Casey Anthony on the stand! WOW...the defense is just doing so badly LOL. I didn't think she'd testify but thought they'd put on SOME kind of explanation of the molestation and the drowning. Maybe I'll get my life back next week!!
NEW SPOILERS are up!! Not a lot though. Everything is up in the air. Theories abound about dream sequences, recasts and possible time lapses.
You got me swingin' at the moment, all I know is the Q's are a go, and Helena will be on!!
GREAT ending Nik/Lucky scene... TC said on Twitter he and JJ "tweaked' the script a bit. HELENA!
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Wed--Hump Day for the Soapies!!
Hey! New guy Dajuan Johnson's Vblog is up thanking GH and Twitter fans. He's playing Asher Caldwell, business man and making his GH debut today. He's really a great guy and tweets a lot to followers!! @dajuanjohnson
I went to RIT today with my son to check out the whole campus and such. Wow..anxiety!! ON MY PART! LOL... crazy. And more crazy is the Anthony trail. Her poor father. Casey sitting there like the evil toad she is.
WAS THAT A MEATHOOK MENTION?? WOW. Carly and Sonny Squabble. Jax and Brenda blah blah.
I went to RIT today with my son to check out the whole campus and such. Wow..anxiety!! ON MY PART! LOL... crazy. And more crazy is the Anthony trail. Her poor father. Casey sitting there like the evil toad she is.
Oh the things I can google. :)
OLTL: Watched with the sound down but I could tell Jess was some mad with her sister!! That stupid tape recorder is making me NUTS!! How many people have touched it but not listened! LOL Shane made me cry and I didn't even have the sound up!! (listening to the trial hee hee) OLTL is so good it really REALLY could be on primetime and I'd watch. JPL did such an awesome job with the whole "marriage" thing. So wonderful. All the stories are so integrated!!
GENERAL HOSPITAL: ABNER in a SUIT!! Ahahhaa. She's all corporate now!! OMG, Edward gave Michael Tracy's office!! heh... love it.
Olivia and Steve..they still don't show them enough to make me care. I still miss Jolivia.
Wonder if Nikolas will remember to pack up Spencer when he leaves. Wonder if ANYONE remembers that Spencer is also a Corinthos. HA HA I wonder how many people even KNOW that Courtney is his mom and she was Sonny's sister. She's never mentioned. EVER. Would have been nice to have had Mike want to see his grandson now and again. Nikolas is getting his Cassadine on!! Let that feta fly!! He goes and talk to Emily-- and I think the whole 'taking Aiden' is just weird.
WAS THAT A MEATHOOK MENTION?? WOW. Carly and Sonny Squabble. Jax and Brenda blah blah.
LOVED the new Asher guy--not just because he's been tweeting to me, but his character might be good! Martha's Vineyard! Harvard! YOU KNOW ABNER is gonna want him! LOL
AMC: The chick that plays Madison tweeted this:
Thorsten Kaye is in the building!!! Hanging with TK and Danny Cosgrove :D Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Nelson Branco Leaves TV Guide Canada
Michael Fairman interviewed Nelson Branco, writer of "The Suds Report" for TV Guide Canada. Nelson abruptly left twitter awhile ago and then his column was gone from the mag and online. Nelson has been a soap supporter and journalist for many years and is known for his gossip, interviews and juicy blind items. He is currently working on the Marilyn Dennis show out of Toronto. I for one will miss his humor and candor!
I am DVRing both OLTL and GH again today.. Casey Anthony trial is too good today. SORRY!! Sonya-- or Lori!!? HELP!
Monday, June 27, 2011
Monday After The Party Weekend!!
Wow, I am beat... LOL. big weekend. Jack's all Graduated, Partied out... and I am tired. LOL. Now it's time to get into the soaps again!!!
People on Twitter are saying that AMC is getting awesome again... I'm a Casey Anthony junkie so I've not been watching. I guess LBroderick is back writing.
OLTL: Rex's part was awesome. Stupid Jack Manning, UGH. Loved Old Face Todd in The Manning house!!!
Erika S was so good today... she and Clint!! Yes.. get back to basics. Dang it.
David Vickers: Sitting Shiva. LOL. I love that term. "We get to look in the mirror again... the cowboy's dead"!!
Loved New Face Todd and Jack both eavesdropping at the same time. LOL
Rex said YES to the heart... I wonder if he's going to make Clint kill Jack Manning? LOL
GENERAL HOSPITAL: Edward STILL ON? HELL... wow. And Jason was KIND to him. :thud: Love this ELQ angle!! Don't let them make condoms again! LOL Abner with her sex phone voice. Edward talking about no one living at the Q mansion. Carly finds out Michael wants to work at ELQ. Her entire EXISTENCE AND LIFE was keeping him away from the Q's...ahahhaha Now this. whoops. They said AJ about 4 times!! Billy Warlock, ding dong!! Edward also mentioned Emily, Alan and Justice!!
Carly sees Brenda and Jax together with Josslyn. MERCEDES Mention!! The stuffed animals were all over. Carly's getting a bit cray-cray. "Say goodbye to Brenda because you'll never be seeing her again"!!
Alexis, Molly and Krissy/Ethan. heh. Nice. Molly? "you could totally be lovers in Florence" hee hee. Alexis tells Krissy to "check herself" when it comes to Ethan. AND-how could Kristina be looking at her "junior year" abroad--did she even get into a college??!! LOL
Sonny pain and angst. Lord. The closet. Deke...the angst, the pain.
THE BROTHEL is totally the old Spencer set!!! OMG, They didn't even change the doors. LOL. That brothel looks like it was running in about 1910. I expected Miss Kitty to walk out at one point! Geesh.
Abby goes to Jason again..ha HA! Just sayin. "What's in it for me" Says Abby....Jason answers "Michael only richer"?? ahahaa
WHO SAW THE HELENA PROMO FOR GH!!????????? ME! ME!! I'm so excited for this!! I can only hope Sam/Alexis get in on the Cassadine sheeze. Please Please.."Wolfie" hear me!!
