Michael confronts Nell about her swimming ability. She said it was really different in Maine and the water was choppy. She didn't tell the police she could swim because the police might not believe her. I still say Nelle and Jessica Tuck should be related and Nelle helps her with jewel fencing. Would tie that miserable story together with this one. Maybe 2 would be a bit more exciting??
Brick comes to tell Sonny something. His phones are bugged with "high level software" Feds or Homeland Security.
Jason is skulking around Port Charles. He gets in a fight with the goons. He takes their guns, knocks them out. Then he goes to Sonny's -looks at photos and starts tearing up. The guards talk and he runs out. He goes to the PH. Picks the lock on the door. Sees Sam's leather jacket. Smells it. Has a flashback to a kiss. (he IS Jason -- that proves it right there). Anyway, Sam is on her way to the PH. Jason goes to the terrace to get air because he's upset at seeing Danny's toys. Sam comes in. He looks at her through the blinds. SHOW ENDS !
Killy is sitting on the couch. I swear Jason Miller is going to wear BLUE tshirts and Jason Burton is Black! Hilarious. They need CarSon at the Metro to tell them they bought the media company. Both Carly and Sonny are like: WTH??! LOL!!
Awwww, Jordan and Stella worked together to help a dementia patient. OFF CAMERA but it happened!! So they are kinda being nice to each other...in a professional way. Stella goes to GH and is looking at a death certificate. She and Liz talk a bit. Franco figures out he could look for Drew's death certificate.
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William DeVry is back taping GH this week. How did Jules get out of jail? Hmmmmmmm |
I am not a JaSam fan...or Stecky or Killy or Liason but my heart is going to mile a minute for Steve and Kelly to see each other!! EEK!!!
LOL Karen.. Stecky!
ReplyDeletecurious who they pair steve burton with. billy miller will be the one who gives sam the life she wants.
ReplyDeleteI just saw Friday's show. There was big build up and seeming certainty and then....FLAT....Why is Griffin tormenting Ava? He really needs to stop. He's ruining himself. Be a man Griffin! His angst within needs to be figured out while leaving Ava out of it. I was leaning towards accepting them as a couple but now, forget about it. Ava needs someone a heck of a lot stronger. Yes he was a priest for years (although he is pretty young and has now slept with two women since so not sure why he still struggling with how devout he is). He is no longer devout in that sense. The wishy washy "woe is me" Griffin is not attractive. At all. I cannot wait to see more sparks fly with Jason and Ava. It's coming.
ReplyDeleteNelle...why must she be in GH Land? "Ok I will be perfect" she said Friday, or something close to that, to Valentine. This girl has many secrets and issues. Please don't get pregnant, PLEASE. I don't know if she had something to do with her ex-fiance's death or if it was Sharon or someone else, but it's not interesting the way it's plugging along. I'm glad Michael hired Curtis and I'm glad he told Nelle he hired Curtis. Now Curtis needs his own big storyline. Now Nelle is going to blackmail Valentine? Is she (the assistant again) going to drug/sleep with boss #2's husband again? Problem is, she's not even a villainess type character. She's just annoying. I was hoping Curtis would find out something bigger than he did.
The Jason reveal is coming along quicker than I thought it would. It's not agonizingly slow. That's a plus.
yes witch, i agree with you re: billy miller being the one to give sam the life she wants. Part of me wonders though, steve burton as jason, would he be able to give up the mob and do something completely different for Sam, the love of his life? I just had a thought...how would Jason (steve burton) ever deal with juggling girlfriend Ava and best friend Carly. That might/could/would be something to watch. Here's hoping (at the moment) it will happen.
ReplyDeleteKT4GH ..I thought that he wouldn't be able to give up the life but given that he's been given a 2nd chance at life he just might, for Sam. Although she certainly had no problem having her man in the mob. Then again, having 2 children she may have just changed her mind. Guess we'll find out.
DeleteI was wondering if Val is suppose to be so evil then why wouldn't he just get rid of annoying Nelle? Its not like she is anyone he would easdte his time with.
ReplyDeleteI don't trust that girl as far as I can throw her. The look on Nelle's face when Michael was on the ph with Curtis says it all....
ReplyDeleteI hope hope hope they pair Burton with Ava if only to irritate Carson every day, I like Sam with Miller even though I'm not a Paint and Wall fan whatsoever lol
ReplyDeleteBea I love that idea, also because I did see some chemistry. But yeh it'll totally just rub at Sonny and that makes me so giddy!! I love Miller and while not a Sam fan I can see him with her and even Liz. I loved their chemistry but she's with Franco and I love them together. So many options.
DeleteBoring storyline! What a snooze.
Which one Anon?
DeleteI think Paint and Wall are about to get a lot more interesting. Here's hoping!
DeleteThe Jasons one. Lord knows it's been done to death on daytime. I had hoped they'd come up with something else.
I find it kinda interesting, that in both the cast credits and on the CC SB is still called "Patient 6"
I didn't even know the "Patient 6" thing!! LOL that's kind of funny.
ReplyDeleteI say good acting yesterday, good dialog and Burton is saying a LOT without saying a thing
Couldn't agree more Karen!! For me at least, not wanting him back says alot after yesterday's show. Hopefully the writing stays this good!
DeleteBus terminal: The incredible hulk aka Hulk Hogan is at it again!!! I have been meaning to mention that ever since he took off his mask, it looked like he has lipstick on.
