Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Lots of Tears

So... looks like they recast Mike Corbin--Sonny's Dad with the guy that played Wojaowitx from Barney Miller. 
Why? Who knows. Why now?  Who knows. I used to want RH back about 4 years ago and have him run Kelly's and help Morgan with his gambling addiction but that time has past. Read about it in Soap Opera Digest. 

I have another head cold so I might not make it far today. We shall see. I keep forgetting to hit "publish' when I'm done. UGHHHHHHH. DERP. Sorry. 
Eden and Ryan--she tweeted this photo saying goodbye to her castmate

Nathan dies. Yep. Gone. Griffin has to tell Maxie and she loses it. She goes in to say goodbye. Sad. She sobs. Everyone is sobbing in the hall. Flea and Mac are there, Nina and Val--Dr. O and Dante.  Maxie goes in to say goodbye-- then Amy says goodbye-- and is going to put the sheet over his head and Dante says he'll do it. Really SAD--Dom is doing a great job!! wahhhhh!! HE says he'll take care of Maxie and the baby. 
Dante then calls Jordan and Lulu. Jordan is talking to Stella (who's mad about her heat) and Lulu is with Curtis in Kelly's. Curtis drives Lulu to GH 

Fiason is in bed--sees Peter August and gets a scared look on his face.  Killy go in to see him. He says to Drew "I see you got Jason's girl...are you here to thank me"??  Drew wants to know where the flash drive is (that's the disco ball Maddox had)-- and Faison says he didn't know it existed.  Wants to know why Sam doesn't go back "to the man she really loves" lol   
Meanwhile, Nina runs down the hall screaming Faison is a murderer and tries to get in his room. Valentin and a cop hold her back. 

Dr. O tells Dante this is Lulu's fault--great dialog (you should hear it, too fast to type!). Lulu get to GH and sobs in Dante's arms. 

Maxie goes into Nate's empty room one more time and remembers him touching her stomach when the baby moved. She and her parents go home. She sees the stocking hanging on the fireplace still "Nathan, Maxie, Georgie and Baby". Amy brings by his belongings. 

Jordan tells the PCPD cops that Nathan died.  Later she goes to GH and looks stunned, puffy--wobbly. So real!! 

OK, so back in Faison's room, Peter goes in and Faison looks scared. Pete says "Jason Morgan shot you in a great spot" or something. Faison asks where the flashdrive is with Drew's memory on it. Peter replies "I'm not telling you, I owe you nothing..we aren't working together anymore--DAD"  --Great scenes!! WOW-- that Wyatt guy was good during this. I honestly had no use for him but he's playing smarmy-boy just great. He tells Faison he shot the wrong son and that Nate is dead. Faison reels back--he's like "Yes, you killed the good one, not the one you hate".   Anders Hove is perfect!! EEEEE!!!  He goes into Afib and Pete won't give him the call button. He walks out. 

END: Maxie goes through the bag of Nate's stuff. Sees a photo of them... his wedding ring and then pulls out the ultrasound photo she gave him (at the elevator) and it's covered in BLOOD!!! waaaaaaaah..

Sadness Times Ten

What's in it for me if I tells you?? Faison says he took Jason because he's the perfect assassin and he took Drew because Jason was brain damaged. So, why not transfer the brains? WHY NOT??  After that was done, Helena took Drew and programmed him. Jason was supposed to die, but Heinrick 'betrayed" Faison. Faison says Jason owes his life to Heinricks 'rebellion'.   Faison says that Drew knows 'more than he thinks' and knows how Heinrick is.  

Nathan is out of surgery-- he still has a high probability of infection. Maxie goes to talk to him. Cries, talks about baby clothes.  
Lulu yells at the nurse says she HAS to see Maxie. The nurse is like NO!! Dr. Obrect tells her to get out. Lulu leaves. 
Later, Dr. O talks German to Nathan, telling him she was glad to have him as a son but wishes it was still a secret because Faison wouldn't know.  She leaves. Nina comes in and talks about him being her True North and baby brother she found again when she woke up from her coma. Cries.. Maxie cries. Valentin just watches--looking weird. Hmmmmmm. what's up with him?? Maxie goes to the ladies room while Dante sits with Nate. That bathroom scene was PERFECT! Single camera and film not video..but they cut it so FAST! They should have shown more!! 
Dante talks to Nate about their friendship yada yada. 

Lulu goes to Kellys. Pete August talks to her and says it's not her fault. She says it's hard being a cop's wife. 

Anna and Finn. Finn says he shouldn't have left her-- he was an idiot. She said that he would be in danger if he stayed. So she walks away--crying.  Lesil comes running down the hall to go into Faison's room. Anna stops her and says to go be with her son. Dr O says: "he's a cancer Anna, if you won't let me kill him, I hope you do".  
Finn tries again with Anna. She shuts him down --and he finally is like: Ok, bye. 

Dr. O calls Britt in the jail. 

Killy are home. Peter is talking to them about Nathan and the shooting at Crimson. He says it's a "personal story" but they have to report it because all the press will be on it and they have to get ahead of the game. He wants to go confront Fiason. When they go to GH Jason fills them in. Drew says he has no idea who Heinrick is. God, Drew is SO grumpy all the time. He needs to chill out. 

END:  Nathan wakes up, he feels the baby moving (sob) then they are talking about blue eyes and being in love and he FLATLINES.  WAHHHHHH

Monday, January 29, 2018

"I'll finish him off"

I'm having the cable guy here today--so who knows what will happen as far as GH goes?  I am also hoping he lets us keep our cable into the bedroom through the old DVD player-- they are being pains about that. We get like 25 channels--pay $5 a month for it and they want every TV to have a damn DVR on it.  Greedy, you all know that sheeze. 

