Friday, October 6, 2017

British Boy on a Boat

The hugest thing today is that Brucas couldn't be at Bobbie's lunch (For which I was pissed off)-- BUT Valerie said she saw adoption pamphlets in their APARTMENT!! whoeeeee!!! It happened of camera but if we get them adopting a kid, I will be over the MOOOOON!! 

Killy had sex... BTW, nothing about that coma story was REMOTELY TRUE TO LIFE. I know, I've seen it up close. Many cases.not even close. 
Of course, none of the kids are there. lol 

So.. HUXLEY LYNCH is on the boat with Jason. Who's HUXLEY LYNCH? Well, he's the GUY that Ava and Nikolas saw in London about the WEEPING NYIAD. Remember that?? WELL, it was a year  and  1/2 ago and no one cares. PERIOD. He talks to Jason Burton on the boat... tell him about Brexit, asks him if he's been under a rock lately. Jason BLINKS...STARES...BLINKS LMAO OH Jason Burton, how I've missed those blink-stares (not really). 

Nina,Val and Lante fought about where Charlotte is GOING TO HAVE THE HOLIDAYS. Yes, already. WE are going to hear this for MONTHS!!!!!! 

Ava's face is basically cured. Because you know, Soap Opera. Valentin goes in to see her.  She says since she was thrown out of the clinic before her last treatment, she might testify after all. 

Ooosh, slow day. I'm still mad we didn't get to see Bobbie's ceremony at the hospital. Monica would have been there. And we could have had Brucas announcing the baby adoption too..but you know, GH.  Keeping that budget down. We got about 4 min of airtime with "everyone' at the table then they all broke up into pairs. 

I have to go! Sorry--- hope you enjoyed today's show. Yesterday was so SO much better, imo. 



  1. kdmask said...BTW, nothing about that coma story was REMOTELY TRUE TO LIFE.

    *** And saying his kids were at someone else's house was so unrealistic. When my hubby came back from hospital after his brain surgery, no way would the boys have stayed at someone else's house.

    And Ava's pity party with that small scar made me lose sympathy for her. She can style her hair similar to Carly's so that most of the jaw is covered.

    kd said...'m still mad we didn't get to see Bobbie's ceremony at the hospital. Monica would have been there. And we could have had Brucas announcing the baby adoption too..but you know, GH. Keeping that budget down. We got about 4 min of airtime with "everyone' at the table then they all broke up into pairs.

    ***I agree 100%. And they could have NOT interspersed it with Sam and mumbles or Nell and Michael rehasing everything again.

  2. I'm surprised noone has mentioned the lack of injury much less a scar on JasonMiller....or DrewMiller, whatever we are calling him.

  3. How about the fact that no one spoke Russian at the hospital, or on the plane when the delay was announced? I agree it was ridiculous that the kids weren’t home. I still enjoy watching Maura and I don’t mind Ava and Griffin. Sorry but who cares about Noah, who is on so infrequently. I just got caught up and I really like Anna and Finn, but how about giving them a compelling storyline? What a waste of two good actors. Yeah, Jason/Drew and Sonny should be covered in scars.

    1. I have had a total brain fart, who's Noah? Than again with a bloated cast it's easy to forget. 😄😛🤣😉

    2. Noah is Patricks father but I believe Anna was talking about robins baby who is named Noah Robert.

    3. Oh baby Noah. Thanks. I care, cause I'm sure when Robin visits she'll bring him along with Emma. But then again that's just me....

  4. Karen, thank you VERY much for bringing up the coma issue. What's been on screen is so far off of reality. Having been in one for EXACTLY the same ammount of time that whatever the name is of BM's character was in, so I am a bit more sensitive about this type of thing, probably.

    That said, you CANNOT consciously hear, understand (and repeat back verbatim) what someone standing next to your bed says. At the MOST some sounds going on around you might unconciously make it's way into what ever you are dreaming of at the time. But, just like when that happens when one is dreaming while sleeping normally at night, what it shows up as in your dream is different than what made the sound actually.

