Tuesday, October 24, 2017


Burton is in some house/cabin I don't recognize. Looks like all the other house/cabins in PC. Maybe a safe house?? Someone said It's where he gave Sam the compass necklace. He goes to the cabinet and gets out gun cleaning kit. Ugh. We watch him clean guns. He hears something? 

Maddox is going to meet with the goonies. Can't see Jake now until he talks about the man in the park he saw yesterday.  "He looks like my Dad used to--Before" Ut oh, Maddox is all surprised.  They talk about the guy in the park a bit. 

Ava talks to Franco and thanks him for paying for Kiki's tuition. She wants to know what he's drawing.  She wants to reopen the gallery and represent him. He says no, he's not doing commercial artwork anymore. Ava sneaks a peek at the picture Franco's drawing. She's like I know this guy. HE says "of course you do, that's Jason Morgan with his old face". She's like @@

Melle..ugh, just hanging out in ELQ. She wants to live together. She got tickets to Dear Evan Hanson in NYC. Michael has the launch party but she talks him into going with her instead. Later, Carly is all mad he's not coming. Nelle is smirking. Nelle also tells her she and Michael are living together. 

Curtis goes to see Michael and tells him Nelle was in a mental institution for almost a year!! WEE!! 

Jordan and Curtis talking about taking a vacation in January. He wants to go to Fiji and he wants to go to the Alps. They decide on the Alps. Stella texts Jordan, she needs to see her at GH asap. Has to be about the opioids, right? Told ya they'd get all working together on that. NO!! It's about undocumented people!! There's a student that got turned in by someone at the hospital when she came in for treatment and now ICE Is there to pick her up! Stella wants Jordan to help her but Jordan is all "it's a federal offense".  Jordan goes over to the ICE guy. "Can I talk to you"? She says. She tells him that the girl is really undercover for their drug investigation at PCU!! Interesting!! Stella is impressed.  Jordan ends up calling the guy's boss and talks him into believing the student is really undercover so they all off the deportation! 

Diane goes to Sonny's. He wants her to get an injunction against the FBI for tapping his phones.  Sonny finds out when Max calls that someone used the old code to the safe house SONNY GOES THERE!!! he goes in...and...(commercial...)....

OMG WATCH THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! whoot!!!! it's here!!! IT'S HERE!! 


  1. seriously?

    but it hasnt been 6 mos to a year yet.

  2. It sounds pathetic but I got teary-eyed at the end. Can hardly wait for this 'ride'.

  3. the sound you hear are the tires on my car screeching to get home and watch - and this better NOT be a tease, GH people!!!
    I think Nelle IS going to turn out wacko - etc. and she will go away - Michael and Kiki back together????????

    1. I know right Barbara!! Did I misunderstand, I thought Michael said he was going? I hope she does go wacko and we finally get our wish and she'll be gone!

  4. I must have misunderstood...I thought Curtis said she was in a mental institution for 4 years...lol

    Good show today. I was expecting Ava to run into the Russian doctor who met with Maddox. Maybe that happens tomorrow.

  5. I really hope that Sonny and Jason don't shoot each other!! I hope that Nelle turns out to be cray cray, can't stand her and her brother/sister romance with Michael.

  6. Sonya, where are you? Are you OK?

  7. The greatest gift that could happen to GH would be for Jason Burton and Sonny to accidentally gun each other down. Both die. Jason Miller is left to rethink his "life" and becomes the Q type-businessman he played so well on Y & R and moves into the Q mansion for showdowns with Ned, etc.

    1. I'm totally on board with that as long as Franco gets an important gig at ELQ.

  8. ELQ offices/Michael's office:


    Janey: Oh you know, it's fine don't worry about it. I know this party is important to you. I am sure I can sell the tickets.

    Michael: The party is going to be packed, I'm only going to get a few minutes with Jason. I'll hire a driver. We will go to the city, and we will watch the play.

    Janey's thoughts: YESSSSSSSSSSSSS! SUCKER!

    Curtis and Michael: Oh!!!! Janey went to a mental institution!!! DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN! Was this before or after she killed her sweetie pie Zack?

    Carson home:

    Sonny and Diane: Oh love that Diane is part of this storyline too! Love her reaction when Diane finds out Max called Sonny hahahahaha. We need a wedding!! :) Come on Max, propose to Diane!!! :)

    Carson: Great scene with them talking about the past that Carly didn't know about.

    Carly: Oh boo hoo. Jason isn't the same anymore. I miss him! Boo hoo.

    Sonny wins the line of the day.

    Sonny: Troy doesn't have a gift for description.

    ROFL! Oh that's too bad. Where is Brick? :)

    The hospital:

    BobTodd and Ava: Stealing the Jason picture eh Ava? What are you going to do with it? Show the guy? You don't even know where he is!!!

    Stella and Jordan: Ohhhh interesting storyline!!!!

    Jordan and the agent: LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO JORDAN!!!!! :) Now I hope Stella and Jordan bonded over this. :)

    Maddox's office: WOW!!! Maddox is a bad guy! I KNEW IT!!! Remember I didn't trust him when he first came on the scene? I was so suspicious of him!!!! I WAS RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAAHHAHAHAHA!

    Liz, Jake, and Maddox: Oh oh Jakey. Big mistake telling Maddox about the guy who had your old face.