Dr. O just flounces out of the tunnels at Wyndemere, gas-happy!!  Dante is glad Lulu is ok. He gets a phone call from Jordan about Nathan. Nina is there with Val. Ut--OH!! So is Dr. O!! 

NOTE: Lucas. who was on Friday and came with Nathan to GH--and told Maxie he'd "Be with him" is EVAPORATED TODAY!! Griffin is going to operate. 

Anna talks to Jason about Faison. Jason says "one way or the other, Faison is done"  They go to GH.
Faison gets into the OR first...Maxie freaks out. They should take Nate but??  Anyway, Faison is out of surgery in about 3 minutes. Anna goes into his room. He wakes up. She says "we have to talk".   He says "I shot the wrong one"...Anna says "you mean Heinrich"??  He talks a bit and says "Cassadines"-- then Finn comes in and chases her out. 

Maxie explains to Jordan what happened. She doesn't think Peter was shot?  I thought he was! Jason comes over later to tell her that he'll take care of Faison if he lives.  Dr. O, Nina and Val get to GH. Dr. O wants to operate on Nathan. Everyone is like, no you can't--Nina is very upset seeing Nathans's blood on Maxie's coat. 

August didn't meet Anna, he went to the Metro instead. He wants his iPad or something?? He wasn't shot? Why did he lay on the ground then?? Huh? Oh, he tells Jordan that he 'dove for cover and hit his head"...doesn't remember much. lol.  Out in the lobby of the PCPD, Dante yells at him for starting all of this. Lulu says it's her fault too. 

END: SO Peter August goes to the garbage can outside the metro and finds the bullet proof VEST he threw out. The bullet is in there. So--there ya go. 

Dr. O says she never should have claimed Nate as her son -- Faison wouldn't have found him then. Maxie says stop it, he loves you and will want to see you when he wakes up. Dr. O calls Maxie "Daughter" Awww. Then Griffin comes out and everyone is like: HOW IS HE?? 

END. SO, I guess we'll find out tomorrow.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Sunday Surgery: Elephant In the Room


So-- here we are! Welcome to another week gone in your life. LOL... they are sure flying lately. GH was pretty good this week, especially the end of the week but alas-- the Genie pall hangs heavy over everything.  I know that Twitter has been hammering execs on the whole matter, and hopefully management is listening? Frank did a "I love me" interview with Michael Fairman so--?? Probably not. 

I've had a rumbly tummy all weekend--(so much is going around!!) so I'll have a poached egg with tea.  I think I may have a touch of something so-- again, blog will be brief.   
Photo thx to @laughingpenguin 

Friday, January 26, 2018

Faison Flashback Friday

Silas and Alexis talking about AA meeting. He doesn't want to go...she tells him he really should go. Lucas was on...talking to Bobbie and Carly about adopting a baby. No BRAD tho. 

Sonny tells Anna "We are playing by my rules" ... um.. SHE'S WSB--shut the freak UP!! 

Lulu and Dr. O are getting gassed in the stables. Dr. O is like "I'm just going to fall asleep"--Lulu tries to get out. 

So at Crimson, Faison shoots Peter August-- takes Maxie to the foyer of Crimson. Meanwhile, Nathan runs up to save Maxie. Faison shoots him--Faison didn't realize it was his son-until Maxie said "Nathan". SO, Faison shoots Nate just like Sonny shot Dante! So--next, August is out in the foyer with a gun aiming at Faison and Faison runs. 
LUCAS goes up to Crimson to see if he can help.  

Later, Sonny tries to get into the hotel and Dante says NOPE. He gets all huffy and Jordan says "I'll arrest you if you go in there".  Carly sends the doorman/desk guy outside. And BOOM! Faison was hiding and grabbed her!!  They go towards the door and guess who POPS OUT?? WHY it's ST. JAYSUS!!
AHAHAHHAA.  He totally SHOOTS Faison BOOM Faison is still alive tho. He tells Dante he'd better hope he stays alive so he can find Lulu. Peter August tells them Lulu went to Wyndemere. Everyone runs.
Dante and PCPD guy get to the stables and bust through the door but they cut to Jason and Carly (I think Lulu climbed into the holes to the tunnel)

Anna is waiting for "Heinrich" and Peter shows up lurking in the bushes. Oh, Anna has a LOT of Faison flashbacks. 

Faison and Nathan are both wheeled into GH--Finn takes Faison and Lucas takes Nathan. 

Thursday, January 25, 2018


I'm loving the Maura West and Roger scenes. Love them both--so..yeah.  Franco is going to invite she and Griffin to the wedding. They talk about being bad--and turning good. 

Liz and Kevin. Kevin wants to mind-map people to see if they'll turn into murderers ala-- Minority Report.  Liz says: OMG do it with Franco! Franco comes by and says NO WAY!!  After Liz leaves, Kevin hangs back to talk to Franco. He says HE TOO has had dark things happen (Ryan)--and to stop by his office if he's interested. 

PCPD-- Peter August talking to Dante and Nate about emails that people wrote on the internet. That was boring. They find out Faison may be at Anna's..Dante takes some guys with him and runs out. 

SHIT ~~!! Anna hit Finn over the head with a door weight--or did she? Or is that Alex? Or--did he fake it ??? Or did she really do it? Faison told her to ..and she did it to protect Finn. Anna says: you're an evil old man who will never ever get what he wants from me. She also tells him that she's sick. OMG Finola and Anders are so good together!!  They always were. I love them both. 
Fiason hears Police coming... he leaves.  Finn is really knocked out. Why did they use the sirens?  LOL 
Finn and Anna talk. He has a boo boo. 

