Friday, November 30, 2012

Look what Trended on TWITTER TODAY!

And I missed it!! DAMN! LMAO

Real Life General Hospital? Um. NO

ABC is supposedly shooting a "Real Life GH" for daytime next year according to the New York Post. 

ABC is developing a real-life version of “General Hospital” — with actual doctors and nurses filmed at an LA hospital — as a daytime show for next year.
The show quietly began taping recently at the famed UCLA Medical Center, a spokesman for ABC confirmed.
The show is in its “earliest, pilot stages,” said the official and is intended “either for syndication or maybe cable.”
The show, according to sources, will follow the private as well as working lives of white coats at the hospital. 

This better not be any BS to try to replace our show. ABC should know better after it's other disasters. LEAVE THE SOAPS ALONE!!

Mr. Bo in the White House

This is too darling NOT TO SHARE!!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Gus' doggie tshirt made out of gauze!!

 Hey..Gus is doing well...he was up all frisky all NIGHT thank you, but now is sleeping. (Firgures)!! Thanks for the wishes. It  will take 10 days to get the results.

Molly is cutting school because of her novel. LOL..oh MOLLLLY. You'll never get into Vasser now! TJ and Molly...zzzzzzzzzzz

Lante toast Maxie to be the surrogate. I still say she's  not going to be able to do it. 

Tea and Blair. Awwww, Tea gives Blair a nice keepsake box from her family heirlooms. I am trying to figure out the Tomas/Alkazar face. Maybe Tomas pretended to be Alkazar. Any way, Tea will be surprised!  Todd looked glowing when he realized that  Lorenzo could be Tomas. Skye and Carly are just dumb struck by it all.
They are flying to Llanview! Poor Blair ...poor Tea.

OMG OH MY GOD Listen to Ellie today. That girl NEEDS BREATHING THERAPY and Voice Therapy and Good Gravy. :/ Screeeeeeeeeeetch. Nice scenes with her and Spin though "I feel like me, you make me happy Ellie"...then they had sex.

Connie is going to read Molly's book LOL

"Tomas could be Lorenzo...or Lorenzo could be Tomas"... hee hee "Who cares he's a big fat liar pants' says Todd!!


Up and coming scenes with Val and Alexis!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Aw, so close... She done GOOD folks!!Love this photo Nancy tweeted.

AJ still doing stupid stuff LOL.  Drawing on Tracy's photo heehee

HEY! Skye mentions Llanview and Pine Valley and the fact that Stuart is having an art show. :)  She and  Carly start yelling then rolling on the floor. They both saw Blair's photo with Tomas and went "Lorenzo"?? "Alkazar"??  
He was an identical twin--Remember Luis?

Lante and their  Surrogacy story. Hmmmm. 

Connie tied up with no toilet. Just like  LUKE. I don't like this story at all. It's just stupid.  Sonny should be arrested for doing that. Now he's  crying...

MOLLY and TODD were priceless. She didn't utter a word!! He's so mad she's marrying Tomas--or Alkazar.

Ellie's voice is JUST driving me  insane. She knows know that they were "not married".

Gus is having an operation on a growth today-- I am waiting for the call. We are hoping it's benign. 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Good LUCK Kelly and Val!

Tuesday's Show

I came in when Anna ran into Mac in the hall....and saw CESAR FAISON's file!
I see Blair too... in her pink boobie sweater!

Robert and Non-Duke..!!! with a shaky cam!! And thank you for having MAC help him  out. Squeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Maxie and Lulu-- oy. I bet boots someone else will end up doing this, not Maxie. 

I LOVE NED! Loved he and Tracy eating the Pickle-Lila. I think he gave the jar to her because Lila made  it when they were broke--and Tracy can make her own way!!

SKYE and Johnny --ahhh.... the bedpost tie up! 


Monday, November 26, 2012

GO Kelly!

The Reading of the Will

So happy Alice was in a nice dress today!! She looked awesome...poor Tracy. wah,  and how much does she and Diane look alike with their respective hair do's?!!
Grandchildren: and AJ isn't in there. LOL--  12% of ELQ, which is 60% of the company..and  Tracy is left with 40%.  No, wait..NOW it's 10% LMAO whoops. She's getting less and less. Monica gets 5% then ALICE gets the last 5%!! Tracy gets ZIPPO. 

Oh no....he left all his money and goods to HABITAT for Humanity and PBS!! ahhaa. 
Tracy gets a jar of Picalila!! Oh wow..perfect touch. Nice.

