Tuesday, September 10, 2024

My Sister My Sister


(BABE) Has been cast as LULU!!!!!! 


Lucky still playing cards with Sidwell. ZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz. Lucky ends up cheating when Sidwell is distracted by his guy saying some loot was moved to another location.  Then Sidwell shoots that guy in the back. BLOOP! 

Isaiah wakes up, grabs Liz and says: LUCKY. Asks where he is. Liz says Port Charles. HE says Lucky sent him there "Do you know him"?? Then TJ walks in and Liz leaves but says she'll be back. 

Carly goes in to talk to Lulu about Laura going to find Lucky. Liz then calls her and tells her what Isaiah says and Carly comes running. Carly goes in to talk to him because OF COURSE CARLY DOES. Anna goes to talk to Isaiah. Liz says good luck getting Carly out of there. OMG Carly stays and even asks questions. He tells them about the compound and Sidwell and yada yada. Carly says she's going to go get someone that can help get Lucky home. 

Then Jason walks out of the elevator and they have a cute look together. Elizabeth tells him that Isaiah knows Lucky and Anna is questioning him. 

Carly goes to Brennan's office and he says he already tracked Lucky for Laura and he's in Eastern Somali. 

Jordan tells Anna about taking down the goonie guy. She leaves, then Jason comes in. They talk about working together and it went well. Jason wont' tell Sonny that Valentin got away because of Anna. Anna says they each have a job to do and he should go. He touches her hand and says: Can you give me a minute? I deserve that. He says Sonny didn't do it. Anna says her gut says yes and she KNOWS Jason KNOWS TOO. 

Jordan and Drew talk. It's boring. She did like kicking that guy's ass. FILLER 

Molly is trying to call Diane to go to the PCPD and be with Alexis. Kristina and Michael get back home. Molly tells them Alexis was hauled in to talk about the gun situation and Cates Murdah. Then she sees Michael and Molly look at each other about the gun and she knows that they know something. "TELL ME"!!  Krissy hedges. Molly says she knows she's going to become involved and she WILL FIND THE TRUTH and they'd better start to panic now.  She leaves. Kristina asks Michael why she couldn't tell Molly the truth. He says it's bad because she had that gun and Alexis threw it away. He says to say nothing and things will blow over. He hopes. 

Molly goes to TJ tells him she thinks Alexis is going to be arrested for something Kristina did.  She is thinking Kristina murdered Cates. 

Monday, September 9, 2024

Hip Money

Curtis tries to get Portia to see the new Aurora center but she's waiting for the Heather Webber labs to come back. They talk about Heather's disease and Curtis thinks she might be a victim of medical malpractice. Portia doesn't want to HEAR THAT! He says they can't take matters into their own hands anyway and leaves. Portia is thinking...plotting.

At the Wellness Center, Ric and TJ are working out and TJ's mad at Kristina. HE says she's a spoiled princess that was trying to take their daughter from them. He will NEVER FORGIVE her but thinks Molly might because she's a good person and they are sisters. Ric (who hates Alexis) is saying TJ has to help Molly and basically keep her away from Kristina and especially Alexis who will pressure her to forgive her sister. Curtis comes in and Ric tells him thank you for helping Molly and how much he likes TJ. Curtis is like WHY YOU HELPING HEATHER WEBBER THEN? Ric basically says he's doing the malpractice stuff and not the criminal things. He won't do that. (He wants the money). Also a lot more people are joining into a class action suit. 

Molly is at Alexis' house and Kristina comes out. Molly says: I wouldn't have come here if I knew SHE was here. ALexis says they have to talk. Molly says no. Alexis yells at her to SHUT THE DOOR AND GET BACK for just 5 min.  Molly goes off and rips into Kristina. Thinks she wanted the baby all along. She never thought about TJ and hasn't asked how he's doing "he may never recover from this".  They keep  yelling and Krissy calls the baby Adela and Molly screams: DON'T CALL HER THAT! Everyone sobs. Alexis says what a bad move this was. KNOCK KNOCK. Michael walks in and is like: Ummmmmmmm bad time?? LOL He takes Kristina to get her out of there. Then Molly and Alexis have a blow up and Molly says she basically has to take care of Kristina like always and she's done. She's going to TJ and can stand on her own 2 feet. 

