Sunday, February 9, 2025

Sunday Surgery: Tie Me UP!


GH was certainly back to Soap 101 certain times this week! This is when I seriously think at 30 min show would really work. Cut that fat right out!! Other times I was struggling to stay awake. A new face popped up like magic with no accent as welll

 Want to count Lulu's turtlenecks with me while we read?? 

Let's GO GO!! 

Friday, February 7, 2025

Horses on Socials


Portia apologizes to Elizabeth. She thought Ric Lansing fought well for her. Portia thinks there are only 3 digitalis deaths at GH. 

Nina finds out Drew bought a house and Maxie is helping him decorate it. Nina's losing it. NO WAY!! Maxie thinks she's jelly of Willow. 

Turning Woods nurse won't let Cyrus see an old lady until he talks to the director first. Director tells him to get lost. He thinks it's all Elizabeth's fault. Leaves mad. 

Lulu thinks that following European horse-sites might help her find Charlotte. Through her social accounts. While in Bobbie's, Cyrus comes in and she reminds him there's a restraining order out on him. Get out or she'll call the police. He says you don't know what I did for you. She goes to call the police but he leaves. 

Laura goes to meet with Drew at the Grille, not knowing Sidwell is there. Sidwell is trying to get Drew to take Sonny's Pier 55 for the new boardwalk and use eminent domain if you have to. Laura walks in. They bicker. Drew finds out Sidwell held Lucky hostage in Africa. They talk about the docks and Laura says she doesn't trust Sidwell and leaves. 

Lucas and Carly, who are now BFFs talk about her being 'loud' about Drew's tie at The Metro Court. He says they make it worse by trying to get to Drew/Willow. They'll just stick together. She doesn't think she'll help Nina. 

Later, Lucas apologizes to Willow for yelling at her that one time. 

Carly walks into Nina's office just as Maxie is talking about how Nina did everything she could when SHE was in love with Sonny, so don't judge Willow. Maxie leaves. Nina admits she was wrong to do what she did during Carly's marriage and Nixon Falls. Yada yada. Carly's stunned. Carly doesn't think they should do anything. Nina tells her Drew bought a house. 

Sonny and Natalia are at the doctor's in California. He goes into the office. OMG this was the most dragging thing all day. He'll need a pacemaker but Sonny wants to put it off until he finds the bomber.

Jordan talks to Anna about being a honey trap for Sidwell. Getting close to him and figuring out what's going on. Anna's like:COOL! I'll give you the equipment!! But you know, he's dangerous. 


A guy was in the doctor's office and he calls Sidwell---he was following Natalia...NOT SONNY! But heard everything. Nat must be one of his ex's. 

Cyrus sees Liz and Lucas talking--flashes back to the bible and flower

Thursday, February 6, 2025



Alexis tells Danny that the authorties don't think his mother's death is an accident.  He freaks out. Should they tell Scout? They decide not to. 

Lois goes to see Marty because she 'needs a lawyer". She pays him his retainer and says she has to tell him something that happened 21 years ago involving her daughter. She tells him the entire story and "no one can find out....ever"!! 

Brook Lyn is at the Gate House and GIO comes in (anvil) looking for Willow but Willow is at Nina's. Then Tracey comes in and Brook has to tell her Willow moved out. Tracey doesn't really care, she's going to go talk to lawyers.

Nina and Willow talk about her situation. Then DREW shows up. Nina tells him to back off and she'll fight for her daughter. 

Brad shows off his "guns" to Lucas and Stella. Lucas is impressed lol ==they chat and laugh it up. 

Curtis wonders why Portia is being so nice to Brad.  Then he goes to tell Stella how bad Brad is. Portia tries to stop him.  He asks Brad if he's still involved with Selina Wu. Brand says no. Curtis says you'd better not me!! 

Chase and Dante talk about Sam's murder. Rocco hears that Cyrus is the lead suspect.  Oh Hardy Boys with him and Danny ?  Danny leaves. 

Joss and  fake Brennan.  They talk about her looking at Cyrus' apartment. He suggests that Cyrus could have 'another place" to find. Then Carly walks in with Lucas. She wonders why Brennan is talking to Joss. He makes up some excuse. 

Joss talks to Lucas and looks up Cyrus on the phone. Wonders if he's heard of "Austin Gatlin Holt' 

Tracey shows up at Martins' room, wonders why Lois is there. Lois says she's there because of Willow. Tracey is upset Willow took the kids. Marty is saying it was her choice. 


Drew wants to go public with Willow 

Lois tells Martin that Gio is Brook's son

Joss asks Brennan to find out about Austin's property

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Mixed Day


Some of the cast will appear TODAY on Jennifer Hudson's show. Check your local listings. Will prob be on YouTube tomorrow. 

I had mucho dental work done this morning for a bridge. I've had trouble with ONE damn molar since I was in my late 20s and it just goes ON and ON and.. ON. I had an implant for 28 years and now it's this. SO MUCH NOVOCAINE! 