You have to go see the vote on Wubs Net!! The top 2 dinner people are Liz and Helena!! THAT Would be an interesting dinner!!
People on Twitter are saying that AMC is getting awesome again... I'm a Casey Anthony junkie so I've not been watching. I guess LBroderick is back writing.
OLTL: Rex's part was awesome. Stupid Jack Manning, UGH. Loved Old Face Todd in The Manning house!!!
Erika S was so good today... she and Clint!! Yes.. get back to basics. Dang it.
David Vickers: Sitting Shiva. LOL. I love that term. "We get to look in the mirror again... the cowboy's dead"!!
Loved New Face Todd and Jack both eavesdropping at the same time. LOL
Rex said YES to the heart... I wonder if he's going to make Clint kill Jack Manning? LOL
Carly sees Brenda and Jax together with Josslyn. MERCEDES Mention!! The stuffed animals were all over. Carly's getting a bit cray-cray. "Say goodbye to Brenda because you'll never be seeing her again"!!
Alexis, Molly and Krissy/Ethan. heh. Nice. Molly? "you could totally be lovers in Florence" hee hee. Alexis tells Krissy to "check herself" when it comes to Ethan. AND-how could Kristina be looking at her "junior year" abroad--did she even get into a college??!! LOL
Sonny pain and angst. Lord. The closet. Deke...the angst, the pain.
THE BROTHEL is totally the old Spencer set!!! OMG, They didn't even change the doors. LOL. That brothel looks like it was running in about 1910. I expected Miss Kitty to walk out at one point! Geesh.
Abby goes to Jason again..ha HA! Just sayin. "What's in it for me" Says Abby....Jason answers "Michael only richer"?? ahahaa
Oh, Alexis... Helena calling!!
WHO SAW THE HELENA PROMO FOR GH!!????????? ME! ME!! I'm so excited for this!! I can only hope Sam/Alexis get in on the Cassadine sheeze. Please Please.."Wolfie" hear me!!
You have to go see the vote on Wubs Net!! The top 2 dinner people are Liz and Helena!! THAT Would be an interesting dinner!!
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Sunday Surgery: Support Staff
This is going to be a gushing blog about the Wubbers out there. You guys are so great--you read my drivel day after day and when I'm not able to update you all step in to help!!! Plus the fact we have minimal fighting on the blog-- I love it!! You're the best. I hope you follow me on twitter too @wubsnet because it gives us a chance to talk during the shows.
This week is a blur to me and I still have to watch Thurs/Friday shows. I hear there is much more Quartermaine talk AND an AJ mention! (remember my Billy Warlock rumor!!??) We know Stuart Damon is on tap to come on in some shape/form for a bit. That, coupled with Michael and ELQ is going to make me so happy!! They haven't used ELQ in AGES!! Leslie C tweeted she was back July 27th. Helena is back June 30th. Oh *sigh* happy me. Hopefully my blogs will be so much less bitchy, eh?
We found out Vanessa is Pregnant, which kind of explains her leaving GH when she is. Congrats to her on that. "Brenda and Alec" are going to be caught in a gun fight soon, so we know Guza's writing is still in there. I heard about July 25th-ish will be the total "Wolf" switch over. Maurice dropped at one of his shows that they are indeed recasting Kate which really is sending Megan Ward fans into a tail-spin. She has a huge fanbase and it's just a head-scratcher why this is happening.
My fave moment this week was anything LISA because Brianna Brown went out with a great psycho-bang. I think Lisa's still in a coma unless I missed something at the end of the week. Meaning, she can always pop up again like Janet and Annie from AMC.
Go and see who won the most handsome poll (no surprise!!) and later, vote for you you'd like to have as your dinner companion. There will be TWO winners, first and second place to see who people would like to partake a little nosh with.
THANK YOU AGAIN to everyone!!! xxxoo
Friday, June 24, 2011
Friday SOAP Suds and FUN!
It was wonderful! 450 kids to get through--long night. They had fun videos and all sorts of cool things. Once a Raider, Always a Raider!!
Have a good one. Taping OLTL and GH--
The Anthony Soap
Yep, I have a Judge Perry Mug! Cafe Press people!!
Sad, sad..sad. I don't know if I can continue if this is going to go on with the lies. I am waiting for George to just say he did it.
For True Crime buffs, this is EPIC. I've been one forever. You can't write this stuff because NO ONE would believe it.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
That's right, it's graduation time here, so... I won't be able to watch the shows, I have to DVR them. I will put up a comment blog (Like this one) so everyone can chat!!
Leslie C tweeted this morning that Monica's back July 27th!! woot! Don't forget to keep voting on the WUBS NET for your 'most handsome' !!
Do You Hear the Rocky Theme??!
Wubber Dave has sharp eyes...he's thinking the backdrop for this scene is from Philadelphia in the 1980's. Can anyone verify??! He thinks its 100% because of the PSFS Building which stood for "Philadelphia Savings Fund Society"! How fun is too lazy to use a ROCHESTER ONE (Which we clearly remember from Luke and Laura Days) and we caught ya! LOL.. I love my readers. They all know how much I'm into sets/props!!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Helena's Back! Woo Hoo!!
TV Guide sat down with Connie Towers and asked her about her return to GH! First airdate? June 30th!!
"Helena is intent on keeping the mystery going," Towers says. "She taunts Lucky that he won't really know if he's Aiden's father for another 20 years and that only blood, and time, will tell. She says, 'If the child grows up to be noble and charismatic, he's a Cassadine. If he's a whiskey drinker or drug addict who puts his faith in tramps destined to disappoint him, then he's a Spencer.' It's wonderfully delicious stuff!"