ONE Mistake today: no way would Edward be eulogized in the Catholic Church. He was Episcopalian. Called Catholicism "voo doo" once. 

Molly is writing a novel..wait Starr can SET IT TO MUSIC and. Oh. Wait. That was Langston.
Trey and Xtina. BYE BYE... Xtina can go back to college now. 

How adorable is Danny??!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!  Ellie gave me a worse headache than I already had today. She just  drove me nuts. Her voice is horrible too-- a notch worse than Maxie's.

Maxie offered her uterus btw-- I think she won't be able to because of her heart though.  

I got in at 2:25 so Sorry I missed the first half of the show..anything good happen?? 

New Scoops for GH

OH Yes, new scoops: Will Alexis and Shawn 
Blair and Skye compare notes
Edward's will is comin'! 

It's can always order from Amazon through my portal!! thanks!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Sunday Surgery: Semper ad Meliora

"Always Towards Better Things"

Well, let's get this glowing blog over with!! You know I loved GH this week! Find a nice bright scrub outfit and sip the we go-go.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

RIP Mr. Hagman

You may remember him as Major Nelson-- you probably remember him as JR. For me he was always the handsome, funny TONY always trying to get Roger to help him dodge Dr. Bellows. 

"I can honestly say that we've lost not just a great actor, not just a television icon, but an element of pure Americana," Eden said in her statement Friday night. "Goodbye, Larry. There was no one like you before and there will never be anyone like you again."

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thankful: For New Life at GH

You know I'll give a sparkling Sunday Surgery but for today, I want to say a big thanks to the new regime at General Hospital for giving us back our show. Yes, there's been bumps and yes, there have been characters moved over from OLTL but all in all? It's becoming the great story we once knew. 

Thank you for giving our vets a chance to shine.
Thank you for have the Q household hum with drama again. 

Thank you for giving cameos to characters that matter. Even if it's for a short time, just like in real life, people come and go and "visit". 
Thank you for making the hospital a vital part of the canvas.
Thank you for attention to detail. 
Thank you for bringing back the strong FEMALES in Port Charles. 
Thank you for working hard at balancing humor and tears, it payed off handsomely this week.
Thank you for the crazy. (Heather)
Thank you for the creepy. (Faison)

Thank you for the's so clear you love the history of this show.

OUR SOAP is back and the ratings are catching up. The shows on Tuesday and Wednesday were primetime worthy and I challenge any critic to hold it up to other dramas. 

And with that...Edward's song "We Gather Together" is playing in my head. Have a great holiday Wubbers, thank YOU for reading, commenting and supporting this site. It's always comforting to know we are all in this craziness together!! 

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

"There Will Never Be Another One Like Him"

FLASHBACK galore today! Even old old AJ ones..SK looks so young.  wow... sniff.

Skye with her daughter Lila..looking pretty old. SO GLAD they remembered her...last time Skye was on she wasn't even MENTIONED!! Robin Christopher looks DELISH!

NED!! Did you see they blurred out a face during Tracy's wedding flashback? Was that AJ?? No..that was too early. I don't get the blurry thing.  Weird..never ever seen that before. 

Olivia saw Heather when she looked at Shawn but Heather was at the counter. Eating a BLT natch LOL..she then crept to the Q's. 

Tracy in the crypt. WOW. "There were four of us and I'm the only one left"..:sobbing: 

The Q's were all squabbling all over-- yeah!! Skye catches Heather in the drawing room. They have history--!! Heather hates her because of Luke... Heather has a HUGE KNIFE on Skye. "Goodbye ALL GOBBLE GOBBLE"..and then ALICE WACKS HER with a bat. LMAO. She gets taken out in a straight jacket and Steven Larz follows. 

WONDERFUL montage of Edward..from the Nurses' Lila, with Tracy in the rose garden. Awwww ...They got pizzas from somewhere "Edward sent them"


BTW, Nancy Lee Grahn was out filming Castle when Wally was back on set so no Gatekeepers.. So sad. I guess Diane is reading the will.

Get out while you still can - Ned to Lila Rae

John Ingle Memorial Saturday

 A memorial service for high school drama teacher and General Hospital actor John Ingle will take place from 1-3 p.m. Saturday in the Kenneth L. Peters Auditorium at Beverly Hills High School.
 His students included Richard Dreyfuss, Joely Fisher, Swoosie Kurtz, David Schwimmer, Lenny Kravitz, Julie Kavner, David Schwimmer, Nicholas Cage, Laraine Newman and Jonathan Prince.

