Sunday, January 31, 2021

Sunday Surgery: Coffee, Tea or Me?


So... it was a good week for me. I was really busy and had to watch some on Hulu but I caught up I think. GH was also good this week!!  BOOOM!! 

Let's have some mini-bar drinks in honor of Alexis, shall we? And if you got the Coffee, Tea or me reference--well, welcome to the older club lol 

Friday, January 29, 2021

Goes together like.......

 Necklace fits like a glove!! Nina wants to ask Avery questions. Michael says Avery told him about the whole thing.  They go on and on. Carly's trying to deflect and shut Michael up. They figure out Nelle was in there. Val says that the nurse said she took the baby to Florida. Michael says "Nelle was from Florida"....He leaves to to to GH. Then it goes on and Carly says "Well I figured out Nelle was your daughter LAST NIGHT and wanted to tell you but talked to Jax first" Pfffffft. ahahhaha. Jax says "nope, that's not true, you deserve the whole truth" ... (show ended there)

Sonny is seeing a doctor at the clinic with Phyllis.  The doctor is telling him they need to look at his bloodwork to see what's up. He says he's fine. They get the bloodwork and they saw he was on they talk him into taking it again. Took awhile :eyeroll: 

Jason is wondering why Dante would save Franco. Franco tells him that he confronted Peter about the news article and Dante is his security, that might be it. Liz lays into him and says he's probably mad Dante stopped Alexis from killing Franco. Sam overhears and figures out Jason was the one Franco asked to kill him off. 

Robert comes to GH wondering about Dante.. Olivia rushes in and cries...Dante starts coding. Robert hugs her and Liz runs into his room. Dante is stabilized.. Olivia demands to know what happened. She asks if a psycho did it.. Sam "That pscyho was my mother' ahahhaa.  Olivia goes to the chapel. Robert finds out Ned and Alexis slept together. Ned walks in. Robert says I'm sorry I thought you'd want him here. She asks him to leave. Olivia vows to get Alexis for being a murderous slut LOL!! She hopes God thinks that's ok! 

Tracey talks to Luke, says she can't come home yet because she needs to make things right with Ned.  Monica is back from her cardio conference. She looks great! Ned has to fill her in on everything that happened while she was gone.  Monica tells Tracey her plan with Alexis was dumb. Ned leaves. Monica kicks out Tracey for her "own good" says she'll get arrested if she doesn't.  At the end of the show, a policeman comes to arrest her and she's gone. Out of the country. 

Mac is yelling at Alexis. Says she's still drunk so he's talking to her in Jordan's office so she doesn't make a scene in the PCPD. She explains that Franco was 'attacking" Sam and she had to save her .He tells her that Dante might die. She says it was an accident. He doesn't care, no justification. It's Alexis' birthday! He says too bad your phone is impounded. She says no one cares or will call her anyway. She finds out that Dante is going to be ok. Mac says she needs to get help but she's being charged with attempted murder. 

NOTES: SHOW WAS CHOPPY because the scenes were so short. Jane and Leslie's make up was so soft and flawless. 

GOOD One to watch today! 

Thursday, January 28, 2021


Rick Springfield was on GMA3 before GH was on. Jesse's Girl is 40 years old!! 40!! His voice still sounds amazing!! 

So Nina sees the necklace on Sasha...she thinks Sasha did it on purpose to mess with her...Carly wants Lucy to stop the interview.

Meanwhile, Jackie is on full attack to Sasha about pretending to be Nina's daughter and a coke ho AHHAHA "SO you got hooked pretty fast"!! 
NINA SEES THE NECKLACE, runs down from the same time VALENTIN SEES IT TOO!! Oh boy oh boy... After the interview, Nina asks Sasha about the necklace. Sasha says wardrobe put it on! Has no idea. Valentin says: "OH I THINK CARLY KNOWS"!! hahhaa. Carly is standing there looking guilty with Avery. Carly says she was trying to stop the interview because she knew it would upset Nina to see it. (liar) Nina says she wants to know if Carly knows where it came from. Avery says it's mine!! I'm sorry if everyone is mad. Nina asks her where she got it "When Mommy took me to the cabin" . Sasha gives Nina the necklace. Carly isnt' sure if it's the fake one she had made or the real one. We won't know until tomorrow! 

Sam is yelling at Franco about his tumor. Liz is telling her to stop it. Alexis is in an exam room chugging vodka and eye-balling a needle. Franco says if he turns "bad" he will be put down.  Franco has a bad headache, starts falling...Alexis thinks he's dangerous and runs out with a giant needle to stop him and DANTE RUSHES IN AND SHE STABS HIM INSTEAD!!!! OMG! 

Portia sees Dante whos' on the floor...she says to get him into the trauma unit. They are going to check out the contents of the syringe. Dante was seizing and his pulse is racing. 
Sam screams at Alexis. 

