Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day: Red, White and Blueberries! are you spending this fine day? I got my poppy down at the grocery store to wear and am hanging out our flag. Truth about me? Both my Grandfathers were in WWI --that's ONE! They were both close to 50 when my parents were born...strange but true. No one in WWII. Dad was in the Navy for a year. That's as close as I get to the service.

Today is a rerun of Michael's testimony to Judge Hayseed. I keep wondering how Drew would have played it. I like Chad a lot, but I also wonder what it would have been like if the other had stayed.

Here's a wonderful charity opportunity I'd like to tell you about involving a former GH actress. Annie Wersching was on GH in 2007 as Amelia Joffe-- and is now on "24". She is having a baby and her fans are asking for donations to Project Precious Life. You can send donations or goods to help Precious Life Shelter which provides residential and supportive services for homeless pregnant adult women before, during, and after childbirth. It is located in Los Alamitos, California.

Who can tell me why I mentioned blueberries in the title of this--what does it have to do with GH??! (one of the most hilarious scenes ever, imo)!!

BIG SPOILERS (well, you know....kinda big) are up!! Tomorrow it's back to the grind. Hopefully, I'll live tweet during the show and blog after. Have a great day.
THANK YOU for all your comments below!! WOW, a lot of you have quite a few great things to say about the show.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

General Hospital: Sunday Surgery--Do YOU still watch GH?

From the comments in my blog, to emails, to twitter to the falling ad revenue from my site..I can tell many of you have just stopped watching. Given up? On vacation?? Waiting for your fave couple to come back?
I asked several people on twitter their opinion of GH. Here's a small sample:

 I'm not watching at all anymore. GH is relentless darkness, same characters being propped EVERY. DAY. No romance that appeals. @Mardoledger

** Rarely watch now, bc its all Sonny/Dante. Bored w them, bored w crappy incoherent stories for all others. Still tune in for Spin @berkleychick

@Wub the whole Scrubs storyline for the past year is a series of dropped storylines and plot points @thescrubshub

***Loved the days of couples and huge weddings! I miss the WSB and all the stuff that went on there. *sigh* Now Mob mob mob @streebecka

@WubsNet Add me to the list of non GH watchers. Started taping Y&R. Better cast integration. @goaliemom

There are still some that love GH though... @WubsNet whoever isnt watching #GH is silly... so good!! @ClaudineDeSoula

For me, it continues to be the consistant lack of continuity that drives me insane. Bringing on new characters only to let them fall into the background and do just about nothing. The Keifer story is going to turn into the Sonny Therapy story shortly. It's not about Kristina going to therapy, they are BOTH going...and then she's going to set the whole Johnny lie in motion to piss Sonny off. OK, whatever. Poor Robin Christopher. Enough said on that subject.

The ELEPHANT in the room is Michael's rape in prison...MANY people have hated that idea-- and the fact that not only is he beaten, his sister was too--two teens being beaten at once! WOW, what a thriller of show! Now that Kristina is connecting Keifer to Sonny, it's all going to be the Tony Sopranooooo...oh, Corinthos show all over again. Michael will fall deeper into depression, btw... and Jason is supposedly going to figure it out and go after Carter. We'll see if this leads to Michael going to therapy with Sonny..(get it?! LOL)

There will be new scoops up later once angelfire gets it's sheeze together. It's down for some reason right now, but keep checking. My fave thing is that Jason gets out of Jail to "help with Franco" he can take a "leave of absence" or something. LMAO. ahahhahaha. Here, go catch the criminal St. Jasus but come right back, ok??! Please hit an ad for charity while you're there..we still have a lot coming up to donate to.

This week was sad for fans of Gary Coleman and now Dennis Hopper. Hopper was the COOL GUY when I was young--and Coleman kept me laughing on TV. Wonder if there will be a third?

Please put YOUR comments on the show below. Many of you already do...., which of course, I love. Do you miss your fave couple?? Would you have liked a wedding or an adventure this summer instead of Franco? Love Sonny and his dimples or sick of them? Let me know. Have a wonderful day tomorrow. Remember the troops who are out doing their jobs. Remember those that died while serving.

Friday, May 28, 2010

General Hospital Friday: Rejoice in OLD SCHOOL Cassadine/Spencer sheeze!

First of all, let us take a moment to say goodbye to Gary Coleman. When I was younger, he was just the best thing on TV for awhile. His life seemed sad towards the end though.

TODAY'S SHOW: OMG, is Pentonville a SILENT PRISON? (like MTV's Silent Library?!) because it's DANG QUIET there. I'd pipe in some background noise at least. Carly asks Michael what happened. UGH...CARLY he's in JAIL..peeps get BEAT UP in there!

Claire is SO falling for the Dimples. She might say one thing to Lucky but we all know better. They all end up in the same place, girlie. Don't try to fight it!!
I loved the Shirley stuff. ML is such a great actress. Just comfortable. I hope they do her death as well as her 'life' on here.

Brooke Lyn and LULU?

I don't know why but Lulu/Dante/Brooke Lyn remind me of The Hills in some weird way. LOL. Maybe it's the banal talk...or the hair styles.

Lucky and Nikolas' talk was enjoyable. Like it when they fight..and LOVE that Nik is a Cassadine!! LOVE having JJ and TC back together-- old school feta, baby!! Stefan mention, the RAPE-- wowza. NICE. Liz is SO Laura inbetween those two!!

 And why couldn't they have had a scene with Helena and Kristina?? I blame block taping.
Speaking of-- some o the scenes shown today were supposed to air next week...I think due to Memorial Day. Remember that Monday, GH will be a rerun of Michael's testimony.

Nice: Let's get married to have sex cause of the jail sentence!!  ROMANCE!!

HEY, have a great weekend. See you on the Sunday Surgery Blog!!

Ratings: General Hosptial Falls...

PLEASE see ALL Ratings categories on Soap Opera Network!

Ratings for the week of May 17 - May 21, 2010
(Compared to Last Week/Compared to Last Year)

Total Viewers

1. Y&R 5,095,000 (-18,000/+221,000)

2. B&B 3,246,000 (+59,000/-123,000)

3. DAYS 2,552,000 (+108,000/+25,000)

4. GH 2,499,000 (-199,000/-51,000)

5. AMC 2,460,000 (-40,000/-58,000)

6. OLTL 2,341,000 (-75,000/-219,000)

7. ATWT 2,226,000 (-11,000/-168,000)
What happened at the end of last week?...Michael in jail! It will be interesting to see how many people stay/leave the show in this time...a LOT of negative comments about the entire show lately. Can Brook Lyn and Luke's crazy accents raise it back up?! And, btw...I'm not talking huge numbers here really-- all the soaps only move a tiny bit anyway anymore. Then again, 200,000 people didn't watch from the week before!! DID YOU WATCH LAST WEEK?!

BIG NEW SCOOPS up!! Also, Monday is a repeat due to Memorial Day...Michael testifies.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Sizzlin' Summer General Hospital Scoops

CAROLYN Hennesy at the E! 20th anniversary Party!