Of course, this being Helena, it all ends with a threat. "She hints that Lucky might not even have Aiden for 20 years," says Towers. "It leaves the door open for a potential kidnapping, which I love!
Also note the Edward/Helena question..who's been wanting that for TEN YEARS!? Muah!
OLTL: The Baz kid is so GLEE-type. AT least he's into elecronica. :) heh...
DAVID VICKERS! ECHO!! LOL.. and my only complaint: The Old Face Skulking Todd is taking way to long to 'show up'. Such a bane of my existence when people come back and it takes so long. LOVE how New Face Todd roughed up and grabbed stupid Jack's face!!! WOOT!! Rex has power of attorney!!
Echo took the photos and sent them to Dorian!! hee hee
Jack gets arrested!
GENERAL HOSPITAL: OMG, "Noir" Spinelli--is going to be on for awhile Good Lord. He's going to be trapped in the 30's or 40's and not know computers. LOL He did call Diane "Cookie" today!! LOL
SO, Guza got to destroy Scorpio-Webber House and the Spencer house. He so hates Laura. LOL
Alec and Anthony Z!! So cute!! Bruce Weitz is a gift to GH...he keeps me laughing. But, er..where were the GUARDS?? I thought they were all over when Alec was outside. GOD. Alec is a cutie! He walked into Sonny' s house and said "Anthony said hi"!!
YEA! Tracy and Lulu... love them JE looked great in her pink blazer.
Liz tells Nikolas Aiden isn't a Cassadine. That was a let down. geesh..anti climatic. Maybe cause it took forever. Or we never see the kid with either Lucky OR Nikolas?
Billy Warlock had this to say about the Daytime Emmy show:
I thought it was a pathetic display, personally. I felt they didn't want to put the show on. They certainly didn't help our cause.
I mean, if that's the last airing of the daytime Emmy's... that's not how we want to be remembered. UGH!
it just feels like another nail in the coffin. I'm annoyed and I'm not even on a show. Are other fellow actors speaking up?
hey! Kimmy IS BACK ON OLTL!!
"Helena is intent on keeping the mystery going," Towers says. "She taunts Lucky that he won't really know if he's Aiden's father for another 20 years and that only blood, and time, will tell. She says, 'If the child grows up to be noble and charismatic, he's a Cassadine. If he's a whiskey drinker or drug addict who puts his faith in tramps destined to disappoint him, then he's a Spencer.' It's wonderfully delicious stuff!"
Of course, this being Helena, it all ends with a threat. "She hints that Lucky might not even have Aiden for 20 years," says Towers. "It leaves the door open for a potential kidnapping, which I love!
Also note the Edward/Helena question..who's been wanting that for TEN YEARS!? Muah!
OLTL: The Baz kid is so GLEE-type. AT least he's into elecronica. :) heh...
DAVID VICKERS! ECHO!! LOL.. and my only complaint: The Old Face Skulking Todd is taking way to long to 'show up'. Such a bane of my existence when people come back and it takes so long. LOVE how New Face Todd roughed up and grabbed stupid Jack's face!!! WOOT!! Rex has power of attorney!!
Echo took the photos and sent them to Dorian!! hee hee
Jack gets arrested!
GENERAL HOSPITAL: OMG, "Noir" Spinelli--is going to be on for awhile Good Lord. He's going to be trapped in the 30's or 40's and not know computers. LOL He did call Diane "Cookie" today!! LOL
SO, Guza got to destroy Scorpio-Webber House and the Spencer house. He so hates Laura. LOL
Alec and Anthony Z!! So cute!! Bruce Weitz is a gift to GH...he keeps me laughing. But, er..where were the GUARDS?? I thought they were all over when Alec was outside. GOD. Alec is a cutie! He walked into Sonny' s house and said "Anthony said hi"!!
YEA! Tracy and Lulu... love them JE looked great in her pink blazer.
Liz tells Nikolas Aiden isn't a Cassadine. That was a let down. geesh..anti climatic. Maybe cause it took forever. Or we never see the kid with either Lucky OR Nikolas?
Billy Warlock had this to say about the Daytime Emmy show:
I thought it was a pathetic display, personally. I felt they didn't want to put the show on. They certainly didn't help our cause.
I mean, if that's the last airing of the daytime Emmy's... that's not how we want to be remembered. UGH!
it just feels like another nail in the coffin. I'm annoyed and I'm not even on a show. Are other fellow actors speaking up?
hey! Kimmy IS BACK ON OLTL!!
Brianna Brown To Showtime!!!
The series HOMELAND on Showtime has snagged Brianna Brown upon her departure from GH!
Brown will play Lynne Reed, a statuesque blonde, crowned Miss Ohio in 2009, who spent two years in the harem of Prince Farid Bin Abbud and who now works as his procurer, using her looks and smarts as commerce. Her character does not view herself as a prostitute but as someone who is setting herself up for a secure life.
Remember you can see Brianna at the Fan Club Weekend during her Coffee and Chocolates event! Read my INTERVIEW with her to learn more about it!!
Brown will play Lynne Reed, a statuesque blonde, crowned Miss Ohio in 2009, who spent two years in the harem of Prince Farid Bin Abbud and who now works as his procurer, using her looks and smarts as commerce. Her character does not view herself as a prostitute but as someone who is setting herself up for a secure life.
Remember you can see Brianna at the Fan Club Weekend during her Coffee and Chocolates event! Read my INTERVIEW with her to learn more about it!!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Congrats To Vanessa Marcil Giovinazzo
She JUST tweeted she's PREGNANT!! That's great news... she's working on her clothing line for babies as well.
her tweet: keep your ideas coming moms...pitched some to the kings of baby products today and ur ideas R exciting to the big shots! im pregnant btw :)
Crazy Lisa's On the LOOSE!!
Yesterday's show was so fun..her face popping up. Dante not handcuffing her right and Mac/Ronnie just hanging around outside. LMAO.
