Monday, June 13, 2011

Leslie Charleson Tweets: MONICA IS BACK!

Monica's back! Look for her to stir things up in July! For those of you who haven't been watching, come back!
Follow her on twitter: @LeslieCharleson


  1. I have missed the Q's. I hope there are many many storylines for them!

  2. It's about time.

  3. Looks like I might have to add GH back on my DVR!

    Sure would love it if they would bring back Kristina Wagner - my all time favorite!

  4. Thank please give her a good storyline and not just have her walk in the room and throw a quick jab at Edward and Tracey!


  5. Yup I heard! WOOT WOOT! :) Now we just need Bobbie back!!! Come back Bobbie! You are needed BADLY!

  6. I am so happy to see this! Yeah, please involve her in an actual storyline, please! No "hit and run" five-second scenes!

  7. I'm sorry Karen- I tried to watch yesterday and lasted for about 4 minutes before I couldn't take anymore and shut it off. While I think it is great news that LC will be back, it still does not mean the stories are going to get any better...and it is not enough to bring me back.

  8. I hear you about watching GH. I think it will finally be the Jake reveal-- she said "monica's mad at the secrets kept from her"!! woot!

  9. any news on when Becky is back?

  10. I'm happy! And I agree that we need Bobbie and Felicia too! And.....please....NED!

  11. Who cares about Jake being kept a secret from Monica anymore. The boy is dead. Not as fun a reveil if he were still alive...

  12. This will definitely pull me back.Hopefully Michael will get in tight with the Q's and the family will take centre stage again, as opposed to just Carley and the mobsters.

    Now if only poor Jake wasn't dead.

    Now maybe they could have Bobbi come back too and talk some sense into Luke.


House Hunting

  So, nothing of note happened last Friday on GH so I'm watching Beyond the Gates for the first 15 min because it was HELLA GREAT (a gun...