Monday, June 6, 2011

Poll in US Magazine...

NICE!! and not even in a SOAP mag...! 
thx to Lauren B for this.


  1. Warms the cockles....

    BUT I doubt it cuts any ice with ABC or Brian F. I'm convinced they want soaps GONE. To them, soaps are a lot of trouble and don't make the splash a primetime show like Desparate Housewives can make. They also cost more than they want to spend. But prime time shows, even mega hits, run out their time. Soaps can go on and on and 40 some years!
    And that's because of us, the fans, who pass our love of them down from generation to generation.

    No suits at ABC have yet figured that out and that's why they have gutted soaps of the older vets, trying to get a handle on younger viewers. It has about destroyed some shows. All ages are needed on a soap, because all ages exist in real life and soaps are simply real life with 'what ifs'....

    Love the poll.

  2. Nobody wanted to watch Katie on the news - what makes them think her own talk show is a good idea? She is a local girl here and I took an immediate dislike to her a few years ago when she had a full airplane held on the tarmac at Dulles Airport for an hour because she was running late.

  3. I am so sad! What is going to happen to GH in Sept 2012? I really have no words....heartbroken....

  4. and her show is slated to air in the 3pm market in many major cities. This doesn't sound good.

  5. LOVE4DOGS if her show aairs in the 3pm market that means where AMC was EST and after GH PST.

  6. This from AOL tv article:



  7. didn't copy. It says Raleigh, Chicago, LA, NY 3pm for the Couric show.

  8. It is official and has been announced. Contract is signed. Couric will take GH's timeslot.

  9. I opened the local paper this AM and there was Kasie De Pavia in a singing pose on the front page with a nice article about her. They called her a local girl--the Tri-state corner here being Kentucky, Indiana and Illinois.
    Kasie is from Kentucky. They quoted her folks saying, "Kasie is just the same down-home gal she was when she left here..." Guess she returns often.

    Nice piece, good promotion and of course, much about the cancelation.

  10. So GH is going, and being replaced with Couric. Its like a comment I heard once on Raymond, thats like being shot and then hung!!!

  11. Karen, I am still following OLTL!! It is so much more enjoyable to watch. I will say, My TV will be blocked from ABC daytime in the future. I would not watch KC if my choice was betweeen her or a test pattern. What a sad state for our soaps.

  12. I just read where Josh Duhamel's episodes are scheduled to appear in August on AMC shoot I didn't know he got his start on AMC

  13. Pretty effective info, thanks for the post.

  14. So, I don't actually suppose this may have success.


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