Wednesday, April 29, 2020

BRANOandSAMO InterruptO

So, Something is happening with Blogger ..not sure what. Hope this publishes. 

Chase and Finn... yada yada Chase tells Finn the truth. Finn basically says that's stupid. 

Michael goes to Carly. Sasha calls, tells him she's moved out of the house.  Michael tells Carly what happened. Remember Carly told Sasha to do a plan. 

Sam's being an ass, tells Brando to stay away from Molly and grabs him. Damn, girl! She's mouthy to him. Brando for some reason says 'this isn't about  Molly, it's about you and Jason".. 
Um, WHAT? That is weird ass'd dialog from him. 
OMG so they fight some more... and then she goes to leave and he CHANGES HIS SHIRT in front of him!! ahaahhaa. She turns to go and mentions motorcycles (AHAHAHAHA) and he says: OH? what do you know about them?? 
OMG are they going there with Brando and SAM?? Already?? OH my GOODNESS! 

Crimson: Nina wants Lulu not to interrupt Val and Charlotte. Charlotte wants to leave town. Valentin says no.. he cries, she cries. They go out to see Lulu. Charlotte cries. Lulu asks her if she overheard she and her Gram talking. 

Nelle and Willow. Nelle apologizes to Willow. She says they both had those babies taken from them and they were both dumped by Chase LOL . Willow says "you're a murderer" and reads her for filth. Leaves. 

Molly wants to tell TJ and Kristina is like: UM.. that's dumb. Don't tell him. Then TJ walks into Charlies. 

MY LOCAL NEWS INTERRUPTED FOR THE LAST 20 minutes to tell us hospitals are doing elective surgery again. Then had questions for doctors. It was so badly done. :EYEROLL: So I missed it

OH MY GOD.. my STUPID LOCAL TV channel cut IN TO TELL US that clinics are now open. COME ON.. We heard this from Cuomo. 


  1. The baby story continues. Even if Willow marries Michael the judge could still award Nelle joint custody. But it's all so darn stupid.
    Sam...can't watch her.
    Molly taking advice from Kristina. lol

  2. I won't say anything about the end till you see it.

    Gawd Sam was obnoxious; throwing her weight around like the puny friend of a high school bully. And like you said, SHE LAID HANDS ON HIM! What the hell. Stupid little oxpecker who cries and has to be carried away when a real problem arises, strutting around and threatening like a Sonny clone.

    And as for the notion that they are testing them for a relationship, I hope the hell not. Only a hormonal 13 year old would look at that scene as foreplay.

    The last scene with Molly, however, reeked of chemistry. I think she's going to have trouble forgetting Brando.

    1. "Di says, The last scene with Molly, however, reeked of chemistry. I think she's going to have trouble forgetting Brando."

      Yeah I think she will have trouble forgetting him too! They will see each other somewhere, and the eye sex will happen, and then they will talk, and then one thing leads to another. ;)

    2. Omg Di..."stupid little oxpecker" hahahahahah! Couldn't have said it better myself. That entire paragraph was perfection! She was TOTALLY unwatchable today. Just awful. And yup, only a 13 yr old would think that was foreplay.

  3. The last time Sam had chemistry with someone that showed a different side of her was Patrick. Maybe Drew a little, but honestly I am ready for KEMO to GO unless they give her something else to do other than the mob scene and Jason. Play with her baby maybe?

    1. I agree about her chemistry with Patrick, even though it made sick at the time, lol! I too am ready for her to exit...stage left.

  4. Some flashbacks!!

    Carson home:

    Carly and Michael: Yes Carly has had a lot of experiences and learned a lot!!! You should listen to her Michael!! :)

    Charlie's pub and restaurant:

    Molly and Krissy: Oh sure. Take relationship advice from Krissy! ROFL! I don't think Krissy has learned anything.. I hope she has, but I doubt it.

    TJ and Krissy:

    TJ: Nothing to do but look forward to the future with Molly.

    Hmmm. Foreshadow of Molly being preggers?

    The garage:

    Brando and Sam: HOLY COW!!! What is with you Sam? Sam are you interested in Brando?

    Brando: We never have to cross paths again.

    Oh man! Sam looks disappointed. :)

    Sam: That is none of your business.

    ROFL! She would have won the line of the day, but Nelle wins it. Come on Sam! You are getting into Brando's business!! Stay out of his business and he will stay out of yours. Oh my Brando takes his shirt off!!! She saw his chesticals! ROFL! Now they are talking about motorcycles!!! She is going to be sleeping with him before you know it! :)

    Brando and Molly: Glad Molly says it's not his fault! Now tell that to Sam! She is acting like this is all Brando's fault! Yes don't tell TJ and all will be kept a secret! But then you might get the preggers! :) Then what Molly?

    Molly: It can never happen again.

    But you want it to happen again don't you? ;)

    Brando: Molly. It's nice knowing ya.

    Oh don't worry Brando! You will see Molly again. Then the eye sex will ensue! :)

    Chase's home:

    Chase and Finchy: Oh Chase!!! You are so stupid! Luckily you are so pretty! :) Listen to your brother!!!! Whoa! When Chase closed the door and touched Finchy, was it on the stomach, or below the waist!!!

    Chase and Willow: TELL HER CHASE! TELL HER!!!!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Sasha and Nelle: Here is it! Nelle wins the line of the day.

    Sasha: I can't believe what a bitch you are.

    Nelle: Really? I think you've been warned.

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I love Nelle so much! :)

    Sasha and Carly: Hit her Carly! Hit her! :)

    The REAL park:

    Michael and Nelle: HAHAHAHAHA! Oh Nelle just HAD to see Michael! :) Sexy Michael jogging! :)


    Nina and V.C.: This is so hurtful!!! :(

    Nina: Be the better man!

    :( GAH their scene made me cry!

    Nina and Charlie: Nina is so good to her!!! Great scene. Very hurtful. :(

    Lulu and Charlie: SO HURTFUL! :(

    Charlie and V.C.: ;'( VERY HURTFUL!!!! :( OH MY HE IS STAYING! YAY!!!! :)

    1. Line of the day was perfect, and I hate Nell, lol!
      Charlie really gave Lulu the business and it was all true. Good for the Demon Seed!

      And please quit putting the Molly is preggers line out in the universe, lol! I don't want her preggers! :)

    2. "Julie H says, Line of the day was perfect,"

      It was!!! :)

      "and I hate Nell, lol!"


      "Charlie really gave Lulu the business and it was all true. Good for the Demon Seed!"

      ROFL! Yeah! GO CHARLIE! :)

      "And please quit putting the Molly is preggers line out in the universe, lol! I don't want her preggers! :)"

      Hahahahaha. I'm sorry!!! :)

    3. Thank you Julie. I don't want that put out into the universe either.


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