Monday, October 21, 2024

Monday Monday


WOW, do we have a nice weather here!! Just gorgeous. All weekend was beautiful and now it's up into the 70s and maybe 80s tomorrow.  The colors this year are wonderful too. 


Lucas, Liz and Isaiah are still suspicious about why Lulu's ventilator stopped working. Later, Liz and Lucas talk. He says that even though Lulu will get a new liver, it doesn't mean she'll wake up. Her quality of life won't change. He thinks he should talk to Lucky and Laura about this. Liz isn't so sure. 

Terry tells Lucky and Laura that Lulu has some portal vein thrombosis and it's going to be a dangerous operation.  It's a blood clot to the liver. Her odds just went way down for survival. Laura says she doesn't want to cancel. Terry says they have to tell Sam about this and she can decide to go ahead with the operation. She also says their surgical team hasn't done one of these more complex operations. Lucky says he might be able to help with that. 

Lucky talks to Isaiah and asks if he's ever done an operation like the one he's describing. He says yes and the person survived. BUT another surgery is why he went to Africa. That patient died and he can't have that happen again. Lucky says is it HOPELESS? Isaiah says he can't say that then Lucky is like: WELP you're just scared. 

Cody and Dante have a beer in the horse barn. Cody is ecstatic about Sam being the donor. Dante feels guilty about spending so much time with Lulu and not Sam.  Dante says Lulu is his past and Sam is his future. 

Sam has Jason and Drew come to the Qs so she can tell them she's donating.  The kid will stay at the Qs and she wants them to spend a lot of time with them when she's gone for a week. They agree. Sam goes to say goodbye to the kids. 

Maxie and Sasha talk about Robert. Maxie says: what if she's not lying? Sasha says she's just running a con and wants her to go to Europe and cut ties with Port Charles. Sasha also says the only reason Holly rescued all the people in Africa was because she was probably getting something out of it. 

Tracey comes home to say goodbye to Violet. They are going to have one last tea party. Violet's sad. Tracey's sad. Tracey says she'll visit. They have a tea party with Lila's china. Brook is like: HEY! I could never touch this! Tracey says life is too short and she's giving the set to Violet. Violet says to keep out  a cup so they can have tea party video chats. Then Violet tells Chase and Brook she wants to visit her grandfather's bench. She'll miss them and hopes they have a baby girl. 

Robert and Holly talk and he wants answers about not knowing about Sasha this whole time. He asks why she didn't say anything when he was upset about Ethan being Luke's and not his. She said she didn't want to hurt him and she loved him. She also says if it wasn't for the Cody/Sasha relationship she never would have told him. Holly then says that when the DNA tests come back, Sasha will hate her even more and need to lean on Robert. 


Chase is going to Seattle to take Violet to Finn's 

Holly calls Sonny about the diamonds 

Isaiah agrees to do the surgery. 

Lucas decides to be a Spencer and fight for Lulu and not tell Lucky and Laura about her odds and not ever waking up


Marshall's going away party at The Savoy

Anna finds out about Sasha being Robert's 

Nina's back and talking to Ava about Ric and does Ava have a crush on him? 

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Sunday Surgery: Medication Needed


I've been on the net for so many years, it's ridiculous. I started in the 90s on the AOL message boards and migrated to Soap Zone. I have never seen a week like this in my lifetime. Message boards: ON FIRE with anger and puzzlement. So, let's take a dive into the world of soaps, shall we? 

I'm thinking get a parachute and some CBD gummies for this one! 

Friday, October 18, 2024

DNA Testing


OMG Holly goes to see Felicia looking for Mac. Says she had a secret she was taking to the grave about her daughter. Maxie: What daughter????? Holly tells them it's Sasha. Maxie is like GTF out of here. NO way. She never said anything. Holly says Sasha wants nothing to do with her. She said she couldn't raise her but she did try to teach her everything she knows and Sasha's a natural.  Felicia asks who the father is. Holly says she thought he was dead and years later didn't want to show up with Sasha on his doorstep. Felicia says she thinks she knows but hopes not for Sasha's sake. (meaning Cody) Maxie goes wacky! LOL!! and:

DNA QUESTION ANSWERED: Felicia had a paternity test done. YES or NO...not a DNA percentage test so it didn't show any relation to Mac. 