FULL INFO: Hollywood Reporter 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Our Kelly made it..and you know it HAD to be due to her soap family because the judges sure didn't do it. 
So, next Monday we'd better tune on in to cheer her on!!

GOOD Bye Edward...

Shawn was on... goodness. AND SEXIS ...woot!! Kelly's looks as charming as always. Sonny is going to have a plan for CONKATE. Involving the warehouse and a psychologist. 

CoDD was on.  Connie over heard Todd saying he'd kill AJ-- and Then Carly said it. Connie trips into the room.  Whoops.

John and  Sam... just get your vampire on. 


Edward's Room: The nurse that was in there-- and then Tracy alone with him!! EEEEEK! Jane was just so perfect.
AJ was being so kind. And Sam  came with Danny and Michael. Michael said goodbye. Then Sam told him  and Monica about the Jason factor--Danny is his!!
AJ was going on to Starr about his love for his grandfather and Tracy overheard. She told him to go see Edward.  Awwww. 

Patrick and Robert ..yes, thank you!! I love them. They even hugged. A bit of redemption for Robert skipping out on everyone after Robin died.

Alexis and McBain..he is wondering why his case is draggin on.. and that he misses his son. We also find out he's not got an income. AND what is mentioned Buchannan Enterprises!! WOOT RUMOR has it Clint's coming. 

Can't confirm yet but BIG RUMOR is that Jack Wagner is back taping soon... FRISCO?!! WHAT!!?  I don't mind short stints or cameos makes the story awesome.

Monday, November 19, 2012

BEEP BEEP! must be your HEARING AID!! ahahhaa. I am so happy to have LC back on canvas. What was GUZA THINKING??! Great stuff.

So I didn't see the show in real-time today so I got to FF thru the commercials. 

Maxie and Spinelli are the downers  now. I had to listen to Sam and Jason be the downers for how long? OY VEY. Kirsten Storms was awesome. LOVED her blazer too.

Robert gave you some NANNY History! "Faison turns up with Lavery's face" AHAHAAA... so GOOD! Just like the olden days.

"You and I are like Frodo and Samwise..except I'm a girl, and in shape and not hairy" - Maxie

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Sunday Surgery: Sympathy For The Faison

Sit right back and you'll hear a tale....
A tale of a mean ol' man
His face is nasty his hands are wicked
But with his mask he's incredibly tan...

Ok, LOL...Well, welcome to Sunday Surgery! NO NEED for scrubs today because I'm delving into one of my fave villains of all time, Caesar FAISON! Yes, I will also dish the rest of the show as well, but this week was all about the latex and Cigarillos! 

Friday, November 16, 2012

Buh-Bye Trey!

SOD says Eric Valdez  is OUT of #GH!!

Read it here: Soap Opera Digest 

Box Car Paints

Tracy to AJ: Ur not fit to run a bath, or even ELQ

Faison got his face on  in record time or what!!/?

Robert is asking Olivia about Faison's face.  She said he was smoking!! And nothing about his HAIR? Mention the hair please. 
Liz is going to draw him. LOL 

Monica says she put the HOUSE UP as collateral  to get AJ out of jail!! Oh lord. Tracy's gonna  JUMP ON THAT ONE! she can totally get it from her. She made AJ cut his monitor off!! Crafty Aunt Tracy!! 

Maxie.. geesh.. and POOR Spin..what's he's supposed to do now??! 


AJ  goes to Sam's!! 

Anna and Faison may do it!! (will he wear jammies?!)

My Barista and GH

True conversation this morning at my Starbucks:

Louie: Hey, sweetie!
Me: Hi!  I'll have my usual 
Louie: So, how's GH?
Me: Good, Robert Scorpio is back
Louie: What! shut up. As a vision?
Me: NO, he's really back
Louie: So...not a ghost? 
Me: No! He's alive..
Louie: Since when?
Me: Where you been?

Louie: Ok, so...Robin's dead right?
Me: Presumed Dead, but no, she's alive
Louie: Oh come on..hey, is Jason really dead?
Me: I think so..until Steve Burton wants back in
Louie: Good Lord..
Me: Remember Faison?
Louie: Is he the bald bad guy?
Me: No..long hair...weird accent...

Louie: did he like Felicia?
Me: yah..
Louie: Oh he's back?