New Spoilers are up-- not a lot of them. I think the scoops are on lock down. Or Garin Wolf is. "Wolf" as I say
Lucky almost drank.. REBECCA IS BACK! Oh so good to see her!! I think I really want L&L2 back. Box Car Forever!! She told Lucky about Aiden but he's pissed she didn't tell him earlier. Geesh, can those guys cry or what? LOL "you saved me tonight Elizabeth"....
Lisa injected herself!! Kudos to Brianna Brown because she rocked that Lisa part. This was a good scene. KUDOS. I don't say that often. Mac was on!!
Maxie crying to Dante about Spinelli jumping in front of her. sniff Spinelli dreams his gumshoe dream while he's being operated on. He wakes up as "Noir Spin" as I'll call him.
WOW, I actually enjoyed today's show!! It was balanced, fun.. and had a lot of characters on! Even the Spin stuff made me smile. SO there you go! LOL
From Twitter:
@BrownBrianna: My final performance on General Hospital is this afternoon on ABC! It's a good one! : )”
Monday, June 20, 2011
Monday Soap Lather
Love this on Lexi!!
Well, there are a million articles out there on how LAME the Daytime Emmys were... One great piece in the LA Times says it all.
Nancy Lee Grahn on the Emmys: Regarding Emmy experience; some things are better left unsaid.OLTL was usual!! Those babies are darling!! Sam's getting some airtime...just when I though he was evaporated. Side note: Joey's hair looks like Low Flow shower head from Seinfeld. Glad he threw out Aubrey. LOL Wonder who is in that hotel room that Tomas was in. Hmmmm...HIS WIFE!! WOW!!
Starr and some random guy the college. Someone on Twitter said he's a newbie and his name is BAZ. ahhhaha. BAZ.
Clint and Rex's scene was great.
Is Tess merged with Jess? Cause Jessica sure remembered that 'she' was with Ford!! Or was Ford THAT good?? Heh
Lisa questioning Patrick: DID you ever LOVE ME?? He should have lied. LIED. LOL. Steve could have sang her a song with his guitar. The only part I thought was cool was Maxie's speech. Lisa "PULL OUT THE HIV CARD"!! heh
Mac says if Jason saves everyone he can have a medal!! wow.... He even knew the CODE FOR THE Security system! Oh how nice. He really IS the best man ever. Then, Mac and Ronnie stand outside and argue, Lucky just LEAVES---which means Jason and Dante are the only ones left. First he burns down a house, now he leaves a crisis because he's upset??
BTW, They should have drilled thru the wall to put a fiber optic in and a sniper. Or pumped gas in. Don't they watch any cop shows?
Patrick's shot. Lisa's down. Hysterical. They leave Lisa laying there because ..well, no other police even bothered coming into the hospital. OMG. Hahhhhaa.
No comment on the repetitive never ending AZ stuff. SS
I kinda wish they had thrown in a fire or some toxic balls to jazz it up LOL.
Note: Ronnie is now he bad guy, so glad Jason could run around with the police at the hospital.
Congrats to the GH Winners!!!
Congrats to Laura Wright and Johnathan Jackson last night on their wins.. I'm counting Scott Clifton too since he started on GH...
Maurice Benard OUT at GH?
Rumors have been around for weeks, I heard it 3 weeks ago. Didn't name names. Now it's time. I heard he's out for Feb Sweeps, others have said as early as November. I also heard they are flirting with a "reverse storyline" and flashbacks after Sonny's death. This was thought about awhile back but never happened with another major character.
Maurice is on his tour to the East--- maybe he'll clear up the rumors although I don't think anyone would comment on this now.
I also say GH is done in 2012 regardless of anything. Sucks but true.
**getting a lot of shit on twitter, Maurice said he's on GH until 'the end"... well folks, the END IS NIGH. I hope he stays. We'll see. I'm just getting the RUMOR OUT THERE without dancing around the name anymore.
Can you tell I'm bitter? I'm about to spill a LOTTA years of stuff soon. Get ready. I'll get Gedstern in here too.
PS follow Raven.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Daytime Emmy Show: Giant Infomercial of FAIL
Program Cover at Emmys-- nice ad for Vegas.
I'm pissed. Guess what? I wish they would have skipped the Daytime Emmys this year. They have been dwindling year after year-- usually no network willing to pick them up. CBS took them this year and I guess it's because VEGAS paid them to air their infomercial. I would rather have had the soap awards done online...or on the radio. I don't need to see Elvis dancers or Marie Osmond botch her lip syncing. They didn't even have clips of the soap actors material. But more bitching later. Here's the awards:
Jonathan Jackson won for best supporting actor on GH...brought his kids up on stage.
Young and the Restless won for best writing
Best Moment: Debbi Morgan giving a shout out to the AMC fans... at least someone cares.
Best Directing: TIE: B&B and Y&R
Britt Allen (OLD Marissa from AMC) won for best supporting younger actress. WTF She was so terrible she got FIRED from AMC!! And she beat Lexi Ainsworth?? :thud: ACID TRIP
MY FAVE Scott Clifton won best younger actor!!!
Scrubs Presented. They looked cute.
Best Actor: Michael Park from Canandaigua boy!! Hugs to his Mom!!
Best Actress: Laura Wright won!!!
Best Soap: Bold and the Beautiful
Well, Gladys Knight came on...cause SHE'S SOOOOOOOOOO daytime. :rolleyes: Oh, wait, we are honoring Oprah. Nice. :doubleeyeroll: Oprah couldn't even bother to be there to win her double crystal one of a kind award. PLUS she has her OWN damn cable network-- it's not like she's dead or going anywhere. Sorry, but we had enough Oprah hooplah. Gladys needed a Ricola. Her voice was sounding nasty. (vocal coach here, don't be hatin')
Well, between Vegas, Osmonds, Universal plugs, Deaf Kids and Oprah, we had about 30 min REAL show out of 2 hours. AND about 10 minutes of soaps NO CLIPS!! NO anything!!!!!! SUCKED. Now, I know we should all be groveling and grateful for ANYTHING we get ...but this was atrocious. Like I said, don't bother if it's going to be insulting to the stars and the fans...Guess it was a good variety show to promote Vegas and gameshows..other than that? ugh
They went SO FAST though the soaps categories and yet had time for a 'trip to Universal"?? Scott Clifton couldn't even talk for a full minute? NO CLIPS of actors/shows work shown??!!