There's some SCOOPS up for the summer on Wubs Net. Guza is saying that the bomb Sonny plants for Johnny just might effect Kristina? Goodness. Also, there will be a location shoot for the Franco hooplah... and Maxie dates both Matt and Lucky! Hey, hit an ad for pays the WUB bills and keeps me up on the charity stuff for people that are doing good works with Alberta Wubs.

In real life,  Kristen Storms broke her foot... which after what happened to BA is a bit ironic. The injury will be written into the script somehow. Or maybe poor Matt will go into the woodwork again.
If OLTL gets canned, I want Dorian to come on to GH and be Diane's sister. Or Auntie. She could go after Eddie..or fight with Helena!
OMG, Claire and Sonny are SO being chem tested. Does he HAVE to get into bed with every newbie?? Like they'd be talking together. AND they dished about Kids!! LOL. I'm calling them: SClaire. As in Scare. ;)
EVERYONE was talking about Sonny--!! LOL. Dante/Brooke...Lucky/Johnny.... Claire..
Jason trying to teach Michael to fight cracked me the hell up! LOL!! whahahahaaa.
Now Luke's in the dungeon. Think there's a toilet in there? Shower? What? Hmmmm.

BP wants Twitter to shut down fake acct mocking them. Twitter wants BP to shut down oil leak ruining ocean! via @moveon

DEAR Bret Michaels, good to see you all over the place like AI..but really--PLEASE REST!! ;/

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

RIP SOAPNET...nice to know ya!

AH THOSE were the days!!

Daytime Confidential one of my FAVE SITES got a little ringy-dingy from a certain HEAD OF ABC DAYTIME today (FRONS) to let them know that SoapNet is now DEAD in the water. Done. Guess what's going in it's place? READY? a 24 hour DISNEY channel. Brahahhhahaa. Don't know whether to laugh or cry. Frons is saying it's not changing the commitment" ABC has to OLTL, AMC and GH.  Whateverrrrr. So, I guess the new programming didn't work, the Soapnet talk shows didn't fly. I really liked to watch older soaps on there.
What do YOU think? Are you SO HAPPY to have a 24hr Disney? (is that for the kids that are up all night!!?)

General Hospital: Another Casting Note!

Bruce Davidson...whom I remember from the '70's movie, "Willard" (with the rats) is coming to GH this summer. From  TV GUIDE:

James Franco’s upcoming return to General Hospital as the psychotic artist Franco just got a little juicier now that Bruce Davison is joining the storyline. The Academy Award-nominated actor will do a three-episode cameo as Franco’s eurotrashy art dealer Wilhelm Van Schlagel. An ABC rep tells us that the Franco character, who seems homoerotically obsessed with mob hitman Jason Morgan (Steve Burton), will “return to town to wreak havoc on Jason and Michael and everyone else in Port Charles. His grand finale will be yet another art exhibition that’s more wild and crazy than his last one.”

Ok, whatever...on to bigger and more fun things! Paramount is REMAKING "SoapDish"!! Remember that movie with Whoopi and Sally? Yeppers..

Scoring good critical reviews but only middling box-office, 1991 comedy "Soapdish" is about to undergo the remake treatment over at Paramount Pictures says Pajiba.

The original followed the behind-the-scenes shenanigans of a popular soap opera where the aging 'Queen of Daytime' Celeste Talbot (Sally Field) finds her life turned upside down by an ambitious producer (Robert Downey Jr.), a jealous actress (Cathy Moriarty), and both her niece (Elisabeth Shue) and her ex-flame (Kevin Kline) who end up working on the show.

Maybe we'll get some real daytime actors to get on there!!

TODAY'S SHOW; Good part? HELENA!!! Luke's dopey accent is stupid. I did love the mention of the GREEK ISLAND! Feta!!

Georgie is on Twitter.  Say hello to @LindzeL Lindze Letherman!
Gotta run today...meeting with Brian Frons about getting Alberta on the show!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Rosa Blasi to General Hospital!

Rosa Blasi to play on GH in a recurring role! (Strong Medicine)  The diva tweeted earlier today that she's off to General Hospital and gets to wear "Tranni Makeup and Eyelashes". She'll be playing a woman connected to Alkazar's money...

Why Jimmy Carter?


Hey, in a hail to the old banner days, chew on that one for a bit!! BTW, the credits will be ROTATING so the whole "Where's Epiphany/Matt" is answered. 

Tracy has a fever..and a few dreams!!

New Spoilers are UP! Luke Finds Tracy..who's had some hallucinations of her own. Pretty funny ones by the looks of it!!
OMG, Tracy and Hells were fun today. Wizard of Oz--then the whole fiber thing!! LOL. Skye realizes that Luke really loves Tracy. Although Robin Christopher being reduced to a basic plant stand is just stupid.
Brooke Lyn might be great for the show. Sure perked people up! Johnny, Dante...Lulu and Olivia. People were more fun than they've been in a LONG time. Her accent keeps coming and going though.
Claire--Lucky...zzzzzzzzzzzzz. Although she is someone different for him I guess. I wish she had family in town though. She so needed to be related to Diane.
Michael and Jason talking in Jail...this is going to go on foreveah!!
Lulu and Dante, powerful stuff.  Although making the abortion such a HUGE ISSUE in 2010-- I don't know how I feel about that. Lulu shouldn't be scared to tell him, I guess. Just my OPINION. I LOVE how they had Dante react!! THANK you writers! "It makes me love you even more"!! I guess I can eat my words, that was  great scene.

please: EVERYONE needs to boycott Scum-boy Jesse James on Nightline tonight. If that scum gets ZERO ratings maybe we'll never EVER SEE his face again! HE comes off more of a douche (if possible) than before. ugh. HATE!!

Monday, May 24, 2010


CO77x!!! Julia has the FEVAH!

He's EVERYWHERE! Julia Roberts is on for eat, pray, love-- and our PERFORMANCE Artist will be there too (I think by Skype). So, after GH, tune on in. Unless of course, you already saw the show. Then, nevermind. :)

DAMN! Who watched OLTL Today!!? I'm spoiler free so the ending totally threw me! IS that a dream!?? (they tend to do that) it was good, and on a MONDAY!! WOOT!

GH OPENING CREDITS: OMG...Epiphany and Matt are OUT..and Steven Lars and LISA are in???? I didn't even know BB was ON contract? And isn't Matt JUST getting airtime? Hell. It took them 7 years to update from the last time and now they are doing it ever other day! LOL


General Hospital. A few new Spoilers coming your way. Luke is on the Cassadine dungeon list as well.
Today's Show: Ned/Lois mention. :thud: Poor Brooke, having to wait until she's 30 for her trust fund! LOL...
I get that Jason got into jail..but a cell WITH Michael too?? Uhhhh, okay. And Michael was totally raped, I don't care what you all say--look at his face!! They went there!! I guess if we are mad enough, they can say it "never happened". LOL Jason had no clue...just  yabberin' on about the island. Whale noises coming up next! And did you see Michael JUMP when Jason touched him? GH is gruesome. Then Jason talks about Brenda. @@ uh, okay.

I hope Johnny really does move in a bit. Loved when Sonny yelled at Max. heh
Claire get your EGGS AWAY from SONNY!! that was so a chem test. How long until she's PG?