Then...behind me...a lady goes:

Yeah but he has on a different face that he took off ... 

Louie: NO shit...

Snicker..OMG I can't imagine what the other people are thinking. 

Thursday, November 15, 2012

GH Director Produces Off Broadway Show!!

Director Sonia Blangiardo  , is producing My Big Gay Italian Wedding
 on off-Broadway beginning 11/3!

"Mob Wives" joins the cast!

Karen Gravano and Ramona Rizzo of the hit series "Mob Wives" on VH1 join the cast for a special performance on 11/17 and 12/1. Tickets are still available but not for long. Visit and use special code IWCAST18 for discount tickets! Don't wait...they are going fast! 

Almond Croissants

Uh, are a day late and a dollar Short there girlie!! SpinEllie already did the fun bizzzz!! Maxie is not happy, especially when he brings back an almond croissant.

So,  Luke's in the Turkish prison.LMAO "He called me collect" ! SO happy Robert's back. He'll tell Anna not to deal with Duke! Duke.  He says it's SPY 101 how Faison came back. She's lost her damn mind. 
Robert comes to see Lulu.  Lulu asks if he thinks Duke is hiding his real face! 

Olivia offers money to Lulu..Sonny offers money to Dante-- aww too sweet THEN She sees Faison for  who he is.  Which is REAL Faison..and isn't IB playing Non-Duke so much more like "Faison" now? You see his stiffness and eyes?! Great job. 

One Martini, Two Martini...

OMG YOU have to read this from Buzz FEED! Wubber ScooterBeanbag made the list!! It's about missing Soaps due to OBAMA! (He was being sarcastic...LOL)

Scorpio in the HOUSE!

Get your GET GLUE STICKER today when Robert Returns to PC!! I am
KDMASK on there if you want to follow. 


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Shot In the Head.

Our Prezzzzzzzzzzz was on so I only saw the last 1/2 hour of GH sorry. 

OMG The AJ Sonny thing. Michael is NINETEEN... OMG Michael mentions when he got shot in the head!! Oh Sonny, you have  SO MANY sins to account for.  About as much as AJ!! Shot CARLY in head... Lily blew up.. yada yada

YEAH FOR MICHAEL for staying with AJ. He's not five for godsakes. 

DIANE AND TRACY! Same hairdresser...LOL Diane is representing Monica and Alice LOL  

SpinEllie going to bed together!! Oh poor Maxie.

Stupid Nurse Betty and her CRAZY STRAW-- talking to Liz about he and Britt having sex. 
Paddy says NO to sex with Britt. I'm calling her Dr. WestPORN ahahaha.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Break Day!

I am DVRing the McDonald's used to say: You Deserve A Break Today! (meaning me)!!

I'll catch up later..hope it's a goodie! 

Monday, November 12, 2012

Do You Hear the Waters Whisper?


Get READY to....


behind that MASK!!

Told ya. And I loved the little piece of mask hanging off his neck. LOL he did need fake teeth though. 
SO you want a history on FAISON? SCORPIO FILES has it ALL. 

BTW, Faison would so work with Jerry and create the toxins, he's done it before. 

I think other stuff happened on the show today but who cares.  It was a FAISON DAY!! Taunting Robin.. ah. He says it costs a LOT to become another person, and he doesn't care if Anna loves Duke and not him-- he just wants Anna.
He took Robin so he could be the savior and return her to Anna (where did you hear that before?) :whistling: 

Time for Helena's Mind Erasing Machine.
Liz was a gossip monger WITH A KID in that room, listening to Pat's sexscapades.. god. 
THE KID throws up all over Britt!! YOU GO GIRL!

Carly calls Dante about AJ being alive...Monica slaps the hell out of her. WHOA. AJ gets arrested by Dante... 

Sam and Anna..don't care

I didn't say too much about today because you need to watch it!  NICE REVEAL at the end!!! 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Sunday Surgery: Latex Allergy

We all know ANNA doesn't have one!! Her lips would be swollen to the size of grapefruits. A mask. Seriously? I mean this was my October 18th tweet:


And then... DUKE rips off his MASK ala Mission Impossible, exposing FAISWANNN and he goes: HElllllswoooo Annas!! ahahaah

Sooooooooo there you have it. I've watched soaps for 30 years. Rumors of "villain" returns... weird acting from "Duke"-- Although a Mask? I was being fun. TO actually HAVE IT HAPPEN made me screetch in delight!! 

