Monday, April 6, 2020

All the Ding Dong Day

SO!  Good news-- I am going to start to give teletherapy for my little ones starting the 13th! I'm thrilled. 10 kids, all on he computer all 1:1 so it will be a learning curve. I so need to work. I was going down the rabbit hole. 

That's great for me, not sure about GH- I'm hoping I'm done by 2:00! We shall see!! 

It's sunny here today, a rare sight. So I'm in  happy mood.  Take it while you can get it lol 

I HATE SAM. I hate Jason.. they are both at the safe house so they can have sex. What jerks. Jason gets a phone call about Cyrus. AHAHHAHA HE HAS TO LEAVE HER! "When can we meet again" says Sam.... Jason says We are NOT meeting!! This has to stop! WOOT!! GO JASON!  Sam "I wouldn't do anything to hurt the kids but we HAVE to see each other"!
OMG even the dialog writers know she's an idiot!! LOL  Jason finally tells her they have to think of the kids. She stares at him. 

Nik and Ava should be having elevator sex but this is luck.  They go to see Laura.  Robert comes over and says the jail is releasing Cyrus tonight. Laura freaks out. Robert says not much they can do. Kevin says he thinks he'll stay in Port Charles. 

Jordan is with Cyrus at the jail. She shows hardly any emotion. Wants to know where TJ is.  The next scene Jordan is gone and Laura and Robert come in. Cyrus is all in his suit ready to go back to PC. 

Ava tells Nik the entire story in the hallway. He's concerned about his mother. Weird scenes. 

CarSon at Sonny's office. Sonny calls Tony to call Jason because Cyrus is getting out. Then he tells Carly the entire plan. Carly's upset because "DANGER" .. :eyeroll:  She thinks Jax will be mad that Cyrus is out. 

Trina is at Jordan's and will wait for her if she has to!  She's saying it can't be true about Taggert. This is going to end badly because it IS true.  Oh, this is a Daddy daughter moment.  She says she's going to prove that Jordan is lying. 

Cam and Joss in the kitchen. He's worried Trina. She wants to go find her. Trina comes in though. She wants to sue Jordan..with Diane as her attorney. Joss is like: Um, Cam and I think he's guilty! She cries. they all hug

Jax and Nina: Boring Charlotte talk. Carly comes in to tell him about Cyrus. She says it's ok to take Joss away. He says "no I know Sonny will keep her safe"

Cyrus walks. 

Jason gets a UZI ready
Sam is mad and throws stuff all over the safe house

Strange show today I thought. Just .. jumbled and "off" with the dialog. You? 


  1. Definitely a weird show. Sam and Jason scenes were so aggravating. I expected her to be stomping her feet and yelling..but I wanna, I wanna....WAAAAH. Jason did his best in the scenes but she was really phoning in the love parts. GAWD, I hope Cyrus kills her to get back at Jason. I want her last scene to be Cyrus' guys hauling 'I can take care of myself' Sam off screen as she whines...Jason, me...waaaaah!

    Previews looked good. One scene was Willow asking Nina about the 1/2 heart she's holding. PLEASE let it lead to a reveal.

    1. "Previews looked good. One scene was Willow asking Nina about the 1/2 heart she's holding. PLEASE let it lead to a reveal."

      YES PLEASE!!!! We need something happy!!! I want Willow to be Nina's daughter! I don't want Nelle to be her daughter.

    2. "Michelle P says, Me tooooo!!!"


  2. sam and jason are mid 40's, and she is acting like a horny teenager. please kill her off

    1. lol I think I have used those exact words myself. Maybe we should suggest some "toys" to keep her amused for a while.

    2. Omgosh Di,practically every time they showed her today I was thinking to myself "cmon Sam,suck it up and get a freaking vibrator already and stop the tantrums and whining!" Lol! Great minds think alike!

    3. You 3 are killing me, hahahahahah! Stop!

  3. Today's show was definitely weird. Sam is still unnecessary and totally annoying. And wth was she wearing?
    But the weirdest imo is: If TJ isn't released Jordan may kill Cyrus so most importantly they drink wine and have sex in case she goes to jail forever.

    1. I haven't watched yet, but it makes no sense to me that Jordan told Cyrus she would release him WITHOUT any guarantee that he will release TJ?

    2. In the preview for tomorrow they showed Jordan bedside at the hospital. And she was "saying look at him,I'm going to kill Cyrus"or something to that effect. Made it look like she was looking at and,talking about T.J.