Kiki got into med school. 

Amy gives Maxie and Nathan money from the book sales in a trust fund for the baby. Maxie starts crying she's happy. Then there's a crisis at Crimson. 

At Crimson, Peter August is putting stuff on the desk and Faison pops out. August seems really scared?? Hmmmm, wonder about that. Anyway Faison is mad he put his face in his paper. 

SO-- Maxie and PCPD guard guy go to Crimson. They miss Nathan's phone call because they were in the elevator.  Maxie walks into the office and Faison knocks out the guard. 

Wednesday, January 24, 2018


I went back to look for a photo, got distracted and forgot to post. DUHHHH. Anyway here's yesterday's show. I won't be here for GH today!

Oh, Dante and Nathan look SO GORGE in their police uniforms WOW, even Anna thinks so!! woo woo!! 

Laura's in France--whatever. Ned is all disappointed she's not running. US too. US too. Ned thinks he's basically won. 

Alexis and Molly can't seem to stay OUT of Julian's PUB for F sake. Now they both want her to run for Mayor. 
Ok, Alexis has: 
Killed Alcazar
Faked DD to get out of it
Attempted Murder on Kat Bell 
Killed Keifer
Maybe killed Tom Baker 
Smoked Pot when she had lung cancer.

I guess no more/no less than other PC characters...but it is a long list lol. 

Lulu wants to go look for Faison at Wyndemere.  He has Obreact in the horse stables. He wants to know about his son.  She says he's good, not bad like them.  Lulu's going to go find Faison herself (the idiot). Lulu goes to the stables and finds Dr. O.  But of course, Faison finds her before she can get the ropes off.  He tells Lulu it's her fault all this happened. (which it kinda is).

I LOVE ANDERS Hove's WHITE HAIR!!  He yelled scary.  Hey, is Alex Devane Faison's baby mama???  May I predict that? 
Anna wants Peter August to lure Faison out of hiding--somehow?? I don't even know what they are blabbing about for the most part. Whatever. 
TOMORROW: Anna goes and asks Sonny for help because I guess the WSB isn't enough and we have to ask the local damn mobular boss. 

I'm still mad/bummed about Genie. She tweeted last night: 

I would like to thank all my wonderful fans for their support. It has made me feel so much better. 😇😍😘❤️

Monday, January 22, 2018

DreAm is Married ...

Sam's Dress really didn't do ANYTHING for her-at all, especially for her ---how many weddings?  It looked like something for a first time wedding, really young bride and at a big venue, not the PH. I DO love the rose colors.
Spin tried to talk Jason into stopping the wedding but--- the nuptials went out anyway.  I'm sure that the Drew/Sam fans hate Spinelli today lol.

Monica wants to adopt Drew.  Mr. and Mrs. Quartermaine? 

Laura told Ned she's dropping out and wanted him to make some of the buildings on Charles' Street historial landmarks and she'd endorse him. He says no.  She tells Alexis to run. 

Dr. O is in some barn where Faison is holding her captive. Anders Hove is really on tomorrow--he's yelling at her. 

The Genie Situation

So, if you haven't heard yet, Genie Francis was basically given the choice of recurring status (appearing 12x per year)--or nothing.  Having an icon of her stature offered recurring at this point (when her story of Kevin and Mayor is going so well) is mindboggling. The soap community have really come together on Twitter and the airwaves to get the word out that his just isn't acceptable. 

How can you help?  
First of all, if you want all the real dish--tune into Daytime Confidential's NEWEST Podcast on iTunes that is about Genie and #TimesUp .

 If you are on Twitter, tweet to @channers3 who is Frank Valentini's boss.  Head of ABC is @BenSherwood.  Ask that Genie be given the respect she's deserved and that we, the fans would really miss her if she never returns.  Use hashtags #GenieFrancis #GenieIsGH #TimesUP 

Get the word out to "General Population" --or those that aren't on the net and may not know that Genie is off the show. Remember, many just saw her character suddenly pull out of the mayoral race. 

Snail Mail.. hell, they still regard good old fashioned letters as fans who really care enough to take the time to write. 
Frank Valentini
c/o ABC TV/General Hospital 
4151 Prospect Ave
Hollywood CA 90027 

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Sunday Surgery: Tainted Wub

And...apparently in the end, it doesn't really matter. 

There I was, all ready to do a nice Sunday Surgery recapping things and feeling pretty ok about the week. Then, the news broke about Genie. I actually was on Twitter Friday saying "oh, she can't be leaving leaving--she's probably going on vacation".   It seems she's not even recurring now, just gone. 
Call me foolish. 

I loved the whole Charles' Street story. Raved about it. So happy the new writing team was tackling something Ned-Laura centric that had a different rotation of cast members than the same old 3. Little history of Port Charles thrown in.  But, thanks to management and whatever idiot (s) decided that Genie's contract wasn't worth enough to renew, it's over.  No, the story isn't over--but the enjoyment sure is. You think I really want to tune in knowing they had to write her off in a 2 day sequence?  NOPE.  Think about it: Genie's been on the show since the 70's.  They beg Tony to stay--and certainly gave him a ton of leverage to come/go and receive a ton of money. We know from Sarah Joy Brown that she fought the fight with pay equity at ABC.  Chrishell Strause tweeted yesterday that that pay scales have long been a source of contention in daytime.  Now we lose Genie. 

