Lucky still playing cards with Sidwell. ZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz. Lucky ends up cheating when Sidwell is distracted by his guy saying some loot was moved to another location. Then Sidwell shoots that guy in the back. BLOOP!
Isaiah wakes up, grabs Liz and says: LUCKY. Asks where he is. Liz says Port Charles. HE says Lucky sent him there "Do you know him"?? Then TJ walks in and Liz leaves but says she'll be back.
Carly goes in to talk to Lulu about Laura going to find Lucky. Liz then calls her and tells her what Isaiah says and Carly comes running. Carly goes in to talk to him because OF COURSE CARLY DOES. Anna goes to talk to Isaiah. Liz says good luck getting Carly out of there. OMG Carly stays and even asks questions. He tells them about the compound and Sidwell and yada yada. Carly says she's going to go get someone that can help get Lucky home.
Then Jason walks out of the elevator and they have a cute look together. Elizabeth tells him that Isaiah knows Lucky and Anna is questioning him.
Carly goes to Brennan's office and he says he already tracked Lucky for Laura and he's in Eastern Somali.
Jordan tells Anna about taking down the goonie guy. She leaves, then Jason comes in. They talk about working together and it went well. Jason wont' tell Sonny that Valentin got away because of Anna. Anna says they each have a job to do and he should go. He touches her hand and says: Can you give me a minute? I deserve that. He says Sonny didn't do it. Anna says her gut says yes and she KNOWS Jason KNOWS TOO.
Jordan and Drew talk. It's boring. She did like kicking that guy's ass. FILLER
Molly is trying to call Diane to go to the PCPD and be with Alexis. Kristina and Michael get back home. Molly tells them Alexis was hauled in to talk about the gun situation and Cates Murdah. Then she sees Michael and Molly look at each other about the gun and she knows that they know something. "TELL ME"!! Krissy hedges. Molly says she knows she's going to become involved and she WILL FIND THE TRUTH and they'd better start to panic now. She leaves. Kristina asks Michael why she couldn't tell Molly the truth. He says it's bad because she had that gun and Alexis threw it away. He says to say nothing and things will blow over. He hopes.
Molly goes to TJ tells him she thinks Alexis is going to be arrested for something Kristina did. She is thinking Kristina murdered Cates.