Tuesday, October 31, 2017

My Face, Is Your Face?

So Nina and Val are waiting for the launch when they hear a guy moaning in the shadows.  Val talks to him in French. Guys says he's working with Dr Klein. Valetin is all @@!!! Forgot about his Dr. Klein connection.  Later, Val gets a "help me" text from Dr. Klein and he ignores it. 

Ah..Andre (Dr. Maddox) and Dr. Klein freak out about all the shootings and things. Says they were only doing research. It 'went too far". So Jason Burton was a research project. THEN they say: A guy that goes home to a family HE BELIEVES IS HIS???/
HUH?? Wait...do they think he's Drew but he's really Jason...or is he Drew who thinks he's JASON?

UGHHHHH Curve BALL RIGHT THERE!!  So --I guess other than Sonny being 100% sure, we are supposed to be baffled? 

Jordan and Dante talk about the "Skylight Man"she goes to find out what's up.

Anna and Finn. Finn is eating her halloween candy. Says Robin, Patrick AND Emma texted him and told him to be nice to Anna or 'else'.  They talk. He says he's done with the whole thing. He wants to go back to being a doctor. He's kinda 'breaking up' with her.  They are kinda cute. 

Kevin and Laura. Kevin told her it was an "Old Hollywood" glamour part but it was really . He's proposing.  She says YES...and he gets down on one knee with a ring.  Kisses

Sonny's house. Burton is there with Sam--Jason Miller is like "Put down my wife" HUH? Wouldn't you be all WHY THE HELL DO YOU HAVE MY OLD FACE??? Carly was pretty silent too. There should have been WAY MORE to that scene. A LOT more--wow..it was pretty much a let down.  Jason Miller yells CALL AN AMBULANCE --NOW!!! 
Jason Burton says It's too dangerous!!
Carly CALLS GH --lol
Then Jordan takes in Jason Burton for questioning. 
Carly's non-reaction to Jason Burton is baffling. 

Jordan is in the PCPD with Burton. He says he won't talk. CARLY CRASHES In and says "I called Diane" Don't say anything!! She knows he's Jason. They stare at each other.  Later, Jordan says she's going to run his fingerprints and Carly says "I know this is Jason Morgan"

Sam is at GH now. She tells the doctor "I saw him" then passes out again. Jason Miller is MAD at Sonny--"why is that IMPOSTOR with MY wife"?? Sonny's looking at him like: Hmmmmm, who you?  Dante is trying to figure all this out. Sonny just needs to open his mouth lol. Finally when Miller goes into see Sam, Sonny whispers to Dante 'that guy--was Jason Morgan". 

Miller at Sam's bedside says "I don't know what's going on...but I'm Jason, I'm YOUR Jason and we'll make it" ....

Ok, Even with the whole "Believes that's his family' I'm still saying Burton IS Jason.  Yep. But..now there's some fun involved LOL. Maybe since Jason is Patient 6, there are FIVE MORE Jasons runnin' around? 


BOO TO YOU!!! I don't know who made this  PC Collage (I got it long ago) but thank you!

Monday, October 30, 2017

I Got You

Burton goes in to save Sam..She's stuck on seaweed!! He pulls her (this is all underwater cam)!!  He finally gets her out and does chest compressions. She spits up water. He says "Sam, Sam"..Sam opens her eyes and says "You're here"..  Jason "I got you"... they stare at each other. She passes back out. 

Sonny tells Carly it was Jason at the Metro.  She's all "but he took Elizabeth to GH"! He says NO-- not that Jason, our Jason. The Godfather to our kids, he's home. Carly won't believe it. He tells her when she sees him and talks to him, he'll know it's Jason. Sonny says he heard Jason say "Sonny'?? Carly says "You heard his voice" ?? and cries. BUT! When Sonny tells her he had his gun drawn, Carly says SEE it's NOT Jason! He'd never put a gun on you!!--and we have DNA!! and Spinelli's face when he saw Jason!! 
 Jason Miller barges in: "What the hell is going on, Sonny"??  SEE THE END OF THE BLOG for the END of the show...

Jordan is at the Metro trying to figure stuff out. Dante wants to see more footage because he's not sure that was Burton.  After she leaves, Miller comes in to watch the footage. Hard to see. 

Jordan goes to the hospital. Jordan questions her. Monica is like "it can't be.... I couldn't have seen what I saw"-- but won't say more. Maddox is listening. SO is Franco. Jordan leaves. Franco tries to get more out of Monica but she tells him to Buzz off. 

Monica goes to visit Liz. Tells her about Sam and that-- it looked like Jason that went after her! Franco overhears that...and then Monica says "But that can't be true unless there's two Jasons". 

Oscar and Joss are dressed up as Dragon Queen and Jon Snow--they are in Oscar's apt. I don't think that's his apartment, he's acting all cagey.  Joss wants to snoop for information about his Dad.  They find a letter in the Man Landers book addressed to his mother dated 2003. There's no signature. Of course there isn't! But he gave her a gift and they want to find it because it may have some clues. 

END OF THE SHOW: OMG...Jason Burton CRASHES THROUGH the back doors CARRYING SAM and Sonny, Miller and Carly are all there!! WOW..didn't expect them to all be there and NOT today!! eesh!! :clapping: I don't even care he didn't take her to GH first. LOL NOPE. Take her to Sonny's!! DRAMA!!

NOTE: HORRIBLE weather here and I have a migraine so forgive me if this is short and not really fun.

Speculation: Who's the Head Cheese?