Chase goes to the floor that Dante is on. Jason overhears it. They go to the floor where Dante is. Jason asks Franco what happened. Franco said Alexis was trying to kill him and got Dante instead. 
Dante has acute poisoning from the syringe. They have to stabilize him. 
Chase asks Sam what happened. Alexis nods to her and Sam tells the truth. Chase Calls Jordan. Jordan is at GH and arrests Alexis. 

Sonny comes back to Lenny and Phyllis' bar with a cop in tow. He wanted a job at the Hardware Store, they said no and he wouldn't leave.  He's leaving Sonny with Lenny and Phyllis to watch him. I think Sonny is crashing right now.  Phyllis says in order to stay with them he has to go see the mental health people because she thinks he has mania. Sonny says not seeing a head-shrinker. She says he can't stay there unless he does. 

TOMORROW: Mac throws the book at Alexis at the PCPD! He has no sympathy! 

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Holy Smokes: I'm HERE!

 That's right.. I have to leave a bit early but I'll be here for almost the whole show. 

I'm going to be here for almost all the show. I might miss the last 5 min...

Jason and Carly talk. He thinks they need to declare Sonny legally dead so the Five Families know he's taking over. ahhaha. She thinks it's "too soon to have a funeral without a body". Carly agrees if it will keep them safe. 

Maxie and Britt ...doing Maxie's prenatal yoga. Peter's not there, has a juicy story (franco's tumor) to get out. Maxie leaves once she realizes that Peter put the tumor story out. 

Sam is at Alexis' house, Alexis is drinking and celebrating her NOT getting a DWI LOL 

GMA 3 has Jackie and Sasha on to talk about her drug addiction.  She's a bit late but gets ready. 

Dr. O and Franco talk outside.  She realizes it's Peter that did the story. Franco goes to see Peter. Britt is already there asking if he stole Franco's medical records.  Franco gets angry, tries to strangle Peter and stupid DANTE rushes in to save him! ugh

Avery is at GH to get her check up. Nikolas talks to Liz. Liz is upset, he hugs her. Ava sees them. 

Ok, so Ava takes Avery to the Metero to see Carly (who's talking to Jason) and she's going to stay with Michael until Carly is available. Shes' going to give Sasha her half of the necklace for "good Luck" Ooooooooooooh Carly is going to freak out! LOL 

I have to go!! I'll catch the end tonight!! DISCUSS

EVERYONE gets a notice on their phone: Intruder: FRANCO HAS TUMOR ! 

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Wubsy Is Neglecting GH !!


BUT!! For good reason! With all the COVID stuff, there aren't enough people to cover everything so I'm going to be subbing again for the preschool. This time from 12-4pm which will probably kill me LOL . 

I saw yesterday's show on Hulu. Jackie Z looks fantastic. Glad to see Bobbie. Can you imagine the convo between she and Carly?

"MOM! I need you to help me kidnap an old lady"!

"Sure honey!!

"MOM! You have to take care of her too!

"Sure honey"!! 

"MOM! Can you help me steal a necklace"?

"Sure honey"!! 


Yesterday was also the day that Martin (Tad) and Jackie (Jenny) met!! OMG! OMG! My teenie AMC heart exploded!!  Of course I didn't see it in real time. Figures...

Anyway.. Today watch as Jackie interviews Sasha on "GMA 3" (really the Metro Court turned GMA3 set). 

I will try my hardest to make Wed show. I might have to sub again Thursday. If I can still function after today! 

Monday, January 25, 2021

Didn't See That Coming: Diana Taylor's Death


Heather Webber plotted against Diana Taylor and decided to kill her and frame Anne Logan with the murder by writing Anne's name in blood on the floor. Sounds simple enough, right? Heather does this and frames Anne. Case closed.

Well, not so fast.

Forensic shows that Diana died instantly, so she could not have written Anne's name in blood, so that (somewhat) cleared Anne. Heather then became a suspect and was arrested. After all, we saw her in a nurse’s uniform leaving the scene. There you have it. Case closed.

Well, not so fast.

Apparently, Heather’s mother Alice Grant was in the closet and saw the confrontation between Heather and Diana. Heather went “into a trance” and Diana went into the kitchen to get a gun and Alice picked up Heather’s gun from the floor. Alice killed Diana. And left the room. When Heather woke up, she saw a dead Diana and took it upon herself to grab Diana’s hand and write the name “Anne”. 

Alice confessed to Joe Kelly that she killed Diana.

I didn’t see that coming. Did you?

Note from WubQueen:  I DID NOT...and the fact we all WANTED Heather to have killed her and be sent to jail was just the emotional twist of the knife needed!! Everyone LOVED Anne! This was back in the day when good characters could be thrown under the bus for real!! 

Note Note: I missed today's show because of an appointment! Enjoy this from Dave today-- 

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Sunday Surgery: MEDLESS


Another week, another GH interruption! Here's hoping life calms the hell down and we get smooth sailing for awhile. GH this week was better for me, especially with the whole Q scene-- and Sonny's story might be getting a tad interesting within it's tiny bubble. 