No "In Memoriam" for stars who have passed away?????????? FOR SHAME!
Susan Lucci's daughter Liza is so TALL next to her!! LOL Her tribute was cute... Shemar was nice and a little drunk. Loved all her "weddings"... "DAYTIME Television is alive and well and look at all the talent in this room tonight"! FANS ON FIRE!! You said it.
pics thanks to @afrovox on twitter.
The First Annual Fabulous TwitAwards!!
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Concept by: @unlimitedjason and @maurasull
With appreciation to: @armlessphelan and @soapfanfiction
On Saturday Night the 18th, soap tweeters were invited to give their tweet-votes to their faves in the soap world for the #tweetawards. Here are the results!!
Most Missed Series: Another World
Worst/Shittiest writing team: Days/AMC
Worst Directing: AMC
Worst Younger Actress: Brittany Allen AMC/Yvonne Zima YR
Hottest Actress: Chrishell Stause AMC
Hottest Actor YR: Daniel Goddard
Hottest AMC Actor: Ricky Paul Goldin
Hottest OLTL Actor: Josh Kelly
Hottest GH Actor: Jason Thompson
Hottest Days Actor: Shawn Christian
Hottest BB Actor: Adam Gregory
Best Primetime Soap: Pretty Little Liars
Hottest YR Sex Couple: Nick/Phyllis
Hottest AMC Sex Couple: JR/Annie
Hottest OLTL sex couple: Tess/Ford
Hottest Days/DOOL sex couple: Brady/Chloe
Hottest GH Sex Couple: Johnny/Lulu
Hottest BB Sex Couple: Brooke/Thomas
Best Classic Days/DOOL Couple: Bo/Hope
Best classic GL Couple: Josh/Reva
Best Classic GH Couple: Luke/Laura
BestClassic OLTL Couple: Bo/Nora
Best Classic AMC Couple: Jesse/Angie
Best Classic YR Couple: Victor/Nikki
Best Classic BB Couple: Brooke/Ridge
Best Soap Network: ABC
Best Source of Daytime Info: Twitter
Best Daytime Abs: Brandon Beemer BB/David Gregory OLTL
Best Male Ass: Shawn Christian Days/DOOL
Best Female Ass: Kelly Monaco GH
Best Female Eyes: Nadia Bjorlin Days/DOOL
Most Underused Male: Kristoff St. John YR
Most Underused Female: Kirsten Storms
Best Package Male: Greg Vaughan GH
Best Comic Relief: Ilene Kristen/Roxy OLTL
Best Lead Actor: Steve Burton GH
Best Lead Actress: Laura Wright GH
Best Tweeter: Nancy Lee Grahn
Best Web Series: Venice the Series/Empire the Series (tie)
Best Show: General Hospital...
Sunday Surgery: Awards and Apathy
Hello! Well, HAPPY FATHER'S day!! We know on GH there is ALWAYS a question of WHO'S THE DADDY??!!! Wonder who will be the next to get PG on the show?? Sam?? We'll know if she's with child soon enough. I know but I can't tell. I'm under a Guza-Gag order. And yes, he's still around. Sulking. heh.
Tonight --DAYTIME EMMY AWARDS!! We have the following actors from GH vying for them: Laura Wright, Nancy Lee Grahn, Jonathan Jackson, Jason Thompson, Maurice Benard and Lexi Ainsworth. Now, out of those Alberta Wubs has met Lexi and Nancy so she's pulling for them LOL. I will be wearing a lobster dress (see above) to the festivities..based on the one Wallace Simpson designed. I will be on Twitter @wubsnet tweeting live so join in!!
Emmy Tid Bit:
America's most elite custom dog collar by Zany Zak is chosen as part of the 2011 Daytime Emmy Awards celebrity gift bags...
This week on GH ... I'd like to say I really enjoyed the graduation party stuff --until Sonny acted an ass and the whole Michael punching that kid out. Luke/Lucky scenes were of course powerful an on point. When Luke said he never wanted kids and didn't want to be a father any more and Lucky's hurt face?? OY. The burning of the Spencer house pissed me off. Until Mac got there and I figured if it took burning down a landmark to do it? What the hey. Lisa going nuts at the hospital? Well, at least it was exciting. I Have to say NOT HAVING CARLY there made it even better.. Sorry but she's just over-exposed.
SCENE OF THE WEEK: a little unique because it's more about WHO was in the scene than what happened. I loved Sam/Nikolas getting trapped in the hospital room together. NICE to see they remembered they are related. Of course, Nikolas is leaving now, so the point is moot, but still nice.
If you're keeping track, Guza has now destroyed the Old Webber House AND the Old Spencer House. ERGO, I think he's made his statement, don't you?? But, he's "outta here" (maybe he'll sneak in and write his wife's scripts now and again...?? ;)
SEE who won the "back from the dead" poll by a landslide on the WUBS NET -- and I'll have new scoops up soon!! Rumor about Brenda's exit story too! Please just click on a google ad and make me smile.
Once more, if you're not watching One Life to Live, give it a go for two days. YOU will LOVE. it. And you'll get to see how their head writer operates, and he's coming to GH as a script guy or co-head writer when OLTL ends!!
PS. if you are watching the Casey Anthony trial, I'm usually on @dkmask on twitter giving my usual 2 cents about everything.