Karaoke at Jake's?Will anyone sing? I heard we had a ladies night coming up-- didn't know about this. Obvious Ethan/Maya throw together.

THE SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION: Starring Jason Morgan,  Michael Corinthos and..Lindsay Lohan as "the poster"...heh. SO, how do YOU like the prison story? Thing is real prisons are noisy as hell...crowded...etc. If they are going "Real" GO REAL!~! I'm just picky. It's also really strange watching Jason babysit. The "visiting room" is hilarious too. Sonny trying to give orders to Jason!! OMG!! :dying: AND he's like "you left me in a hell of a mess"...yes, this is ALL ABOUT YOU!! ;/
And..fade to Michael getting his blood drawn..which means one thing: HIV TEST! Chad needs an emmy for that scene alone.

Brooke has a nice voice.

LOVED the finale of The Apprentice last night! It was great. Loved that Holly got money as well. I do think Bret won the Snapple contest so I think he deserved to win. Who watched? Who watched LOST? Was it all you wanted? Are they in Sideways Time or whatever it's called? LOL.
The end of the "season" on TV is always good and better yet, frees up my nights! It's also close to when MADMEN will start again. Ok, not until August but it's coming!!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sunday Surgery: General Hospital Round-Up: Brutal

Happy Birthday to Kelly Monaco today, she's 34! I'm sure a big Vegas party is in store for her. Interesting, but I think Sam's birthday on GH is also in May.

Franco! Heck, he's in the news more than Lindsay is!! He's going to be starring in a PREquel to Planet of the Apes. I am NOT kidding you. I guess after GH, anything's game. "Damn Dirty Apes"! LOL. Oh, how I wish Guza would somehow put that into the show. heh.

Main point of this week? I was laying in bed thinking about the show (sad, but true) and realized that not one, but TWO teens have been beaten in the past few months. We had the Kristina/Keifer story line with all it's graphic beating going on and now we are 'treated' to Michael getting more of the same in jail. We may not see him getting raped, but it will be implied...he will at the very least be traumatized. I was also thinking how abruptly the whole Keifer story ended--we never saw Krissy in any kind of therapy, Alexis has all be evaportated and Warren got a big talking to from Prince Nik. Where's the Mom? Two scenes with her were cut, I do know that. Do you like your soaps with so much brutality? When I think about all the crap that's happened under Guza it boggles the mind: Carly tied up and terrorized by Ric, Jax in the ship tied up and raped, Carly shot in the head while PG...Michael shot in the head...Kate shot on her wedding day...multiple explosions with people goes on and on. Yes, the show is heavy into the mobular scene but the problem is it rarely tempers itself with any joy. Stories are always dropped, characters brought on to languish in back burner hell and things simply dropped never to be heard of again. It's so sad that my fave part of the show is evil Helena because in it's own charming way, it's the funniest part of the episodes!
So, now we'll be watching two set in Guza's "OZ" and the other going on in Port Charles. We'll have the Brooke Lyn saga --which I'm wondering if she'll see her Grandma Tracy at all considering she's in a dungeon! Maxie and Matt chem test (dusting off poor Dr. Matt), Claire running around trying to undo what she did and also looking to have her 'clock cleaned'. Scrubs people aren't going to be happy because useless LISA is actually going to temp Patrick. (AS if...!! ) :throwing up hands: WHATEVER...then there's our FRANCO--who's said by the mags/press release to terrorize the hospital. Meaning another HUGE 'event' to push everything else back into obscurity.
Bringing me to SCOOPS. I am going to be VERY modest with them because I honestly don't know what's staying and what's going now with the summer arcs. Hell, they've cut a lot from it NOW (Tracy/Helena  Keifer's Mom/Carly)--who knows what they'll do once the supah stah shows up!
Ingo R is on vacation for 2 weeks...maybe Jax will take Morgan on a boating adventure.
For as goofy and sometimes just plain weird OLTL's musical was at LEAST it was joyful, showcased it's cast and did something different. Just sayin'

On a more fun note, James Franco was caught texting in Class..and I want you to know he was texting none other than THE WUBQUEEN, getting pointers on his performance art for GH. Heh.

Do you follow me on TWITTER? Because it's too fun. Over 6500 followers get live updates on GH and other ABC soaps, news and rumors as they happen!! Look me up @wubsnet

Have a great SUNDAY!! Tell me YOUR SUMMER WISH below!! Mine is that Helena Marries Edward Q and takes over ELQ !! Come on, you know it would be awesome! She'd be Luke's Mother in Law!! (Not to mention Tracy's step-mom). We'd have a big gothic wedding...complete with doves and ravens. Feta and feasting...a ball and some intrigue!! I so need to write for this show. Damn

Friday, May 21, 2010

It's Friday in Soap Opera World!

Chrissie Fit and Cyrina Fiallo in The Subpranos

First of all, congats to Chrissie Fit (Mercedes) for getting a nod in the USA Today Weedend mag for her funnier than hell webseries The Subpranos!! You know I LOVE IT. This week features bloopers from all the past eppies. It really is a great watch. 

On to rumors rumbling around the net. With Claire's bio-clock ticking, people are saying it's only time she visits Sonny. (there was a rumor about 3 weeks ago that she slept with him). Maybe he tries to seduce her to get Michael out of jail. There's another rumor floating around that Maya might be recast. Why bother? She's never on anyway-- not for anything meaningful. How can we even get used to the girl? I also think with Franco back at the end of June we are going to see major push-backs for the summer. Spoilers for awhile are going to be more wonky than usual.  Just be prepared to have things up in the air for a bit.

TODAY's SHOW:  Well, nice little touch on the head from Creepy Guy there for Michael on OZ..I mean GH. gross. When is it going to GO THERE? ugh. HATED IT. Then, they switch to SoLivia. That's why this doesn't work. Intense things...then this light-hearted crap. Wouldn't Michael be in solitary or guarded or something given who his father is?? The creepy guy is a good actor but frankly I really don't want to see this. Just don't.
Spinelli helping Carly. Okay, I guess they needed Bradford on the couch for awhile. He's all depressed over his mentor going to jail. He's mad at Lulu too!! heh

 What do you think of the Matt/Maxie pairing #2. ?? I'm not sure. I love she and Spin but they aren't WRITING for them.
 Hey, they are going to an ART MUSEUM. Maddddddddd worlllllllld!

Brooke Lyn scamming in Brooklyn.  You could tell because the gelato cart is now a pretzel cart and the guy has a big accent. Carly got there in record time!

GH is in HUGE danger of becoming two entirely different shows. We'll have the gross/drama at prison and then the rest. It's going to feel like we are watching a split screen.  It's hard to watch the Michael stuff then switch over to lah-tee-dah cute sheeze. We'll have a couple of beatings before it's all over. Jason's going to find Michael all beaten, then a fight causes prisoners to all go to the hospital. Is this when Franco will be on? Will the rape be 'implied' ?? You bet, or they wouldn't have had the guy caress Michael or say what he did.
GH, your 'feel good' soap!
NEW Spoilers are up..only a few so far, I'm trying to get through them all and figure out what's staying and what's cut. Please remember to hit an ad for me, it really helps!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Scott Clifton GOES To B&B!