I've been thinking about who could be behind the whole Jason thing and connected to the Opioid story. I think they may be related because of Valentin--because you know, Cassadines are basically behind most of the stuff that happens.
So find out after the jump: (for those who wants to be spoiler free) 

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Sunday Surgery: When GH is GOOD Again!

But First.....Let Me Take A Selfie!! 

Holy living ROLLER COASTER!!  What a great week. I can't remember when GH was this exciting and fun. So much was happening, it was just a delight to try to keep up. Every time I thought: Well, that won't happen for a week--it DID--and in about 10 minutes flat!! 

If you missed this week, you missed something special. New writer --new injection of energy in the whole place and a long time vet returning that has a kick-ass story line.  This isn't just another "Dead Guy Walks Again". Nope. We lived through the clinic scenes to get to the good stuff--and here it is!!

We need champagne!! We need lots of sugary delights!! Let's settle in and dish away

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Meet The Van Ettens

One Chris, Two Chris...Red Chris, Blue Chris!! 

I think you all know the story but I'm telling it again!! When Chris Van Etten was named co-head writer at #GH he wasn't currently on Twitter. So--when everyone tweeted "Chris Van Etten" (@cmvanetten) they got---this guy. When you google "writer at GH"..some photos will still come up as the wrong Van Etten.
They finally got together and took a photo-- and writer Chris is back on Twitter as @OGChrisVanEtten to interact with GH fans. (Lord help him...) 

Chris Van Etten (the one on the left) got noticed by the casting department after all this happened. He's a motivational speaker and champion of Vets causes. Since they were going to cast Amy's brother, they thought of him! How cute is that? 

SO...that's my Saturday post. I'm busy working on Sunday Surgery and boy, it's going to be a doozey. It's just been QUITE the week. 

Hope your weekend is going well!! 

Friday, October 27, 2017


WAIT A MIN......WHAT....

Party. Hmmmm, first scene they show is 2nd to the last scene from yesterday--guns aren't even out. Then they cut to Floating Rib. They have the other scene (Dante talking to Miller) before they get to the guns.  Dante is confronting gun man...looks like he gets shot point-blank...he goes down. Nope, he's up again (huh?) and they get his gun away. 
OH!! Elizabeth is SHOT!! EESH!! She's next to Nina and she reaches down and her hand comes up all bloody.  
Carly manages to text Sonny. He and Burton leave to go save everyone. Burton goes to the skylight on the roof...watches from above. Sonny marches in, gun out, yells at the goon with the ponytail and tells him to DROP IT OR DIE!! Which, the Goonie guy does! LMAO !! Sonny says to Carly "You're not going to believe what I have to tell you". 

Meanwhile, Liz has to go to GH because she's shot. Griffin says they have to go. Sam tells Miller to go with Liz.  Billy Miller carries her out.  

HOLY CRAP!!! What has happened at GH?? Well--get this. Another guy comes in with the needle and stabs Sam. The only one that sees it is Burton up on the skylight. The guy goes to carry Sam out and Jason JUMPS THROUGH THE SKYLIGHT and everyone SEES HIM!! Holy Hell! It was slo-mo--but... IT WAS GOOD! Everyone Gasps!! Carly about passes out. Monica is all..WHA??!!! Jason follows guy and Sam out-- (with his gun drawn). Later, everyone wants to know who that man was that came through the skylight. Monica goes "ASK SONNY" ! LOL she knows HE KNOWS!! bhahahaa. Carly is still stunned. She asks Sonny who that was. Sonny says "We have to find out if Sam's ok first" . Dante questions him in the lobby-- and is like I THINK I know who that looked like but...you tell me. Sonny says "we have to get Sam first". 

The guy takes Sam to the pier and to Dr. Klein. Jason surprises everyone and jumps out of the shadows with his gun. He shoots the one guy...and then Klein says "Save her or shoot me" and shoves Sam into the water (she's still groggy from the drugs).  Burton yells 'SAM"! 

Valentin and Cass are on the pier to talk Drug-Lording. He brings her a list of people that could run her operation. BUT..she wants Valentin and only Valentin.  Val gets a call from Nina to come and get her after the hostage situation. 

Felicia, Mac, Anna and Finn at the Floating Rib-- Anna and Finn are trying to explain how they 'got together" Felicia is all giggles. I think Mac isn't so sure about this.  Finn says he doesn't dance. Anna drinks another scotch.  They kiss. Anna kinda likes it! 

Franco gets the death certificate from Dr. Maddox. He's like HOW did you find this when I couldn't. Maddox says it was under Susan Moore's last name and he should drop the whole thing. Franco is skeptical.  Later, Franco sees Liz at the hospital and runs to her.  Griffin says she'll be ok. 

Monica takes Miller over to the side (he's still at GH) and tells him that Sam was taken. 

Sam's in the water, I think Burton will go in and get her. 
We see what Cassandra is blackmailing Valentin with--she has Claudette! 
Mac and Flea approve of Finn for Anna. 

GOOD SHOW..WHAT A DAMN WEEK! HOLY HELL!! I can't believe this!! It went SO FAST today!! Sunday Surgery is going to be something-- I'd better get my rest before writing it! 

Thursday, October 26, 2017

The 778,987 Person to Be Cast on GH!!

Laura and Wes worked together on the Guiding Light

Here we go...yep... TV Line announced that Wes Ramsey (Of Guiding Light and CSI fame) is coming to GH as a "mystery person". I thought he looked like Morgan, but he's 40 so-- Nope. LOL Who knows.  LOAD 'em UP! Just keep hiring people!!! :eyeroll: 

Pop Up Ads?