Anyway, Today's SHOW: (has there ever been a dentist on a soap??) 

Joss goes to break into Cyrus' apartment. The super stops her and then lets her in when she says she's getting a food list from "Brother Cyrus".  She enters the room. He goes to fix pipes. She finally finds a bible and in there is a daisy and I think someone gave that to Sam? The super comes back in and she leaves. 

Brad tells Cyrus to get out of the hospital.  Cyrus finally leaves. 

Liz and Lucky's dancing is interrupted by Ric. He tells Liz she can go back to work at GH. Luckys' snotty to him. THEN he ASKS him for help with Cyrus!! Wants to know what his parole conditions are. Ric will find out as a favor to Liz. 

Alexis tells Molly and Krissy she wants to tell Danny that Sam was murdered. Molly goes to pick her up and Kristina says "not a good idea". In the most stupid dialog exchange I've heard in awhile, Kristina thinks Danny is "too young" and they "don't even know the killer". Alexis asks how long they would have to wait until the killer is found and Kristina says: Well, Maybe Dad could help. :EYEROLL: WTF. Like the internet doesn't exist so Danny WILL find out. Alexis says Sam would have wanted them to tell him. 

Cody goes into the Q kitchen and sees Dante. Dante tells him that Sam was murdered.  They are sad. Molly shows up and takes Danny. Would have been nice to give Dante a heads up, no? 

Nina finds Willow at the Gate House. Willow tells her Carly was there and bolted before drinking her tea.

Metro Court. Drew says Jason probably used 'power' to get Sasha pregnant--Carly's like shut up. Sasha gets up and says THIS IS MY LIFE! She says to leave her and her baby daddy alone. BUT-- doesn't say Jason isn't the father. The ladies at the table gossip a bit. Tracey wants to talk to Willow but Brook goes instead. Brook stomps into Willow's and tells her what happened at The Metro. 

Drew wants to talk to Maxie about getting "a mother's advice". Um..okay? He bought a house and wants help decorating. After talking Maxie says you're a good dad and I'll help. 

Anna and Lulu talk about things. Where's Brennan? Would Carly know? Anna's knocking back whiskey-- because of Jason?? I'm not sure. 

Sasha goes to the Qs and confronts Cody. BUT she still doesn't say Jason isn't the father. He leaves. Tracey comes in and is surprisingly soft...she wants to talk to Sasha. She says it doesn't matter who the dad is she'll have her full support. 

Carly goes to GH and Lucas is all quizzing her about Jack Brennan. Jack went to see him and he wants to know if she's dating a WSB agent and if they've slept together. VERY cute scene. Very natural. Carly eats a sucker. Lucas says he should have told her all these things when she hooked up with Sonny. Jack's a liar. 

Anna says that Valentin was sighted in Germany but he's gone

Tracey will stand with Sasha, knows what it's like to be a single  mother and she raised Dillion alone, away from PC. 

Liz says she's all in on framing Cyrus if that's what it takes

Cyrus sees someone was poking around in his room. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

You Left Something...


It's snowing again!! Weird weather here, 44 yesterday, 30 today...probably 12 tomorrow. HA. I guess I'm used to it though!! 

Yesterday's show was painfully slow--TODAY'S SHOW is going to be the NUJACKBRENNAN. I'm so sad. BOOOO. BUT! I will give Joey #5 from OLTL a chance. 

First scene is NuBrennan and so far... sad horn. Carly's on the plane going back to Port Charles. Oh HOLLYWOOD Teeth. Eesh. French Lady calls and says she has to show him something. 

Anna is talking to Joss about Dex. Dex listed no family besides Joss on forms so she wanted her to know. She tells her Sam was murdered too. Joss says: Yeah, it's Cyrus. Joss volunteered at Turning Woods to get info on Cyrus  and says she can find out about other patients that may have died. Anna says NO! Stay out of this investigation! 

Gross Drew is coming down the stairs of Willow's, doing up his shirt. He says "he'll always see her". Barf. They talk about stuff. She's sad to be living in the lap of luxury because everyone keeps an eye on her. He leaves and I think he left his tie under the couch. 

OH! Carly comes over. Says she's home because Jason was visiting Michael and brought presents for the kids. Willow goes to make tea and Carly finds Drew's tie. 

Lucky and Liz still talking about Sidwell. Bore. The poker games. How he stopped JASON from killing him. His Dad was 'guiding him' during the poker games. Then he says 

Isaiah sees Sidwell and Jordan, goes over and asks him if he's going to kill him "himself" this time. Lucy comes over and chats.  Jordan is trying hard to charm Sidwell and get information from him. Isaiah doesn't get that clue and finally leaves. 

Deception meeting in The Metro: Lucy, Brook and Tracey arrive first. Lulu's late and Tracey yells at her to be on time. Sasha comes in with Maxie. She's already got a BELLY. Anyway, she's meeting Felicia to have some cake. Tracey isn't happy she's goofing off from work. They talk about Natalia being in LA. Tracey isn't happy that Sonny is there too. 

