Saturday, April 25, 2020

Print Mag Soaps In Depth Folds

Soaps In Depth, longtime running magazine will have it's last publication May 4th. It will continue to run online however but no more magazines in your hand. 

SID was a magazine that first published separate issues for ABC, CBS and NBC. When the soaps were slowly cancelled, it went down to 2 publications. The decision to drop the print editions comes from economic factors but no doubt the COVID situation hastened things. 

I knew people that worked there and am so sorry to see them go. Editor Richard was someone that tweeted almost daily and really gave GH a presence on Twitter long before their own PR department stepped in. They ran polls, in-depth interviews with stars and had editorial content that was sometimes missing in sister publication, Soap Opera Digest

Another end to an icon dealing with Soaps. RIP 


  1. I haven't read the soap magazines in awhile, but used to read them every week. (sometimes 2 of them) I am so so sad to see them go. Not a good sign.

  2. This is just sad!! Everything about soaps is going away little by little! :( I used to get soap opera digest in the mail when I was a teenager. I got it because I couldn't take not knowing any spoilers. It was driving me nuts. Someone dies on the show? Why?!!?! Back then you were kept in the dark. Eventually I stopped wanting to get it and just be surprised. Oh and by the way, the headline should be, goodbye 2019 and stay the hell away from me 2020!!!

  3. I read a lot of things online, but I am someone who still likes physical books and magazines to hold and read. Plus, kindle type books are still just as expensive almost.

  4. Karen, thanks again for everything you do with this blog. It is so appreciated to have my "soap" friends out there.

  5. I loved that magazine and bought it regularly... I would always search out the "comings and goings" section. Now, this blog will even be more important... Thanks again Karen...

  6. A picture of Luke and Laura's wedoing made me think that they should do reruns of all the GH weddings. I would love that.

  7. This is very sad....I'm also afraid this is a sign of things to come seeing that new episodes have run out for some soaps as of Friday.

  8. I still treasure the copies of Soaps in Depth that I saved from when I met Sonny. He was appearing in a comedy club in NJ, and I wanted to go with my Goddaughter, but tickets were sold out. My best girlfriend was a studio VP in Hollywood at the time and called his wife, Paula. At the time, he was looking for a movie career, so Paula said that I could get VIP front row tickets to the show, as well as being able to meet Maurice and Steve Burton backstage, if my friend would have a lunch meeting with him. When we were ushered backstage, Soaps in Depth took multiple pictures of me with Maurice, as well as my Goddaughter with him. One picture of Maurice and me was put into the issue. One of my girlfriends ran out and bought up all of the issues she could find. I am sad that this publication no longer will be on the shelves.


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