Well...that spunky little SOAP IS GETTING ALL OUR GH PLAYERS! Dang!! Soap Opera Digest announced on their facebook page that Scott Clifton (Dillon Q/GH Schyler/OLTL) is going to be on The Bold and The Beautiful. His character is yet to be named.
Do you know how BADLY I wanted him to come back to GH???! :/ While I'm really glad he's got work (and he's fabulous, we all know that) I'm mad as hell another fine actor (Sarah Brown, Rick Hearst) is going there.

Also, did you hear about Bret Michaels?? He's back in the hospital with a TIA and they just diagnosed a hole in his heart!! What the heck!? He needs to take a break for awhile. NO appearing on Sunday with Trump! (my orders) LOL.
Tons of Franco news...he's over in Cannes at the film fest. Sigh.
Summer Spoilers are looking boring to me--other than the HELENA ones. Looks like the ol' Spencer Cassadine war will heat up. That is if it doesn't get BUMPED by a certain someone (see above).

Happy Birthday to Connie Towers! All Hail Helena!

When Connie first came to GH in the 90's no one knew what to expect. Helena Cassadine was after all, once played by Elizabeth Taylor--how do you follow that? Well, we got a wonderful actress and MORE with her take on the Evil Empress! Her old-school Hollywood charm and theater training wow'd all of us and won us all over in no time. Now I can't imagine anyone else in the role.
For 9 years I ran her website and got to know her very well. She's a wonderful person and just great to each and every fan. If you've received a handwritten letter from her, you know what I mean! Sending snail mail to the studio is the best way to show her your appreciation and I know she loves hearing from all of us. Her fan group "The Hells' Belles" is one of the many things she treasures about being on GH. 
To have her back on the show is wonderful, isn't it? Helena can be such a great part of the whole fabric and I wish she had been on more over the years. Love having her in Wyndemere and with Spencer!! "Grammy Hella" is perfect.
In addition to her TV appearences, she's also been staring in a stage production of "Six Dance Lessons in Six Weeks" which recently had a limited run in Canada this winter.
Please think about dropping her a note at the studio, she'll love hearing from you!

Constance Towers
c/o General Hosptial @ ABC TV
4151 Prospect Ave
Hollywood, CA 90027

Fun Facts about Connie:
She is married to John Gavin who was ambassador to Mexico under Ronald Regan.
She overcame polio as a youngster in Whitefish Montana
She loves Lilacs
She appeared as a NICE character on Capitol for several years, the polar opposite of our evil Helena!
At age 11, Connie was offered a contract with Paramount Pictures. She says this about the offer:
"Here I was, this scrawny little girl who sang...and the Paramount executives made an offer. Though I could have killed myself ten years later for turning down the contract, at the time I wanted no part of it."
Thank goodness she returned to Hollywood to star in many films including " The Horse Soldiers." "Shock Corridor" and "A Perfect Murder".

SO Happy Birthday to my fave actress who makes GH watching a pleasure every time she's on the screen!!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

General Hospital: Cutting Scenes.

Well, they DID cut the Tracy/Helena PLANE SCENE! How stupid is that..especially when it's IN THE MEDIA NETS!!?? Am I going crazy??! Seeing Tracy in jail was ok, but come on. Grrr. It's right up there for you!!
Luke and Skye--and I noticed that Luke got a hair cut on his last junket. He's totally wooing Skye on his anniversary! LOL

I Did like the Claire/Lucky bit-- but it was way out of left field...and yes, cute--but total #GH just slammin' stuff in there.

LISA..I still don't care about you! GO AWAY...GO GO GO GO.

JaSam... nice "cabin"! LOL.. pretty swank. Pretty much a perfect day for JaSammers. They are selling Sam's "compass" necklace on LOL. That stuff cracks me up.

Gotta run today, I am taping OPRAH to see Bret Michaels. As a speech pathologist who works with stroke patients, I am interested to see/hear him!! Also can't wait to see Betty White on The Middle and do a "Brick Whisper" :) !!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

James Franco Hangover: Tuesday Shows.

Franco is in PEOPLE now, announcing the whole comeback thing. So, read it and weep!! I'm still amazed that it was "BIG NEWS" so much that SID had to announce it. I mean, come on...he was always due to come back. Here's part of it:
After a two-month stint last fall on General Hospital, the actor returns next month, continuing his "obsessive vendetta," leaving a "tangled web of clues" for his pursuers and taking townspeople on an alliterative "wild ride of mystery, music, murder and mayhem."
MUSIC???????? Uh... MUSIC??! Let's hope it's just Franco beating some drums and not a musial. I mean, there's NO WAY Guza would go there, right??

OLTL today? OMG..those male dancers during Leyla's number?!!!!! ahahhahhaa. I about DIED laughing. Those blindfolds?! :no words: At least Marco found out about Ford...

GH: Sonny finally goes to see Michael. Some weird up-lighting going on.
Dr. Matt was on.  GOD, it's been a LONG time. I mean, he was in Shirley's room for 2 seconds a couple of weeks ago. Other than that? Not worthy. Maya is becoming the next MIA character too. With Franco back on Zoe will probably get pushed back..forget poor Valentin! LOL.
Wow, GH's lawmen..Lucky, Claire--Dante trying to blackmail  Judge HeeHaw? Nice know, they can't do things the RIGHT way. :eyeroll: Dom was all sun tanned, lol-- which made JJ look all pale and sparkly like a Twilight guy. Heh
I'm wondering where all the Hells/Tracy scenes are. I swear some were due at the end of next week and got shuffled 'round.
DR Matt was on ..MAXIE was on. But Dr. Matt? No one said "Where the hell YOU been"? Maxie's going to try to give Spin's ego a boost by 'letting' him win her heart over Matt. (who she's going to pretend to like). CHEM TEST #33,400!!
Thank God for Anthony Z's crazy-assed "Springtime" talk with was the highlight of the show for me. BW is awsome. And Sonny is GOING TO BLOW it for Michael??! GOD, how stupid is that!? ;/ Jason's NOT THERE YET! duhhh. Sonny, check your ego. I wondered how they'd do this if AZ had a I see what happens. Wonder if Sonny will figure out Michael's beating was started by his mouthing off? Sonny had no barware to throw so he kicked a chair REAL HARD!
Lisa and Patrick: GET off them. ;/ hate her.
Claire going to Dr. Lee is just stupid. I see this going no where. I mean, unless Dr.  Lee tells her about Sonny's supah sperm! LOL.  The Lucky thing in the park? Random!!? Wasn't that bizarre? WEIRD? Strange? WHAT The..come on. @@ eyeballs popping out.
Yeah for nasty Prince Cassadine to go after Mr. Warren!!

Sarah and Zac Conroy at the Guinness party today!
Congrats to Bold and the Beautiful!! They were inducted into the Guinness World Book of Records as the most watched soap in the world!

THE HUGE NEWS? General Hosptial: FRANCO's BACK!!!!!!!


Yep..  SID said this am that FRANCO is back to GH at the end of June. (Date to be announced)
VERY underwhelmed. I am happy this story is coming to a close, but really?! I don't think that's big news as we all knew he'd be back!!