At the PCPD Chase and Dex talk about the gun Alexis threw and Dex says Alexis was threatening Jagger the other day at the police Dept. Chase and Dex are off to go visit Alexis about the gun.

 Anna's still searching Sonny's. Diane comes over.  She argues about searching the house. Cops find nothing. Anna wants Jason to come to the PCPD with her. (he has the gun remember). Anna tells Sonny she knows something is up but Jason won't go with Anna. Diane says he doesn't have to. Michael and Kristina show up. Anna wants to know if they took the gun. Both are like: NOPE. She tells them not to leave town. Even if Jagger was a jerk, he didn't deserve to be murdered. She leaves. Diane leaves and tells Sonny to keep his mouth shut. Sonny tells Jason to get rid of the gun. When he goes back in, Kristina tells him she took his gun. Sonny freaks out. WHERE IS IT? She says Alexis found it and put it someone it will never be found. 

The goonie guy is trying to inject Isaiah in the hospital. Jordan walks in "what are you doing"? He walks towards her mean-like. She wants his badge. He pushes her down and runs. She catches him in the stairwell, fights and beats him. "Son of a bitch" she says. He's taken into custody. 

Lucky is still playing cards with Sidwell guy. YAWN. HE wins again. YAWN. The guard and Sidwell leave and cuff Lucky back up.  Holly comes in later, Lucky wants her to let him go. She hears that Sidwell might be getting diamonds. I don't think she'll let him go LOL NO! She wants to stay and get the goods and will give him 1/2. Lucky is like:  I'm gonna die!!  Holly tells him no, just keep playing cards and entertaining Jenz (that's his first name) so she can get the loot. 

Chase tell Alexis she has to come to the station about the gun and Molly hears it

Jason takes the gun used to kill Jagger and dissolves it in a vat of acid

Portia is messing with Heather's file 

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Sunday Surgery: Aftermath


Another fun week with me exhausted from typing  during the live show. Holy HECK!! So many scenes, characters and dialog flying around. So fast paced, I think they passed out in the editing room a few times. (you'll see later what I'm talking about!!) 

I'm off to Ithaca later, land of GORGES and really nice waterfalls. It's pouring out so not sure how much we will see. Hope you have some coffee or bev or choice and let's do this! 

After typing this up, I realized it was only a four day week!! EEK! SO MUCH GOING ON! 

Friday, September 6, 2024


 Q House: Lois does really well with her speech lesson. Olivia tells the teacher to turn her back into Lois NOW!! LOL Tracey is thrilled. Olivia says You stole my Best friend!! Tracey tells Robin to change Olivia's speech too. PFfffffft.  Dialect coach leaves but tells Tracey she knows she lived in NJ and Amsterdam once. 

Sonny tells Jason a gun is missing and he also needs to get rid of the one he used to kill Jagger with. He gives Jason the one he used (UNREGISTERED) and the casings. Tells Jason about Carly and Michael and the alibi. Jason tells him about saving Ava's life. They try to figure out who could know the safe combo. 

Anna says something new in the Cates Case, tells Dex to stick around. They talk about registered guns in town. Sonny has a 9mm that's registered (this is the one Krissy took and Alexis threw off the bridge). Dex says you'd better get to his place now before he gets rid of it! 

The PCPD shows up to Sonny's just as Jason is leaving. She needs to see his weapons. Jason has the gun in his coat. Not sure they can search him? Dex knows where Sonny's gun box is. Sonny tells Jason to leave. Anna says not so fast. She says well, I guess you're Sonny's right hand man now and we're not working together anymore. Sonny opens the safe. She sees one gun is missing. 