Since Sonny is saving the day for the Bar, let's have a WUBS Signature Cocktail shall we?  Johnny Walker Black on the Rocks. 

Saturday, January 23, 2021

General Hospital: Feel The Bern

 Oh people on Soap Twitter were BUSY!! Even the actors got in on it... take a little gander at the latest memes!! 

  • @SoapJenn      Bern the Q 

@GoToSharon   Bern The Moss 

@JuanaSami1    Classroom Bern 

@JuanaSami1   FannA Bern 

@FanGirl_810   Davis Bern 

@NancyLeeGrahn   Juliexis Bubble Bern 

@FanGirl_810   Mob Bern 

@FanGirl_810   Tumor Bern 

If you've seen any good ones, drop the link in the comments!! 

Friday, January 22, 2021


 I thought I'd list some up and coming reveals we have going: 

Britt's 'diagnosis" (I'm convinced she has Hungtinton's)

Peter...all of his dumb ass stuff

Nina's daughter

Sonny's alive 

Dev stole Joss' journal (she finds out) 

What else? Oh, Dr. O is skulking around 

That's going to take us through February right? 

Eden McCoy texts on a break! (From Twitter) 

TODAY'S SHOW!! It's snowed here a lot! Looks pretty but I haven't had to do my car off in a long time. Wah. 

Sonny at the bar. He's cleaning the tables like a mad-man. Oh, I think he's off his meds!! So he's going to be going a bit manic. Ok, he's REALLY manic. Wants to make a signature cocktail. Is going on and on....Phyllis figures out he probably has a mental illness. Lenny tells Sonny to either go to bed or get out. 

Carly cries to Joss about Sonny.  Joss talks about the Sonny --Oscar's death. Misses Avery. She mentions Ava came by.  Carly doesn't react much about the necklace. Tells Joss it was ok it give it to her. Calls Jax really fast. 

Curtis sees Nina at Kelly's. She tells Curtis about the Phyllis visit. He wants to help. She says she's not searching. He thinks she should search.  Jax leaves when Carly calls. Curtis wonders if Jax always puts Carly first. 

Jax goes to Carly. Wants to tell Nina the truth.... Carly freaks out and says no, she'll get the necklace back and save them both. 

Liason at the gym. "it was your dream come true to  kill Franco wasn't it"? She keeps blabbing, wonders how he'll know if Franco is dangerous enough. Tells him Jake loves Franco and don't take him away from him. She threatens Jason that if anything happens to Franco, he'll be sorry. 

Olivia lays into Alexis. Alexis tries to apologize and she's not having it. You need to watch it all! GOOD SCENES

Ned yells at Tracy. She turns it around and says he's guilty of "criminally poor judgement" LOL Tracy, turning the tables! He thinks she came back to PC to run his life since Luke is galvanting all over the place and she can't control him. 

Then, Ned goes to talk to Olivia and Alexis to Tracy . Tracy tries to tell Alexis that it was for her own good. 

Olivia doesn't want to hear from Ned. He decides to leave for a bit. Olivia sobs. 

Franco wants Scotty to represent him if he dies after coming out as "mean-Franco" . Wants him to get Jason off charges if he's arrested for his death. 

END: Jason cocks his gun LOL Pffffft. He gonna kill Franco now? 

Ok, come join me for Sunday Surgery! 

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Secrets and Lies

 Olivia!! OMG..figuring it out about Alexis and Ned. OH MAN!! She tells Tracy she knows she was in cahoots and if Tracy goes near her kid she'll "knock her out" LOL!!  Ned comes clean. Olivia is pissed. Ned says he didn't tell her because he didn't want to hurt her. Sam yells at him "you drank with my mother the alcoholic"?? 

Alexis asks Finn to come over.  She tells him that Martin Gray will be her lawyer and will try to prove Tracy was driving, not her.  OMG SHE'S GOING TO THE Q HOUSE TO CONFRONT TRACY and the secret is out! Alexis storms in saying that Tracy has to tell the truth. Sam says she has proof Tracy lied. Ned is like "what did you do NOW, mother'?? HAHAHAHA. They lay out the facts against Tracy. She says oh, all right, I did it, I moved ALexis behind the wheel " with great difficulty I might add" ahahha the shade!! She said she did it to get Alexis help. Alexis knows it was so she didn't tell Olivia the truth. Alexis stays to talk to Olivia. Tracy tries to sneak out but Ned goes after her. 

Anna tells Kevin she's worried about Dante's mental health and she thinks the WSB let him go too soon. He looks at the files from Kirk's office, they find out Dr. O was a patient of his. 

Maxie talks to Dante and Peter is there too. Dante has a "complete the mission" in his head moment. They tell Dante that they want to name their girl after LULU. He likes the idea. Peter leaves. They talk about Rocco. He thinks she sees the good in people. Oh, they bond a lot. 