One of the blog readers has been getting pop up ads--which shouldn't happen on Blogger. Anyone else getting them?? If you could leave me a message--and if you do, tell me what kind of device it's on. AND if you're coming in through Blogger or Wubs.Net

Thanks!! :) 


NOTE: OMG--trying to live tweet and blog this is exhausting. The show is going so fast an there are a lot of clues dropping. Doing my best to bring it all to you but-- oy, it's tough. You may have to watch to get the details!! 

Party is starting!!  Alexis and Molly are there, Krissy is in Portland. David Bensch was supposed to come with Alexis BUT-- he's at #GH ....

Liz is all dressed up and ready to go. Franco doesn't want to --the thinks they don't want to see him.
Sam and Miller show up at the launch. The goonies are serving drinks. They look so out of place.  Everyone is congratulating Killy on the Media company.
GrAva walk in. Carly asks "Why the HELL are you here"? Throws them out. They don't leave though and listen to Sam and Jason Miller's speech about the new company. It's name is "Aurora" meaning new day. It's also the town they were going to move to when they wanted to leave Port Charles awhile ago. 

Griffin recognizes the Goonies from Russia!! He tells Dante-- Dante tells Miller to get the goons out of there. GUNS OUT! Everyone hits the floor!! Welp, that escalated!! 

Melle-- Michael is NOT Happy about the tickets to the show. He found out that Nina didn't get them for her. Nelle says she bought them. Michael then asks why his mom knows the are moving in together. She hedges, then says she told her that because Carly is mean to her. Michael says, you're a liar--and you can't come to the party!! He wants to break up with her.  Nelle gets really mad-- wonders if he thinks she killed her husband. Michael says no, but she lies all the time and he's done. She says "But you said you loved me". He leaves her apt key. Nelle breaths heavily. Looks a bit psyho. That could have been her trigger!! 

Maddox talking to Dr. Klein, He's all: "GET PATIENT 6 before anyone knows the truth!!  Franco is getting too close to the Andrew story!!"  So Dr. Klein says "let's throw him off the trail".  I think he gives him a fake death certificate for Drew. Then Franco barges in and says "Who's this" to Dr. Klein.  Klein says he's a patient and leaves. Franco tells Maddox Jake saw "Jason" and says Drew has to be alive.  Dr. Maddox says "don't believe a 10 year old"!  Tomorrow, he'll give Franco the 'death certificate'. 

Cripes Jason and Sonny all crying again. Sonny is saying ' a lot rides on this, my biz, my family (not sure what "THIS" Is.??) Then says "When Carly sees you, she's gonna lose her mind. Her Jason--OUR Jason..ALIVE"!!!  tears. LOL. It's pretty funny now. 
Jason asks about Jake--Sonny says yes, he's alive. Jason staggers back...asks how, he saw him! He was brain dead. Sonny says it was staged by Helena. Jason has to sit down. Sonny pours them a drink. 
Sonny says no matter what, welcome home. 
THEN, when he's telling Jason the whole kidney story and then about the clinic and how Miller escaped with Robin's help, Burton finds out ROBIN IS ALIVE! ahaha. His head is spinning. Sonny's tells him to take another drink!  Sonny tells him about Robin's ordeal but she's happy now.  Then they talk about Jason Miller. Sonny tells him why they all believed it was Jason.  He says he was with Liz when he first got to town as "John Doe"--- and that Jake thinks of him as his Dad.  Burton wonders if Miller could have been in on this since day one, along with Helena. Sonny tells him he doesn't think so. Jason Miller never wanted to be "Jason Morgan" or be in the business. He wanted to just be himself. He wasn't trying to take over Jason's life.  
Sonny says he has to tell Carly he's alive. Jason is NO! People are after me. Sonny is all "She'll kill me"!! (ahaaha she will) Jason doesn't want to tell Sam because she's so happy with Billy Miller. Sonny says she is but something is "off" and he has to tell her he's alive. 

PHEWWWW! I need a nap! 

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

YES, Tamara Braun is BACK... and so IS...

Daytime Confidential told us back in SEPTEMBER she was coming but I guess it's "confirmed" now by EW. They really need to get they act together and give credit. ANYWAY--she's a new character. Most think she's Oscar's mama-- I think she looks like Nelle. So/? Maybe sisters? What say you? I say there are ENOUGH PEOPLE ON THE SHOW, thank you very much. 

BREE Williamson..as the every POPULAR (ahahaha) Claudette, Charlotte's mother. Oh man. Why? I like Bree but her character was just horrible.  GH always seems to overload itself though, doesn't it?? 

Reunited and it feels SO GOOD......

"WHO are YOU"?
Sonny, it's me!!
"Well, someone else is saying they're you for 2 years'!!
Come on Sonny...it's me!! 
Sonny wonders where Jason has been all these years. Jason said it didn't feel like 5 years to him. "I woke up in a Russian Clinic, and it felt like 6 months"! I had no idea. Ava helped me call you.
Sonny asks who kept him there. Jason says I don't know.  
You have to watch it because it's too much to recap. Anyway, Sonny finally realizes it's Jason and they have a nice teary-eyed hug.

Michael tells Nelle he knows about her mental hospital time. She says she had a breakdown. She then gets defensive and asks if there's anything HE'S done he's not happy about.. He's says..well, um (I'm thinking killing Claudia?! LOL) Then he just forgives her...just like that. Later, Nina tells him she didn't get any tickets for the Broadway show-- Michael is all.hmmm.... now he's mad again! 