Carly makes Joss let her into the apartment. Joss asks if she slept with Sonny. Carly says yes. Joss says: NOTHING TO TALK ABOUT THEN! Joss says what would Carly do if she kept going back to a toxic, abusive man. Carly gets upset. Josslyn yells and can't believe it. THEN she totally figures out that Carly is Sonny's alibi. Joss gets really angry. Says Carly JUST got out of another situation so she didn't have to go to jail and now she's doing it again!! Great dialog. She rips into Carly for doing this again. If Sonny cared about Carly he never would put her in that position. She's angry and hurt. Carly says she's loyal. 

Jordan and Dante trying to use a tattoo to find out who Isaiah is. Dante tells her about the phone. They are having forensics go over it. They talk about not being able to control much. Dante hopes Laura will find Lucky soon. 

Goonie guy skulks around GH and calls someone, waits for room to be empty. 

Liz and Ric talk about Alexis and the gun. Liz is saying she's not even sure it was a gun and they need to mind their business. Ric can't believe it. Liz says he doesn't even know anyone anymore. He's been gone too long. Alexis wouldn't kill anyone. Ric says: Um, you don't know her like I do. Liz says You've NOT BEEN HERE! She says that he's just getting Alexis back. Becky had some great dialog and good scenes right there ! They end up going to the PCPD and tell Chase about seeing Alexis on the bridge. Liz says she wants to say on record that Alexis wouldn't kill Agent Cates. 

Holly and Lucky talk. She says she's there to steal from Sidwell. Don't blow her cover. She wants to get the safe combo. Holly asks why Lucky has been away so long. He says "someone is coming".  Sidwell comes in-- Holly says Lucky beat her at poker. She wants to have a steamy night with Sidwell. He says he has to win so he can kill Lucky. 


Sonny acts all surprised his gun is gone. Anna says they have to test it to rule it out of murder

Jordan traces the phone to Nairobi where Kevin and Laura went

Goonie thug goes in to kill Isaiah..show ends. 

Thursday, September 5, 2024

One Down...


So, does this lady age?? She reminds me of Jane Seymour-- she doesn't age either! I wish they'd move OUT of this 'Cell' bunker though. 


Liz and TJ try to figure out Isaiah's medical status. Not quite coma but he's not awake. TJ leaves. Some guy tries to sneak in but Liz is there.  He ends up leaving. 

Jordan tells Dante that Laura and Kevin made it to Nairobi. She vows to find out who the guy is.

Ric comes in after being at the Gallery and wants to know how Molly really is. TJ says she's obsessing about the hotel fall and wants justice.  Ric then talks to Liz and says: Um, Cates was shot and killed last night and we saw someone THROW A GUN OFF THE BRIDGE!! 

Nina got Ric to take Ava's case. Ric and Ava are like: DOH! I know you, don't like you. Ric represented Julian in Connie's murder (who Ava actually murdered. ) She's like: Well, I'll take you. Ric says not on your life. Nina reminds him he owes her a favor for trying to steal her money when they were married (briefly). He says no because Ava pushed Kristina and killed his grand daughter so conflict of interest. 

Diane goes to Alexis' house and tells her about Jason and Ava. Says Kristina is off the hook, Ava recanted. Alexis is afraid she's up for another murder charge. Diane leaves. Kristina comes down. Alexis tells her the FBI case will be dropped. Agent Cates was killed. Krissy says: Oh I heard. One down, one to Go. Alexis asks if she killed him. Kristina says no, why would you think that. Alexis says: Um, the gun. She thought Kristina was going to hurt herself. 

Tracey, Olivia, Lois, Brook, Ned and Gio are all in the Q living room. Tracey's all upset her bed was messed up. Lois says: I think guests did it. Tracey almost chokes on her juice LOL It's pretty funny. Olivia is going to burn the sheets. The dialect coach comes in (lady from SNL). She pins Olivia's address to a "T" just on her accent. Tracey hired Robin (coach) ahahaha. Lots of fun Q banter. I like it. The coach finally says it could empower Lois to give her different speech patterns to use for different situations. 