Jason and Dante will work together to save GH...and It will involve "Performance ART like NEVER SEEN BEFORE ON DAYTIME"...PERFOMANCE ART!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Someone will have to pick me up after I go on a drinking binge.
I am wondering if he'll direct a few eppies like he was going to in May??

Sorry to Wubbers, I really thought it was VM coming back. *sigh*

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sunday Surgery: Guza in "OZ"?? AIDS Walk NYC and more!!

Quite a rumble was heard around the Twitter-Verse this week. No, it's not that LAW and ORDER is canned after 20 years-it's the new and gruesome rumor running around about Michael Corinthos Jr. If you haven't heard it...Daytime Confidential is speculating that Guza just might GO THERE with this prison romp. Where? Well...think HBOs "OZ"..or "Prison Break" and what happens to young men known as "Fresh Meat". Now, I can't say I've confirmed this. My sources have a beating and Jason getting beaten badly FOR Michael. I did hear that it was IMPLIED that Michael gets raped. Meaning we see the after effects, not the real thing in any way, shape or form. I'm figuring that Guza, wanting to secretly write for The Sopranos all these years has found a new dream to focus on: Brutality in Prison. Hey, you know our head writer!!

Hi, I'm here to fill in when I can.

That brings me to the lastest bitch I have. Why on EARTH does GH bring on character after charater only to let them languish in back burner hell time after time? Lately it's Maya Ward. Ok, we got doses of her on and off for a few Zip. Do we see her at the Q mansion? Nah. (you'd have to show the Q's more than 2-3 times a month for that). Warren Bauer and his wife? We got them thrown in after Keifer died (I would have loved to have seen a backstory on that death..making us care about the kid a bit) and now...they've been off canvas so much I forgot what they look like. Steven Lars? He babysits Liz' kids and Lisa every once and awhile. Claire, the legal-eagle...someone with NO ties to the history of GH is on more than these people. Let's not even go to the Dr. Matt travesty. :eyeroll: Bajeebus. Even if he DOES get a story in the next few months, who the hell cares by now?? Valentin? Never mentioned again after a pretty big build up with Helena cringing like a baby in GH because of his "evil"  Whatever. I really believe that the story arcs on this show are thrown out there and then abandoned at will depending on a certain someone's whim at the moment.

Ok, enough of that. Lante made the love-- people were giddy over the scenes as you know but now they are in the Carly cross-hairs, which may prove entertaining or really, really contrived. Brooke Lynn had better interact a LOT with the Q's, damn it.  Her gram Tracy won't be around, so who knows what will happen.

NUMorgan...making me cry...

New Morgan go to me this week in his scenes with Maurice. Very touching. The whole Yankee thing is a bit much, but it serves it's purpose. I do miss Aaron R..and now that his pilot didn't get picked up, could he be back??

Did you like the OLTL musical? Let me know. I thought some of the numbers were good, others a bit uh...tacky? Still, it's different and something to watch and lose track of time for awhile.

Today, Wubbers are walking in the NYC AIDS Awareness Walk-- with one Alberta the Lobster!! She'll be right there, taking part. Thank you for all the ad clicks on the site, we raised over $100 for the cause. Can't wait for some pics.

There are some spoilers up on the WubsNET as you know... and it doesn't look like we'll have a whole lot of "Summer Lovin' right now. There's always hope though. Always hope.

Friday, May 14, 2010

NuMorgan makes me sniffle...OLTL Gleefully Sings

OLTL..I enjoyed the second half of the show. The group numbers were "off" to me. Don't like the lip syncing at ALL..especially if they can sing IRL (Kassie DP, Brody). Hannah could belt it out! Someone said she's a broadway actress. Who knew!!? Not keeping up am I?? As much as it's not Glee, gotta hand it to them for trying something different.
NEWS: Shanelle Edmonds (Destiny) was signed to a contract !! woot!

GH: NuMorgan got me a sniffling today..geesh. He and Maurice were great. This Morgan seems younger to me than Aaron R.  How about the prison "yard" LOL... although the one guy the did cast well--bald, tatts on neck...straggly goatee thing. 
Lucky trying to skirt the law with the judge? He IS Luke's son.
Carly handing over Morgan to Jax. And Jax being the level headed guy-- and wanting to actually ask Morgan?? The whole "Morgan Jacks" thing is interesting. Maurice KILLED it today. It was heartbreaking.

And they mention the Bauers again. Diane and Alexis are on, finally talking about the storyline that's been pushed under the rug for eons. There's the civil suit. Finally.

Jake's mentioned. Jason.
"I just make people wish they were dead" says Nikolas! GET your Cassadine on!! I love it when he acts all Prince-like. Loved his talk with Krissy.
Luke is back!
So, Jason's off to Pentonville, or as I like to say ATTICA! ATTICA! ATTICA! ...he'll be in a jean shirt soon !LOL!

Aw, big rumor about Hank/Kendra breaking up over her sex tape. Just goes to show you girlies never ever make things you may regret.  (and you WILL regret them!!) Sad.  Maybe it's just a rumor..but Hugh Hef tweeted his "Support" to them both this afternoon. (See the things you learn from me?!)

Who saw Real Housewives NYC last night? GOD, Kelly is so INSANE!! She really is. I am loving Alex and Bethenny. I bet even the Hooters girlies thought those ladies were being over drama on the yacht! LOL.

EEEEE! I think Diane Downs' daughter is on 20/20 tonight! WOW..loved that book. Amazing movie with Farrah Fawcett

Thursday, May 13, 2010

New Scoops UP! Get 'em while they are HOT!

My fave Niecy Tweeted this in the morning hours. I loves it!

Still not a lot of stuff at all on the whole Keifer story.  I'm thinking it's going the way of the whole Mayor thing. You know, it will pop up one day, finish up and that will be that. Sources keep saying MATT will have a story but I'm not believing it until I see it with my own Wubbly Eyeballs. How do they expect us to care about anyone when they keep dropping stuff? :throws up hands: It's going to be all jail for awhile and of course, "Carly's Revenge". I am  looking forward to the Helena/Tracy stuff. Guess Skye's hanging out until TG gets home.  (Filming now)
GO! Get to WUBS NET and check them out. Now, there are no shockers up there. IT's the way the writing's been going lately.

Albera was at the POZ event in NYC last night! Can you guess which OLTL hunk she's biting!?

I won't be here to blog today so please use this to put your comments on! Let me know how the show was and if I should bother watching. xxoo!

Thursday Morning Soap Opera Blog Coalition!