ReplyDeleteFriz home: Bad bad dream!!! Bad little boy Andrew!! You are naughty little Andrew in white.. Go in the corner and think about what you did!!
Melle: Janelle wins the line of the day!
Janelle: Do you have any idea how different racing in a swimming pool is than being in a freezing choppy waters off of Maine?
What?!?!! SERIOUSLY?!?!?! BAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA! I can't believe you bought that lame excuse Michael!!!! She didn't even try to say that her swimming was before her stolen kidney and now she can't anymore..
Michael: I'm calling him off.
*Janelle hugs Michael and walks away.*
Janelle's thoughts: SUCKER!!!!
Metrocourt restaurant:
Carson and Paint and Wall table: Oh yes Carson Paint and Wall bought the media company and are going to call it Paint and Wall Media, and they are going to bore people to death!
Sam: Oh shoot I forgot to sign my son's field trip consent form! I gotta go now and it can't wait because his school is going on a field trip tonight and won't be back until midnight.
Stella, woman, Jurtis: Great scene! I am glad Stella is still here and working at the hospital to help people!!! Stella snubs Jordan ROFL!
The hospital:
Friz and Stella: Oh Liz you can't trick Stella hahahahahaha. She knows you two are a couple hahahahahaha!
Carson home: Man Jason Burton is a fantastic actor!!! Come on Jason! Let Sam see you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When Jason showed up, I thought Carson was having sex upstairs.. Oh and before, when Carson was there,she and Brick were flirting again hahahaha.
I absolutely hate Nelle and the pairing with Michael is just bad. I am truly surprised to be enjoying seeing Jason B. Was never a fan but I like seeing a familiar face return and with all the other nonsense going on this is the only part that seems of interest. And SB is playing the part well.
kdmask said...
ReplyDeleteI didn't even know the "Patient 6" thing!! LOL that's kind of funny.
** Yeah. Which kind of got me thinking something, even after what went on today, (Tues). We're all just assuming that SB IS Jason, because that's who he thinks he is, and with the 5 year time gap, and such. Just because he THINKS he is, and looks like him, (And a LOT of fans WANT him to be) that doesn't mean a thing. We've been down this road (and others simiilar) many times in the past. The fact that there is no actual solid evidence/fact to prove he IS Jason, or not once has ever been called Jason by the clinic people, I'm beginning to think that maybe he isn't. K
"K says Yeah. Which kind of got me thinking something, even after what went on today, (Tues). We're all just assuming that SB IS Jason, because that's who he thinks he is, and with the 5 year time gap, and such. Just because he THINKS he is, and looks like him, (And a LOT of fans WANT him to be) that doesn't mean a thing. We've been down this road (and others simiilar) many times in the past. The fact that there is no actual solid evidence/fact to prove he IS Jason, or not once has ever been called Jason by the clinic people, I'm beginning to think that maybe he isn't."
ReplyDeleteGood point, but then who the hell is he!? :)
sonya said...
ReplyDeleteGood point, but then who the hell is he!? :)
** The current theory I'm leaning towards is that we've just got them backwards. The ONLY -people who have given us any info on their existence AT ALL have been Heather and Betsy. That should send up HUGE glaring red flags, just itself. And like I've said before..A LOT of people who have want wanted SB back, when it was announced that he would be coming back, were absolutely certain that he'll be playing Jason, because that's just the way it will be. I've seen/read it happen again and again all over. And the way things have been unfolding on screen lately, I could definitely see it being swapped around; Both Helena and Faison had the ability to `reprogram' people
"K says The current theory I'm leaning towards is that we've just got them backwards. The ONLY -people who have given us any info on their existence AT ALL have been Heather and Betsy. That should send up HUGE glaring red flags, just itself. And like I've said before..A LOT of people who have want wanted SB back, when it was announced that he would be coming back, were absolutely certain that he'll be playing Jason, because that's just the way it will be. I've seen/read it happen again and again all over. And the way things have been unfolding on screen lately, I could definitely see it being swapped around; Both Helena and Faison had the ability to `reprogram' people"
ReplyDeleteYeah very good point!!! Maybe I should just call Steve Burton's character, patient 6. :)
sonya said...
ReplyDeleteYeah very good point!!! Maybe I should just call Steve Burton's character, patient 6. :)
** Well, that is what he's listed as in the credits, and when using CCs. Until we get , t somessolid VERIFIED information, that's probably the most logical/reasonable course of action with how things stand currently. Since that's what the show is calling him.
"K says Well, that is what he's listed as in the credits, and when using CCs. Until we get , t somessolid VERIFIED information, that's probably the most logical/reasonable course of action with how things stand currently. Since that's what the show is calling him."
ReplyDeleteReally? He is listed in the credits as Patient 6? I wonder when we are going to find out who he REALLY is.. Maybe November sweeps.
sonya said...
ReplyDeleteReally? He is listed in the credits as Patient 6? I wonder when we are going to find out who he REALLY is.. Maybe November sweeps.
** Yep! Since coming back, that is the ONLY way the show has identified him, on all forms. The credits have listed him that way since they added him at the end. That's the name that's used when Closed Captions are turned on to identify who is on screen. I.E. since his return SB has not even once actually identified as/called "Jason" from any source/outlet ABC has control over. The ONLY times he has have only been by the audience/viewers/etc... The way ABC/GH has handled this/let it all play out has come across as very deliberate and planned. Referring to him/ONLY referring to him as "Patient 6" is what really got me to take a "deeper look" into the whole thing.