Thursday, February 14, 2013

Audrey Back to GH!

March 26th!! Genie Francis dropped that nugget on Katie today! yeah Rachel Ames!!! You wait, I'm sure Denise Alexander will be next... 


  1. THIS IS GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to see her! :)

  2. I was really pleased when I heard that today too.

  3. For those of us who do not have that Katie show in our area, could someone sum up the Genie interview? Thanks so much!

  4. Roger's Todd Manning STAYS on GH and goes back and forth between it and OLTL!

  5. OOOOOhhh, Audrey, can't wait!!!! Now we need Leslie and Bobbie. . . .

  6. Soaplover,
    Genie made the big announcement about Rachel Ames. She looked fabulous and is just so delightful. Discussed how she had moved to Maine for her children. She is very happy to be back with all the surrounding vets returning. She mentioned that when she was nineteen Princess Di sent her a champagne gift for the "wedding" but she was underage to drink it and gave it away. Also mentioned that she graduated from GH High School because that was where she attended classes. Aside from Katie's usual inane dialogue the interview was lovely.

  7. Here's the interview, soaplover.

  8. Getting rid of Jill Farren Phelps and later, Steve Burton, is the greatest thing(s) to ever happen to this soap opera! Look at how many beloved vets have come back now that the showkiller and steroid boy are finito.

  9. Lets not forget getting rid if Guza and Frons! The show is leaps and bounds better. It's looking like the "old" GH that we all loved.

  10. Thank all of you so much for the Genie news. Boy, kinda short interview, wasn't it? And Katie as interviewer--enh.

    Genie did look fabulous.

    Thank you, again.


LATE Day Again!!

  I have my yearly check up today (I have to get one for work...ugh) and it's at 2pm. Will I make it back for the end of the show? Not s...