Maxie is in Nina's steam room. I think they bought a steam room set and have to use it?? LOL  Maxie wants to give Nina an exclusive on Nathan. At GH, Amy and Nathan are talking and her brother calls. We find out he has no idea she's paying his bills. He thinks it's the VA hospital. (We don't see his face yet).

Ava googles Old Jason--she sees Jason Burton's face. Griffin comes over. She forgot all about dinner!  She ends up confiding the whole story to Griffin. He wants to call the police. She's like no way. 

Miller getting ready to go to the party. Scout and Danny alert! They are on!!  Danny is all interested in the media company and wants to do a show on 'dogs'. LOL. 

Moinca tells Nate that his "fans are going to miss his column".  Nate hasn't told Maxie yet that he's quit.  At the end, he meets Maxie in the steam room. He tells her he's quitting Man Landers. She says "you can't!!" 

Later, Monica goes to pick up the kids while Killy are at the party. Olivia has agreed to watch them so she can go. She gives Miller a pair of Alan's cufflinks that are a snake eating it'self. Stands for "rebirth" .  

Tuesday, October 24, 2017


Burton is in some house/cabin I don't recognize. Looks like all the other house/cabins in PC. Maybe a safe house?? Someone said It's where he gave Sam the compass necklace. He goes to the cabinet and gets out gun cleaning kit. Ugh. We watch him clean guns. He hears something? 

Maddox is going to meet with the goonies. Can't see Jake now until he talks about the man in the park he saw yesterday.  "He looks like my Dad used to--Before" Ut oh, Maddox is all surprised.  They talk about the guy in the park a bit. 

Ava talks to Franco and thanks him for paying for Kiki's tuition. She wants to know what he's drawing.  She wants to reopen the gallery and represent him. He says no, he's not doing commercial artwork anymore. Ava sneaks a peek at the picture Franco's drawing. She's like I know this guy. HE says "of course you do, that's Jason Morgan with his old face". She's like @@

Melle..ugh, just hanging out in ELQ. She wants to live together. She got tickets to Dear Evan Hanson in NYC. Michael has the launch party but she talks him into going with her instead. Later, Carly is all mad he's not coming. Nelle is smirking. Nelle also tells her she and Michael are living together. 

Curtis goes to see Michael and tells him Nelle was in a mental institution for almost a year!! WEE!! 

Jordan and Curtis talking about taking a vacation in January. He wants to go to Fiji and he wants to go to the Alps. They decide on the Alps. Stella texts Jordan, she needs to see her at GH asap. Has to be about the opioids, right? Told ya they'd get all working together on that. NO!! It's about undocumented people!! There's a student that got turned in by someone at the hospital when she came in for treatment and now ICE Is there to pick her up! Stella wants Jordan to help her but Jordan is all "it's a federal offense".  Jordan goes over to the ICE guy. "Can I talk to you"? She says. She tells him that the girl is really undercover for their drug investigation at PCU!! Interesting!! Stella is impressed.  Jordan ends up calling the guy's boss and talks him into believing the student is really undercover so they all off the deportation! 

Diane goes to Sonny's. He wants her to get an injunction against the FBI for tapping his phones.  Sonny finds out when Max calls that someone used the old code to the safe house SONNY GOES THERE!!! he goes in...and...(commercial...)....

OMG WATCH THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! whoot!!!! it's here!!! IT'S HERE!! 

Monday, October 23, 2017


Sam was ready to be kidnapped Friday and TODAY is all of a sudden AT THE METRO? Wow, that was a major screw up. BIG time. Come on, get it together editing. Cripes. Carly's talking to Sam about the launch party. They even have different clothes on. 

Franco draws a picture of Jason. Liz wants to see it but Franco won't let her.  Liz says Jake is home so she's taking him costume shopping. I guess Cam and Aiden get to wear paper bags? LOL They don't even TRY anymore, do they?? 

Sonny and Miller try to figure out the whole meeting on the bridge.  It's not really anything other than Miller thinks it's a guy out to get him and Sonny doesn't.  When Carly and Sam come in, they all think they are being tapped by the feds on their phones. (They aren't, it's the Goonies).  Miller says his phone isn't tapped. CarSon think they should stay away from the launch party because the feds might see it as linked to the mob. 

Griffin tells Anna he's left the priesthood. She's mad he gave up the church for Ava Jerome. 

Ava and Kiki zzzzzzzzz. Although Ava is getting in her face over not being able to see Avery. 
She tells Kiki she slept with someone, and not an escort.  Kiki guesses it was Griffin. 

Goonies are in the steam room talking about grabbing Patient 6. VERY weird scenes. They are like the old Ford Brothers from OLTL "Gratuitous Spa scene"

Franco goes to see Dr. Maddox for a psyche session. He's afraid he hurt Drew.  Now he's afraid he'll hurt Jake (no mention of Cam or Aiden LOL). Maddox is acting like he understands the whole Twin Jason thing. Hmmmm.   Maddox bought Franco's painting--huh, I missed that I guess. 

Liz and Jake. Jake tells her the man in the park had Dad's OLD FACE.  She asks him questions about the man.  Wasn't Jake afraid of the Old Jason on the island?? Right? Scarecrow??

OOOOOOOO!! Maddox is a baddie!! He's talking the the GOONIES!! 

2 of the Goonies are on staff  for  the Launch Party. 

Chris Van Etten is... Playing CHET?

Oh my gosh, if you know the backstory on this, it's pretty funny. So, when "Chris Van Etten" was announced as co-head writer of GH, THIS Chris Van Etten got tweeted to and also his photo was used by a number of places as being "the writer". He's not, he's a wounded vet who's a motivational speaker.  He got the part after casting saw him (he's so good looking!!) and decided to give it a go!
I think it's a fun idea. 