Prom Night is upon the denizens of Llanview, PA, and excitement is bursting over, as one of the most anticipated events in a high schooler's life is set to play out over three, dramatic, explosive, melodic, "Starr X'd" episodes of One Life to Live, beginning this Friday, May 14. (Daytime Confidential)
Drew Garrett (Ex-Michael GH) gives his reaction to his Daytime Emmy Nomination, and how he has been moving on since he was let-go by the series. (Michael Fairman Soaps)
The Serial Drama girls react to the 2010 Emmy nominations, with lots of confusion, question marks and the occasional snicker at certain snubs, and one HUGE question (please imagine them asking this in shrill hysterics): Where on earth is David Canary's nomination?! (Serial Drama)
The WubTub Blog looks at snubs and hugs for this year's Daytime Emmy nods. Also, Lante cupcakes and a look at Wednesday's General Hospital. Who does NuMorgan remind the Wubqueen of? Hint: He wore a "Jets" jacket! (Wubs)

PS. the Drew Garrett interview is a MUST read. He got a call from Maurice...very touching.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

General Hospital: Snubs and Hugs

Look down below for the Daytime Emmy nods. GH still leads this year with 18, but certainly fell short in the actor categories! Twitter was going nuts with all the omissions. Then one GHer said "Even Ellen and Betty White were snubbed, I don't feel so badly"! The biggest shocker is in the best actor category. First year I remember Tony Geary not being there.

GH: WOW, they've really invested a LOT of airtime in this story. Claudia's death has lasted longer than most novels. And it's going to go on and on...
Scrubs seems to be on the couch a lot. LOL. And she's reading her DIARY! Who has that!!? I have a copy in the office. Back before blogs, that's how they did it. Robin tells Pat to go to Jakes alone so she can "be with her memories". And who's there? IDIOT Lisa. ugh.

Livvy and Sonny at church, kneeling at the altar together, praying. I so hope I'm not smelling a triangle here. I don't want to see Carly/Olivia/Sonny, thank you.
Carly was telling Jason not to kill Dante because Sonny would end up killing him. So SHE's going to "dismantle him piece by piece". Have you seen the promo where Sonny screams about "losing his son" when Carly wants Jax to adopt Morgan?! LOL...classic Sonny.
Watching Carly and Sonny drink together was also a classic. "It's not fair for me to love you, to need you but sometimes it seems you're the only woman in the world" says Sonny..and they make out. Limo sex all over again!! Carly picks that moment to tell Sonny that she wants Jax to adopt MORGAN! whahaha.

NuMorgan looks like Kevin from the "Wonder Years" to me!
THE Q's remind us that Michael's son is a Corinthos now, not a Quartermaine so they can't help him!
UGH, the trial is over, GO AWAY CLAIRE!!

If you thought things couldn't get sweeter between General Hospital's Dante and Lulu, think again! The Vanilla Bake Shop in Santa Monica, CA unveiled its new cupcake, "The Lante."The Vanilla Bake Shop is owned by JMB's sister-in-law.

What is the Lante Cupcake?
Amy: It's a mix of dark chocolate and a whipped mascarpone cream center topped with mocha hazelnut buttercream and Valrhona chocolate crunchies to represent the start of Lulu and Dante's steamy summer romance
What flavor is Lulu and what flavor is Dante?
Julie: The chocolate cake is on the bottom and chocolate crunchies on top since Lulu wears the pants in the relationship.
Dominic: The hazelnut icing and Italian mascarpone cheese filling are all Dante.
Read full interview on 2Food

Sarah Brown tweeted this today about her nom: Maurice just left the SWEETEST message. Someone at GH give him a kiss for me! Talked 2 Brandon & a few of my GH family. So much Lv 4 them :)

Great GH related Charity Event to check out! Annie Wersching (Amelia Joffe GH) is having her first baby. Fans have gotten together to hold a charity baby shower for her. "Project Precious Life" is aimed to help  homeless pregnant adult women before, during, and after childbirth in Los Alamitos, California. Check out The Precious Life Shelter.  Annie is now on Fox's "24". Show your GH support!


NOTE: Blogger Comments are NOT working, they are trying to fix this! sorry.  Keep trying!!

DAYTIME EMMYS---full list

GH is up for best Drama!

Lead Actress: Sarah Brown (GH) Crystal Chappel, Bobbie Easkes, Michelle Stafford, Maura West

Lead Actor: Peter Bergman, Doug Davidson,  Jon Lindstrom, Michael Park, James Scott

(NO LEAD Actor nomination for GH --and the only ACTRESS isn't even on the show! :/)

Lifetime Achievement: Agnes Nixon, creator of OLTL and AMC

Younger Actress: Christel Khalil, Marnie Schulenburg, Molly Burnett, Shelley Henning, Julie Marie Berman


Younger Actor:  Drew Tyler Bell, Drew Garrett, Dylan Patton, Scott Clifton, Zack Conroy (for GL, not BB)

Supporting Actor:  Billy Miller, Bradford Anderson, Jonathan Jackson, Ricky Paull Goldin, Brian Kerwin

SUPPORTING ACTRESS: Beth Chamberlin, Julie Pinson, Carolyn Hennesy, Arianne Zucker

Writing: BB, ATWT, YR,  AMC
Daytime Emmy® Awards to Be Telecast on June 27th, 2010 On The CBS Television Network from the Las Vegas Hilton

I am thrilled for Carolyn Hennesy.  I said on Twitter, I bet she gets it as more people have seen her work because of Cougar Town!!! And how about Drew Garrett!!?? LOL. So, let's see, Sarah Joy Brown and Drew are both off the show and up for nods. There ya go!! I think GH is also up for BEST PROMO for the carnival and FRANCO spots..LOL.  OLTL was basically shut out...which is a joke as their writing was AWESOME last year. I do love the fact that Scott Clifton got a nod. It's an OUCH for GH in the Lead Actor category. No TG or MB?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

TODAY's GH and Tomorrow is Emmy Nod Day!

Loved AZ/Michael playing "Kevin Bacon" in the pokey. "Six Degrees of Separation"....May has so turned into The Jail Month. How spooky to do scenes with BW!! eee! His voice makes me shiver. He's so good as Anthony, I've missed him.

Carly's telling Dante that Olivia was much smarter than her. And baring her soul to Dante? Uh, ok, she was going to kill she's all ...spilling her guts.  LOL. She forgives him. If you know the spoilers, you know it's a snowjob but it would have been amazing if true!! LOL Laura Wright did a great job. So did JMB.

Today's show was dragging!!!!!!!! I did love when Jason told Sonny It's NOT ABOUT YOU!!

Line of the day Liz to Lucky "Don't you think it's a bad idea that you're hanging around in a bar with your former drug dealer"?! LOL

A CHURCH! Sonny! A Church... well, I guess it's as good as place as any to talk to Livvy.

Here's a HYSTERICAL GH JIBJAB from Wubber Crackie. I swear you will LOVE it. Takes awhile to load but so worth it! Let me know how you like it.

Emmy Noms will be on the CBS Morning Show Tomorrow. Last year it was almost at the end. I'll try to have the nominations up here as soon as I can. So, if you are at work, check back.  GOOD LUCK TO GH PEEPS!

GO over to and see Laura Wright's commentary on yesterday's show! LOL.."Orange is not Chad's color".  Very fun.

LAST 10 HOURS TO BID for the FABULOUS SIGNED AIDS Walk Bears!!! GET your bid in today!! AIDS walk is Sunday.  Alberta the Lobster is in NYC looking on 5th Ave last time I heard.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Monday Mornin' Mash-up! ABC Soaps cross over!