Ergo, I write this short blog with heavy heart.  It sure is difficult to talk up a show when you know that something like that was happening behind the scenes.  Writers seem to be doing their best to revitalize  the show and TIIC just keep hiring new people and losing good actors. If people stop watching, it's on them. 

AVA'S BLACK MIRROR EPISODE: Much better than I thought it could be. CVE said on twitter he'd love to do it with all the characters if the "stars aligned".  It was kooky, weird and glorious. Having Megan Ward step out as Kate/Connie? Perfect. I gasped! Element of surprise is always a great thing. I also loved Ava reading everyone's sins in the room-- it's exactly what we all have been saying. 

GROWN AVERY: I liked her...she looked like a Jenner but she was a great actress and could totally be Sonny and Ava's kid. Too bad she's from the future. 

FAISON IS COMING:  He's not really here yet, but his hands are here. 

JASAM ANGST: Do I love him? Does he love me? What about Drew ? Where am I ?? Who am I??  How long we trapped in this hole? 

OBRECT WAS DRUNK:  Here's a hint: it's worth the look on Friday's show just to see her. Glorious fun. 


REMEMBER THAT TIME GRIFFIN HAD HIS HANDS ON AVA'S BOOBS?  Oh, wait... ok, now I see it. Nevermind. Giggle

That's all I have for you.  Here's a post from Jamey Giddens on Twitter. Speaks volumes: 

Dear , we humbly ask you to investigate the pay disparity among female and male performers in daytime. Ellen Pompeo spoke up after 14 years; Genie Francis has spent 40 years on and off 's never being treated equally to male stars.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Genie Francis to Recurring on GH

So it's true... Daytime Confidential reports that Genie has been bumped down to recurring and according to Jamey Giddens on twitter, she's "devastated".  We had a good story going, the Charles' Street thing was timely, had a number of cast members in it and Ned and Laura were headlining! So what does management do? 
Pulls the plug by taking one of our most popular leading ladies and shelving her. For what? Why would you do this?? Are you that tone deaf?  

What kills a soap? Decisions like this.  Now we get a "Spencer has broken legs" story and Genie essentially gone. 

Good goin' guys. Great job. 

Friday, January 19, 2018

Drunken Lesil

Anna opens the door--OBRECT'S DOWN!!  OMG she's drunk..she took an Uber over. She's looking for Faison. She thinks Anna has him. Then she says Faison is going to get Nathan, then kill her. (and Anna too).  She tells Anna about Faison's other son--"Heimrick" (so German!) and that Faison put him in boarding school..and the only person Faison ever wanted a son with was Anna. 

Sam has her dress, they are going to be married! They need flowers. All kissy. 

Sonny tells Jason that Sam will always love him, and he'll always love her.
Jason goes to Sam's place--really quick in a weird edit thing. Oh he went to tell them about Faison being close to being captured. Sam says they might take the kids on the trip to keep them safe.  Later, Drew books their honeymoon to Tahiti...they are taking the kids. He doesn't care what Fiason has to say about his past, he only wants his future with Sam. 

Laura's taking down her mayor posters. It's SPENCER'S FAULT!! lol... Not sure why? But she has to go see him. Valentin wants her hospital board seat as well.  Oh, Spencer broke both his legs and Laura is going to France to be with him Six weeks. Must be Genie needs a vacation? Anyway, she wants Kevin to run in her place.  Kevin is like NO WAY--plus "my serial killer brother" would derail that idea. 

Kim and Jason are at the bar together. She's freaked out about how Jason looks-- and says that Drew was a lot different from him. Drew was cocky and had a swagger.  She finds out that Drew and Sam are getting married.  Julian comes in and tells Kim that Jason is a mob killer. 

END:  Obrect gets knocked out when she walks out of Anna's house--it's "Faison".  We can tell by the ciggs. 


Thursday, January 18, 2018


Laura tells Liz NOT to have Franco sell his studio. Meanwhile, James is trying to buy the place from Franco. 
Liz goes over to the studio and tells Franco not to sell to him. Then, she gets a phone call about her wedding dress. She goes out in the hall. 
Franco asks James about when he was seeing his mother--"Did you see another little boy there too"?? Can James be that OLD?? Huh?? 
Did he abuse the boys and that's why he's interested in Andy? Hmm?? 

Molly and TJ kicked out of their apt. Kiki feels badly. FINALLY KIKI AND TJ! YES. 
All of the tenants in the apt building have been evacuated --the landlord let it go to ruin, now will sell it. Then the new company will come in, fix them up and make the rents sky high. And--this is THE TRUTH not a political statement, --Trump did this to numerous buildings in NYC.  In Fact, this is how many real estate business men operate. Laura is mad at Ned --they are all in Julian's Pub right now.
Why does Molly even go there if she hates Jules so much?? WHY?? 

Julian tells "Ted" he's privileged and has no idea what it's like to pay rent. Alexis is impressed. 
Ned tells Julian to STFU because he doesn't even PAY TAXES-- he's in the mob! And...he knows he's just trying to impress Alexis who "you held a knife to"-- oh GO NEDLY!!  Remember the Gatekeepers? He still sticks up for Alexis. 
Laura gets a phone call, says "OMG is it bad" ?? Tells Alexis that she has to withdraw from the race but doesn't say why. (probably will Monday). 

Maxie and Lulu make up and hug. Dante says they have a ton of security. 
Meanwhile, we see "Faison's" head and hands. Only it's way too tan and big to be Anders. Just sayin,  Maxie thinks she sees Faison go into an apt building opposite their's.  It's the new super....with AN AWFUL wig. geesh!  Lulu and Dante brought Naxie some wedding cake to eat in celebration of their anniversary. 