YOU know You don't need a mask this Sunday--just hurry on into the operating theater and get a good seat...pop open your Junior Mints and LET'S ROLL!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Under The Mask

Just a quick post to clear up some things:

Non-Duke switched the fingerprints in the FBI Data base so they'd match "Duke's"-- watch the scene. He goes for his gun while they are searching, relaxes when they match. Hacking worked.

Why didn't Non-Duke learn ROBIN's memories?
Number one: didn't think she'd try to escape, ergo he had to go to the clinic soonerr

Two: By the time he would "rescue" her she'd be so grateful she was out, she wouldn't question him
Three: He's bent on convincing Anna..not her daughter. Who he kidnapped.

I now think he will "erase her memory" with Helena's help (like she did with Lucky) or alter her memories all together. Think Men in Black Pen. Or "Inception Machine". 

I will have a full history of UNDER THE MASK next week-- just in case it's NOT Faison. Hey, could be Helena with a sex change who knows with Ron! LOL I guessed Faison from the beginning because I swear Non-Duke had his mannerisms. Cock of the head..stilted speech.. even the walk at times. Ian B must have studied tapes! 

NEW SCOOPS UP!! Read 'em and weep! November will be a sad month with Edward's passing, and will reflect the love for John Ingle!!

Friday, November 9, 2012


SO, "Duke" pretends to NOT be behind Robin's kidnapping. He's probably going to "Save" her-- righttt..GOOD PLAN!! Robin believes him!! Interesting. Weird handcuffs. 

Carly and Monica.  Monica is so trying to convince her she's crazy! GO MONICA..this dialog between the two was awesome.

AJ and Michael..and Tracy and Alice in the boathouse.  hee hee

The Trail ?? snooze. That new doctor-LOL. Sonny got up and yelled in Connie's face.

MAC DADDY is trying to talk some sense into Anna. Not happening.


Alice re: Tracy as a canoe: "I got that old dingy, all tied-up up there.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

OUT Goes Tracy!

What it looks like is that your deceased son, the one nobody mourned and nobody missed, walks amongst us again!" Tracy says to Monica. Poor AJ.  Geeze
ALICE totally head locks Tracy and makes her pass out! the BOATHOUSE with you! 

Carly tells the truth!! She  totally drugged AJ JUST because she didn't want Tony to know, NOT   because of the Q's.  Later on she hated the Q's but not first.
Todd just wants to get in Carly's pants :)

The trial: Waste of time, imo although Connie was fun. She sold it LOL 

BUT! DIANE says the REAL PERSON IS CONNIE not KATE..which we knew!! YES!!

Michael...trying to make sense of his mother's past. AHAHAHA. Oh wow, they are right ON THE MONEY with AJ and Carly's crap.

Lulu lied SO BAD on her forms!! Luke is in the Peace Corps and Laura's a psychiatrist. Okay.  The social worker totally got them, because she LOOKED IT ALL UP first. LMAO whoops. 

Sonny hangs AJ on a meathook:

This has first Ginger Michael, Tam Braun as Carly, Maurice and Billy Warlock.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Skype with Spixie To Help Aid Sandy Victims

Bid on 10 min Skype calls with Bradford Anderson and Kirsten Storms to benefit the Victims of Hurricane Sandy.
Check it out on Ebay and BID! I'm going to!! How fun, they could talk to Alberta too! LOL

Val Coming to GH

Yep, he tweeted and then NLG confirmed it....he'll be on the show for a cameo. 
Maybe the nurses' ball?? !

ABC confirms to us that Val is taping an appearance today on the daytime drama.
Val plays a boxer and he is in scenes with Maurice Benard (who plays Sonny Corinthos) and Nancy Lee Grahn (Alexis Davis) and Sean Blakemore (Shawn Butler) .
It's a bit of a role reversal for Val and Kelly Monaco, ABC tells us, as she is on hand today to serve as his acting coach. She is not in the scenes.
His episode is slated to air on Dec. 10.

Niagara FALLS...

Tracy's going with EDWARD to Niagara Falls??  ..what a strange scene. HUH

DAMN IT EMMA MOVE..SCREAM Do SOMETHING!! LOL.. God ROBIN Hang up and call someone else!!  Ugly Betty was right-- star 66.

Ellie is driving me nuts with her Maxie love. "the Three Amigos"-- oh barf.