OMG! fun is this? EWs PopWatch is reporting that ABC characters will interact with each other in a fun net series! Want to see Maxie and Rex? Luke and Vicky?? HOW COOL will that be? I'm actually excited. ;)

THIS will be who I want to see Together!! Woot!

One Life to Live‘s executive producer, Frank Valentini, will direct the 4-minute long scripted webisodes. The pairings will be:

All My Children‘s Erica Kane (Susan Lucci) and General Hospital‘s Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard)
GH‘s Luke Spencer (Anthony Geary) and OLTL‘s Viki Banks (Erika Slezak)
AMC‘s Ryan Lavery (Cameron Mathison) and GH‘s Carly Jacks (Laura Wright)
AMC‘s Greenlee Smythe (Rebecca Budig) and GH‘s Jason Morgan (Steve Burton)
OLTL‘s John McBain (Michael Easton) and GH‘s Sam McCall (Kelly Monaco)
OLTL‘s Todd Manning (Trevor St. John) and GH‘s Damian Spinelli (Bradford Anderson)
AMC’s Angie and Jesse Hubbard (Debbi Morgan and Darnell Williams) and OLTL’s Starr Manning (Kristen Alderson)
OLTL‘s Blair Cramer (Kassie DePaiva) and AMC‘s Tad Martin (Michael E. Knight
OLTL‘s Tess (Bree Williamson) and GH‘s Dante Falconeri (Dominic Zamprogna)
GH‘s Maxie Jones (Kirsten Storms) and OLTL‘s Rex Balsom (John- Paul Lavoisier

Hope you all had a nice Mama's day. That's why there was no Sunday Surgery. I needed a bit of a break. Went to Buffalo to the Roycroft Inn. VERY nice. Had a great day with my family. Here's Lisa LoCicero at the 2nd Annual Go Beauty Mother's Day Event. Lisa is a proud Mama and talks about her son a lot. Other proud Mama's were twittering their love for their kids as well. Sarah Joy Brown put up some pics of her daughter, Jordan and Nancy Lee Grahn had a fun day with Kate.
Speaking of...who watched SNL with Betty White??! OMG, was she a pistol or what!? My parents DVR'd it and I said COVER your ears. LOL. I loved the last skit with Tina Fey the best. "Ascertain" it was my stripper name. LOL. I do think that it would have been cool to have had Jane Curtin and Lorraine Newman on as well. (I'm old, OLD school SNL)
Isn't it great to think that at 88 we can still be fun??!
A few spoilers are up. I'm getting more info on the guy "Jerome" who's in the jail with Michael. There's going to be a fight-- people end up in GH.  Sam is supposedly helping with the whole judge bribery thing. Whatever. We know Michael won't be in jail forever. He meets Zoe in GH doing his community service.
This weekend is the AIDS NYC Walk! Remember to get over to FansGivingBack (Where the WHOLE WUBS TEAM is) and BID on a Cutie Signed Bear!! Lexi Ainsworth, Sarah Brown, Bob Giney. Check it out. You can also donate for Alberta Wubs (Lobster) who's going to walk with everyone on that day. If you don't care to donate, you can always just click on an ad on the Wubs Net--40% is donated for the walk this month. THANK YOU!! This is Alberta's 3rd big charity event. WOOT!

** News: Maurice Benard, long a stranger to many things online finally has an OFFICIAL Fan Page on Facebook. Check it out!
Today is Monty Python Quote Day!! For my British Hubby
'E's not pinin'! 'E's passed on!
This parrot is no more! He has ceased to be! 'E's expired and gone to meet 'is maker!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Look Who's Back Together!! General Hospital VETS...

Tristan Rogers and John Reilly will star together in the the Webseries: Reality Bytes!! That's right folks, how fun is that!!? Producer Jim Romanovich is in the center. YEAH!! I can hardly wait until they start filming. 

OLTL--The guy that plays Kelly's mystery guy is really BAD.  Not only can't he act, he has NO "It" factor. NONE! Painful to watch. Hannah...ugh, hate. Tea's toomah? Sniff.  All in all OLTL is really not bringing it for me. Sad, but true since I used to love the show so damn much. Good to see some Native  Americans on there-- authentic and all. Sort of a Northern Exposure vibe with the necklace. 

GH: New Spoilers are up. News? Well, seems Aaron Refvem's pilot didn't get picked up so MAYBE he'll be back to GH!! Here's hoping. Man, that kid yesterday was NO MORGAN. ;/
Today was the big "The Police and Justice are A-hole  Day"!!! Get your popcorn. Dante is going to go down and big. There goes my hopes that he could have SAVED Michael. Guza could have written this all differently. But, hey, he wanted his OZ fantasy-- and Jason saving the day. Whatever. I can only hope Dante finds out the judge was bribed and that's how Michael gets out of prison. 
"Sorry,  Morgan, you're completely overlooking the fact that everyone hates Dante"... says Molly
At least Mike i s still around. 
Jolivia mentioned MAINE!! WOOT! ;) I think they were showing the Queen some lobstah love.
Oh, Helena is getting some choice moments, isn't she? I'm so happy!!  "You American Nouveau Riche" LOL. "OUR" Luke as Hells says. Luke can be quite thrilling when properly stimulated.
Johnny's impact statement was interesting. He was actually pretty good about Michael. 
Maxie and Lucky-- trying to get them together in WHATEVER way possible!?

ALMOST FORGOT! Chrissie Fit's SUBRANOS has it's new WILD Friday Eppy! 

WHO watched Oprah's 10th anniversary of her mag show? WOW..tons of stars! LaLucci was on with her son. She looked awesome. Oprah had on a "Glinda" skirt or what? WOW. Dr. Phil shaved his mustache. heh. 
Anyway, have a great night. Hopefully some good GH news will come on in this weekend. xxoo

James Franco NEWS: You could star with him in a short film!! Yes YOU COULD! 826 Valencia is sponsoring this once in a life  If any of you enter me...I shall kill you. LOL

Thursday, May 6, 2010

OLTL: Tea's TOOMAH.. .The After Glow on GH

Laura Wright's Dressing room!

Tea and Blair were awesome today! "Ol' Racoon eyes"!!! Loved their scenes. Kassie couldn't stop her crying! Wow... Now, the judge on this show is just as clueless as "our" Judge but MUCH LESS entertaining. Cheesy horrific dialog between Kelly and that bland guy that's "wooing her". UGH. I did like the teen-scene though, it was fun. Not sure how I'll deal with the whole "Musical" sheeze though. I'm not a musical kinda gal in the best of situation. Soapy-Teens? Hmmm.

Stupid NEWS REPORT made me miss Hells and Epiphany at the very beginning of the show!!
Oh, Ron Hale, is that you!!? Nice..and Conan too! Mike has to come in and "recap" Sonny's life for us. LOL.
NuMorgan. I have to update the NuFace WUB! The nuMorgan certainly isn't the old one. ouch I hope it's nerves.
Skye and Maya...well, it might be interesting. It's funny because we know TG was stuck in Denmark so they are doing fillers.  Heh. Tracy coming in was a good touch.

Kate was back in town, on a tear. She's just bitchy. She needs to go see Coleman..heh. Sonny can lecture her about not telling him about Dante. Zzzzzzzzzzz.