The "Other Faison" is still being shown (only hands/hair) going through Pictures of Anna, Nathan-yada yada.  Circles Maxie's pic and gets mad. 

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

I Know Who You Are

THE AVA HOUR....Ava keeps getting texts: "I know who you are, I know what you did"...

I got here at 2:20, JUST in time for..........MORGAN!! Oh it figures!! Is this a Black Mirror Episode? LOL. She patches him up..he says he has a prosthetic hand..(like Luke Skyewalker??!!LOL).  This is obviously a hallucination. The play with us a bit..make us think she's waking up...but he's really there. Kiki comes, she doesn't let her see Morgan. 

Morgan just wants to stay at her house. Hang out. She keeps getting texts "I know who you are, I know what you did"
She wants to out Morgan at the Gallery show-- and wants to reunite him with his parents.

SOMEONE else comes out, Not Morgan--and it will blow your socks off!! WOW... lol. 

OK, I can't tell you everything but it's a GREAT SHOW--if you like weird stuff and stand alones. I really enjoyed it. THE ENDING was perfect.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018


Jason and Sonny talk about Faison. Jason 'WANTS FAISON" in to ask him why he was memory switched.

Jake wants Drew to come to Father's Day at school with him.  Drew says of course. Liz comes in, didn't know Jake was gone. He doesn't want to have to take Jason to school, only Drew. 

Carly talks to Joss about....SEX. She says those condoms are TRINA'S! Carly is so happy. Carly also wants to talk to Josslyn about sex. 

Kim talks to Oscar about .....SEX Oscar says the Condoms are Kiki's friend, TRINAs. LOL. She's the sexpot, NOT Joss!  They still have the "be responsible about sex" talk.

DNA says Baby is Michael's.  UGH She wants him at the ultrasound. Michael says Ava is using her and wants something, that's why she got the gallery job. 

Ava crabs about her "scar" and I swear --LOOK at her face today-- I think they forgot to put it on!! THERE'S NOTHING there!!

ENDING EARLY-- I have a bad sore throat and want to sleep. Pretty slow today

Monday, January 15, 2018

Donuts in AA

THORAD condoms makes me think of NORAD lol... Carly sees Bobbie at GH and shows her Joss' condom box. 
Josslyn and Oscar talk at Kelly's "you sure you wanna do this"?? "I think so..."
*PREDICTION: They aren't going to have sex at all. Those condoms are probably for sex ed or something. (they look ancient don't they? LOL) You know, Three's Company type misunderstanding. 

Carly tells Kim about the condoms. Kim is like: eh, at least they are being careful"== Carly freaks out, says Oscar is the one doing it and Kim is like How you know it's not JOSS? 
Finn and Anna--Anna was seen for her blood issues. She's getting "back to Normal" . They say goodbye (seems like for good). Go their separate ways. Awww. 

Charlie's PUB:  Diane and Alexis go to lunch. Kim and Jules are still flirting. GREAT lines between Diane and Ava!! Alexis has the menu upside down too because she's so busy staring at Jules!! She and Diane leave. Ava and Jules talk about the brick in the window. THE BRICK. 

The "Traitor" answers Spinelli's email--"Who's this"? It says.... Spin types "I know you, you're Faison's son."  Spin finds out that the Faison story has gone viral and is worried about Maxie, he runs out. 

Maxie's all hysterical over Faison. Lulu says it's gone viral. Everyone knows.  Maxie is pissed at Lulu. I swear her belly has gotten bigger since Friday lol.  Maxie starts having pains..she goes to GH and yells at Lulu to stay behind. Haven't you done enough??  Lulu cries. Then Pete August HUGS HER (ugh. she'd better not have a damn affair with that noodle) -Spinelli runs in and says..hey..they stop the embrace.  Spinelli and Lulu talk--he's not happy with her spilling the story either. 

Maxie and Baby are ok. Kim tells her to get rest, NO STRESS. 

Later, Anna is boxing at Sonny's gym..Felicia walks in. They talk about Nathan being Faison's  Son and that he has another son. Anna is protecting Finn from Faison if he comes back, btw.  Both KW and FH look GREAT by the way. I need to eat what they are and not what I am! LOL. 

NICE twist!! Finn and Alexis go to the same AA meetings! WOW--what a great idea. That's perfect to get other characters interacting. Good to have new friends created. Anyway, Finn wants to spill to Alexis and Alexis tells him to give her a donut. He does and she says she's now her lawyer.  They talk about their lives. He tells her about his wife and Hayden. He asks about Alexis and she says she's addicted to a "person" she can't let go of. That makes her make bad decisions but she still loves him. Good scenes. 

NOTE: there was a Diane/Sonny/Jason scene. We found out Jason has a LOT of money offshore and that she thinks Sam still loves him. ("You don't need to be a lawyer to see that") 


Sunday, January 14, 2018

Sunday Surgery: Stop The Presses

Old Enough to Run for Mayor. Time Marches ON! 

We've been snowed in and it's a mess. 60 degrees at 3 pm Friday , in the 20s at 6pm and ice--then a ton of snow! OY!! I've been cleaning and eating..and baking, cooking and eating!! Our roads are still open, even with 15" of snow-- nothing stops around here. 

GH was good this week, nice movement and dialog. The town finally feels "like a town" again. People are moving around during each show, turning up in other stories or just adding some depth to the canvas. 

Settle in! 

