Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Kids on Today

Brook wants to collab with Dustin on songs. Lulu wonders how she got out of her contract. "Daddy helping you"?? They banter.  Dustin is saying he has to think about it. Lulu thinks he should do it. 

Valentin talking to Martin (Tad) on the phone says he got Brook's stock. "Keep working your end". 

Kelly's: Jax, Nina and Charlotte. Charlotte is unimpressed with Jax... she goes to sit with her friend Maddy. Nina tells Jax that she hired Nelle. Jax @@. She tells him her plan. 
Val walks in wants to talk to Nina outside. He asks her if she and Jax are serious. She says they are seeing each other. He says to "enjoy it while you can'.
Nina goes in Jax is on the floor! What happened! Jax says, I"m just clumsy I guess. Charlotte put her backpack in the way so he'd fall! LOL 


Corinthos: Avery playing with Brando in the kitchen. Carly seems to like it. wink. They talk about him staying in PC. Then they talk about Brando's childhood. He was a run around. But why? Because he liked to..
be alone..and...
(wait for it) 
READ ABOUT HORSES? wha???? LOL okay? 
So Mike took him to the tracks...where he would watch them. Carly says they should go visit Mike. 

Trina with her Mom and everyone, gonna find out about Taggert. I mean, come on. She's going to have PTSD after all this if her dad is alive. Holy Moly.  MY DAD WOULD NEVER FRAME ANYONE! Cam is like, um, why would these people lie to you? Trina loses it and says he's dead why would you do this? Want me to give back the flag on his coffin too??? She tells her mom she won't go home. 

Sonny is talking to Felix at GH. Felix says Mike is scared to walk. Sonny goes in to see Mike. Mike's speech is slurred and he's angry. You need to watch their scenes, even if just on YouTube. Perfection.  He finally talks him into walking a bit. 

Julian is going to punch out Dr. Neil for coming on to Alexisl. He says Neil used her secrets to get to her.. Alexis is yelling.  Julian says "YOU SLEPT TOGETHER" and Felix and 1/2 the staff heard it.  Alexis  tells Julian he never really knew her if he could do this. Screams at him to get out. he leaves. Neil asks her if he was the reason she was drinking. 

Trina storms out and yells that Jordan ruined her Dad's reputation

Carly takes Brando to see Mike, who thinks Brando is still dead LOL!! DUHH
Britt tells Jules their side sex is cancelled 


  1. kd said " Charlotte put her backpack in the way so he'd fall! "

    *** She probably dropped it in front of him just as he walked by. lol

    Poor Mike is scared of walking and they have Sonny walk him like that? You never grab an old person by the arm like that to help him walk. You'd think they could fork out a rental fee for an old walker and have Sonny walk beside him.

    hmmmm Mike must be remembering someone from long ago who looked liked Brando because his mind is still in the past now. I wonder if his father was that body that got buried in Croton.

    1. I thought the Croton body was the DA's father. margot

    2. Ahhh Yes. You're right. thanks, witch.

    3. Totally agree about the walker, Di. The way they were walking together looked awkward and was so wrong!

  2. P.S. Check out the backgrounds you can use for your next ZOOM meeting, kd.

  3. I can't understand why Portia would not believe Taggart. I don't know if I trust her. Mac believes Taggart.

  4. Apparently I didn't get a Weds GH? At least it's not on my Hulu....and it's after 7. Did the Orange one speak today?

    1. \boston channel here broke for a while for local announcements. You should be able to get it at or there's several copies on Youtube.

    2. Hi, long-time reader, first-time poster. I just watched today's episode on Hulu. You have to switch from Season 57 to Season 58, and then April 1st will appear.

    3. KK welcome to the blog! :) I hope you keep posting! :)

    4. Welcome KK! Nice to see a new "Face"!

    5. Thanks for the warm welcome.

  5. KK You are wonderful!! Thank you!! Watching now!

  6. The hospital:

    Alexis, Neil and Julian: Oh boy Julian!!! You are acting like Alexis cheated on you! ROFL! Uh Neil, it's time for you to leave the room. This is foreplay for Julexis.. Time for you to leave so they can kiss.

    Julian and Britch: Julian wins the line of the day!

    Julian: What that? That was nothing.


    Julian: I am totally over Alexis.

    Oh sure yeah. Keep telling yourself that uh huh. You are in denial!!

    Britch: We're over.

    Awwwww crap! Now look what you did Julian!!

    Mike's room:


    Portia's office: Poor Trina! She is going to have so much trust issues!!!!

    Cam and Trina:

    Cam: Why would these people lie to you?

    Oh Cam! You are so naive!!!

    Carson home:

    Avery and Brando: Awwwwwwwwww! :) I was wondering why he was there.. I wonder if Avery loves the Tribbles.

    Brando and Carly: Brando likes Horsies.. Do you have a horsie Brando? Is the horsie named Jerry? Do you also like Tribbles? Do you have one at your own place? Where do you live?


    V.C. and Nina: Yes V.C. I like Nina's new haircut. Oh no no don't you dare be all charming talking about grey souls! Stop it!

    Nax: JAX!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT HAPPENED?!!? OHHHHH! Charlie made you fall! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! Leave my Jax alone Charlie!!!! GRRRRRRRRRR!

  7. Goodness, Charlotte is a little devil. I hope somebody catches on soon!

    Julian was something else. Just blabbing everything. Just ugh!

    Loved Cam with Trina. I really felt her pain.

    Is this horse thing like "he who shall not me named" and his love for penguins? I'm eye rolling here.

    Should be an interesting show today. :)

  8. My Sonny did it again, that one scene with Mike was BEAUTIFUL, when he told the story, I was crying! After all these years, he still can make me cry!

  9. By the way, Dustin's character would not be the first GH character named "Dusty" who writes songs. Back in the late 80s, Shaun Cassidy played singer-songwriter Dusty who was involved with Bobbie's stepdaughter Terri Brock.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...