Britt and Jason . She wants him to tell him about how bad Peter is. He tells her all about the memory thing and keeping him in the clinic. How Peter's been pulling strings. How he sets people up to take the fall like he did to her mother.  Peter barges in, gives Jason a pissy look. Jason leaves. Peter asks Britt to use her computer and walk away. She says ok but it's only to find out what he's looking for. She comes back (he's already downloaded a flash drive) and she sees he was looking at Franco's file. 

Liz and Franco "Why did you talk to Jason"?? He tells her in a round about way that he wanted him to kill him if the tumor is bad again. She said it was their decision and he was being selfish . She doesn't want to lose a minute with him. Liz goes to the gym to confront Jason about agreeing to kill Franco. 

Meanwhile, Franco hears "Meet Drew Cain" in his head when he's at home. 

NOTE: Dante and Maxie would be the perfect Soapy 101 choice. Peter is outted, Dante is concerned about Peter, baby is born and Maxie and he fall in love and then...Lulu wakes up. 



Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Not Sure about Today


Old Time Gatekeepers for you! 

I have a meeting today and don't know if I'll make #GH I thought I'd throw this up in case I don't get back. Tomorrow there is no new show due to the inaug-- so keep that in mind. There will be a repeat episode (not sure which one). 

Just wanted to say a quick thank you to those that used the Amazon link to order for Christmas--it helps keep this blog alive!! 

Have a joyful day! 

Monday, January 18, 2021


 It's Monday..MLK day. Hope you are safe and happy and full of some joy. 

Sonny unarms the robber and gets the gun. Of course he does. Mobular instincts. The guy ends up running. 

Carly's crying over Sonny at the Metro. Jax is there. She says NJ said unless a body is found, Sonny won't be declared dead for 3 years. She thinks it's Karma for Nelle dying. She wonders if  they should tell Nina about Nelle. Jax is 

Joss is crying over Sonny in the kitchen. Cam, Trina, Moss are there. Joss talks about her journal. Cam wonders why she threw it out (he saw it in the trash at GH) and she goes to look for it. It's missing!! OH NOOOOO!! 

Olivia asks Robert to help her become a spy so she can figure out if Tracy set up Alexis. 😊

Ned talks to Tracy about Alexis. Not a lot of movement.  Olivia comes home and then Leo is going to be adopted by Ned. There's going to be a celebration.  They flashback to Robert coaching Olivia on how to trap Tracy in a lie. Which she does--about the house alarm.  She catches Tracy in a lie and is all 'ha ha'. 

Willow and Michael go back and forth about their Amish lifestyle and  whether or not they like each other or Chase and Sasha. OMG. THEY HAVE TO BE LIBRAS!!!!  I can't really deal with them at all. There's no sexual tension..there's no romance...? Chem? UGH They go back and forth. "the sex wasn't reality..we wouldn't have had it if it wasn't for what Sasha and Chase did" --then they think they should go back with them. THEN Willow says "UNLESS YOU DON"T WANT TO" omg OH MY GAWD! Both of them can just GO

Nina is putting away her heart necklace in a keepsake box (in her office??) and Ava walks in. What's in there?! Ava wants Nina to talk to Carly about being nice about Avery. I think it was just to get a look at the necklace. They chat about Nina getting closer to Joss. Good friendship chat. I do miss Michelle tho.  Nina decides to keep wearing her necklace. 

Nina wants to give Josslyn her HS sports letter for good luck. 

END: Josslyn gives Ava the necklace for Avery! She found it in her mom's jewelry box!! 

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Sunday Surgery: Welcome To Your Life...


Julian Jerome Plaid circa 2018 

After loving GH for weeks and weeks, it was bound to happen. This was an off week for me. It was another one that had interruptions and just the mood in general was off. Then again, I also think it's because Sonny came back. You can throw all you want at that statement but... it just seemed to dampen the whole momentum. 

Grab something strong. I'm hot holding back. It's a bit harsh but I haven't had a good crab in awhile!! 

Welcome To Your Life (by Tears for Fears) ... Everybody Wants to Rule the World 

Saturday, January 16, 2021

First Scene Saturday: Ned and Monica

I never got how Auntie Monica didn't recognize her Nephew Ned. Didn't Tracy ever share a photo or two over Christmas eggnog? How could Monica not know that the boy-toy she slept with was her nephew? 

It was a storyline that did take some risks and paid off with some really good fallout. Kurt McKinney initiated the role and passed it on to Wally Kurth. During the Dorman trial, Ned had to go on the stand and admit in court to the affair. If you ask me, I can see Kurt's boyish Ned with Monica, but definitely not Wally's. It was kind of uncomfortable to watch the court scene. 

What do you think will happen when and if Olivia finds out? (I am so crossing my fingers that this happens someday. Are you listening writers?) NOTE: A NIV fan on Twitter told me he already told her when they started dating! I don't remember that but it happened! 

NOTE from Karen:  THIS Was the times--LOL. Women had affairs left and right on soaps. Younger men? Who cared? 

Friday, January 15, 2021

Pennsylvania Bar


Sam and Olivia try to figure out if Alexis was back at the house or not the night Tracy said she drove.