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Sunday Surgery: Grave Consequences

I can feel your pain...

I really needed one of those giant bulletin boards like Carrie has on Homeland to sort out this week's show. Geesh--so much happened on so many levels, I could barely keep up.  I managed to watch the show live--and for the most part, I enjoyed it!  I know, don't fall over. 

You'd better get the whole brunch effect going because I have a feeling this is going to be a long one, folks! 

Friday, October 20, 2017

Floppy Friday

Maxie knows about Sam and Miller getting the media company. Maxie brought a dress for Sam to wear to their launch party. She wants a favor though, for Sam to put her back on as associate editor.
The dress is pretty. Maxie says now that Sam is going to be in the limelight, she should retire her leather jacket.  Aw, she was just kidding. Maxie leaves.

Ned and Olivia..they had a two month honeymoon. He's at ELQ. Michael's on the phone. Ned says he has something to tell him.  He wants to cut back on Michael's "Green Initiatives" -- he wants to focus on other things. HA HA. (if you know these  2 and their politics you get this) 

The American Doctor from the clinic is back with the goons. They are looking for Jason Burton. They have "high tech equipment" looking for him. 

Sonny decides to let Jason Miller go with him to the bridge. Damn it!!  Jason Burton is going to step out and he sees Jason Miller and...ugh. More waiting time.  Yep, Burton turns around to leave and one of the clinic goons has a gun on him. *Sigh* Jason fights him. The gun goes off and....
Jason Miller and Sonny just stand there. They do! LOL
Oh it's one of Sonny's GUARDS! Then Jason Miller tells Sonny to go back in the car and let him "Do His Job" . UGH..anyway, Burton is gone by the time Miller gets there. 

Olivia decorated the Q mansion for Halloween and Monica isn't happy because she didn't ask. They get in a little tiff. 

Michael finds out his phone and Monica's have been tapped (it's the clinic guys).

Ava and Griffin.... talking about priesthood. Ava just wants to fool around "no promises'. They have a hot scene. Zex. Yada yada. 

END: Sam puts on her leather coat and it looks like she's going to get kidnapped by one of he goons to lure Jason out. BUT~~ ABC put on a preview for Monday and Sam is with Carly--SO she doesn't!! LOL idiots.

This was NOT the best Friday show--especially after the stellar week we had. Nope. 

Thursday, October 19, 2017


HURRY!! Drawing is in less than 24 hours--- Every FIVE DOLLAR donation gives you a chance to win this FUN MONKEY Signed by WDV!!     HIT THIS LINK!! 

General Hospital Spirit Day PHOTOS!

Maura and Hayley 


Michelle and Carolyn 


SUPPORT LGBTQ YOUTH! Today was wear purple in support--GH cast stepped up. Follow their @GeneralHospital IG account for more. 

Martini Thursday

Oh.. Oscar's Mama?? I was sure he HAD no mama--but looks like he might. Twitter is betting on Tamara Braun who was reportedly coming on the show (not confirmed yet). I don't know if his mother is as important as his father? Hmmm.. I just hope it's not Sonny. Drew? ?? No idea. I don't really care. We've got enough going on without this OSCAR stuff, dang it! 

So, I was actually looking forward to getting home today in time for GH! Who knew?? What's happening?? 

NOTE: Disco Dave asked me about a scene yesterday involving Ava and Jason--I had left a part out. Just know I'm live tweeting AND blogging---so much is going on I couldn't get it all in!! SORRY!! I'm trying harder today lol.

Lante is at the Metro for date night. Laura comes in. Says she might be  engaged! Lulu's tolerable today. Laura is for sure Kevin might propose tonight (Which prob means he won't)!

Griffin tells the nurse on duty he can't talk to a patient in the 'capacity of a priest, only a doctor'. She says she'll get the chaplain. Kevin overhears and says: You're not a priest?  Kevin sits and talks with Griffin about everything says come and see me if you want to.

Kevin goes to the metro. Lulu is trying to wait to take a photo of when Kevin proposes -- Kevin starts telling Laura about Griffin. THEN HE TIES HIS SHOE!! ahahaaa. She thought he was going to ask her to marry him (of course). Kevin says "You think I'd propose to you in a restaurant"?? They laugh. 

Ava and Sonny argue. Sonny says she can't see Avery. She almost doesn't give him the note, then she does. HE's like WHERE did  you get this?  What did he look like. Ava says: Sorry, enough good deeds for today. He reads the note: "meet me where Stone's ashes are scattered" Sonny says: the only one that knows that is Jason. Then he CALLS MILLER'S JASON to have him come over.
Damn it. You'd think he'd know his BFF's handwriting!!  (See below for more) 

Later, Ava goes home and finds Burton's note saying thank you but good bye. Then Griffin comes over. He tells her he left the priesthood. Ava wonders what it means for them. 

IN the park!! Liz and Jake are walking--Liz takes a phone call from work. Burton sees Jake and whispers: Jake?... then MILLER COMES OVER and Jake is all 'HI DAD'!! UGH.. and Burton has tears in his baby blues.  Then...Burton flashes back to when he wanted the kidney donated to Josslyn and Liz slapped him. Great scene that was there. He watches Jake walk away. Confusion. 
Liz and Miller talk. She mentions FRANCO! He wonders what she and Franco were going to tell him the other day (Burton is still listening)  Liz hedges and then Jake interrupts. He has hot chocolate. He says that someone was behind the wall--but of course, Burton is gone. 