    The other big problem is how BM just woke up a few days ago, and is now back home, and is physically back to "normal". After I woke up, I still had to stay in the hospital for another month for PT and what not. I literally had to learn how to walk again, among other things.

    I'll stop now. But, I did want to thank you again Karen for bringing that up. As that sort of stuff is NEVER called out.


    1. I was in the hospital about 10 yrs ago so they could see if I were epileptic, I had electrodes all over my head. Every time I had a seizure the nurses came in to ck on me, etc. Just in that short week I was weak from not walking and of course being a pt had to be wheeled out like any other and take it easy.
      Also after being hit head on by a drunk driver 20 yrs ago I underwent physical therapy. I didn't just get up and go like Jason so I see what you're saying.

  5. Michelle Latta said...

    I have had a total brain fart, who's Noah? Than again with a bloated cast it's easy to forget.

    ** Noah Drake, played by Rick Springfield, and father to Patrick.


  6. I understand they can't be TOTALLY exact on medical stuff but the coma things get to me. I worked with coma patients. People expect them to wake up and be themselves RIGHT AWAY. I do wish they'd have at LEAST mentioned some kind of rehab. Hell, laying in a hospital bed that long at least requires some PT!

  7. Crimson:

    Melle: Michael!!!! You two already had this discussion! SHE IS NOT GOING!!!!! GAH! How many times does she have to say it?

    Janey: Oh your family hates me. I am not going. Whine whine whine whine. Boo hoo boo hoo. *cry cry cry*

    Janey's thoughts: Oh I can't do the same plan that I did with my fiance!!! People will be suspicious! I have to think of a new plan.

    Janey: Michael! You have to go to the party! Go go go go!

    Janey and Nina:

    Janey: Whine whine whine whine whine whine.. Whine whine.

    Bobbie's table: Awww congrats Bobbie!!!! :) Too bad there are not a lot of people at the brunch.. WAIT WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!!?! Val was at Brucas's home for dinner?!!?!?! We didn't get to see it!!!! WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT BRUCUS IS GOING TO ADOPT A BABY?!!?!?!?! :0 DAMN I WANTED TO SEE THAT DINNER SCENE!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! Oh hi Janelle.. Nope Bobbie can't fake it! ROFL!

    Paint and Wall's home:

    Paint and Wall aka Sand: Blah blah blah. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    The hospital:

    Grava: KISS ALREADY! The little of her face that I see, doesn't look bad at all.

    Ava's room: Oh look! Her face is so much better!!! I am sure a doctor in Port Chuckles can fix the rest of her face.

    Ava and V.C.: Ava don't mess with V.C. and V.C. don't mess with Ava!!! Oh here comes Griffy to save his lady! :)

    Wyndemere: Who is having little Charlie for Thanksgiving? For Christmas? For new years? For Valentines day? For Father's day?!!? Oh and by the way, your mom stuck a gun to my face.

    The boat: Oh wow Huxley. Been awhile. Huxley meet Blinky Stare.. Blinky Stare, meet Huxley. Huxley wins the line of the day.

    Huxley: Have you been living under a rock?

    BAHAHHAHHAHAHAHA! Good one ol Huxley.. Wait Jason is shocked by the year? Has he been in a coma for years?

  8. "Michelle Latta said...I'm surprised noone has mentioned the lack of injury much less a scar on JasonMiller....or DrewMiller, whatever we are calling him."

    I'm calling him Drew, :) and there was a scar on his chest! :)

  9. Oops, I meant Oscar’s father.

  10. My wife keeps reminding me that it is a "Soap Opera" . People can move at warp speed. They can recover from deadly sicknesses overnight. They can dodge murder charges easily. They can gain 5 years of age overnight and your Mom can be only 10 years older than you. Franco's short hair makes him watchable again. I like Drew better than Jason. Parker seems like a perv - Kristina seems too young. Ava looks good again. Man Landers has gone on too long. Carly is a bitch. That's all for now - my 1st time commenting.

