I LOVE THE Q's flowers lately!! Wonder what the floral budget is...
So...Tracy, one of the smartest ladies out there DOESN'T PUT THE KEY IN a safety deposit box.
So it goes on soaps.
Wonder who the "hair double" was for Caleb/McBain!!?? GIANT JOB right there.
An... Alison looked so gorgeous!!
Liz and AJ full on go...
Caleb is not dead, btw... he'll pop up again.
Great 'Who's Sam's father"..Alexis..PHONE RINGS!!
Hey, Heather's hair looks good after her dunk in the river. Heather was creepy good with Rafe.
OK, today is THE END OF THE MONTH--and all my paper work is due in and I will miss the SHOW AGAIN.. SORRY. I am taping it. LONG LONG Week folks!