Monday, June 20, 2011

Congrats to the GH Winners!!!

Congrats to Laura Wright and Johnathan Jackson last night on their wins.. I'm counting Scott Clifton too since he started on GH...



  1. J.J. and Lisa sure have beautiful children, they are very blessed.

  2. @anon, their son looks just like him.

    I loved the look on Scott Clifton's face when he won. He was in total shock.

  3. A shame that Lexi Ainsworth did not win...she deserved to according to many who saw the submitted scenes. I was surprised you did not mention it.

  4. From NC, Karen did mention it 2 columns ago about Lexi getting passed by from an actress who got fired!

  5. JJ's son looks a lot like he did when he started on GH!


Sunday Surgery: Tie Me UP!

  GH was certainly back to Soap 101 certain times this week! This is when I seriously think at 30 min show would really work. Cut that fat r...