Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Wine Wednesday ?

I wish I was doing this today but alas, I'm hard at work. Wednesdays are just not great for me to watch the show! I get home late, then I have paperwork.
Hope I didn't miss anything earth-shattering!! 


  1. Tulum Mexico:

    Levin: Okay I am confused. I saw the episode online this morning, with Laura saying she can't go on her honeymoon, now they are on their honeymoon hahaha! I will have to keep watching the episodes I missed. Why is Doc pushing Laura to be mayor? That scene with Felicia not wanting to be mayor, so anti climatic! Left a bad taste in my mouth!!! I don't want Laura to be mayor!!! I can't believe Felicia was not upset about this while situation! UGH!

    Friz home:

    Friz: Oh no! Not that stupid painting again! I am getting tired of it! Just burn it already!

    BobTodd and Kiwi: Awwwww. :) Always love their scenes. :)

    The hospital:

    Jordan and Anna: Great scene!! :)

    Finchy's room:

    Fanna: Awwwwwwwwwww! Love their scene.. Finchy wins the line of the day.

    Finchy: Anna. Shut up!


    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Ned, Michael, and Jim: Great scene!!! And that Jim guy is handsome.. ELQ Stadium! Interesting!!

    Ned and Michael: Q's arguing!!! LOVE IT!!!!!!! :) Hmmm Ned quitting, but he has an open invitation! So will Ned change his mind and return to ELQ? :)

    Julian and Olivia: Olivia! When is Julian going to see his son?!!?!?!

    Nedlia: NED AS MAYOR?!!?!?!?! Yeah I can see that! :) A Q as mayor!!!! :) Now we are talking! :)

    Charlie's pub:

    Alexis's table: Oh great scene!!!! I like this storyline!!! Hmmm was Alexis and Curtis having a moment or am I seeing things? :)

  2. Love the idea that Ned and Laura, who are on opposite sides of the Charles St. project, may be fighting each other to win the election. The beginning of a new story line in the making.... I got spoiled by the Jason/Drew storyline moving so fast, but I guess we need to accept that fact that soaps do usually move a bit slower than that.

  3. That Jim guy..pretty sure that's BJ and the bear Greg

  4. Arwen Tedhams said...

    That Jim guy..pretty sure that's BJ and the bear Greg

    ** Nope. I'm not sure exactly who it is. But, it's definitely not him. I'm certain of that.


  5. sonya said...

    Tulum Mexico:

    Levin: Okay I am confused. I saw the episode online this morning, with Laura saying she can't go on her honeymoon, now they are on their honeymoon hahaha! I will have to keep watching the episodes I missed. Why is Doc pushing Laura to be mayor? That scene with Felicia not wanting to be mayor, so anti climatic! Left a bad taste in my mouth!!! I don't want Laura to be mayor!!! I can't believe Felicia was not upset about this while situation!

    ** (Due to several electronic items conspiring against me ((I'm certain of this) I just tonight was able to watch Wed and Thurs' episodes tonight, btw. thus why I'm so slow atm) I think it was just screwy editing. (which has happened several times recently. I've noticed)
    I thought it was really strange also that Felicia essentially just shrugged it off, ESPECIALLY since it was such a contentious race at the time! I was also surprised that Laura never made any mention at all of the whole Aztec treasure storyline. Not even a small offhand remark.

    I did finally get a chance to explain a little better why had an issue with Cassandra blowing the powder at Finn, btw. (On the page for Tues)


  6. Pat..... Sun..... said...

    Love the idea that Ned and Laura, who are on opposite sides of the Charles St. project, may be fighting each other to win the election. The beginning of a new story line in the making.... I got spoiled by the Jason/Drew storyline moving so fast, but I guess we need to accept that fact that soaps do usually move a bit slower than that.

    ** There's a bit in this week'a issue of SiD, where CVE and SA were talking briefly about their plans for 2018. One of the things CVE had mentioned was that they intended to keep things moving at a quicker pace, like they've been doing since he came on board So right now, all we can do is "wait and see"


  7. That guy with Ned and Michael did look so familiar. Love to know who he was.


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...