Friday, July 26, 2024



How are you feeling about the whole Rick Hearst thing? I'm intrigued but not overly so. I'm hoping it doesn't dissolve into a Sonny-Ric fight about custody of the baby. 

Also, I saw that Carly got herself arrested yesterday. Good. Maybe she'll be on 'vacation' for awhile. Laura Wright must have had a giant headache after yelling for 2 days straight! 

HAPPY FRIDAY!!! This summer is just flying, isn't it?? Always happens around here because we don't get that many days of good weather!! 

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Ric Hearst Back for Aug. Stint


Ric Hearst is returning for the surrogacy story starting Aug 19th according to TV LINE.  I guess Daddy Ric will have a part to play in that whole Drama!!



Of my self-imposed break!! I want to say I reacted to what I saw yesterday in REAL TIME. I'm passionate about the show and was genuinely floored with the direction it has taken with the Kristina/Blaze story. It's not cute, funny or anything other than bizarre. Why did they even GO in this direction? Minimalizing the things Natalia said? I don't understand. She got blasted by Blaze day one then...meh. It's been ALL about Ava. Ava, who they are writing into some corner because they clearly can't figure out what to do with her. 
This is the new writer's vision for the show? Pikeman stretched out until I'm crying for it to just END? Cassadines are gone and I'm watching Anna just twist in the wind. 
I want to be entertained by my soap. I'm no longer being entertained and I'm sure you're tired of my bitching about it all. 

I'll be watching Neighbours on Prime (2019 is an awesome year) and just enjoying my summer afternoons for a bit. You know me, I'll be back but right now? I need time off. I will post fun things daily so check back!! 


Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Well, Who's the Victim?


We are having a thunderstorm so-- not sure how long this will last!! 

Perez Hilton set. Krissy and Blaze/Brook show up. They are nervous. He introduces himself.  He launches into the interview. So far so good. Natalia watches in her hotel room. They talk more and basically Blaze says she's MORE ANGRY about the recording and her mother's privacy being invaded. Her mom actually is a really GOOD MANAGER. SHE'S THE REAL VICTIM in all of this. (yes SHE SAID THAT). They wanted to wait to come out of the 'closet' to give Blaze's mother TIME to accept it. THIS IS BULLSHIT. 

Carly tells Jason he's never going to be out from under Cates and she'll have to turn herself in. She SCREAMS AND SCREAMS at him about the fact it's her fault and SHE'S GOING and yada yada. OMG my head hurts. They talk about Donna. Danny. Jake. She cries some more. Jason says he HAS TO GO. She says HE HAS TO STAY. Cripes. Ok, all you need to know is in the end, Carly agrees to not turn herself in to Cates. 

Jason is at the bus station. He calls Danny to tell him he's going to be away for awhile. 

Anna yells at Jagger about keeping Jason in the FBI after he got the evidence. He wonders how she knows so much about the evidence. He thinks she helped Valentin get away.  They fight. He says Jason is going to pay. She says he's a bully and coward because he only wants evidence to put Sonny away and Jason won't give it to him. 

Willow and Nina meet at The Metro. Willow has a PSA to do on the charity and needs Nina's help to edit it. They talk about GRAMMAR. Yep, that boring. Ava comes over and wants to join. Nina's like: NOPE. Ava then tells them she wants one of them to call Scott to report on Sonny's behavior. Nina tells her to scram. THEN Willow leaves. Ava and Nina spar about stuff. Nina says she will never forgive Ava. She's team Sonny


The interview was a boring FKING NOTHING. 

Carly is throwing John Cates out of the hotel 

AND I will be taking a break from this show for a bit. I am so disappointed and angry with the whole Ava/Natalia storyline that I can't see straight. I also can't deal with any OTHER Story right now because they are boring me to tears. 
SO, until then... I will put up filler so you can write what you think of this show. 

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Luke's BDAY


Michael and Kristina eat at Kelly's. He wants to tell her about Sonny.  He says the way he's acting he won't get custody but might get a restraining order! 

Tracey and Ned in the horse stall. She's not in a good mood. I guess she hasn't been sleeping well. Ned patches up a nip she got on her wrist from Hades the Horse. He says he knows what today means to her. It's Luke's birthday. She says he was the love of her life. Nice scene. they hug

Carly goes to Sonny's. Tells him Jagger is after him. Sonny is like: Yeah, so what he has been. Carly is saying he has to watch out. Sonny is like: Meh. Carly says that Jagger could use Dex's beating against him. Sonny's like, he's not finding out. Carly asks who knows about it. OMG he remembers AVA KNOWS! AHAHAHAHA. Then he tells Carly about his fight with Michael and wants her to smooth things over. She's like: NOPE!!! You drove everyone away. Do you even have ONE Friend to help you? He says: YOU. Carly says that he called her a traitor in that very room and she's done. Cries and leaves. WOW GOOD STUFF. 