Tonight --DAYTIME EMMY AWARDS!! We have the following actors from GH vying for them: Laura Wright, Nancy Lee Grahn, Jonathan Jackson, Jason Thompson, Maurice Benard and Lexi Ainsworth. Now, out of those Alberta Wubs has met Lexi and Nancy so she's pulling for them LOL. I will be wearing a lobster dress (see above) to the festivities..based on the one Wallace Simpson designed. I will be on Twitter @wubsnet tweeting live so join in!!
Emmy Tid Bit:
America's most elite custom dog collar by Zany Zak is chosen as part of the 2011 Daytime Emmy Awards celebrity gift bags...
This week on GH ... I'd like to say I really enjoyed the graduation party stuff --until Sonny acted an ass and the whole Michael punching that kid out. Luke/Lucky scenes were of course powerful an on point. When Luke said he never wanted kids and didn't want to be a father any more and Lucky's hurt face?? OY. The burning of the Spencer house pissed me off. Until Mac got there and I figured if it took burning down a landmark to do it? What the hey. Lisa going nuts at the hospital? Well, at least it was exciting. I Have to say NOT HAVING CARLY there made it even better.. Sorry but she's just over-exposed.
SCENE OF THE WEEK: a little unique because it's more about WHO was in the scene than what happened. I loved Sam/Nikolas getting trapped in the hospital room together. NICE to see they remembered they are related. Of course, Nikolas is leaving now, so the point is moot, but still nice.
If you're keeping track, Guza has now destroyed the Old Webber House AND the Old Spencer House. ERGO, I think he's made his statement, don't you?? But, he's "outta here" (maybe he'll sneak in and write his wife's scripts now and again...?? ;)
SEE who won the "back from the dead" poll by a landslide on the WUBS NET -- and I'll have new scoops up soon!! Rumor about Brenda's exit story too! Please just click on a google ad and make me smile.
Once more, if you're not watching One Life to Live, give it a go for two days. YOU will LOVE. it. And you'll get to see how their head writer operates, and he's coming to GH as a script guy or co-head writer when OLTL ends!!
PS. if you are watching the Casey Anthony trial, I'm usually on @dkmask on twitter giving my usual 2 cents about everything.
Even the
Honorary Dads..
Friday, June 17, 2011
Soapy FRIDAY!! What Say the DEFENSE?!!
Who's watching the trial? ME! ME! Bug Doc was on too many hours today. zzzzzzzzz. Lots of maggot talk.
OLTL: LOVE that Clint and Vicky are all giddy.
Jessica/Brody/ good fights.
Rex today.. sniff. He has to "get a tailor" for Shane for the funeral!!
TODAY'S SHOW WAS amazing. A-MAY-ZING! The end with everyone finding out about the heart and Gigi at the same time? WOW. JPL's face was just amazing.
GH: Siobhan goes in looking for Lucky in the FIRE!! whoops. That fire is going on a long time! HI MAC DADDY!!
Mac "that crazy bitch has my girls" referring to Lisa who has Robin, Maxie, Steve and Patrick at gunpoint!
Sam is in the hospital, Lisa's getting Windex in a syringe. And has a gun, and is holding hostages. LOL.
Sam and Nikolas, geesh who forgot they were related? :raising hand:
Siobhan's getting operated on!! EVERYONE is either in the hospital
SPINELLI GOT shot... I knew it was coming but I jumped!!!
On a cool side note, both "Maxie" and "Spinelli" were trending today on Twitter in the US and World Wide !! WOW
OLTL: LOVE that Clint and Vicky are all giddy.
Jessica/Brody/ good fights.
Rex today.. sniff. He has to "get a tailor" for Shane for the funeral!!
TODAY'S SHOW WAS amazing. A-MAY-ZING! The end with everyone finding out about the heart and Gigi at the same time? WOW. JPL's face was just amazing.
GH: Siobhan goes in looking for Lucky in the FIRE!! whoops. That fire is going on a long time! HI MAC DADDY!!
Mac "that crazy bitch has my girls" referring to Lisa who has Robin, Maxie, Steve and Patrick at gunpoint!
Sam is in the hospital, Lisa's getting Windex in a syringe. And has a gun, and is holding hostages. LOL.
Sam and Nikolas, geesh who forgot they were related? :raising hand:
Siobhan's getting operated on!! EVERYONE is either in the hospital
SPINELLI GOT shot... I knew it was coming but I jumped!!!
On a cool side note, both "Maxie" and "Spinelli" were trending today on Twitter in the US and World Wide !! WOW
Tamara BRAUN BACK to General Hospital--NOT!!
Oh, in a delicious twist, former "Carly" (Number 2) will be back to play a NEW CHARACTER on GH coming this fall. NEW Character or replacement for "Kate"--- editor of Crimson magazine? Read all about it on SID!!
**************** this has been retracted by SID as of 1:50pm SORRY!! she's NOT coming back according to them now!! WHOOPS *********************
However they also did this right before someone was fired, remember? So who knows. Raven said she was coming back as did one S&C site. We shall see !
Pre-Emmy Party Photos!!
Get over to the Blog Spoilers for some great photos of the Pre-emmy cocktail reception. They have a slew of them. I snagged this one:
Remember, the Daytime Emmys will be on CBS this Sunday at 9pm! Lexi is one of the noms as is Jason Thompson!
Brandon, Lexi and Jason
Remember, the Daytime Emmys will be on CBS this Sunday at 9pm! Lexi is one of the noms as is Jason Thompson!
Thursday, June 16, 2011
One Life To Live: Almost the BEST Show on TV. Period!
And I'M COUNTIN' PRIMETIME!!!! wow....Today's show was spectacular yet again. First they kept pretty quiet about the whole Gigi thing. Second, just as Matthew wakes up, Rex is bawling over Gigi's brain-dead body. JPL did a kick ass job with this. Roxy's losing it. Tea can't believe it. Todd knows stupid Jack might go to prison (although I say send him to acting school instead! LOL).