Holly leaves. Maxie wonders if Sasha and Holly can ever mend fences. Felicia isn't sure. 

SASHA IS IN Robert's office!! "Let's get one thing clear, you are NOT my father"!! Robert is like, why would she lie? Sasha asks when they were married. He's like, well...hard to say. She thought I was dead, I thought she was dead. LOL... Then she wants a DNA test. He calls Jack at the WSB so Holly can't tamper with the results from GH. Sasha is glad of all the people Holly could pick she was glad it was Robert. BUT doesn't believe they are father and daughter. 

Sam goes to the Davis girls to tell them she's a match for Lulu. Everyone is happy. Then FKING Kristina hijacks the entire conversation and talks about THE RIC Encounter at the restaurant last night!!!! WHAT!! This is also Kelly's last scene with them. WHY would they write that in!!OMG it goes on and on. Alexis tells them to shut up because Sam needs them right now. They don't. Sam is like: I'm out of here. BYE. 

Tracey is talking to Lulu at her bedside. Laura looks on. Laura thanks her for looking after Ace. Also for caring for Lulu years ago. NICE SCENE. They talk about headstrong Lulu and all the  years. AWWW. Terry comes out to tell Laura they need to talk about the surgery. 

Liz is at Laura's house and Lucky walks downstairs. He wonders why she's there. Liz says Sam is the donor. They hug. She's watching Ace. He asks what Aiden was like. She says musical like him. When the nanny comes they share a ride to GH. 

Finn moved to Seattle and Violet is going there. She packs and realizes how far it is away. She's sad but it will be ok because they'll have a baby soon. Brook sobs and finds Lois and Ned. She doesn't know if she can let Violet go. Cries. Lois is looking suspicious when Brook is talking about letting a child go. Lois has to leave the room. Brook realizes they never told Tracey that Violet is leaving. 

Isaiah tells Lucas about the ventilator failing and saving Lulu. They figure out someone tampered with it. Might have to go to the police. 


Lois looks in on Violet with tears in her eyes

Brook Calls Tracey to come home.

Holly goes to talk to Robert 

Terry says there might be a complication with the surgery. 


Thursday, October 17, 2024



I'm finally excited again to watch an episode! Squee. SO many guesses out there about Sasha's daddy. Robert? Luke? Bill Eckert? Toliver? Hmmmm. Someone we don't know?? We shall see how they spin all this. 

Dante and Sam tell the kids she's a Lulu Liver match. Operation is the day after tomorrow. Scout is concerned. 

Sasha says she never sees her mother unless a scam is involved. Holly says she's there to help her out of a bad situation. She can't get closer to Cody Bell. OMG the last scam they pulled was on David ViCKERS in LLANDVIEW! ahahahaaha. Sasha says Holly is a bad mother. Holly is like, yeah I am. They talk and Sasha won't believe her. Holly says when she was pregnant with Sasha, she thought her father was dead. Then she thought his enemies would use her as bait. IT'S ROBERT!! Holly didn't want him to know because she was ashamed. Yada yada. Sasha storms out. Tracey is at the door and sees Holly. "Look what the cat dragged in".  They spar. 

Tracey asks Cody about the money request. He is not happy she found out. He tells her about the ranch. They talk about all the men that have scammed her and he doesn't want to be one of them. She talks about Luke and such. He says he won't ask a friend for the money. 

Sasha finds Cody in the horse house and kisses him on the mouth: HARD!! Then she breaks away and says she has to go to the kitchen. 

ALexis goes into Jordan's office to talk about TJ and Molly. She thinks the trial with Ava will put them over the edge. Jordan says they need to let them work it out themselves. 

TJ brings in Molly's dry cleaning. They are going to Marshall's goodbye party at the Savoy tomorrow. She forgot. She was working on the Ava Jerome case. She thinks Kristina is going to tank the case. She thinks she'll lose it on the witness stand. 