Felicia and Sasha sit and talk. Felicia says she really should try to get her Baby Daddy's medical records. Sasha says she can get in touch with the father if she has to. 

Then Drew is meeting Anna at The Metro restaurant too. He says he wants to put Sonny Corinthos in jail and clean up the organized crime in the area. THEN! Carly stomps in and says: "Congressman?? I found YOUR TIE in Michael's house when YOU WERE HAVING SEX WITH HIS WIFE" ahahahahaa! 

YEAH! Selina WU has an office and wants to make an offer to Cody. She wants him to sit in on a high stakes game (SIDWELL I'm sure). She'll pay him, give him money to play with and forgive his debt. He'll think about it. Then Drew comes in to talk to her and get dirt on Curtis. "you used to partner with him, right". She wants some information too. Then Cody walks in and is like: Um, WHY ARE YOU HERE, DREW?  Says it figures he's hanging out with Ms. Wu. Asks if he has a gambling debt. Then drops that Sasha is pregnant with Jason's baby LOL!! (You have to see it to believe it)

The French lady meets NuJack outside of "Cyrus' hideout" ... I think it's Austin's old house. He says to wait and see if Joss finds it

Carly STOMPS into the restaurant and holds up Drew's tie: I BOUGHT YOU THIS TIE!! She says she found it at Willow's and he's having sex while Michael is in a BURN UNIT. She says he's sleezy and yada yada. Everyone's eyes are @@!~ 


Liz and Lucky dance

Looks like Jack Brennan is 'testing' Joss for the WSB? I don't know... 

Carly yells at Drew and then he blurts out: well, YOUR PRECIOUS JASON KNOCKED UP SASHA WITH HIS BABY!! Gasps all around. 
WOW that was awesome. 

Monday, February 3, 2025

BORING DAY-O and Casting Shock


Monday. Hey. How ya'll doin?

Me? Meh.... I can only hope GH will be good. 

Dante and Lulu talk in the Horse House. They are sad Sam was murdered. Lulu is sad she was so mean to him. Sad horn. He tells her about proposing to Sam at her hospital bed. 

Lucky and Liz find more victims of Cyrus' digitalis in Turning Woods. Laura comes in and tells him Sidwell is in town.  Tells him he bought Wyndemere. "Be careful" she says. 

Laura and Jordan talk at The Metro bar about Sidwell. Laura leaves. Isaiah comes in Jordy tells him Sidwell is in town. Isaiah really doesn't care he's in town. He gets a phone call. 

Brook and Lois meet at The Metro. Lois has on the MOST FUGLY OUTFIT LOL... Brook says Dante has too  much going on to know he has a kid running around. Lois says why not? Like, changing her tune on that one!! Brook says the child might not even know they are adopted. 

Sonny and Alexis talk about Sam's murder. Good Lord, Sonny has all the emotion of a dead fish. PLUS his HAIR! god! can it BE any blacker? LOL  Sad that Sam was murdered. Well, Alexis is...who knows what Sonny is.  He says he knows what it's like to lose a child. He says he's there for her. 

At the Surf Shop, Maxie talks to Emma about "how to live with Anna". Then she tells her to find her own table when Sasha comes in. Then Emma is talking to Gio but gets up to listen in on Maxie and Sasha. She hears Maxie say "Some people" think Jason is the father of her baby. Then runs to GIO and tells him. He's like: NO, Jason was there when she told the family and he had no reaction. Emma says that's just him. "How cool that my Mom's new 1/2 sister is going to have her best friend's baby"... Good grief. 

Trina called Curtis to talk to Kai who's just sad. Kai has a TEAMMATE IN THE ROOM! Another person!! WOW. Curtis is going to talk to him about what he went through when he was shot. Quinn is the other kid in there. He leaves. Kai doesn't want a pep talk from Curtis. 

Quinn yells at Trina for distracting Kai with the Art project. That's why he's hurt. I tell you what, "Quinn" is way better an actor than Kai. 

REALLY boring show today


Charles Measure is being REPLACED BY ex-JOEY Buchanan Chris McKenna. This starts TOMORROW. !!! I guess CM left by his 'own accord' ...but CHRIS McKENNA? What. 

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Sunday Surgery: A Night At The Spa


Another shortie blog because there's not a lot to say other than I loved some of the shows and fell asleep with others. So hit and miss with me. The fundamental joy was with the Quartermaines! All in the same place, doing Q things and making me smile. 


Monday: Don't remember


Wednesday: Still on a high from Tuesday B

Thursday: Starting down the boring path again C 

Friday:  Not sure I want to even watch... ok, I watched also a C and only because Brad was on. 

Sunday Surgery: Tie Me UP!

  GH was certainly back to Soap 101 certain times this week! This is when I seriously think at 30 min show would really work. Cut that fat r...