Burton goes to the bridge. About the same time, Sonny is drinking and having a flashback to when Sonny helped Jason after the car accident. He loaned him money. Awww. Jason is thinking the same thing. How cute.  When Miller comes to see Sonny, he says "the ashes were at the footbridge and you loaned me $40" (clues in the note)-- Ava's setting you up. Sonny says well, I have to go find out for myself.  Then Miller is all "this isn't me, so who is it" TOMORROW'S PREVIEWS: Sonny takes MILLER to the damn bridge with him-- and Burton is hiding in the bushes! Grrrrr!!! 

Interesting that Miller has those memories about the money and the ashes, isn't it? 

So, Roger Howarth was amazing today. He and Betsy talk about Drew. You have to watch it--it's done very well. She says that she felt she had to be with Franco more than Drew and "he could take care of himself".  Franco is terrified he pushed Drew down the stairs on purpose.  She says I'm not sure.  Franco asks where she took him. Betsy dropped him off at the "foundling hospital" -- and never looked back. Franco is torn. 

Later, in the park, Franco sees Liz-- he tells her that Other Jason is NO relation to Jason-Jason so there's no reason to tell anyone about the "twin" thing. So he lies about the whole deal. OY!!!

WOW! that was tough going because there was so much happening!! eesh!!! Sunday Surgery is going to be HUGE! 

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Typing as Fast As I Can

Griffin/Cassandra and Anna--she is like you two are so cute yada yada. Felicia comes in and is all "you two are a couple""??? She looks amazing btw. Geesh.  They lie to her too, Anna says they have to fool the whole town. Anna talks about Cass being a drug dealer? I must have missed that. I thought she was a jewel fence. 

Valentin talks to Cassandra later. He says he's really wealthy, but she wants him to work for her. She says she know he's itching to work with her.  She says he is ruthless and he can't chance.   "You are at your best when you were dancing on the edge, that's the only place you felt safe" Cass to Val

Valentin blasts Jason Miller for buying the media company.  Nina is all "keep me working here". Jason was going to ask her to stay.  This was the weak link today--just talk about Crimson. 

Oscar and Josslyn looking for his Daddy.  They are on the internet searching records. Carly wants to meet his mom. He says she works at Mercy Hospital. I still say that kid has no parents. NONE. They find someone on the net but he freaks out when Joss wants to pay to find out more. It's a dead-end. Josslyn wants to go search Oscar's apartment for clues. He hedges... 

Ava and Jason Burton. He doesn't react too much to the "Jason Morgan bought my brother's company" too much. He does want to see a photo of Jason, however. She finds a press release "here he is with my brother's daughter, Sam". Jason looks at the photo--stunned. She also says "you probably thought Jason Morgan was dead, right"?? Then SHE TELLS him how Jason "died" on the pier shot by Faison. Burton is all "FAISON"?? She said yes, he had a high tech Mission Impossible mask on!! LOL! Then she says "Helena fished him out and froze him at some clinic but he escaped and then got hit by a car". (Didn't mention SHE hit him!!) He didn't have a memory for 2 years or ID. He said, well, how did he know he was Jason Morgan? Ava says "Carly Corinthos figured it out"!! ahahahaa. 
THEN!! She tells him Carly stopped his marriage to ELIZABETH!! @@ and Sam said she loved Jason and they were soul mates.
THEN!! Jason sees a pic of Avery and says: Um, this was taken at Sonny's?? Ava tells him they have a baby together. PFFFFT. He wants her to get a message to Sonny. 
Ava goes to Sonny's house--yep!! He lets her in and is all pissy. She says better be nice to me, I have something for you. 

Franco is at his mother's-- he wants to know if Drew is really alive. She says no. He says Fine, I want to see his grave.  She's like.. um.. Ok, I lied. For all I know he's still alive.   She says he 'left them" ..."one day I was making dinner and I heard Drew screaming..he was lying at the bottom of the cellar stairs all broken and bloody". Franco asks how did he fall? Betsy said 'YOU PUSHED HIM!!' 

TOMORROW: Sonny has BURTON'S NOTE!! Burton is in the park where Jake is tomorrow!!

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Smell The Jacket

Scotty brings over Ava's check from the Art Show. He wants to know who she's Seeing--why she had a drink with someone. Oh, he's a little jealous!! Scotty's hair is just wild today..brown on top and gray on the sides LOL!! 

Franco can't find a death notice for Drew. She thinks he should tell "Jason" the truth.  He gets a call to go meet Scotty. 

OMG... So, Jason Burton is on the terrace-- and Sam is there and JASON MILLER comes in and they make out !! He's in SUCH PAIN!! OMG, then Miller starts saying a bunch of stuff Sam said to him about him being the only one she could ever trust !! And that a year ago, she told him she could be 'herself' around him like no other. 
OH boy. Oh boy.
Then, Sam talks about their wedding day!! Then they go upstairs to have Zex... and Burton leaves. 

Now, they should have been playing with Scout in that scene. Just my opinion. 
Alexis comes over later. She bitches to Sam about Parker and Krissy.  Then they tell her they bought the Derek Wells company (that was Julian's) She was kinda weird about it but says it was nice of Juilan to sell it to them. 

Jason Burton goes to the graveyard. Talks to Morgan. He says he feels lost-- and wishes he'd been there for him. Sad--good dialog. Then all of a sudden he stands up and pulls out his gun and spins around. Ava is there. I jumped lol She recognizes him from the clinic. She asked if he knew Morgan. He says yes, "how did he die"? She says it was an accident and he didn't have an easy life. She says he can stay with her.  They go to her place. She says he can use Julian's clothes lol THEN she gets a phone call and finds out Jules sold the company. and says OUT LOUD: Jason Morgan bought it!! AHAHHAA. Jason Burton is all HUH/ WHA// WHAT/?!! 