Michael and Chase have a beer at the Metro Court. OMG they are so in love LOL 

Sasha and Willow chat at the Q house.  Sasha tells Willow that she knows what happened between she and Michael. Willow says she still has feelings for Chase... Sasha says she has feelings for Michael. 

Tracy talks to Finn at the hospital. She wants to take him to dinner. He says he's busy. They talk about Alexis. Then the wedding. Then Jackie Templeton (she knew her back in the day). He tells Tracy they slept together. Tracy advises that he shouldn't tell anyone about it.

Cyrus wants a truce with Jason and talks to Brick about it too. They are making him more compassionate, did you notice? Jason thinks Cyrus killed all the Novack people at the pier. Cy says no. Oh he DID kill them as a "favor" to Jason. He wants his mother back in payment.

OMG Sonny's story is a TOTAL HALLMARK movie. LOL! The kindly nurse takes Sonny under her wing. Gets him a place to stay at her husband's bar. I mean, seriously. Not diggin' it. This is 2021. Wouldn't work.  Anyway, hubs is cranky, doesn't like Sonny. Phyllis makes him be nice to him.  omg omg OMG!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH Sonny is going to work in the bar's KITCHEN!! AHAHAAHAHA. OMG I called it. I said bakery or hospital cafeteria but..damn. same. If he falls for the nice waitress I will DIE LAUGHING. 

Some rando guy walks into the bar... he goes to rob them with a giant gun LOL Sonny sits there

OMG What if Nelle works at the bar? IT's the PENNSYLVANIA SIDE of the river after all .


Giant anvil about Finn maybe being Finn's son. 

Thursday, January 14, 2021



This was on Twitter..can you tell who they are?? Answers at the end! 


Sonny is at some hospital. Phyllis Caufield is his nurse! She was the one that knew where Nina's baby ended up, remember? He has on a Julian Jerome plaid shirt LOL The nurse loves to take care of people and she encourages him to eat. She's a good cook she says.  She notices he has a wedding ring on too and his coat was from a store on 5th Ave NYC. Stupid part of all this is she says that "there's no reports of missing people fitting his description". 

Jason and Brick talk about Sonny's death. Blah, blah....catching people blah..They go check out a storage facility. Bunch of dead guys in there from a gun fight. 

Alexis gets home, finds a bag from Ava with something from Julian's effects in there. It's a photo album/scrap book. She can't bear to look at it. She drinks. 

Cyrus talks to Sam, tells her to tell her boyfriend to give back his mother. Sasha overhears it. Cyrus is all upset about his mother and says he only does what he does to take care of her. 

Olivia tells Sam she's concerned about her mother. Sam's concerned too. Olivia thinks Tracy might have lied about driving off the road.  They visit Alexis. I tell you NANCY IS FABULOUS. WOW..Sam is figuring out that maybe Alexis wasn't driving that night. 

Amy checks out Brando's abs? Weird segment there.

Laura tells Cyrus about The Gray Family.  He's stunned. She tells him about her past. Now she has to find 

ANSWER: TJ, Peter and Brando 

Wednesday, January 13, 2021


 Watched Tuesday's show. HOW can any of these people EVER believe anyone is DEAD ON THIS SHOW?? Loved Joss's shirt. Loved Ava's face when she brought Avery home. Like "Bitch, I had to, didn't want to..but had to" LOL Carly "Yes, you're Avery's bio mother and legally she's yours but ME ME ME"! 

There are at least 30 characters that were presumed dead one or more times: Robin, Anna, Robert, Jasper Jacks, Jerry Jacks, Julian, Helena, Stefan, Stavros, Liz, Lucky, Edward, Frisco, Taggert, Sonny, Carly, Jason, Jake, Luke, Laura, Franco, Nikolas, Ava, Brenda, Duke... Nikolas... Kat Bell, Holly, Ryan 
I'm sure I can keep going.... 

Sasha acting like she's been clean for 2 months instead of 2 weeks. 

Ok, yesterday's show was frustrating. Just not interesting to me-- 



AGAIN! I know this is important but..ughhhhhhhh

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Vaccine Update and Do-It-Yourself Tuesday


Morning! My arm is sore, that's about it. A little more so than when I get the flu shot but nothing terrible. I wasn't any more tired than usual either. Second dose in Feb! 

Today I am subbing at our company preschool for the afternoon! I get to see the cherubs in their natural habitat instead of the computer for once. I'm so happy. I'll be taking my bat house to show them all. MISS KAREN IS EXCITED! 

I'm still giggling at the show yesterday. Maybe Sonny's scenes were back in time?? Him laying there that long kills me. LOL. Having him with no memory is fine by me. Let him be a chef at his defunct restaurant. Jason and Carly run the mob.  Nelle could have been the one to find Sonny. She takes him to her remote cabin, they fall "in love" and return to Port Charles as a couple. Hahaha. I had the same idea for Morgan but this works too.

Have a good one! 

