Ah..Andre (Dr. Maddox) and Dr. Klein freak out about all the shootings and things. Says they were only doing research. It 'went too far". So Jason Burton was a research project. THEN they say: A guy that goes home to a family HE BELIEVES IS HIS???/
HUH?? Wait...do they think he's Drew but he's really Jason...or is he Drew who thinks he's JASON?
UGHHHHH Curve BALL RIGHT THERE!! So --I guess other than Sonny being 100% sure, we are supposed to be baffled?
Jordan and Dante talk about the "Skylight Man"she goes to find out what's up.
Anna and Finn. Finn is eating her halloween candy. Says Robin, Patrick AND Emma texted him and told him to be nice to Anna or 'else'. They talk. He says he's done with the whole thing. He wants to go back to being a doctor. He's kinda 'breaking up' with her. They are kinda cute.
Kevin and Laura. Kevin told her it was an "Old Hollywood" glamour part but it was really . He's proposing. She says YES...and he gets down on one knee with a ring. Kisses
Sonny's house. Burton is there with Sam--Jason Miller is like "Put down my wife" HUH? Wouldn't you be all WHY THE HELL DO YOU HAVE MY OLD FACE??? Carly was pretty silent too. There should have been WAY MORE to that scene. A LOT more--wow..it was pretty much a let down. Jason Miller yells CALL AN AMBULANCE --NOW!!!
Jason Burton says It's too dangerous!!
Carly CALLS GH --lol
Then Jordan takes in Jason Burton for questioning.
Carly's non-reaction to Jason Burton is baffling.
Jordan is in the PCPD with Burton. He says he won't talk. CARLY CRASHES In and says "I called Diane" Don't say anything!! She knows he's Jason. They stare at each other. Later, Jordan says she's going to run his fingerprints and Carly says "I know this is Jason Morgan"

Sam is at GH now. She tells the doctor "I saw him" then passes out again. Jason Miller is MAD at Sonny--"why is that IMPOSTOR with MY wife"?? Sonny's looking at him like: Hmmmmm, who you? Dante is trying to figure all this out. Sonny just needs to open his mouth lol. Finally when Miller goes into see Sam, Sonny whispers to Dante 'that guy--was Jason Morgan".
Miller at Sam's bedside says "I don't know what's going on...but I'm Jason, I'm YOUR Jason and we'll make it" ....
Ok, Even with the whole "Believes that's his family' I'm still saying Burton IS Jason. Yep. But..now there's some fun involved LOL. Maybe since Jason is Patient 6, there are FIVE MORE Jasons runnin' around?