Friday, January 12, 2018

Box Me In

Oscar is at the gym. LOL  he wants to learn how to fight. He talks to Drew about a friend who's "bullied"?? or?? I couldn't tell if it was really a friend or himself? Anyway, it all happened off camera. Oscar puts on a hoodie and "spars" with Drew.  

Carly gives Joss a FUGLY dress to wear to the dance. Joss is like NO WAY!! Carly asks Sonny if he likes it. He says "Don't you have a dress like that"??? AHAHA IT WAS CARLY'S DRESS! Too funny. Ok, so Joss tries on another dress she wants to wear and Carly has a HUGE discussion with her about "appropriate" and Snap Chat (yes, Snap Chat) and how young ladies should act. Josslyn talks about slut shaming and a bunch of other things. It was a lot to process. A lot of women empowerment mixed in with: But don't show a lot of skin. In the end, Carly bribes Joss to wear a designer Cartullo dress she'll buy for her.

Later, when Joss and Oscar leave to go to the library, Carly grabs Joss' back pack to give it to her and CONDOMS FALL OUT. Dun Dun DUN....

Lulu talks to Nathan about what it feels like to have Faison as a father (derp). She thinks it will lure Faison to him. RUMOR: NATHAN will be shot and or killed by his brother whom I think is August guy. He tells Nina and Maxie. They freak out, he tries to stop the story and Lulu says it's already gone to print. 

JaSam..staring at each other about the Danny custody thing. Zzzzzzzz.  Sam gets pissed at Alexis for mentioning that Jason gave up custody of Jake because of his lifestyle. She defends Jason and says she'll never take Danny away from Jason--EVER. 
JaSam are divorced. 
After, Diane takes Alexis to lunch--at Charlie's Pub. Where Kim and Julian are being all cute and flirty over how to use the fancy new coffee machine. 

Spinelli tries to lure out PK Sinclair (Faison's other son) with an email.  Jason and Sonny look on. We see someone's computer with the message onscreen. (I'm dollars to donuts it's Pete August). 

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Hit the Bricks

Yesterday: MISSED THE SHOW and erased it from DVR but I heard about the cool Nina twist at the end! NICE--- Wednesday are my days I just can't get here in time and by the time I do, I'm exhausted

It's divorce day for JaSam.... Diane is there for St. Jaysus and Alexis for Sam. They go into the mediation room. Sam and Jason stare at each other.  As Alexis and Diane argue over property, Sam and Jason have a LOT of Penthouse flashbacks.  Then Jason just signs the papers to shut the lawyers up and a lot more flashbacks happen. 

Julian got a brick in his window. Awww, and DANTE goes down to find out about it? That's what Valerie is for, man!! Dante leaves, Sonny shows up and Julian thinks his goonies threw it? Umm, why not the guy that wanted to buy your place yesterday?  Oh, Sonny wants Julian to serve Corinthos Coffee in his Pub...because "he owes him".  So, Jules is going to sell Corinthos Coffee.  So, Sonny leaves coffee and Sonny goes to talk to Dante about who threw the brick at Julian's window.
I mean COME ON--it's a brick, Get over it. 

Lulu is going to write an article about Nathan being Faison's son to lure Faison out. Dante finally accepts it.  Nathan is on board. No to told Maxie they are going to tell the entire earth Faison is his Daddy. 

Maxie had a nightmare about Faison. Then August comes in to talk to her--which, if the rumors are right he's Faison's son #2. 
Mac comes in with a smoothie for Maxie and she tells him who Nate's Daddy is. 
Her nightmare has Nathan running after Faison and there's a gunshot (foreshadowing??)  She wants Mac to help her disappear so Faison can't find them.  Mac said the safest place for her is PC--especially with everyone around and (wait for it) Sonny. -__-

Curtis finds Drew's old yearbook. He had the same damn hair as Burton! LOL :) too funny.  Curtis and Drew have a good friendship. I like it. 

At the Metro: Lulu tells August that Faison has another son..August is all @@ !!!! Such an anvil. Britt really should have been here for all this. 

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Rules of Divorce

Ned is leaving ELQ-- and running for mayor. Hmmmm, ok. that might be interesting.  Olivia is glad he's out of ELQ. 

So, this new character? The guy from BJ and the Bear? Oh, he's James someone-- he seems to be buying up Charles' Street.
Alexis tells Molly that she can't go all out after the landlord. Molly is confused. I'm confused.  Something about Curtis? I must have missed that day. 

Laura and Liz-- nice to have them have some coffee together. Laura explains why she loves Kevin. Tells Liz sometimes you just has to "go for it". Liz smiles. 

Laura goes to The PUB and sees Jim Harvey (the guy buying up property). She sits to talk about the redevelopment project with him.  Laura wants to know how the redevelopment will help families and kids.  He won't compromise..he thinks the neighborhood will reach his full potential. She's like Nope. 

Kevin stops in Franco's office. They talk about Kevin's rage-brother-twin Ryan.  Kevin analyzes Franco's painting. He sees "peace" in the painting. That damn painting has been dragged around more than the egg salad one!

Franco comes home. Liz wants to set a wedding date.  He says let's do it! She wonders about Feb-- and then Franco starts chugging milk, strangely and then has to go get more at the store. I think he's trying to get out of the house? 

Carly and Michael...Carly told him Nelle's working at Ava's gallery. Carly thinks she's going to be influenced by Ava. (to be more devious). Michael says he has to play along with Nell, and make her think she's going to win him over. Michael knows what it's like to be in a tug of war as a baby/kid. He doesn't want that. 