  4. Sonny's office: BOB THE BADGER YAY! :)

    Carson: Hmmm I love Carly's sweater. Bob the badger looks really good! :)

    Jasam safe house:


    "Karen says, they are both at the safe house so they can have sex."

    ROFL! But they didn't. All they did was chit chat too much.

    18 year old Jason: We can't see each other anymore.

    13 year old Sam: NOOOOOOO! I love you!!!

    18 year old Jason: We have to think of the children!

    13 year old Sam: But but but I love you! I need you!

    The only thing that got to me was Steve Burton's blue eyes filled with tears!!!! Jason leaves, and 13 year old Sam had a HUGE temper tantrum!

    Jurtis home:

    Curtis and Trina: Father and daughter bonding awwwwww! :)

    Jurtis: She is so worried about her son. Nah I don't think so, I think she still smells something so rancid. And oh look she jumps on Curtis and they are gonna have sex. Yeah TJ your mom is way too busy having sex to go find you.

    Carson home:

    Cam, Trina, and Joss: Trina! Throw some of the Tribbles at them! They think your daddy is a bad guy!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Nina and Jax:

    Jax Oh with my aching back.

    OH NO! JAX!! :(

    Jax: I'm kidding I'm kidding. It's a little tweak.

    Oh. I hope it's just a little tweak! :( Nina wins the line of the day.

    Nina: How many times have you been married?

    ROFL! I wonder why she wanted to know that just out of the blue like that. Well Nina he has been married 9 times! :) Well, with Brenda it was invalid, and he married Kung foo barbie twice, and married Carly 3 times. So technically, he was married 5 times.

    Carly and Jax: Wait what?!!?! JAX WHAT HAS COME OVER YOU?!!?!?! WHAT THE HELL?!

    Nina, Jax, and Ava: Wow Ava seemed really happy to see Nina! ROFL!

    Nina and Ava: Hmmmm. What Ava said about Jax and Carly, Is this foreshadowing? Is something going to happen between CarJax? :)

    Jail waiting area:

    Cyrus and Jordan: Cyrus looks very handsome in that suit!!! Oh they are so close together. Are they going to kiss?

    Laura and Cyrus: She looks skeered!!!! Cyrus is freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :) Wow he is so close to her. Is he going to kiss her? :)

    The hospital:

    Nik and Ava:

    "Karen says, Nik and Ava should be having elevator sex but this is luck."

    Back in the day they would have had sex by now!!!! Yes they should have elevator sex! This is taking way too long!!! Come on writers!!! They are talking way too much!

    1. Sonya, Nina asked Jax how many times he has been married because someone referred to this, I don't remember who, it was not out of the blue.

      Cyrus and Laura were so close together, it was ridiculous!

      And WHY did Jordan let Cyrus go before she got TJ back? Does anyone else here think this makes no sense?

    2. Wasn't he married to Alexis once?

    3. Yes, he was, but that was an arrangement for some reason that I forgot.

  5. sonya said..."The only thing that got to me was Steve Burton's blue eyes filled with tears!!!!"

    ...Yes, he was doing a great job. You could feel the emotion. And Sam would reply like she was reading the cue cards behind his head. WHY do they keep them together!!

    1. "Di says, Yes, he was doing a great job. You could feel the emotion."

      Yes you can feel the emotion!!!! :)

      "And Sam would reply like she was reading the cue cards behind his head. WHY do they keep them together!!"

      I have no idea why they keep them together! It's ridiculous now!!!

    2. Couldn't agree more Di, about Mumbles and her lack of emotion, until her tantrum of course. (She went to the Sonny school of barware tossing.) Steve Burton was excellent, she was beyond nothing. And your comment above about her needing some toys had me rolling!!

    3. I have to disagree with others, I think KM is a fine actress, I think the problem is with the character of Sam.

    4. I agree she's a fine actress but listen to the difference between the speed and enerrgy of her speech when she's talking to Jason and when she's talking to other people. It's really apparent in today's episode where they show a flashback right after her talk with Chase.

  6. Didn't Jax used to be a blonde? He looks fabulous, but why did they change his hair color?

    1. Yes he used to be a blonde!! Not sure why they changed his hair color.

  7. OK, I've almost finished watching. THIS MAKES NO SENSE!! Jordan released Cyrus before he even told where TJ is? WHY would she do that? And Sonny and Jason are going to off him immediately? BEFORE he releases TJ? Wouldn't they at least coordinate this with Jordan--off him AFTER TJ is released?


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...