Monday, January 11, 2021

On The River Bank

OMG SONNY Has been LAYING IN THE DAMN SNOW (mashed potato flakes) for THREE WEEKS? ahahhhaha . Oh he wakes up and sees MIKE!! Dead MIKE! Oh, Sonny's in purgatory. Mike covers him with his coat. He says he's not sure if Sonny is ready to "travel" the last part of the journey. Mike gives him a pep talk and Sonny stands. 

Olivia is crying over Sonny.. Tracy almost spills to her. WHOOPS. Ned and she talk about Ned adopting Leo. Ned is waiting for the "other shoe to drop" about his affair. 

Everyone at the Corinthos' house "mourning" Sonny. :eyeroll:  They drink his scotch. There's a Dante Sam chem test in the works. Then Olivia comes in with pasta and to see Dante. 
Sam and Jason see each other.  Yada yada. 

Jason yells at Brando for messing up the whole Cyrus thing on the docks. And Brando tells him that Cyrus knows about Dev and will go to the feds. 

CARLY finds out they can't kill Cyrus because they will out them about Dev ot the feds. 

TJ and Molly shower scene.  COVID Shower (lots of steam) then TJ sees Brando at GH and decks him. 

A hiker finds Sonny. Sonny doesn't even have stubble LOL. And I think he lost his memory. :Eyeroll: 

A remarkably clunky show after 3 weeks of stellar material 

Goodbye John Reilly


  R.I.P. Old Friend  

Memories by Dave 

It's been awhile since John Reilly (Sean Donnelly) was on our screens in a regular basis. John passed away last weekend at the age of 84. He was a big part of the 80s storylines on GH and interacted with many people. He was a very strong leading man, and I want to mention the 3 scenes in which I remember him most.

This is my favorite wedding on the show. I know, there is a couple named L&L, but this was, hands down my favorite. Sharon Wyatt held it together in a way that should have won her an award. And John clearly had a good time. These two were such a great couple and worked well together in an adult relationship.

This was on Night Shift, so not everyone might have seen it. Robert was in a coma and he had a dream where he went back to the 80s with his friends and family. Everything was tongue in cheek and we got to see the old Scorpio house which was recreated meticulously. This was one of the best nostalgic episodes I have ever seen and everyone just had a blast with it. If you remember these characters during the 80s, you owe it to yourself to look this scene up.

He returned in 2013 for an episode. It was great to see him, but the script, to me anyway, was out of character for him. He would have been glad to see Luke and Holly. It was great to see him one final time. And meet Anna Donnelly. I always wondered at the time if the wheelchair was for the show, or if it was for him in real life. 

If I wrote the show, I would have Anna Donnelly (the fireball daughter of Sean and Tiffany) come to Port Charles and meet with Robert and Anna and tell them of Sean's death. She has with her a piece of paper Sean had with him when he died, and on it was some cryptic symbols that Anna D. could not understand and wanted to know if it meant anything to them. They look at the paper, then look at each other with a knowing look and say "Yes..."
(adventure begins)

Karen here. Yes, it is a sad day to see this man go.  He was always so dashing with his dimpled chin and sparkly eyes. Funny and kind as well. He also was on As The World Turns as Dr. Dan Stewart from 1974-76. John was a great character actor and was on many shows in the 70's and 80's including The Love Boat and Magnum PI. He played Bill Taylor on Beverly Hills 90210 as well. 

If you want to see magic on GH, look up the Sean and Tiffany wedding that Dave mentioned. Pure comic gold. 


Sunday, January 10, 2021

Sunday Surgery: PONS-EE Scheme

By the way...their smoosh name? CyLo ahahahaha. 

During a week that was chaos it was nice to (sometimes) have our show to look forward to. I had to catch up on Hulu a couple of times but I saw it all.  Great acting, directing and of course, dialog. Writers are stepping it up! 

Some great scenes and a surprise was in store for us. Grab a nice brew of choice and hunker down. 

Friday, January 8, 2021

Finally Friday


I'm glad it's over!! Yesterday I had to get my hair done and I didn't realize it was a color too so it ran over. I watched GH on Hulu. 


YEAH Britt and Dr. O!! "The WSB even has a 1 800 number"!! 

What happened to JORDAN? where did this acting come in? WTF?

Laura tells Nikolas about Cyrus. 
OMG I see Kevin and Ryan and all I can think is they switched! LOL I'm conditioned! BUT Susan reminded me on Twitter about Ryan's missing hand LOL DERP. 

I like the WSB connection with Anna, Dante, Robert and now Dr. O. OH Valentin is in there too! 

And Jeff Kober is just so good as Cyrus..I love his facial expressions. 

Ava torturing Ryan. He's going to be in a minimal security prison! Um HOW DUMB ARE THEY? He's so faking it. 


Jordan has Diane and Jason come into the station. Jordan talks about Florence. Diane leaves and Jason talks to Jordan alone.

Portia visits Taggert. Yells at him for doing what he did to Trina.