Michael goes to Ned's table and tells him that the company strength comes from being a family. Michael is sorry if he didn't respect Ned enough.   Ned thinks that means Michael wants to do the Charles Street project. He says NOPE, I wanted you to run the South American division. Ned is like: SOUTH AMERICA?? Ned is like, are you scared of me?? Is that why you want me to work in the boonies? Do you think it will be obvious if I stay here everyone would know I should be running the company, not you??  Ned won't go back. Olivia says he should run for mayor. Ned is thinking of it. 

Carly and Olivia talk,. Olivia is #TeamCarly when it comes to Nell. Olivia's like, I'm down to get that bitch lol. 

Jason and Sam are still technically married. Sam needs a divorce from Jason--he says ok. "It's really important to me and my family"-- Jason says he gets it and draw the papers up and he'll sign them. They have to have a reason for the divorce in the state of NY even if it's uncontested. They look through the reasons and don't find a good one at first. She apologizes for New Year's Eve kiss. They wouldn't change the past though, and aren't regretting they got married. Jason just wants to make Sam happy. If divorcing her will make her happy, he'll do it. Sam says Jason made her really happy back then and he helped her be "whole". Jason said he couldn't give Sam the life she wanted (Baby, stable family).  
They choose 'irreconcilable differences" for the divorce reason.  "Because I love you and you love him". Jason leaves. 

Jason goes to the Metro-- and Carly just blabbers to Jason about Nelle and on and on.  Carly's like WAIT: You were WITH SAM at her office right? Jason says: Yep, but she wants a divorce. 

Sam calls Alexis in to do the divorce for her. Then she pops out with "We kissed on New Years, Mom"!! It was like being transported to the past--we have to let go now.  Alexis thinks Sam shouldn't do anything (like Marrying Drew) right away until she's thought about things and knows what she wants.  Sam says she does love Drew and knows it so Alexis says "let's get you that divorce'! 

SO James Harvey knew Bobby Frank when he was a kid.... Franco comes back. "Bobby Frank, Man have you grown". He says Franco is all @@ 

UPSHOT: Both Ned and Laura agree to run for Mayor. Wonder who's GOP and who's DEM? LOL LET ME GUESS....hmmmm.. 

Monday, January 8, 2018

Marriage Roadblock.

Carly and Joss--with the Mad Hatter Ball...Carly thinks Joss is growing up so fast. Josslyn is going to be a great character. Well, IS a great character. Now just get another guy interested in her besides too nice Oscar. 
Oscar is all weird ....he loved the book but he's all nervous.  He doesn't ask her to the ball and she gets pissy and throws him out. BUT!! He comes to the front door with a Mad Hatter hat on and asks her to go. Awww..
Joss is being a perfect snotty teen girl --well, I think so anyway.

Carly is walking around in some red cocktail dress. In the middle of a winter day--while not even working. *sigh*

 Jason and Sonny go to Anna about Faison's son. Nathan and his OTHER son.  Anna knows someone who could have been carrying Faison's other child.  She says Desire--and she's dead. Anna says she'll tell the WSB-- and leave this ALONE.  She's adamant they leave it be. There's a lot more she's not saying, says Sonny. 
Jason thinks Anna's right-- "answers aren't going to change anything". 

Sam and Drew talking about his past. They decide to get married at city hall--today.  They get everything together to go and get it done and then Drew says "we've got a problem" --they can't get married until 24 hours after the license is issued.  Then, Sam finds out she's still married to Jason. She asks him to come over. 

Jason goes over to Sam's office. Previews show her asking for a divorce tomorrow. 

Lulu finds out Nathan is Faison's son. All she wants to do is interview Faison and Maxie is like "you're nuts"!!  Maxie is being all cool around Nate saying nothing's wrong-- and then to Lulu she's like: OH MY GOD, I'm TERRIFIED!! Lulu says that Nathan isn't a psycho, so why should her baby be? 

Finn wants to leave the hospital to find out what happened to Cassandra. He thinks he stabbed her with the needle. He wants to tell the police he drugged her. Anna says no, it was self defense yada yada.  Jordan actually shows up at Finn's hospital room after Anna leaves. She looks really gorgeous today.  Finn almost tells her but Anna comes back and Jordan says "they know who drugged Cassandra".  Her accomplice Eric did it (he confessed).  So I guess Finn was too out of it to know that happened.  Anna wants Finn to stay at her house so she can keep an eye on him. 

Then, Maxie charges into Sonny's office---she needs him to SWEAR TO HER that he's not going to tell anyone about this. (whoops, already did!!) And geesh, Nathan is blabbing it all over lol.  Bob the Badger looks on.  Sonny says "Anna Knows"?? What's going to happen?  
KS kinda looks PG doesn't she? I don't know--and ...not saying but..hmmmm. 

I was totally off grid most of yesterday--social media is wearing on me. So badly. I'm just so done with so much. Guess it's just a lull for me. I feel like screaming at everyone on Facebook to just STFU lol. At least I'm ok with the blog (so far). I didn't even watch the GG last night even tho Franco was on with Tommy!! I just went to bed. Oh 

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Sunday Surgery: Wubby Wishes and Wants

Ok, so this week brought me back to reality and hard. Oy, it was just boring and something was way "off".  It was almost as if someone stormed into the writer's room and yelled:" END THIS DRUG STORY NOW. GIVE IT 3 DAYS TOPS".  I was so sure it was going to be so much more and be tied into the Charles' Street story or The Jasons. But?? Unless they decided to bring it back, I think that's the finale. 