MICHAEL WAS ON FIRE!!!!!! Carly told him the whole damn truth too. Carly just doesn't GET it.... good lord. AND-- Karma's a bitch. She did keep him from AJ!! No matter what you say. Carly did what she did to him TO KEEP TONY--she wanted TONY to be the father and AJ out of the picture. It wasn't altruistic. 

Carly crying to Todd. She always cries to someone. 

TRACY'S EYEBALLS at the end!! 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Time Shift

Ok, got in late: 2:39 so I saw Emma pretend to answer her phone ...and DUKE talking like Faison or a robot to Anna.
SO, Anna says it's the day after the Halloween party--and also has a Just Voted Sticker on. I like the idea 

Saw Robin-- not feelin' this at all  yet.  No DRAMA for me. Just falling flat. I Love Robin but it would have been better if she wasn't in a Swiss mental hospital, imo. 
Flashback of Robin at Nurses' Ball. 
ROBIN knocked her out with a chair, she's such a Scorpio.  She calls home and Paddy is interrupted by NURSE BETTY. ugh..but she talks to Emma Awww.

Lante going over their family history LMAO. heh... Just harvest your eggs, Lulu...there are enough Uteri in Port Chuck to take over!! 

I want a charm
I voted at 6:40 am today! So did my hubby and Jack came home from RIT to vote, I was shocked he got here at 7am! He was so excited. Has wanted to vote for President since he was like 7. LOL Our stickers are so plain.. I love Georgia: PEACH! We just have a flag.  

ALERT: just found out Sabrina said her cousin is JUAN?? hmmmmmmm, interesting. That's Becky's hubby IRL. 

Monday, November 5, 2012

Michael Fairman: Soap Net Q Turkey Day FUN!

GO read Michael Fairman's page about the marathon coming on Soap Net -- yippee!! 


OMG I totally called it on Twitter..AJ yells BOO in Carly's face and SHE PASSES OUT ON THE DOCKS!
Pfft, then tells SONNY she saw AJ!! Sonny doesn't believe her.  Who would? She's nuts. They go to the crypt and he says he'll have Milo and Max open it to show her. But she says no..DAMN. 

OMG, Monica and Alice were awesome. Alice talking about the couch not getting 'bed bugs'-- well, Dead Joe Jr. did that with the germs. 

Johnny and Connie are starting to get nice--you know where this is heading!! 

Tracy in her bloomers! yeah!! She's remembering AJ's mask of death. Oh I love Luke and Tracy! I bet they figure out AJ's alive. 

Duke/Anna...Tango flashbacks. Big Kiss.. 

Michael, your DEAD father is back, um, tell your MOM or the cops or SOMEONE, not Starr.  THANK YOU for calling Dante!! 

The Q Crypt!! So full, hardly any room left! 

ALAN came to visit: 
Monica...telling her he understands. AND A GREAT Monica and Alan flashbacks!! 

and....  AJ  telling him he loves him. 

great ending scene.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Sunday Surgery: The Lazarus Phenomenon

Lazarus phenomenon refers to an event in which a person spontaneously returns to life (the heart starts beating again) after resuscitation has been given up. There are also numerous literary uses of the term.
For all you gamers out there!
Oh, Children of the Wub... are you ready to scrub? With all the Sandy devastation, Sunday Surgery seems wrong but perhaps for some, it will help to know GH went on it's merry way. 
In the spirit of the Haunted Star Halloween party, get your mask on and join me!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Happy Birthday Julie!!

Mimosa time for our girlies!!! Happy day to Julie..
Follow Julie on twitter (@missjmberman) 

How You Can Help: Staten Island

I know of a soaper out on Staten Island who's in a neighborhood that's been just devastated. She's also a teacher in that area as well. I've sent a care package to the Forest Ave area aleady. This link takes you right to a CHIPIN site that you can donate money to. I realize many of you go through Red Cross, and that's great. I just happen to have this for a direct contribution to people in our soap "family". 

I am hoping to get more addresses from Wubbers that are in Hoboken and parts of LI. If YOU KNOW of anyone down there that can receive MAIL... and want to get the word out, please leave the address in the comments. (and needs/sizes etc).

Thank you so much!! 

Friday, November 2, 2012


One in spirit...One in flesh. 

"I'm All Out of Peanut Clusters"

Says Todd to Johnny LOL...while Carly struts around in her bra and tells him off!  Todd is Carly's new BFF--or NuJason. 
They didn't have sex--dang it. RH is having SO much fun on this show!! Did you see the couple having sex in the hallway? LOL!! what was that!!? 