Laura  lays into Cyrus. She says to shut up and if his mother is with Jason than she's fine. They banter. He grabs her and LESLIE STEPS OUT OF THE ELEVATOR AND TELLS HIM TO UNHAND HER!  She knows he's Cyrus Renault and tells him to watch his shit because she's on the hospital board. HE says she's the tramp that slept with his father! OMG! SHE doesn't know who he is! She looks shocked!! LOL!! She finds out Laura is his sister. About faints. Pfft. Cyrus blames Leslie for his family trouble. She says he was her professor and took advantage of her. She walks away and Laura tells Cyrus to leave her alone. HE says to get his mother back "you wouldn't want anything to happen to YOUR mother, would you"?? 

Dante and Chase run into each other at the Metro. They talk and say they have to catch up. Chase goes to get a table for he and Willow. 

Willow is all swanked out and is going to meet Chase for dinner. (Wooooo Lah Lah) They meet at the Metro. Willow says they can't just go back to the way they were. They talk and talk. Chase pours his heart out to her. They kiss. 

Sasha comes to see Carly and apologizes for not letting her help. She's in in-patient therapy now. They talk and Michael comes in to tell Carly that Sonny is now 'Search and Recovery" meaning they think he's dead. Sasha doesn't know about Sonny so they tell her. 

Sam talks to Peter about Maxie's wedding shower. Peter hates her LOL Sam's like: Um, I'm over it. He doesn't believe her. Storms out. Sam then goes to talk to Dante about hating Peter.  He says that he's sorry about Julian being dead.  Sam says she doesn't care.  He says they have to take care of their brother. 
ME: ??? bROTHER? Omg yes, LEO is their shared brother ahahahaaaa. 

Peter is trying to find Dr. Maddox because he's afraid that Franco will remember. 


Thursday, January 7, 2021


 TODAY IS THE DAY!! This is the 5000th post according to my blogger dash. 
It's been a long ride. Since starting on Gedstern's site with my little Wubs in 1997-98 I've had "Buzz For Buffy" and The LukeSon Lounge on Angelfire. I started my own GH site in 2002 and haven't looked back. 

Thank you to my OG readers who've been with me since AOL days. I know you're here. I also am so grateful for all the newbies along the way. Those faithful people that comment daily.  Dave for having my back. Sonya for keeping up with the daily recaps.  Everyone that interacts and keeps me sane. 

GH has been through some major changes since the internet came to be. As fans we finally got the chance to interact in real-time over our soap. Not always a peaceful thing but a community building exercise none the less. Actors can chime in. We even hear from the writers from time to time. I've enjoyed the show, yelled at the show and thrown my hands up in frustration. I'm always here though. I may take my breaks but for the most part I try to tweet and blog to keep the love for my soap going. 

We are so lucky we still have our soap. I'm still missing OLTL and AMC after all these years.  The fact that it's still vital and there are so many fantastic actors working is amazing. They've managed to keep going through COVID and deliver a damn fine hour day after day. I might complain sometimes but don't think for a minute I don't appreciate what we have!! 

Another thanks to Daytime Confidential and Our Take Media for having my cranky voice on their podcasts from time to time.  I do enjoy having a good debate. 

Alberta and I salute you. She's been with me since The Lazy Lobster Pub (also on Angelfire) and has had her photo taken with countless GH actors and props. Thanks to so many fans who carried her to events and even on set tours. Someday I'll get her in a scene during taping. That's my vow. 

Cheers and thank you for everything!!  See ya at 2:00pm/est on the daily! 

Wednesday, January 6, 2021


Well, GH was interrupted by the storming of the capitol steps so... I only got to see part of it. 

Nikolas finds out his uncle is Cyrus. 

NOW THEY ARE IN THE CAPITOL! ..ok, never mind. Guess they ran out of rubber bullets and tear gas. 


Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Holding Up The Wall

 Oh after yesterday's awesome show, I'm so ready for today!! LOVED every minute of it. Ok, except for Jordan. ugh. 

Dante and Liz. They talk about Lulu and the explosion. Dante is there seeing Kevin. He goes to Kevin's office but its' DR O IN THERE!! She wants to talk 'about the work they have to do".  She tells him Dr. Kirk is dead and she's taking over. He says he has to check with the WSB first and she clicks her pen. THEN Dante tells her Peter and Maxie are getting married and that Maxie is pregnant!! 

Laura lays into Jason about Florence. Jason blinks. Laura says she knows it's him because she told Carly. He acts dumb. She tells him to tell her where Florence is. Jason says nothing. Just stares. She lays into him and says Florence is frail and it's not good to keep her out of her surroundings. Jason can't really even look at her. She pleads with him to let her go. Then she leaves. 

Maxie and Peter at the Metro. Robert gets off the elevator reading the invitation to the double wedding. "TELL me this is a MISPRINT"!! lol 

Martin and Valentin are going over work. Marty tells him that Laura is his sister. Val almost falls off his chair LOL Then he's like OMG Cyrus is her other brother? HAHAA. Anna totally interrupts them to talk to Val. Anna says she can't get answers about Dante from the WSB and is going to ask Robert for help. She goes over to Paxie table to talk to him. She tells him about her concerns. Robert tells her about Dr Kirk. 

