Thursday, April 2, 2020

Today was...


I think Laura is trying to get Kevin to say Cyrus is crazy? So he can't get out? Robert says nothing can really be done. Kevin is at the prison talking to him. Kind of like a Mindhunter interview but not as good. Just a back and forth. Kevin goes to tell Laura he will try to commit him to a psyche center. Robert says it won't work. 

Trina goes to Ava about the info she found out about her Dad. Ava says Taggs wouldn't care what the press or people said about him, he'd only care about what she thought.  

Molly goes to Jordan, demanding answers.  She yells and screams, says she'll do her own search yada yada. Jordan tells her to grow up.  "You're entitled and you broke TJ's heart and he doesn't want to see you".. Screams at her.  Molly stomps out. Jordan feels badly but says she has to because she can't have Molly look for TJ. 

Mike forgot Brando was alive..and freaks out. He does't know him..then he does. Then he's tired and wants to take a nap. He goes back to his room. Says he wants security to vet people. Then Mike tells Sonny "everything is going to be ok". 

JaSam meets by an old dumpster and a bunch of trash LOL . Sam tells him what happened with Spinelli and Dolores. Jason is finally like: Um, maybe we should just wait the year and 1/2. OMG Sam won't let it go. And... they talk about Cyrus and TJ. 

Molly goes to Brando's garage to get her car fixed. Are they chem testing them?? Huh?? 


  1. this week is the show's anniversary. this is how they celebrate it?

    1. yeah I noticed that.. maybe because it's SO off from all the pressers?? Even if they did film one, it would be aired down the line

  2. This kidnap story is an all time low, IMO. Hope it doesn't drag on as long as baby story.
    The one on one conversations have been really good. Ava/Trina, Franco/Cam, Sonny/Mike.
    Noticed yesterday that the tribbles might be growing.

    1. "Zazu says, Noticed yesterday that the tribbles might be growing."

      ROFL! Yeah they are!!! :)

    2. Bite your tongue zazu, lol!

    3. "Julie H says, Bite your tongue zazu, lol!"

      ROFL! I wonder how big they are going to get. Will they need another big bowl to be put in? :)

  3. I love Molly but she had that coming. She can be so high and mighty sometimes. I wish they'd tone her down a bit and have her get off her soap box once in a while. That being said I actually liked her scenes with Brando. Both manage to convey their particular mores in a calm rational manner.

    And then we have Jason and the h**ny teenager. Enough already. I wish someone would tell her to grow up and get her over-inflated head out of her butt.

    Ava was fantastic with Trina today. I think maybe being able to tell this child how wonderful she is, and help her deal with her loss will help her to finally make peace with herself over Kiki's death.

    hmmmm Where is Ryan ? They need to send Cyrus where Ryan is and have him try to play him. lol

    1. I agree with everything you said

    2. I agree to Di! I thought I was the only one who enjoyed Jordan hollering at Molly. I loved it, lol!

      I may have been working at home too long and missing humans, but I was all teary eyed during the Ava/Trina scenes. Ava was just marvelous. When she's like that, I forget that that she shot Connie (no big loss there, though) and was so awful to Kiki.

    3. "Di says,I love Molly but she had that coming. She can be so high and mighty sometimes."

      Well, she had every right to be upset. She don't know what is going on. Jordan yelling at her was only a cover to protect TJ.

  4. I agree. Maybe Ryan would kill Cyrus. That'd be too quick

  5. Haven't finished watching today yet, but have to say yet again that I think Sonny and Mike look so much alike, like a real father and son--really great casting.

    Re the crazy Jordan/Cyrus story, I know they are trying to put together a lot of pieces, but it makes NO sense that TJ would leave, not just Molly, but his job. He is a DOCTOR, he would NEVER go off in a huff and leave his job. Plus, wouldn't Molly think that if TJ is just texting Jordan, and she hasn't really spoken to or seen him, that maybe he was kidnapped? This is Port Charles, after all, where kidnapping is a rather common occurrence.

  6. Jurtis home:

    Molly and Jordan: WHOA! Jordan and her yellin!!! Great scene!!

    Jurtis: No no no!!! Jordan is back to her I smell something face! She was great when she was yelling at Molly! UGH!

    The hospital:

    Carly and Brando: Brando talkin about the horsies again!! Wow he just loves horsies!! What else does he like? Dolphins? Did he used to watch Mr. Ed as a kid?

    Mike and Sonny: Uh Sonny, put Mike in a wheelchair or something!!! He looks really heavy.

    Mike, Carson, and Brando: Oh oh! Mike is all upset! Time to go Brando! Oh I rhymed! :) Mike don't remember Carly. :(

    The garage:

    Brando and Molly: Hmmmm. Molly you find Brando attractive don't you? :) Well he is handsome. I love the smile she gives him after saying her name. :) Yes yes I wonder if they are being chem tested. They do look cute together. Well, if they do date I'll call them Bolly! :)

    Ava's art gallery:

    Ava and Trina:

    Trina: I need you to help me with some,

    Oh looks like the actress stumbled her line a little bit. :) Adorable! :)

    Trina: My father was a good man!


    Trina: I don't feel like enough.

    Oh Trina you are!!!! You so are!!! This was a great scene! I love when Trina goes to talk to Ava!!! :) Ava is so great with her!


    Jasam: Oh Sam! Listen to your 18 year old boyfriend!!!! Your kids are what are important!!! ARGH! This is such a dumpster fire!

    Jail meeting area:

    Doc and Cyrus: Hmmmm. New bromance? ROFL!

    Police station:

    Robert and Laura: Laura really really wants Cyrus badly!!! Robert says it won't work, but will it? Hmmm probably not.

    Robert, Laura, and Doc: I love that they are in scenes together! :)

  7. Lol Sonya, great recap! Dumpster fire by the dumpster...hahahaha! I think the writers are aware of how we feel about Mumbles!

  8. "Julie H says, Lol Sonya, great recap!"

    Haha thanks! :)

    "Dumpster fire by the dumpster...hahahaha!"


    "I think the writers are aware of how we feel about Mumbles!"

    Why do you say that? Oh because of them talking near the dumpster? ROFL!


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...