SEXIS!! And who else thinks Connie is the REAL DEAL....Kate is the other one?? So Sonny, get it right. I for one, hope Kate is gone forever.
Alexis and Sonny's friendship is awesome. 

Trey told Starr his condoms are "TRIPLE XL" ahahaha. OMG. Please

Michael and AJ-- well. Hard to take.  Because it's not Billy-- and I'm going to have to get used to this. AJ is just telling Michael EVERYTHING! hee hee. I'm so sad SBu and SK aren't on together. Damn. 

AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH SONNY did a TABLE FLIP ala RHONJ!!! ahaha. Teresa Guidice would be proud!! 

Carly on the docks! ! BOOYA! you wearing Depends Carly?? LOL 

Today was filler but I loved it. 

GEE, Lucy COE's back

Soap Opera Digest "exclusive" says LYNN HERRING IS BACK..


Love, The Wubs Net. Chopped Liver. 

The resurrection of the Nurses' Ball prompts another fan fave return! Lynn Herring will return on December 14 as Lucy Coe, who is sought out for her expertise on the big event. Herring originated the role in 1986 and told Digestrecently that she'd "love to slip on Lucy's clothes one more time."

Jonathan Jackson Items to be Auctioned

Memorabilia from a soap opera star will be auctioned at a fundraiser Sunday in Wisner Nebraska.
Five-time Daytime Emmy Award-winning actor Jonathan Jackson played Lucky Spencer, the son of Luke and Laura, on “General Hospital.” He's now starring in the primetime drama “Nashville". 
Jackson has connections to Wisner and Beemer. His great-grandparents, Grover and Esther Sharp, were longtime Beemer residents. His aunt Janet Sharp is an employee of the Wisner Care Center and approached Jackson about donating some items for the auction.
The fundraiser, planned to benefit a chapel renovation project at the Wisner Care Center, will feature a prime rib dinner, martini bar and mystery dinner theater with live musical entertainment.
Hit the link to inquire about the items!  Wisner Care Center
a partial list includes:
 (3) autographed General Hospital episode scripts

·        (2) autographed cast pictures of the ABC show Nashville

·        Autographed vintage General Hospital T-shirts, caps, and sweatshirt
— World-Herald News Service

Will Maurice Benard Re-sign with General Hospital?

This is your offer? 
Negotiations  for another popular character seem to be coming down to the wire...which is where Steve Burton was months ago. A year ago I would have said no way is MB NOT signing. Now? I'm not so sure. 
Can GH survive without Sonny?
You know it can-- a soap is a soap is a soap.

Odds are at 60-40 for a re-sign. 

Do you want to see another Sonny filled GH run or are you done? 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Nurses' Ball Mention Today!

Love the drink in hand!

Yesterday Josslyn was CHILDREN OF THE CORN! ahahaahahaaa Cartini loves me.

Emma is JUST A She's such a good little actress!! 

Mac as Sonny and Cher-- ahaha And I loved Maxie's outfit. Mac said Robert could be a "real pain in the ass"!! 

LOVED Luke and Tracy all Amadeus--like!! Luke has on way more lipstick than Tracy!! He kinda looked like Bea Arthur. 

Stupid Nurse BETTY--- thinks Paddy called her about a DATE for the Haunted Star...duh..She's dressed like a GIANT BUNCH of grapes. Or the Fruit of the Loom guy. LOL 
Britt looked like a sleezeball as tight as hell dress nurse!! Emma doesn't like her. Nice observation. "She's Mean"...Emma also mentioned the Nurses' Ball! 

Anna finding out Patrick was dating was SUCH AN awesome scene!!!!! awwww. She cried, laughed and accepted the fact. Finola is just perfection. wow. 

Starr and Michael as vampires. No sparkles. They want to "go to the next level" 

Carly is like a cleavage farmer in that shirt. She and Todd are going to watch Horror Movies!  Then they make out like banshees! 

Susan Moore

Alice found AJ's passport!! with "Crane Tolliver" as his name LOL Monica told her he's alive. CRANE TOLLIVER was Lila's no good first hubby  he murdered Susan Moore. So, that's a bit of history for you.  It was the early '80's. 


Monday Monday

  WOW, do we have a nice weather here!! Just gorgeous. All weekend was beautiful and now it's up into the 70s and maybe 80s tomorrow.  T...