Griffin talks to Gopher about leaving the priesthood. Gopher tries to talk him out of it.  Gopher leaves. Liz finds out Griffin left the priesthood, she's not surprised. 

Monday, October 16, 2017

Can You Swim??

Let's see...OMG The little kid playing Drew is SO ADORABLE...like a little model!! He points at Franco and says "You killed me"!! And Franco woke up. 

Michael confronts Nell about her swimming ability.  She said it was really different in Maine and the water was choppy. She didn't tell the police she could swim because the police might not believe her.  I still say Nelle and Jessica Tuck should be related and Nelle helps her with jewel fencing. Would tie that miserable story together with this one. Maybe 2 would be a bit more exciting?? 

Brick comes to tell Sonny something. His phones are bugged with "high level software" Feds or Homeland Security. 

Jason is skulking around Port Charles. He gets in a fight with the goons. He takes their guns, knocks them out. Then he goes to Sonny's -looks at photos and starts tearing up. The guards talk and he runs out.  He goes to the PH. Picks the lock on the door. Sees Sam's leather jacket. Smells it. Has a flashback to a kiss. (he IS Jason -- that proves it right there). Anyway, Sam is on her way to the PH.  Jason goes to the terrace to get air because he's upset at seeing Danny's toys. Sam comes in. He looks at her through the blinds. SHOW ENDS !

Killy is sitting on the couch. I swear Jason Miller is going to wear BLUE tshirts and Jason Burton is Black! Hilarious.  They need CarSon at the Metro to tell them they bought the media company. Both Carly and Sonny are like: WTH??! LOL!! 

Awwww, Jordan and Stella worked together to help a dementia patient. OFF CAMERA but it happened!! So they are kinda being nice to each other...in a professional way. Stella goes to GH and is looking at a death certificate. She and Liz talk a bit. Franco figures out he could look for Drew's death certificate. 

William DeVry is back taping GH this week. How did Jules get out of jail? Hmmmmmmm

I am not a JaSam fan...or Stecky or Killy  or Liason but my heart is going to mile a minute for Steve and Kelly to see each other!! EEK!!! 

Politics Aside...

Ok, I've read the comments about politics on this blog and I had to come out and say some things. First of all, I said NOTHING during the election that I can remember that went either way. I learned my lesson during the Iraq war and those years when I was VERY vocal about how I was feeling.  I am trying my hardest to make this a place that's fun to escape the world from. Unfortunately, sometimes the world intrudes and we talk about it (Puerto Rico, Vegas) in (my) hopes to bring us together. 

Most of you know I did go to the Women's March on Washington, and I am a huge proponent of gay and all civil rights. I do  NOT try to push any agenda here. My comments about Jason waking up to Trump being president were meant to be humorous-- as I would be about any political reality if he had missed five years.  He could have easily have said "What?  there's a LADY in the White House"?  Or something like that.  "More Clintons? You gotta be kidding me"?? 

I do NOT want comments to be all fighting about politics but I can't control your opinions nor will I unless it gets really ugly and into nasty personal stuff.  I do believe we all want what we feel is best in the world.  Sometimes my bias creeps in. I get that-- I feel that my comments and scripting on pictures should use what's happening around us. ie: The Weinstein references. It makes it more 'real'. 

In the end, it is my blog and no matter how hard I try, I'm going to piss some people off. I get that-- I hope you continue reading but if I offend, you know what I'm going to say.  

Have a good one. 

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Sunday Surgery: Gopher It

Killy Media Empire 

Chris' name is in the credits! YEAH!!  There's hope people--- let's see  what happens for this reset.  GH was pretty good towards the end of the week for me.  I'm still feeling like there are way too many things going on and the editing is atrocious but I'm hanging in. Are you?? 

I am having pretzels and peanut butter? Why? Not sure but I loves them!

Thursday, October 12, 2017


Friday.. is not going to be a day I'm on here. I'm having minor surgery (nothing huge) and will be out all day. You know how that goes. Geesh.  I don't think I'll miss TOO much tomorrow-- but we'll see. 

California looks just horrific. So scary and so sad. It seems like the world is just so chaotic right now. I have to be thankful for everything-- 

The show is up and down for me right now. I'm enjoying parts and other parts? They so need to figure out how to trim this down so stories grab us and keep us watching. I sure as heck need the distraction!! 


HEY.. HEY... what's up? Nothin..what's up with you? Nothin. 

Anyone else getting Weinstein vibes from Dr. Bensch?? Hmmmm.. I hope not. I like JDP and it would be nice if he was fun and normal? AHAHHAA. Did I say that?? 

OMG Curtis found out from that dead guy's sister that Nelle was THEIR MOTHER'S PERSONAL ASSISTANT!  Oh SNAP!!! Welp!! And, get this, Nelle donated 50K to Morgan's Charity thing!!?? HUH?? Say Wahhhaaa?? 

Carly finds Michael and Nelle and plops down. She's like WELL, NELLE thank you for the FIFTY-Thousand dollar donation. LOL.  Michael says: I'll take it from here mom, thanks. "Did you sell the family diamond"?? 

Kiki is crying to Dr. Bensch at Perks about Morgan. God, why can't she talk to her girlfriends like Amy, Val---Krissy Molly...at the Brownstone (which I know they'll get out soon!! right? RIGHT!!?)  Dilly comes by and is all jealous. 

