL. 

I will not get into my PANTS after this. Maybe we'll all have to wear sweats for 2 months heh. 

TODAY'S SHOW:  Note: LOTS of flashbacks, I think to stretch things out!  LIKE A TON 

Ok, so this is a hard show to blog because there are so many flashbacks. You should watch it to see Nelle's past roll along. There's a really young Eden McCoy in there too. Wow, she's grown so much! 

Crimson: Nina and Nelle-- Nina is thisclose into talking her into the operation and BIG MOUTH CARLY barges in and is going to ruin the whole thing! hahaahha. 
OH!! It's the Carly-Nelle flashback to Florida day!! So, Nina plays Caroline (Carly's) adoptive mother and Joss plays Carly. This is done like the young Luke days were shot. There are a TON of Nelle flashbacks about her coming to town and doing things. She lays into Carly for her past with sleeping with Tony and passing Michael off as his baby. As being a gold digger with AJ and the whole shopping cart episode. Says they are just the same. Nelle says SHE wants a re-do just like Carly. Wants everyone to forgive HER sins. Carly says you're going about it the wrong way.  She talks about her past with Bobbie.. 
Flashback to Young Carly telling her mom she wants to find Frank. 
Nelle ends up telling Carly that when Carly found Frank and wanted money from what he owed her mother for child support, Nelle was there and Carly met her.

Joss goes to see Jason and wants him to "take care of Nelle". Promise me you won't let her get custody. LOL she wants her dead !! Jason says you know, she might not win the custody hearing. He thinks Michael will. 

Corinthos Kitchen: Sasha, Willow and Michael. They are going to discuss her marrying him. 

Oh, Chase gets there too. No, they don't mention it--which is dumb. Willow leaves and Sasha follows her. Chase and MIchael stay back to talk. 



  1. Karen, I commented yesterday about the many flashbacks. If they are doing this to draw out the show, then it is a BRILLIANT IDEA!!

    1. Haven't finished watching yet - but AntJoan - I think you hit the nail on the head in your assessment - no one knows when this covid thing will end - but you are right that the flashbacks and the Friday retro things will draw it out and keep us all interested and I agree that it is BRILLIANT - kudos to whoever came up with this - stay safe all

  2. It was a great idea to draw up our viewing time and to fill in new people who may be rejoining the show because they're home now.Unfortunately most of them included Nell so I ff'd through them.

    Chase still has that cut on his nose. I wonder if it actually got cut when they filmed that scene where she threw the glass at him.

  3. FLASHBACK CITY!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Some very long!!!

    Sonny's office:

    Joss and Jason: Wow Joss really really really really wants Nelle dead doesn't she? ROFL!

    FLASHABACK: Man that flashback with Joss and Nelle on the pier, was so long!!!!


    Nelle and Carly: I like Nelle's dress, but don't like the sleeves. Nelle wins the line of the day!

    Nelle: What are you? A motivational speaker now?

    ROFL! I hope Nelle doesn't ever get redeemed! I hope she isn't going to be turned into a sweet caring princess! Carly vs Nelle I love.. Nelle vs everyone I love! :) The flashbacks of a young Carly who had attitude! Carly's adopted mom with a dark bad wig hahahahaha. They used to live in a trailer not a beautiful apartment!! HAHAHAHAHAHA! Ah yes. A young Carly in 1996. She first came on the scene April 8, 1996. I was 21. I remember a young Carly! Her attitude annoyed the hell out of me! ROFL!


    FLASHBACK: I remember I was so hurt and angry when Jax had to be deported! I was so angry at Sonny!!!

    Carson kitchen:

    Chillow, Masha, and Tribbles:

    Stop beatin' round the green bush
    Stop beatin' round the green bush,
    The green bush
    The green bush
    Stop beatin' round the green bush,
    Come out and say you love me

    Stop beatin' round the green bush,
    The green bush
    Oh, the green bush
    Stop beatin' round the green bush,
    When there's a moon above me

    "Di says, Chase still has that cut on his nose. I wonder if it actually got cut when they filmed that scene where she threw the glass at him."

    Yeah I was wondering too if that cut is real. Hmmmm.

    1. Sonya, you are correct, they lived in a trailer, and Carly came from Pensacola, not whatever city they mentioned in the flashback.

    2. "Carly came from Pensacola, not whatever city they mentioned in the flashback."

      Jacksonville!!! ROFL!

  4. If Nelle is n8nas daughter and Carly has had that necklace I’m done with Gh.
    Also where is Kristina - at least have Molly MENTION her.

    1. I feel the same way. I wish they'd stop giving her new reasons to hang around.

  5. I thought the flashbacks were too much and not good ones

  6. I really enjoyed the flashbacks, but I agree with what was said. Caroline lived in Pensacola in a trailer park. Someone on facebook said Nina looked liked Sarah Palin. I about died, but couldn't disagree!

    I am kind of sick of Willow/Chase/Michael/Sasha scenes. Boring and repetitive. Get on with it already!

    1. "Julie H says. Someone on facebook said Nina looked liked Sarah Palin. I about died, but couldn't disagree!"

      WHOA! I didn't even think about that! That person on facebook is right! She does! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

  7. I had to ffwd. the whole show - too much Carly in uninteresting flashbacks and I really can’t stand Nelle. Today looks like more of the same. Willow, Michael et al getting monotonous.

  8. Loved all the flashbacks. And hints about Nelle being killed... When Diane said she'd be able to move the custody hearing date, Michael said "ok, Diane, pull the trigger".Who says that when telling someone to "go ahead"?.. Then Willow says "we have to DO something"... Then Joss just about comes out and tells Jason to kill her. I think that Nelle will be murdered soon.

  9. If they murder Nelle it will end too many future possibilities so I would doubt it. At first I was not thrilled with all the flash backs but then I got interested. Nice to have reminders . I wish they would show some older shows on Fridays. Shows that still have ties with present days but not shows from the past few years. Once was enough.

    1. "I wish they would show some older shows on Fridays."

      I wonder what they are going to show after all their new episodes run out. Hmmmmmmm.


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