Baby Liam smiles like a little PEACH --did you see that!!!?? And Destiny so happy and hugging Sean--when you know he's going to FLIP at her news of a baby!! EESH.
Cutter strutting around Asa's house, playing host. Rama and Christian kissing and her hubby catches them. Put Ford and Tess in bed together and woomp! There it is!! Tess, Bess-- Jess.. love 'em all!
They use history, drama and all their cast. Things move along-- and keep me on the edge of my seat everyday!! Yes, some of their edits are uneven but I can overlook them because the stories are so good. I can't believe it's being canceled. Not when it's SO good, gets such fabu ratings AND is under budget. NOT FAIR :stompingfoot:
I am SO GLAD I DVR'd the show today!!
Baby Liam smiles like a little PEACH --did you see that!!!?? And Destiny so happy and hugging Sean--when you know he's going to FLIP at her news of a baby!! EESH.
Cutter strutting around Asa's house, playing host. Rama and Christian kissing and her hubby catches them. Put Ford and Tess in bed together and woomp! There it is!! Tess, Bess-- Jess.. love 'em all!
They use history, drama and all their cast. Things move along-- and keep me on the edge of my seat everyday!! Yes, some of their edits are uneven but I can overlook them because the stories are so good. I can't believe it's being canceled. Not when it's SO good, gets such fabu ratings AND is under budget. NOT FAIR :stompingfoot:
I am SO GLAD I DVR'd the show today!!
I was out in meetings all dang day.. OY! NO wifi either. I DVR'd OLTL but I think the Weiner press conference was on so I'll watch on SoapNet. How was GH?
Hey, watch this fun video from MAD TV with "Bill Clinton" going on General Hospital. It has Becky and Jacob Young as Lucky!! LOL
Hey, watch this fun video from MAD TV with "Bill Clinton" going on General Hospital. It has Becky and Jacob Young as Lucky!! LOL
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Hip Hip HOORAY!! IT's LOBSTER DAY!! Alberta is hiding out, she doesn't want to be in any pots! LOL--she's hoping we'll get her gifts!!
There is a GREAT interview up with one of my fave actors-- Scott Clifton (Dillon Q, Schyler Joplin) over on SUDS report!!
Tad's hair was BLUE on AMC today!! LOL.. he was dying it to look younger. heh.
Did you hear Rex call Roxy "Mom"!! :twirling:
THIS IS A WED. PEOPLE...NOT EVEN Sweeps and it was SMOKIN'!!
Destiny being PG is making me nuts. She's even going to "blog" about it online. Good Laws.
Matt's eyes open, Gigi is dead and yet again OLTL is STUNNING. Thank you!! I so wish this show could be saved...but at least Ron C is coming to GH!
GH: Diane..Max.. Brenda.Nice. Was a fun scene.
Loved the Davis girls until Carly and NuMorgan showed up. "I should have thrown rocks at him in the parking lot'...shut up you little twit.
Sonny threatening the Mayor was stupid. First of all it would be the Superintendent... second, it's just STUPID. GH is just so rindky-donk sometimes. That WAS BAD DIALOG all around.THEN Michael's all A HERO for punching the kid out? UGHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
He should be back in jail for that.
This show bites AND it's boring.
See ya!!
Check out my last Guza-inspired WUB!! It's been a long ride. His WUB of Brender and Jax started it all back in the late '90's. Who knows if I'll be able to write another while he's off into the sunset.
I'll miss his use of bar ware, the bullets, the booms and the way he writes for "the ladies"!! Hit the link and enjoy! Let me know if you liked it!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
JJ's SON Titus to join GH Cast!
SID is reporting that Jonathan Jackson's son, Titus Gabriel is joining the cast on GH! How fun is that!!? Isn't he a cutie!!??
Casey Anthony trial on again today!!! Obsession!! Sorry. I won't talk about it here but it's very compelling.
Not watching GH today-- but I do have fun new spoilers up!! Spin has a funny dream...Lulu dresses like a hookah. :) See all media net pics on Spoilers Blog.
LET me know if I should watch the DVR!
LOVE THE Keifer mention today (I saw that!!!) the scholarship mention? NICE!!
Monday, June 13, 2011
Leslie Charleson Tweets: MONICA IS BACK!
Monica's back! Look for her to stir things up in July! For those of you who haven't been watching, come back!
Follow her on twitter: @LeslieCharleson
A MIGHTY Guza Week!!
That's right! Fire in the hole! (Spencer house)!! Burn victims (Siobhan)!! Hostages! Shooting!! Crazy person in the Hospital!! (Lisa). Jason to the rescue! Rinse, repeat!! Last time we had Keifer's Dad taking aim it was the Franco Frenzy. SCOOPS ARE UP!
John and Nat kissed.
Ford loves Tess!
"When I killed Jake, it moved me up and beyond redemption, it liberated me in a way I never have been before'...
So Luke doesn't want to be a father...whatever.
Alexis and Sonny yeah! Sexis!! Krissy is dressed like a bride..tells Sonny they 'went out clubbin'. Krissy says "You used to exploit girls my age at your STRIP CLUB"!! ahahahaaa.
Coleman's shirt is just like Tie-dyed sheets I had when I was a teen. LOL. OMG. Lisa was in a wig and glasses. Heh. Fun. Tina Fay on a really bad day :)
ANTHONY Z is on the docks harassing Brenda, where are her guards?? I loved it!!
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Operation Cupcake ...Project Nightlight
Check out Bradford Anderson's Fan Blog and the Operation Cupcake. Great Shower for Bradford and his wife, Kiera. Last day to bid on some of the ebay items!!
Sunday Surgery: Face Transplant
So.. Ron Carliveti is indeed coming to GH once OLTL wraps up. This is good news for ME because you know I think OLTL is a great soap that uses ALL characters, doesn't block tape all the time and is exciting. I'm not sure GH will last much longer but hopefully if it DOES--it will be a great ride.