Carly and Sonny wake up. Carly's cranky he used her as an alibi. She wants to go home. Sonny wants her to stick around. She says they are done. He says what's the harm playing out the alibi? She says when their family finds out you were with Agent Cates! Diane comes in and sees Carly and is like: OH NOOOOOOOOO. She says no one is going to believe they slept together on the ONE night Jagger is killed. Sonny says no one can prove other wise. Diane says it can't be just "ONE TIME" they have to act like it's an affair. Carly says HELL NO. Diane then tells Sonny Ava recanted her testimony. 

Joss and Trina are in their apartment. Joss tells Tri that Dex graduated into the PCPD. Trina tells her about Jagger's murder.  Gio comes in and tells them Tracey freaked out when she learned 2 guests slept in her bed last night. WHO? Asks Trina "My Uncle Sonny and YOUR MOM" he says to JOSS ahahahaha  She leaves and goes to the Qs and Olivia tells her it's true. Joss then goes BACK To the apartment. Trina tells Gio to leave and tries to make Joss feel better. Joss is mad at her mother . 

Joss confronts her mother outside of Sonny's apartment

Kristina tells Alexis the gun was Sonny's and Alexis tells her she threw it off the bridge

Sonny calls Jason to tell him the gun is missing

Goonie guy gets orders to kill Isaiah

Ric tells Liz they have to tell the police about Alexi tossing the gun from the bridge

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Poker Face


I haven't recovered from yesterday's show!! My fingers hurt. 

Ok, so this show seems to be in the middle of the night...same night Jagger was killed. 

Drew and Curtis are in Drew's office talking about the congress guy dying. Drew tells Curtis that he and Willow kissed. Curtis says it's just the emotions. Drew says nah, it's an attraction. It's getting stronger. 

Michael and Willow are at the Gatehouse.  He says Hell of a Night-- and asks Willow if he can get her anything. Willow looks guilty. She tries to tell him about Drew/kiss but Kristina calls and tells Michael she's missing a gun and needs him. 

Willow stands in the bedroom, looks at their wedding photo and sobs. 

Kristina comes down and yells for her mom. (She's not there). Sees that her gun is gone from her purse. Panics. Michael comes over, tries to calm her.  He asks where she got the gun and why. "Dad's and I wanted revenge" He tells her Jagger is dead. She says she didn't do it but is glad. 

Alexis is on the bridge freaking out about the gun. She tries to call Diane but Diane is at the PCPD. She's panicking. Throws gun into the water. Ric and Liz are eating ice cream, walking in the middle of the night and see her do it.  Alexis tells them it was her phone. When she leaves both Ric and Liz know it was a gun.  

Mac goes in to see Robert and says Jagger got shot at the Q mansion and the whole town is suspect but there's one that stands out (Sonny). They talk about calling Robin to tell her Jagger is dead. Mac is going to do it. They both say Jagger "lost his way".  Then they talk about Cody being Mac's kid. Then they talk about Holly. 

Jordan invited Brick to go to the surf-shop diner to ask him a favor. She wants him to find out who the John Doe is in GH. (Isaiah) 

Diane is at the PCPD and goes into the visiting room to find Ava and Jason. "We need your help" says Jason. Diane tells Ava to call Scotty. Ava says he's not around. They tell her about the agent trying to kill Ava. Diane is like: Dont' care. Jason asks her to help. They talk to Anna about everything. Diane is like: Don't ask me to help Ava ever again. Anna comes back in and tells them Agent Jagger is dead.  Ava's happy. Anna also says the "agent" wasn't FBI and they can verify what they said about that night. She lets Ava go. She wants to talk to Jason alone. He says ok. She's proud he called the police. Wants to know what he knows about Jagger's murder. He says it wasn't him. Anna knows that but thinks it's Sonny. 