Ava and Ric have dinner at The Metro.  I LOVES THEM. Kristina walks in. Dirty looks all around. OMG Krissy and Ric are all snipey. She killed MY BABY! Ric says MOLLY's BABY!! She calls her Adella and he's like: UM IRENE.  She yells in the restaurant; SHE KILLED MY BABY AND CONNIE AND MORGAN. Then she grabs Ric's drink an hurls it across the room. Alexis comes in and is like: KRISTINA! Orders her home. Ric is like: WOW you're out. Heard the found the gun. You must have friends in high places. 
Ric then basically says he set the whole thing up so Kristina would walk in, find them and go nuts in front of customers. He can call them as witnesses for the trial!! He found out Kristina and Alexis were going there for dinner and set up a dinner with Ava. 


Sante family hug all around. 

PS I don't know about the DNA test and Sasha. Maybe Holly THINK she's Robert but she's not. 

Don't @ me lol 

Sasha won't believe Holly

Wednesday, October 16, 2024



I was OUT TO LUNCH AND LATE!! Here I am!! 

I got in at 2:!5 so... HANG ON 

CYRUS totally messed with the machine for Lulu. He said "I have a gift for Laura" . I think he was "letting her go" so Laura wouldn't worry anymore. BUT didn't know about the donor situation. I bet he thought "releasing" LULU from life would be a gift. 

Dante comes out and asks Liz why he's not being updated. Liz says she has to make a report on the respirator first. He apologizes. They talk about Lucky and Lulu. Liz gets a text the results are in from the liver screening. 

Sam says yes, test me to Terry but don't tell Dante. She doesn't want Rocco and Dante to get their hopes up again. 

Brennan says it was sloppy of Jason and Anna to leave Sidwell alive because he killed the rescue team in Africa. He thinks someone brought something back from Africa and they were looking for it in the plane. They ransacked the hangar it was in and the plane. He wonders where Holly was during the escape. They said you'd better ask Holly! 

Holly and Felicia are talking and Holly recognizes Sasha. She drinks a LOT. I think Sasha is a SCORPIO and maybe Ethan's twin?? and that's why they haven't slept together? I mean, Holly is acting NUTS LOL . She says are you sure Cody isn't scamming you all? Felicia says at first yes, he was but now, no. Holly orders a double scotch LOL 

Mac and Robert are talking about Holly and Mac says that Holly is up to something. He tells Robert not to fall for her again when he has a "Gorgeous redhead" now.  Mac leaves and Diane comes in. She wonders what Robert wanted. 

Michael says no to Sasha about investing in Cody's Serenity ranch.  He leaves. Tracey heard Sasha ask Michael. Is not happy. Sasha tells her why she asked Michael and she wanted to ask him before Cody asked Tracey. Tracey blows up and isn't happy. CODY would NEVER ASK ME FOR MONEY! Sasha says no, he knows men have used you for your money and he's your friend. 

Isaiah and Jordan go out to dinner at the Surf place. He talks about being a transplant doctor and how great it is to save a life. 


END: Sasha opens the door and it's Holly. She asks What are you doing here? "Hello daughter" says HOLLY.. and Sasha says HELLO MOTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so SHE KNEW!!!

Sam tells Dante she's a match for Lulu

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

No Accent


Tracey, Brook and Olivia go around about Violet's suspension. It's just blah. Tracey has her lawyers looking into suing the parents of the kid that bullied Vi. Olivia defends Tracey and says she's making up for not being able to help Lulu. Then Brook talks to Willow and wants advice from a former teacher. She says get a team together. 
Tracey tells Olivia later that she can't control anything so she's going after the primary school. "Lulu is dying"...they hug.

Cody wants to buy "Serenity" the ranch he grew up on... for an animal rescue ranch. I thought the ranch was far away????? I don't know. His idea is to ask Tracey for a loan for the down payment. The ranch costs $6 million LOL. He chickens out actually asking her though. 

Drew and Willow. Willow says she has to go. Drew says let's talk and NED walks in: what's up!! ahahaha. Willow leaves. He tells Drew that they can get Valentin's shares transferred at some point. Ned also wants the kids to get equal shares and he'll vote proxy until they are of age. Plus he wants to run Drew's shares while he's in office. Drew and Michael and like; We need to think about it. Ned flips out and goes to Olivia; We are supposed to be united as a family! Then he leaves with a plan. 