This week on GH was interesting, especially the lighter touches. I think Wolf gave Sam her little 'woman's lib' speech, don't you?! Also the Sexis stuff was grand. I think Nancy and Maurice did a lot of their own stuff. I even chuckled a bit. Vanessa tweeted her last days from the set. You saw the photos I put up. So, there's a year of Brenda Down the Drain. Looks like she's going to get mad at Sonny for helping Carly win custody of Josslyn. Hmmmm..
Well, there is a lot of work to be done, we know that. Wolf has said "Sometimes they come back" and there's a rumor on Raven's page that JPL (Rex/OLTL) may be the recast for Dillion Q. Meaning, maybe the Q's will be back in business! He can get back Wally Kurth for me too! She also mentions a younger actress coming over but I have no clue which one. My JFP rumor is on there as well, we've both heard she's out.
New writers, new actors-- possibly new producer. Does this mean GH has a chance? At least a year. Maybe a miracle will happen and it will be SO GOOD the ratings will go up to 5.0 again (ahahaha) and we'll be sitting pretty. I was thinking about product placement as a means to make money. Think about it. Samsonite luggage for Carly to pack with-- Stoli Vodka at Jake's, Joss using Huggies. What the heck.
RATINGS: Holy Moly.... Soap Opera Souce is reporting that GH hit new lows...and was the LOWEST WATCHED SOAP ON THE AIR.
Total Viewers
1. Y&R 4,696,000 (+49,000/-276,000)
2. B&B 2,778,000 (-54,000/-202,000)
3. OLTL 2,456,000 (-44,000/+68,000)
4. AMC 2,344,000 (-59,000/-15,000)
5. DAYS 2,340,000 (-1,000/-210,000)
6. GH 2,252,000 (-196,000/-160,000) <---- new low *
Jamey Giddens over On Daytime Confidential wonders if this is due, in part, to the Couric announcement. Hmmm, maybe so, but if you're not "in the net loop" you might not have even realized the impact that could have. Since they only count Nielson families, it COULD be the fact that GH is just plain dull right now. Vanessa Marcil announced her leaving as well-- many that tuned in for SnB are tired of being yanked around with people back and forth. This is NOT good news. Especially with GH's fate hanging in the balance. My other thought is (and yes, I'm saying it out loud)--will the actors jump ship knowing they have a 1 or 2 years left? Sad, sad situation.
Check out the new campaign to involve your cable providers SudzTV Not sure what I think about it yet, I need to take a look at it myself!
SCENE OF THE WEEK: Sexis on a Plane!!
New scoops are UP. Looks like Lulu's going to "Florida" where she meets one of the newbies, Javier. :rolleyes:
NEW POLL as well, another fun one--why not? And See who WON Best hair by only 50 votes.
This week on GH was interesting, especially the lighter touches. I think Wolf gave Sam her little 'woman's lib' speech, don't you?! Also the Sexis stuff was grand. I think Nancy and Maurice did a lot of their own stuff. I even chuckled a bit. Vanessa tweeted her last days from the set. You saw the photos I put up. So, there's a year of Brenda Down the Drain. Looks like she's going to get mad at Sonny for helping Carly win custody of Josslyn. Hmmmm..
Well, there is a lot of work to be done, we know that. Wolf has said "Sometimes they come back" and there's a rumor on Raven's page that JPL (Rex/OLTL) may be the recast for Dillion Q. Meaning, maybe the Q's will be back in business! He can get back Wally Kurth for me too! She also mentions a younger actress coming over but I have no clue which one. My JFP rumor is on there as well, we've both heard she's out.
New writers, new actors-- possibly new producer. Does this mean GH has a chance? At least a year. Maybe a miracle will happen and it will be SO GOOD the ratings will go up to 5.0 again (ahahaha) and we'll be sitting pretty. I was thinking about product placement as a means to make money. Think about it. Samsonite luggage for Carly to pack with-- Stoli Vodka at Jake's, Joss using Huggies. What the heck.
RATINGS: Holy Moly.... Soap Opera Souce is reporting that GH hit new lows...and was the LOWEST WATCHED SOAP ON THE AIR.
Total Viewers
1. Y&R 4,696,000 (+49,000/-276,000)
2. B&B 2,778,000 (-54,000/-202,000)
3. OLTL 2,456,000 (-44,000/+68,000)
4. AMC 2,344,000 (-59,000/-15,000)
5. DAYS 2,340,000 (-1,000/-210,000)
6. GH 2,252,000 (-196,000/-160,000) <---- new low *
Jamey Giddens over On Daytime Confidential wonders if this is due, in part, to the Couric announcement. Hmmm, maybe so, but if you're not "in the net loop" you might not have even realized the impact that could have. Since they only count Nielson families, it COULD be the fact that GH is just plain dull right now. Vanessa Marcil announced her leaving as well-- many that tuned in for SnB are tired of being yanked around with people back and forth. This is NOT good news. Especially with GH's fate hanging in the balance. My other thought is (and yes, I'm saying it out loud)--will the actors jump ship knowing they have a 1 or 2 years left? Sad, sad situation.
Check out the new campaign to involve your cable providers SudzTV Not sure what I think about it yet, I need to take a look at it myself!
New scoops are UP. Looks like Lulu's going to "Florida" where she meets one of the newbies, Javier. :rolleyes:
NEW POLL as well, another fun one--why not? And See who WON Best hair by only 50 votes.
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Sunday Surgery: Cooking with Gas
Well it was a week for me personally for sure. Worked, got sick, missed live GH a few days. I did think it was a decent week overall and e...
Meredith Baxter This morning it was announced that television icon Meredith Baxter will be taking over the role of Monica Quartermaine....
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Up and down week for me when it came to enjoyment. It seemed like things were shuffled up wrong in the editing room and it made me scratch...