    1. My mom has said the same, it's only a soap. First time I heard that was when Luke died. I like Drew better too. Ava is growing on me, because of Nik, Jason and what's his name....Griffin. sick of Man Landers but love Nathan. Parker needs to go away.

  11. Michelle Latta said...

    Oh baby Noah. Thanks. I care, cause I'm sure when Robin visits she'll bring him along with Emma. But then again that's just me...

    ** That'a cool. I'm a HUGE Rick Springfield fan.


  12. Michelle Latta said...

    I was in the hospital about 10 yrs ago so they could see if I were epileptic, I had electrodes all over my head. Every time I had a seizure the nurses came in to ck on me, etc. Just in that short week I was weak from not walking and of course being a pt had to be wheeled out like any other and take it easy.
    Also after being hit head on by a drunk driver 20 yrs ago I underwent physical therapy. I didn't just get up and go like Jason so I see what you're saying.

    ** Yeah. Even when I went through PT to essentially learn to move and walk again, it was all entirely in-patient. And from the time I "woke up" until after I had gone through just the standard hospital care and PT to the point that I was at least capable enough to be able to be released and be sent home, was another entire month. And even after that, I had to have a therapist come to where I live about every other day also to check on me. I know my genetic degenerative neuromuscular condition didn't make things much easier. I was still even slower moving (than usual for me) for another good several months after that.


  13. Michelle Latta said...

    I'm surprised noone has mentioned the lack of injury much less a scar on JasonMiller....or DrewMiller, whatever we are calling him."

    ** Mainly because compared to everything else with him, a lack of a scar is pretty mild.

    Also, until we get solid confirmation as who is who, I'm just going with the actor's first an d last names initials. Because that's about the ONLY part of this mess that's certain, at this point.


  14. kdmask said...

    I understand they can't be TOTALLY exact on medical stuff but the coma things get to me. I worked with coma patients. People expect them to wake up and be themselves RIGHT AWAY. I do wish they'd have at LEAST mentioned some kind of rehab. Hell, laying in a hospital bed that long at least requires some PT!

    ** Yeah, not to mention the other somewhat "odd" "side effects" from it I've had. Stuff that isn't a really huge debilitating issue, but definitely does have a baring on my day to day life. (Stuff that I've talked with others who've gone through the experience and knew that I was talking about. ) One of the biggest being that I have little to no short term memory or recall anymore.) The knowledge is still there, but if I don't say something when I'm thinking about it it takes me awhile. This isn't with stuff from decades ago. Just from the immediate past. My skin is now VERY sensitive when it comes to some clothing. I can't wear denim at all anymore, it itches/rubs very badly. The ONLY type of socks I can wear anymore have to be VERY soft and fluffy, for instance. The one other really frustrating effect is that I now have absolutely zero tolerance for hot(spicy) foods of ANY kind. Even if something only has a very little bit of spicyness to it, it feels like my mouth is on fire. (And this is coming from someone who would put habanero powder in her homemade teritaki sauce.) Sure, while none of this is detrimental to life, it still does effect things.

    Thanks again Karen, I do appreciate you brining it up, because noone ever calls out this sort of stuff. But, if one has been through it, it definitely makes a HUGE impact on their lives going forwards.


  15. Michelle Latta said...

    I like Drew better too.

    ** A HUGE reason (at least for me) is that he actually ACTS like a mature adult. And knows that his family comes first and foremost for him, in EVERY way possible.

    Ava is growing on me, because of Nik, Jason and what's his name....Griffin.

    ** I LOVED Maura West on ATWT as Carly. But was never a huge fan of Ava. But, I agree with you , she's starting to grow on me, too. Which, just like with BM, Ava is actually now starting to mature as a person. Instead of how in the past, when she cared about herself the most, hands down. She's now starting to learn/realize there are other people out there that are a LOT worse off than she is.



Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...