Anna goes to GH to talk to Kevin but sees Liz. They talk about Franco and his tumor. Liz tells her he went to Switzerland to see a WSB doctor Kevin recommended. Anna's like: WHO!!? Liz says the doctor was killed in a mugging. Then she tells her it was Dr. KIRK!! 

Carly is at Jax's house. He tells her he's worried about Josslyn. She's like DON'T EVEN WORRY. They argue and Nina tries to stop them. Carly snaps at her. Nina says it's fine. She leaves.  CarJax talks about Nelle being Nina's daughter and not telling her. 

Sam is trying to call a rehab facility. Franco is at the door wants to see Jason. She says he doesn't live there anymore.  He goes to leave and falls against the wall.  He hears Peter's voice in his head saying "I"m sorry I have no choice". Sam gets him inside. He says it was a migraine. She doesn't believe him. Then Jason comes home. Franco wanted to tell him he might not turn into the psycho killer afterall. 


Anna runs into Dr. O at the elevator, Dr. O has a mask on

HEY DENISE ALEXANDER IS BACK AS Leslie!! No details as to when yet. I'm so happy!! 

Monday, January 4, 2021


 Ok, so Laura meets with Martin to try to get dirt on Cyrus.  He's trying to excuse his behavior. He's acting like the middle child so much :) lol. Laura's wondering if he's working for Cyrus. 

Carly didn't get the chance to tell Jason she had Cyrus' mama taken before Cyrus comes in demanding to know where she is. LOL OMG Cyrus is pissed. Jason is saying he doesn't know. Cyrus says Sonny would never have done this. Jason "I'm not Sonny". Cyrus leaves. Jason looks at Carly: "YOU TOOK his.......MOTHER"?????? ahahahahaa. She called SPINELLI and they took her to a safe house and-- BOBBIE IS HER NURSE!! 

Jordan tries to apologize to Portia. Portia's not having it. Says Trina lost her father twice. Jordan's reactions are SO LACK LUSTER. UGH.. She just ruined these scenes. Sorry but that's the truth. Portia leaves. 

Ava is in Charlie's Bar...missing Julian. Alexis comes in looking harrowed. She said she saw the light on. Ava is like "oh you come back NOW"?? They go back and forth. Nikolas tells Ava not to hurt Alexis just because she's hurting. Alexis is like: Um..are you TWO IN LOVE??  They exchange barbs. Alexis tells Nikolas there is no true love; it always ends in disaster.  YOU HAVE TO WATCH THE ALEXIS/AVA SCENE WHEN Alexis and she are drinking at the BAR. It's amazing. They are masterful. Talking about dangerous men being hot. And Alexis' love/obsession for Julian and it being poison. WOW. Just Alexis finally leaves but she's shaken Ava with her words about passion and addiction. 

Jax and Nina. Joss is refusing to go to Australia with Jax.  Um, it's JANUARY HERE, GO GIRL!! lol They talk about Joss being older and not wanting to leave her mom and school.

CYRUS bursts into the Metro and tells Martin their mother is missing. Sees Laura. It's her fault! Our sister knew where mom was and now a few days and she's gone! Laura knows nothing about it. OMG CARLY ahahahahaa. Cyrus asks Laura if she told Carly about Flo. Laura is saying NO!! But realizes stupid Carly did do this. LOL She's going to try to go and fix it. Martin is so upset he has to sit down. ahahaaha. GREAT SCENE!!!!!!!!!


Sunday, January 3, 2021

Sunday Surgery: BIG SLO MO

 Well... is a SS even warranted right now?? The week was very short but sure, let's do it!! Since I didn't do one last week we will have a lot to dish about.  Two strong women up there are ready to take on the mob themselves. That's what I like to see. 

I made Lemon Pound cake for all! 

Saturday, January 2, 2021

First Scene Saturday: Finola Hughes


Finola Hughes as Anna Devane

Many of you probably know that Finola Hughes starred in the moving Stayin' Alive with John Tavolta a year before she made her debut as Anna Devane on GH. I always had high hopes that John would someday cameo during a Nurse's Ball with Anna losing her dance partner and John's character just steps in and does the tango with her. I know, wishful thinking, but still it could be as cheesy as possible and I would gush over it.

Anyway, here we have Anna's first scene, where she plays someone fencing stolen jewels. Notice her hairstyle with most of her locks covering part of her face? That was covering her "penance" scar. Which was fake as Grant Putnam pointed out in an episode. She's had many adventures and this is where it all began.

ENJOY! NOTE: Today's Blog is by David who had this concept from the beginning! 


Monday Monday

  WOW, do we have a nice weather here!! Just gorgeous. All weekend was beautiful and now it's up into the 70s and maybe 80s tomorrow.  T...