Griffin and Ava. This "hot" story is well.. like a Penguin. Brrrrrrrr. Oh, after blabbing the whole show, they finally kiss. Ava's gonna deliver that BOY!! WOOT They have sex and a hand held camera follows them. Lamp goes down. PANTS come off. 

Alexis goes to Sonny's. Talks about Parker and Krissy. Great dialog and then-- it lasted 2 minutes.  "I'm right, you're wrong" says Alexis LOL. Sonny thinks Kristina might learn something and thinks it's ok because she's in love. He isn't happy Parker is so old but can deal with it. 

After, Alexis goes to Kelly's where Dr. Bensch just happens to be-- he talks to her about Krissy (what is he the new Andre??_) and they go for a walk. 

So, Nelle obviously lied about being a teaching assistant. 

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Trucker Hats

OMG SO...it's MORGAN MEMORIAL DAY....boy, I know how to pick 'em don't I?? (sarcasm) 

Kiki kinda yells at Ava for being gone. Ava has a little dark spot on her cheek. Why does Kiki think she can say that Ava can't see her own kid?? Oh Laura is going to read Ava. Laura is holding up her paperwork so she can't leave yet! And..that was a nothing scene. Should have been 15 min long. UGH 

So, Ava goes to Morgan's "Memorial" at PERKS--and everyone yells at her. No one lets her see Avery (like it's their choice). Ava is leaving for Paris. Griff comes and stops her. Oh by the way-- Kiki hates Ava now (again) because of Course she Does. 

GRIFFIN...is all of a SUDDEN THIS PRIEST?? I mean, he's been a DOCTOR--not a priest all this time and some old guy (with blue hair) Comes in and says "I'm taking you home to your parish"?? HUH?? WHA?? It's GOPHER from the LOVE Boat!! ahahaa. OMG.  This makes no sense. It would have if it happened when Griffin first came on or a bit after..but?? NOW?? 

Parker got fired!!! LOL someone saw them kissing before Krissy quit. Alexis goes in there to see why Krissy quit school.  Parker is all bitchy to her. God, I wish Alexis would have decked her. Parker is going to leave town an d Kristina says she's going to go with her. (Lexi booked a prime time gig so..??) Aleix is mad.

Kevin's home. 
He proposed to Laura. Quite unromantic. 

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Sorry People but...

BEAUTY FIRST!! I have to be at the salon today during GH--so let me know if it's a good one. When will Burton land? I predict: JUST WHEN Jason Miller and Sam leave for NYC!! 

Oh and a huge shout out to California. How devastating.I found this photo on twitter this morning and it's just sad.  I tell you the longer the weather goes on this year, I'm happy to have 100+ inches of snow and that's about it. 

Monday, October 9, 2017

(More) things Jason Burton doesn't know....

Oh my gosh! So, if Jason thinks it's 2012 get this list--it's going to be pretty funny! And it's not like he  "Lost his Memory" He has NO memories!! 

He has no idea Franco is alive--and CARLY ALMOST MARRIED HIM!! and...Liz is living with him now!! 

Edward died.

AJ was really alive... 

AJ Died.  (Sonny killed him)

Robin is alive 

Morgan died. 

Sonny had a baby with Ava (whom he doesn't know)--

He wasn't told Danny was his--Sam was going to tell him and he died.

He doesn't know JAKE IS ALIVE!! 

PS. This guy was still POTUS :sobbing:

ERGO, Jason Morgan is going to need A WHOLE LOTTA Processing time for this!! 

BY THE WAY, it's 2017

IT's 2017, don't you know??? 

OOHH!! Jason Burton has no idea it's 2017! He's all: FIVE YEARS GONE?? HAHAHA. This could be good. You know I'll have fun with it.  He asks Huxley if he can see his photos and emails on his phone because he doesn't believe the date. Huxley says sure. Burton cries -- he's so upset he's missed 5 years.  Burton did a good job today. Yes he did. 

Michael doesn't think "Jason is acting like Jason" LOL!! OMG!! He's talking to Sam about it. She says he's not the Jason they knew but he should have a "new normal" with him. Oh...such anvils!! 

Later, Sam goes to the penthouse and gives Jason Miller boxes and boxes of food from Kelly's! Jason Miller says he has to go to NYC for a "surprise". He had gotten off the phone with Julian earlier. Sam says she's going to NYC with him.  I think he may be buying the garage from Julian?? Remember that place? 

CarSon is ragging on Griffin in the chapel at GH.  They are so snotty. Morgan's been dead a year. Oh man, it's going to be more of the OHHHH MOOORGAN. 

Friz is talking about Franco's art.  Then Franco spills about Andrew and the Twin Jasons. Liz says you should tell Jason. He's arguing not to. They see Sam and Miller later. Liz says "we need to tell you something" . BUT based on previews, I don't think that happens.

Nina and Nelle are just...talking about not about much. I mean, really--- it's just dumb. Michael is going to have Curtis look into Nelle's past.  Nina tells Nelle to just "be herself". Nelle calls someone mysteriously later. 

SPECULATION: (AFTER watching soaps for 90 years): Burton will go back to Port Charles and see Miller and Sam together. He'll think she's moved on from him--with a new man. Of course, not realizing she thinks it's HIM. 
Just watch. 

IDEA:  Spinelli and Curtis PI agency LOL YEP. FUN will ensue!! 

Monday Monday

  WOW, do we have a nice weather here!! Just gorgeous. All weekend was beautiful and now it's up into the 70s and maybe 80s tomorrow.  T...