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Janey and Carly: I love that Janey is lying to Carly! BAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Safehouse: At first I thought it was Alexis's home from the outside, then I was thinking oh it's the Q cabin, the one that Melle was in.. Wrong! A safehouse?!!?! HUH?!?!?! I wasn't sure what the hell Patient 6 was doing at first. Oh cleaning the gun. Oh sure. You have to clean the gun. Otherwise it's gonna be all smelly and stinky. Man when Sonny showed up, the camera work was nausea worthy.

    Patient 6 and Sonny:

    Patient 6: Sonny!


  9. "AntJoan said...Sonya, where are you? Are you OK?"

    Oh yes I am fine. I just have been a day behind lately. :)

  10. Things I ponder:

    1. What is the salary of the Port Chuck Police Commissioner? She and Curtis are talking about vacations to Fiji and skiing in the Alps. Dayum, the PC Police Department must pay well!

    2. Why is Franco paying for Kiki's "accelerated" (bwahahahahaha!) med school? Ava certainly lives like she could pay for it easily.

    3. These phone taps are, according to IT expert Brick, very sophisticated and likely done by some high powered organization like the feds. Yet, everyone who has had their phone tapped complains of static and KNOWS there is something wrong with their phone.


  11. Michelle Latta said...

    No I think Curtis said a yr Liam.

    ** Yep, that's what he said. Which again brings up the question of why Felicia never found ANYTHING in her background like that? Which I have a VERY hard time believing.


  12. sonya said...

    Carson home:

    Sonny and Diane: Oh love that Diane is part of this storyline too! Love her reaction when Diane finds out Max called Sonny hahahahaha. We need a wedding!! :) Come on Max, propose to Diane!!! :)

    ** I'm actually kinda surprised that's never even come up before, now that I think about it.

    Safehouse: At first I thought it was Alexis's home from the outside, then I was thinking oh it's the Q cabin, the one that Melle was in.. Wrong! A safehouse?!!?! HUH?!?!?! I wasn't sure what the hell Patient 6 was doing at first. Oh cleaning the gun. Oh sure. You have to clean the gun. Otherwise it's gonna be all smelly and stinky. Man when Sonny showed up, the camera work was nausea worthy

    ** I know. Nearly all of the outside doors/entrances are nearly identical anymore. (Except for the VERY obvious ones) It's getting harder to tell them apart. Hell, up until recently, I forgot entirely there was even an outside door/balcony on Jason and Sam's penthouse, when SB was trying to keep hidden and look at what BM and Sam were doing the other day.


  13. I think Franco is just as insane as ever. What do his drawings of Jason B have to do with anything? He previously had interaction with him. I wouldn't mind seeing either Jasons back with Liz and to get rid of that nutcase once and for all. And he can take nutty Nelle with him.

    1. Your putting Franco in the Nelle category, seriously? If you go Twitter look up #Friz. Roger and Rebecca are pretty hot right now. Don't think that's happening

    2. As a liaison fan and a Jake Doe fan or whatever they called now Andrew when he first came back, I too love my Friz. Couldn't agree more JSL

  14. I am so with you there, Linda V.

  15. To me, Franco is far worse than Nelle. They have tried to make him somewhat normal but now they are reverting back. His actions are not those of a normal person. I think he has more going on than removal of a brain tumor can explain. Maybe he is responsible for the disappearance of Aiden and the other brother whose name I can't even remember, LOL.

  16. LSV422 said...Maybe he is responsible for the disappearance of Aiden and the other brother whose name I can't even remember, LOL.

    *** PMSL. I am totally agreeing again. I get that people like Roger, especially fans of Todd, but his little reversions to comic behavior don't make me swoon. If a guy who acted like him was dating my best friend I would be really worried. If they want to keep the actor let him go dark and break up with Liz. But having a mother who HAD 3 kids taking up with him makes me a little nauseous. (tumor notwithstanding) He still acts weird, and the actor hamming up these weird moments and adding all the creepy looks isn't helping.

    P.S. And Rebecca has great chemistry with everyone.

  17. I agree of course, Di. What really did it for me was the locking the guy in the dog crate and subsequent weird actions. By the way I remembered Cameron is the brother!

  18. JSL said...

    Your putting Franco in the Nelle category, seriously? If you go Twitter look up #Friz. Roger and Rebecca are pretty hot right now. Don't think that's happening

    Michelle Latta said...

    As a liaison fan and a Jake Doe fan or whatever they called now Andrew when he first came back, I too love my Friz. Couldn't agree more JSL

    ** I'm in agreement with ALL of it, except I've never been a Liason fan. (Which is probably not too surprising)


  19. That safehouse is the same house Jax used to live in - I remember it vividly because it's the house he and Skye were living in when they got married - and on their wedding night, Brenda came back from the dead and she ran up to him on the porch. How Skye ever forgave him for that, I have no idea.

    How it came to be owned by Sonny, I don't know.

  20. Billikers said...

    How it came to be owned by Sonny, I don't know.

    ** I just chalk it up to being another recycled set, due to the budget being so small anymore. But, since it had been several years at least since it last got this much use, they were just primarily banking on (and pretty much rightly so, really) the majority of viewers not remembering or making that connection.




Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll:  So, Jason can ...