Carly and Sonny try to get their story straight before the cops get there (they are at Sonny's PH) She's mad he made everyone think they slept together.  He even messed up Tracey's bed LOL . Sonny says they could get married again so she didn't have to testify against him. Carly's like: NO FREAKING WAY. Carly comes up with a story about how they ended up in bed together. 

Lucky and Bald guy with a giant poker table in the cell. Lucky says if he wins he goes free but bald guy says if he wins, he lives.  Bald guy starts talking about a poker playing lady in Monte Carlo that's gorgeous (has to be Holly). Lucky flashes back to Elizabeth. Bald guy says that they'll play until he wins and Lucky dies. 


Holly walks into the cell room "Is this poker? I love poker"! Lucky hears her voice. Freezes. Then she sees him and is like: WTF!! 

Sonny finds his gun missing

Alexis goes to Robert's office and finds out Cates has been murdered. This is out of order. Alexis has on her blazer not the trench coat when she was on the bridge. 

NOTE: Alexis had no idea that Jagger was murdered when she tossed that gun. WHY would she do that? I mean, yeah, Krissy violated her parole but --? She could have hid it or asked her? 

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Summer's Over?

I think the day after Labor Day is the saddest day of the year. Just saying, especially as an August baby. My birthday would come at the end of August and BOOM!! One week later-_SCHOOL!! I start tomorrow with my speech kids. 

TODAY'S SHOW IS A DOOZY...and I messed up and lost 1/2 of the blog, it didn't save. So WATCH ON HULU TONIGHT! 

Willow and Drew: They kiss and draw apart. She says it was a mistake, she loves Michael. He says he wishes he would have met her first. They drive together to the Qs

Ok, so we see Sonny shoot Jagger again. Michael sees him when he's walking to the gatehouse. Sonny says "he was coming after your sister" Michael yells: I DON'T WANNA KNOW! Then he tells Sonny he'll get rid of the body and Sonny has to get Carly to say he was with her the whole time. 
Sonny goes into the Qs and grabs Carly and tells her she has to help him. 

Tracey comes down and Ace threw food on her. She's not happy. Makes Brook go up and tend to him. Asks Nina why she's still there. THEN Carly and Sonny come down and people assumed they slept together upstairs because Sonny's putting his belt on. 

Sam goes to Alexis' house and they are trying to figure out where Krissy would have gone. 

Kristina is sobbing at the grave of Adela/Irene. Says that Molly was wrong that she never would have gone to the hotel if she knew what was going to happen. "You're there and I'm here" she says. She keeps crying and laying on the grave for a LONG TIME. She leaves a Mickey there and leaves. 

Kristina goes back to Sam and Alexis. She's cold and wet. 

Jason finds a knocked-out Isaiah on the road. He calls 911. Isaiah is taken to GH. Portia checks on him. Wants Jordan to find out who he is. Jordan listens to the call and realizes it was Jason calling it in. 

Ava is trying to talk Linda the FBI fake lady out of shooting her.  Jason finally shows up and puts the gun on Linda's back. Linda drops the gun and Ava picks it up and points it at her. Can't do it. Tells Jason to do it. He says no. 

AT GH, Ric brings Liz flowers which she says she'll give to the other patients on the floor. He says he misses her. Asks about Heather. They banter/flirt. She says she'll meet him after her shift. They go out for ice cream. 

OMG I lost SO MUCH OF MY BLOG! IT just disappeared!

You need to know that: 

Jason saved Ava, called the police to come and get Linda

Alexis finds the gun Kristina had

Police are at the Q's questioning everyone  

My Sister My Sister

  DAYTIME CONFIDENTIAL REPORTS THAT ALEXA HAVENS FROM AMC  (BABE) Has been cast as LULU!!!!!!  TODAY's SHOW:  Lucky still playing cards ...