Friday, February 1, 2013

Michael Easton: I'm OUT Of General Hospital

This was on his FB Page... which I am really not happy about.     I knew they were working on things and I need them to work a bit harder.


I heard a rumor of some lovely people who were going to stop by the studio for a certain riff raff's birthday. Some others who wanted to deliver a cake. Even more wonderful folks who wanted to send cards and treats and I want you to know I am incredibly humbled by these gestures but unfortunately I will not be around to enjoy them. I've been informed, that due to some ongoing legal this and that, I cannot be at "General Hospital" after February 8th and since I know many of you go to great trouble to do something special, I just don't want to see anybody's efforts go to waste (especially the lovely person who always sneaks in the fine Irish Whiskey). If it's not too bold, may I suggest a donation to The American Cancer Society instead. Then some good will have come out of this...

...Miss you guys already.


  1. Oh man. If Roger Howarth is out permanently, so am I.

  2. Is this a result of the Prospect Park business, or something else? Because if it's that, those producers are really stupid. Way to alienate your audience, many of whom watch both soaps. Duh!

  3. Sad news for those of us new/and/old GH fans who loved ME on here. Happy news for online-OLTL though!

    I had stopped watching GH about ten years ago and only got hooked again once the OLTLers came on. Not everything worked, and it wasn't all for them (it feels so much more like the soaps I remember growing up). I loved ME on PC but was indifferent to him on OLTL, and on GH (especially with Anna, and Epiphany!) he has been a joy to watch again. Considering the changing medium (how I would have loved Hulu/et al to be around when PC, or even Swan's Crossing! lol, went off the air to save them in the end) I hope OL-OLTL/AMC succeeds online so more will follow. I just wish ME was one of those who stayed around (and that Vincent Irizarry would have followed).

    Then again, maybe Caley Morley is really a Cassadine (it would make sense if Helena was in charge of a coven of vampires), so ME stays, and John McBain ends up being "killed" only to be transported into the(why not?) Todd's body where the two head back to Llanview in one body for the ultimate case of DID. Roger Howarth would kill it playing the two of them, with the added layer that no one would believe him except little Sam.

    If somehow Michael Easton stumbles upon this post: wherever you are, here's hoping you are happy and get to bring that awesomeness to the screen!

  4. Very interesting wording he chose don't you think? He clearly does not sound happy.

  5. That sucks. John is one of my fave character.s on gh. As much as I liked him a on oltl, to me he is more of gh character than oltl character now. I'd much radther gave him on gh.
    Matchbox, your he doesn't sound happy about it. Hopefully this is only temporary.

  6. This STINKS! Todd and McBain have really juiced up the Port Charles landscape...Brought a great vibe to the show. Starr not so much, but if her character was the reason that Todd stuck around in town then I was willing to put up with her. Really BUMMED about this :(


  7. So sad!

    How is it possible that they didn't manage to find a way to make him stay? he sounds really sad about this too.

  8. This is just not acceptable. ME is so much more enjoyable on GH then he ever was on OLTL. I don't know what it is but he is just so much more alive. Todd to has been a real kick in the pants for the show. And, I admit it I'm even starting to enjoy Starr and Michael together. Both have become so much more watchable. GH needs to fix this before everything they gained slips away!

  9. I never watched OLTL, but I really like ME and am so disappointed to see him leave. John and Sam had the potential to be a great duo. Of course he must be unhappy, being stuck on a web series rather than on TV. Maybe they can convince Jack W. to stay or bring back Ric.

  10. This is all because of the Prospect Park mess. I don't think he wants to go, by any means.

  11. Wow, Prospect Park is burning bridges and they haven't even launched yet. Not cool.

  12. This totally sucks! While I wasn't really a fan of Sam and John getting together I'm just afraid GH ratings may go down. Don't they realize that if they take the new oltl characters off then ppl may stop watching oltl? I totally do not want RH and KA to leave GH!!!!!

    I have so enjoyed watched him on GH along with the others that have come over from OLTL.
    What is going on here??
    Doesn't anyone care what the fans think?
    THEY SHOULD since we are the ones watching!!!

  14. I am just disgusted. His statement was really well-written but he sounded really unhappy. I hope they can fix this.

  15. This is such bad news!

    Michael was SO much better on GH than on OLTL. He seemed to me to be the one of the 3 who fit in best. If he has to go back to OLTL, he'll be stuck with that awful Natalia and the kid.

    They could easily write him out of OLTL, since he'd left town already and was not able to see his child. Just leave that in place and let him take up his life in PC.

    Of them all, I was hoping most that ME could stay...

  16. Awww that's too bad! Goodbye McBain, Mcbam, and Mcvampire. :( This sucks I like him on GH. I wonder who sneaks in the fine Irish Whiskey! ROFL!

  17. From a practical standpoint, didn't all the OLTL actors who went to GH have to relocate from the East Coast to the West Coast, since GH is taped in Hollywood? Now they have to move back east? I'd be ticked off, too. I was crushed when OLTL was discontinued, but like many, I am a fan of both GH & OLTL. Some characters just "fit" better on some shows. For me, I think ME is a better fit on GH. But what's OLTL without Todd Manning? Starfish isn't a good fit on GH either. I know I'm throwing a bunch of stuff out here, but I think revisiting this whole Caleb/Livvie and Lucy the Vampire Slayer story was a huge mistake. It would've been funnier if Lucy had dismissed it all as a bad dream.

  18. OMG!! I thought I was going to miss Jason terribly (I do miss looking at him!!) But ME and RH have brought back like to GH! LIFE!! I like Scott Reeves, but Steven Lars is a badly written character, I feel no connection to him. AHHH!! Will I have to stop watching GH? I was on the verge last year, but now I can't wait to tune in! I am loving all the characters, except maybe Sonny and Connie. I can do without, even Britt and Sabrina have grown on me, as characters. AHH!! NO say it isn't so!! ME can't leave now!

  19. Daytime Confidential is reporting that Kristen Alderson and Roger Howarth are out by Feb 8 as well.

  20. I'm am sitll undecided about whether i am even going to watch the online soaps. This is not making me want to watch them

  21. Notice it does not say that he's going back to OLTL either , that he just can't be at "GH". I'm hoping the legal issues are still being fought, and he can return. We need at least one cop that works, AND I do like McBAM. Of course, maybe it's only McBain that can't be in PC...that leave it's open for Caleb. LOL

  22. I am not a happy camper. Someone somewhere needs to fix this. If Prospect Park wants fan support it's not a good idea to start out this way. They can have Starr, just leave McBain and Todd alone

  23. WEll, isn't it up to Michael Easton and Ron Howarth if they want to work with Prospect Park? There has to be contracts, and if ME is upset, he may not go online either. I say, just make him that Caleb whatever.

  24. I think that ABC should offer Prospect Park free product placement for the online shows in exchange for keeping Todd John And Starr on the canvas..

  25. I doubt we've heard the end of this, it's not over yet! If they can't work something out then I think Ron C. Will get creative and sneaky to keep them. I don't want to see any of them go!



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