Drew tells Michael HE has to take over ELQ when he wins the election. They figure out how to split power. 

Ned meets with Elaine the dog lady. Wants to hire her to find out if Drew/Willow are having an affair. 

Liz is on the phone and wants the possible donor info sent to her asap. Isaiah is out of the bed, walking around. Asks about Lucky. She says he's not able to donate and Isaiah is sad. PSA about donating organs. Then Liz looks at the computer and finds the name "I Know who can save Lulu" Smiles a bit. 

Laura is in with Lulu at her bedside. Marty comes in. He's been tested and doesn't match. She wants to know about this 'transformation' aka: shaving his beard. THEN she mentions his accent. He says he got tired about being asked about "Fried Chicken" and got a vocal coach HAHAAHA. PFFFFFFFT. Anyway, when they walk back into Lulu's room, Cyrus is there. 
Marty talks to him in the hall he says he has a gift for Laura. Just then Liz comes in and says they might have a donor. 

Sam and Dante are at the batting cage, getting ready for the soft-ball finals. Sam gets hot dogs. Forgets the mustard. He says he saw Dex and tells Sam they found the gun. He almost told Sonny and stopped his confession and ruined his career. Marty came in though and he didn't have to say anything. They talk about Rocco. TERRY CALLS SAM INTO HER OFFICE. 


Sam is a match.

Finn is getting out of rehab 

Monday, October 14, 2024

Storylines GH Should Do, But Won't

  I'm out of the office today--David and I came up with these stories to just start shaking and baking at GH. Just riffin' on some things. Have a good one and report if I should watch the show later!! 

After years of recycled storylines, it should be time to shake up GH and bring in some stories that will entice the current viewers and also bring in new/old ones. Over time, taboo issues have eventually been brought into the television mainstream. Abortion on Maude and, well, just about everything else on All in the Family. Can GH tackle strong subjects again like Robin's HIV and Michael's r*pe?  

Open Relationships between consenting adults. We need more "free love" on soaps, especially in an era where anything could go. GH is so stale with their married (and unmarried) couples, it might be refreshing to have some swingers on. It would be doubly hilarious if it was Chase/BrookLyn leading the way.  Get a little Cody-Sasha action in there. 

Cutting/Self-Harm. Statistics show that this issue primarily occurs with females in their late teens. I am sure that is just a random statistic and this happens with the same amount of guys as well. Depression is the usual culprit along with self-esteem problems. The person involved usually does the cutting (most notably in an arm) to create physical pain to alleviate the emotional one. ☝️ 

Cheating. When was the last really good love triangle on this show? It could have been with the triad knowing about each other or behind closed doors. Being this is 2024, a good triangle might involve 2 guys and a woman instead of the usual triad above. It really has been way too long since GH took liberties with relationships. Closest we have right now is Willow/Drew/Nina and Willow and Drew haven't know. 

Eating Disorders. While this is actually an older concept, GH has never really explored a true eating disorder. Perhaps Aidan develops one or Georgie. KS has talked about her struggles in the past so maybe she could help contribute to the storyline. 

What about somebody who is on onlyfans? One of the doctors or nurses can be earning extra cash on the side and then they get found out throughout the hospital. Or maybe one of the doctors is a high priced escort in their free time (for both men and women)?  OR get really racy and have a younger gen do this. Gio could have a side-line where he plays the violin in his birthday suit online. 

5 year time jump. Desperate Housewives did this and so did a few other TV shows. One of the benefits would be that the show can clean house and literally start anew. Characters (and actors) can leave the show for a variety of reasons resulting in a smaller cast. Couples can split up and new couples can emerge without the usual build-up. People can be in new careers and new sets can be built from old ones. It's a fresh start that can be needed to revive the show.

Do you like your soaps to be all angsty and dark or do you like them lighter and more cheery? The trick is a good balance between the two. GH has room for both, especially with the hospital  setting. 

Monday Monday

  WOW, do we have a nice weather here!! Just gorgeous. All weekend was beautiful and now it's up into the 70s and maybe 80s tomorrow.  T...