I'm going to run through the week quickly, then give my Wubs Wants and Wishes for 2018.  Hope you'll stay for that part!

Friday, January 5, 2018's in the DNA

Jason, Sonny, and Spin (Holy Trinity) are talking about PK Sinclair's damn book, the father son thing and yada yada. They figure out that Faison has a son and it's a key to all this. 

Nathan goes to Charles' Pub and confronts Dr. O by saying "I think those are my Dad's medical records but they aren't Victor Cassadines"  DNA tests are in. Lesil says: don't look at them. Then Sonny and crew come in and Sonny says something about "Faison's son" and Lesil says: "My GOD how did you know"?? SO, there it is!!  Maxie is upset. Lesil says she hid her pregnancy from Faison from him because she was afraid he'd take a son away. So she gave Nate to Donna Mills (her sister).  Nate's furious. She hopes he can forgive her someday. Maxie says it doesn't matter. 

Carly talks to SAM AGAIN about Jason vs Drew. She said She did the same thing to Jax with Sonny---yada yada.  OMG KILLY are so boring. "Do you love me"?? "Do you love ME"??? Tell me... yada yada. whine whine.  Just get his backstory or memories going. This is BORING. Sam wants to get married "tomorrow". 

Carly finds out that Nello is working at the Gallery. They snipe. Nelle says to Carly "you slept with your stepdad and a drunk" Carly is like: neener neener, I had JASON you have NO ONE BUT AVA.

Thursday, January 4, 2018

UT OH Late late late! SORRY

So...another filler day?? 

Finn tells Anna what he remembers and doesn't with this Cassie fight.  Cassie isn't dead--- she's in a coma. Someone stabbed her with the needle on Charle's Street. Anna goes in to see Cassandra on the life support machine. We are left thinking that Anna may have turned it off. BUT! She released her to the custody of the WSB. *sigh*

Valentin is interrogated by Dante and Jordan. Nothing really happens.

Nate ask Amy if he DNA results are in....nope, there's a back log. 

Nina is talking to Dr. O about Nathan's heritage, and Felicia walks in and Dr. O jumps up and hugs her? (huh?? )) Oh, it's to plan Maxie's shower.  Maxie is there too. Dr. O wants to have her shower at the Charles' st. Pub. Dr O and Maxie talk about Nate's Dad--Dr O is hedging-- and Maxie says there's a DNA test going on. Dr. O like like WHAATT?  Why the hell would Maxie tell her there's a DNA test???

Felicia tells Lulu if Faison is in PC, he's hiding inside of Wyndemere. 

Sonny, St. Jaysus and Spin are in Sonny's office, Spin's been tracking Faison and has gotten nada on him so far.  Spin hacked into the email of the publisher and found out the person emailing about the book stopped when Jason got out of the clinic. Spin's computer then did a simulation to finish Faison's book -- (that PK Sinclair thing) and..after all this gobbeldy GOOK, the computer thinks Faison has a son. 


OMG, who's seen the NY Quits commercial with "I will Survive" on it?? It's so good!!

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Wine Wednesday ?

I wish I was doing this today but alas, I'm hard at work. Wednesdays are just not great for me to watch the show! I get home late, then I have paperwork.
Hope I didn't miss anything earth-shattering!! 

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Back At It, People

Here we are DAY TWO into January!! 

JaSam kiss is shown again-- and Jason is going to fix the engine. No...Sam is (she's had DIVING experience people) LOL-- Drew walks on. He's not happy. He's pretty dry so did he rent a boat?  Sam tries to explain and Drew isn't having ANY of it.  Jason and Drew know it was CARLY'S fault.   Jason leaves. Drew thinks Jason was a part of it all. He sees the Dominoes, tells Sam he'll let her go if she wants. She says no, she loves him and wants to remarry him.  "You won, We Won"...Drew: It's not about winning, it's about love. They kiss. 

Anna's tied up with Valentin. UGH. Such a stupid "Drug" Story. just another villain-revenge thing.  I was so hopeful. Oh welp.  Finn is talking to Cassie in Anna's living room. She's being all Meanie.  Is blackmailing Finn to go to China with her and make drugs.  She blows powder in his face. (yeah, really) 

Anna gets free and unties Val-- knocks out thug. She leaves to find Finn. Val goes to find Nina. HE does and they kiss

Meanwhile, back at Anna's Cassie gave Finn some of the drug he was addicted to. She says she'll keep him an addict and he'll have to make her drugs. He lunges at her.  When Anna gets back, she finds Cassie knocked out in the foyer and Finn passed out in the living room. 

Sonny is mad at Carly for the whole JaSam deal.  Carly tampered with Drew's car...after Morgan died from a car that was tampered with? Huh? Someone wasn't thinking.  Michael tells Carly and Sonny about Nelle's high blood pressure. 
Jason comes back. He's mad at Carly. No, he's not, he just wants her to listen to him about stopping the crap with he and Sam. 

Ava gets all mad at seeing Griffin and Kiki hugging and jumped to conclusions. Kiki tells her to get help. Griffin is like, what's wrong?? Ava say's Kiki is young and gorge and no scars!  Grffin goes after her.  Hope his patients are ok. They talk, he tells her how strong she is yada, yada and gives her her Christmas present.  He's been trying to perfect the face-fix for her and Kiki has been his lab assistant. 

Oh, Dillon calls and invites Kiki to..NEBRASKA LOL. Huh? Okay then. 

Monday Monday

  WOW, do we have a nice weather here!! Just gorgeous. All weekend was beautiful and now it's up into the 70s and maybe 80s tomorrow.  T...