Jagger goes to Ava's hotel room. He says everyone is on Sonny's side and she's brave to go for sole custody. Ava says she feels so alone. He says she's not alone now. Ava flirts like a damn ninja with him!! WOO HOO. He says she has to give him something on Sonny and she's like, he will never go to jail. "He killed a Quartermaine and got pardoned"!! LOL  He finally tells Ava he will protect her and Sonny will never see Avery again. She says it's been a long time since anyone has had her back. They kiss.  Then he gets a call--his boss. Has to leave. 

Jason goes to Anna's office. He tells her Jagger is pissed Valentin got away and now he has a whole new assignment he has to do. Anna tells him to go to the press and tell them the FBI went back on their word. Jason says that they'll put Carly in jail on RICO! He says it's her fault this happened because he made her wait while Valentine got away. They really YELL--wow. Jason is furious. Anna tells him most of this is Carly and his fault because of their lifestyles. She finally says she promises to get him out from under the FBI. He says he hopes so and leaves. Slams that door. 

Carly walks into Kelly's and sees Michael. Starts to tell him about Sonny but Jason comes in and says he has to talk to Carly. They go upstairs and he tells her he has to go tonight to Quantico. 

OMG.. Maurice and Jane are outside ...really outside and they both visited Luke's Club (across the street) on his birthday. They talk about him and what a good friend he was. Wow, unexpected. NICE

Carly says she's going to turn herself in

Anna tells Jagger to stop Jason going

Ava calls her lawyer to ask about Sonny being investigated by the FBI 

Monday, July 22, 2024

You're Still IN


I REALLY need for today's show to be a good one. Dang it. 

Scotty and Ava talking about the boring custody case.  She says Laura is on her side. He says that's a good "get" but only one. She puts Trina on the list and is going to get John Jagger on it too. Then she thinks Scotty should make Dex testify about the beating and have Kristina as a witness. She also thinks they should call Carly. Have her tell the truth and say she doesn't want Donna to stay over night because of Sonny's instability. "She even thought he wasn't taking his meds"!! Then Ava realizes that Sonny might be their best witness. Ava tells Scotty (because he's her lawyer) that one of Sonny's meds is a placebo. She didn't do it and doesn't know who did but she knows. Scotty figures out if he puts him on the stand he will crack. 

Sonny has Michael over to ask him a favor. Diane is there too. They talk about Ava and Diane brings up the fact she tampered with Morgan's meds and they could say she's not stable to be around Avery. Michael says that they'll mention him getting hit in the head with a bullet meant for Sonny and Carly sending Morgan to military school to get him away from Sonny. Sonny is mad thinking Michael won't help him in the hearing. Diane tries to calm him down. Sonny yells at Michael that he always looks down on him. Michael says the only time he's seen Sonny like this is when he's off his meds. Sonny says he TAKES THEM EVERY DAY and he can CHECK! You saying I'm crazy? Michael tells Diane he can't testify with Sonny, he's not the father he grew up with. Leaves. 

Diane gets into it with Sonny about doing what he did to Michael and if his behavior carries on like it is, he won't win custody of anything! 

Brook, Krissy and Blaze talk at the Q boathouse about their interview with Perez Hilton. Brook says that he didn't agree to only stick to the questions they gave him. Also, he can mention Sonny and Blaze's brother. Blaze freaks out and says to cancel the interview. Then they talk and decide to do it. Brook gives them tips on how to answer the questions. They look ridiculous in fall jackets and blouses btw. 

Laura and Anna. Laura says the FBI is looking for Valentin. She can't figure out what happened. Not ELQ, not WSB..what? Then she says their phones are turned off (no longer in service) and Charlotte even scrubbed her entire social media. She's so upset and all her children are scattered and if Charlotte is missing she can't take it. Anna promises to keep her up to date if she hears anything. (lie). She leaves.

Jason is in Kelly's with Danny getting ready to go on a boat trip. Jagger comes in and says "No you're not". Carly's not happy. Jason tells Danny they have to reschedule and takes Jagger upstairs. Jagger says that Valentin left the country and he's SURE Jason was stalling for him to be able to slip away. Jason says NOPE, NOT ME. Jagger tells Jason that until they find Valentin, he's not done. He's going to Quantico and getting a new assignment and he's leaving TONIGHT. If he doesn't do it, he'll put Carly in Jail. Jason says nope. Then Jagger launches into a tirade against Sonny and tells Jason he has to help him put him away. "you know where the bodies are buried"!! Jason says that Sonny was right, Pikeman was only and excuse for Jagger to go after him. 

Carly stomps into Anna's office demanding to know if Jagger is after Sonny. Tells Anna that he is up in Jason's apartment talking to him right now. She and  Anna talk about what Jagger could be doing. Anna tells her not to do anything and Carly says that she and Jason will take care of things. 

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Sunday Surgery: Pickled Pikeman


Well, this week supposedly brought an "end" to the Pikeman Saga. One that has gone on so long, I no longer can recite it's timeline nor do I care to. I have no idea how this blog is going to go so hold on tight. 

Grab what you go and let's give it a go! 


  How are you feeling about the whole Rick Hearst thing? I'm intrigued but not overly so. I'm hoping it doesn't dissolve into a ...