"Run along Little Boy"... Hells says to Lucky-- and Lucky tells her he's either going to put her in jail or a coffin! Hells says BRING IT ON!! and Connie with a new outfit !! I LOVED it. Bravo

Lante eating cold pasta in bed...ugh. All I can think of is garlic breath! I'm still in shock over the blurred boob yesterday. First in Daytime for me anyway. Think it will make The Soup? OMG Lucky rushing in because Maxie called Lulu in as a potential suicide. heh.

Liz and Shirley were great. Michael Learned is SO GREAT! She's so natural. Makes me all happy inside to watch someone like her.
GOTTA run early... sorry!

Soap Opera Blog Coalition Thursday 5/6

General Hospital has been on a roll with the build up to Michael’s testimony. Daytime Confidential’s Regan Cellura weighs in on the storyline’s culmination. (">Daytime Confidential)

Last week was a tough one for AMC fans so this week the PVB rates the farewells... Adam and Palmer's. What did you think, were our grades fair? (">Pine Valley Bulletin) 

The writing for GH characters when a new (or old) actor takes over the role changes so dramatically that the Serial Drama girls have had fun imagining how the Lucky/Michael scenes would have gone down with Greg Vaughan and Drew Garrett. The fact that this was the highlight of the week on GH says a whole lot, none of it good. (">Serial Drama)

I have been shedding a few tears these days upon discovering Tea has just been diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor and the prognosis is not good. I have fallen in love with this character aptly portrayed by the accomplished Florencia Lozano. (">Soap Opera Examiner)

Sunday Surgery with the Wubs! Flat Megan has her adventures in Missouri (and with poodles), more great May scoops and General Hospital dish. (">Wubs)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

CO77x : James Franco this Summer on GH??


USA Today has an article about James Franco and about 3/4 of the way down is a tidbit that he's back this summer. Now, do we take this with a grain of salt? Oh, yes!! I'm still upset I didn't get to do a flash mob at his "gallery opening"!!! Music Rooms also confirms the return.

My friend Franco has been in the news A LOT lately!! He was in a Perez Hilton blurb I refuse to link to because it was just too mean spirited. At the Tribeca Film Fest he was asked about his sexuality. Which, come on..this is 2010... do we really still have to do that?! James was at the fest for a documentary about his "Saturday Night Live" gig in 2008. We all know he's getting his PhD. Hoity-Toity!!

So, while I think about getting a CO77x tattoo to keep up with my Franco insanity, you tell me: Do you care if he comes back to GH? Do you think it should be a nice love story with Jason?? Will you hold my hand if I get Franco-Anxiety?

Cinco DeMayo Sex and Whale Talk!!

Today's GH was full of fun. Lante starts out with some good ol' food sex. Slicing tomatoes, sucking on blood from cut fingers, cheese discussion.

Jolivia got cozy at his new apartment that is crammed full of flowers. Does he actually water all those? Remember when Crazy Daddy talked to the plants? If Johnny does that we know things are going south!!

Michael gets an army of visitors in jail. Geesh. He and Steve Burton did a fab job today!! Jason told Michael to "think of the whales" when he went to sleep. I made whale noises today on twitter. LOL. EEE eee EEE eee!!! Michael laid there, thinking of them whales. Ok, it was "Mexico" but hell, I like the whale noises better.

THE BIG SHOCKER TODAY?????????? Giant HUGE SHOCKER??????? JASON apologized to ROBIN-- !! For being mad at her for telling the truth about who Michael's father was! :thud:!! Wow. Carly better not hear him talking like that. Nice use of the past today. Robin telling Patrick her heart was put back together by Jason so she could "give it to him". Awwww!!

Lante sex finally happened around 3:53ish? SO, tomorrow will be even more of the hotness. That was pretty nice. Good heavy breathing, black lace bra... tattoos...geesh. It was pretty detailed and H-o-T!! AND they said I LOVE YOU 2x to each other!!
Alert: They even BLURRED HER BOOBS on TV...whahahahahhaa!! sizzzzzzzzlah.

SEE you tonight for the Happy Town tweets!!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

May the 4th Be With You: Happy StarWars Day!

OLTL has me so mad. It was such a boring day and then I thought Langston actually told Marco and it was her IMAGINATION. GOD! I hate it when they do that. ;/ Not happy. I was so happy when Blair looked at Tea's file folder and found out she was dying. woot! 

Tomorrow is Lante SEX-A-Cinco Day! Lante fans can get their payoff. Everyone else can just watch..or not. LOL. It's going to be them against the town".  It will be interesting when Carly gets a hold of Brooke Lyn in all of this. RUMOR: Brooke actually had a baby by Dante and gave it up for adoption. That would make her look good and Lulu bad ...or something like that. We'll see if it's true. You know Carly's got that secret in her back pocket, just ready to whip out. 

There was Michael again on the stand-- doesn't he need a lawyer? Doesn't he need a psycho exam, especially if the judge knows he's "brain damaged" . Oh, did I say that yesterday? LOL. NEEDED to be REPEATED. I do have to say the judge was great. heh.  I think he's a hoot. Everyone's faces when Michael left the room? Priceless. DID you see PAPA Mike there!!? :thud:  

Someone needs to stop making such a mess out of this. I guess ol' Guza couldn't wait to do a prison drama-- !! Get the denim shirts out. Jason will be in there too. 

Laura Wright did a fabu job!! She must get headaches after her scenes. LOL. I get one every time I cry, that's for sure. Carly keeps calling Dante a "bastard"...uh, Carly!!!  Come on. Who loved it when Tracy came in and called her on taking Michael away from the Q's? I love Tracy sticking up for LULU. The NuMichael did great as well. He seems to be settling in. 

Nice voice-over when they were booking Michael. 
LOVED how Big Alice was a riot--she was so mad the charges were dropped. Heh. Sonny really thinks Dante did it just to spite HIM...not to uphold the law or anything. No character made much sense today.
Dante trying to explain the whole motive to Carly. I was waiting for her to mace him. 
Looks like Spixie is going to be off camera for a bit. Maxie's :out of town: ..Spin needs to :go away: We do see him again though, with a cane this time. I think Bradford is healing.  
Eddie Q should really try to go bribe that judge. Then, he should say something like "Why, it's cousin Hank"! or whatever his name is. There is a rumor that the judge is going to be on the take to put Michael into jail for a long time. 
WHAT will AZ do when he finds out Michael killed his little girlie??? Are they going to be in the same prison??! @@
Isn't it interesting they drop the entire Keifer story for DAYS to do all this? Why can't GH tell more than one story at once?? They always do this. Spits and spurts. 
Old Morgan, Aaron R was KILLING it today, he cries so well. He will be missed. 
What's Luke going to say to Lulu when she gets back!!?

HEY, look who signed a bear for the NYC AIDS WALK??! Bob Guiney!! GO! MAKE A BID! There are a lot of GH and Primetime people doing this. Thanks for your help!

Monday Monday

  WOW, do we have a nice weather here!! Just gorgeous. All weekend was beautiful and now it's up into the 70s and maybe 80s tomorrow.  T...