Thursday, January 28, 2021


Rick Springfield was on GMA3 before GH was on. Jesse's Girl is 40 years old!! 40!! His voice still sounds amazing!! 

So Nina sees the necklace on Sasha...she thinks Sasha did it on purpose to mess with her...Carly wants Lucy to stop the interview.

Meanwhile, Jackie is on full attack to Sasha about pretending to be Nina's daughter and a coke ho AHHAHA "SO you got hooked pretty fast"!! 
NINA SEES THE NECKLACE, runs down from the same time VALENTIN SEES IT TOO!! Oh boy oh boy... After the interview, Nina asks Sasha about the necklace. Sasha says wardrobe put it on! Has no idea. Valentin says: "OH I THINK CARLY KNOWS"!! hahhaa. Carly is standing there looking guilty with Avery. Carly says she was trying to stop the interview because she knew it would upset Nina to see it. (liar) Nina says she wants to know if Carly knows where it came from. Avery says it's mine!! I'm sorry if everyone is mad. Nina asks her where she got it "When Mommy took me to the cabin" . Sasha gives Nina the necklace. Carly isnt' sure if it's the fake one she had made or the real one. We won't know until tomorrow! 

Sam is yelling at Franco about his tumor. Liz is telling her to stop it. Alexis is in an exam room chugging vodka and eye-balling a needle. Franco says if he turns "bad" he will be put down.  Franco has a bad headache, starts falling...Alexis thinks he's dangerous and runs out with a giant needle to stop him and DANTE RUSHES IN AND SHE STABS HIM INSTEAD!!!! OMG! 

Portia sees Dante whos' on the floor...she says to get him into the trauma unit. They are going to check out the contents of the syringe. Dante was seizing and his pulse is racing. 
Sam screams at Alexis. 

Chase goes to the floor that Dante is on. Jason overhears it. They go to the floor where Dante is. Jason asks Franco what happened. Franco said Alexis was trying to kill him and got Dante instead. 
Dante has acute poisoning from the syringe. They have to stabilize him. 
Chase asks Sam what happened. Alexis nods to her and Sam tells the truth. Chase Calls Jordan. Jordan is at GH and arrests Alexis. 

Sonny comes back to Lenny and Phyllis' bar with a cop in tow. He wanted a job at the Hardware Store, they said no and he wouldn't leave.  He's leaving Sonny with Lenny and Phyllis to watch him. I think Sonny is crashing right now.  Phyllis says in order to stay with them he has to go see the mental health people because she thinks he has mania. Sonny says not seeing a head-shrinker. She says he can't stay there unless he does. 

TOMORROW: Mac throws the book at Alexis at the PCPD! He has no sympathy! 


  1. The Sonny amnesia story is flatlining. It's too disconnected from the rest of the show and it doesn't appear to be going anywhere.
    And the Jordan recast is about the worst I've seen in a long time. Seriously, we're expected to suspend disbelief that this actress could be TJ's mother? Briana Henry at least looks or sounds more mature, as did the original actress who played the part. This temp looks like she's 25. And the way she wheeled herself around to read the rights to Alexis was distracting. I fully expected her to put her hands on her hips and fling her head back as she was reading Alexis her rights.
    And if Jackie is supposed to be the aggressive reporter she's been written to be since the role was created, I don't buy for a second that she'd just leave the MetroCourt with Willow when clearly there was another bigger story waiting to be unearthed after the necklace reveal. This was handled clumsily.
    And speaking out of the blue, so this is how Alexis hits rock bottom? Again, this kind of came out of nowhere, her stabbing Dante? To what end? Unless it's a plot driver to make Jason wonder why Dante would put his life on the line to save Franco.
    Today wasn't my favorite show.
    TV Guide is alluding to a surprise guest at the double wedding. I hope it's Holly.

    1. I can't understand why such an experienced journalist would hold a live interview on an open set. It was getting ridiculous toward the end.

  2. I don't care who they kill first peter or sam. her holier than thou attiude drives me crazy.

  3. I hate what they are doing to Alexis. First they obliterate the strong-willed Anna and now obliterate the intelligent, independent, scrappy, Cassadine-survivor Alexis.

    The current show runners are sabotaging all of the strong women.

    1. I agree Zak. They are destroying the women and I hate it

    2. Not current. It's been going on for years.

  4. The screams are from me - it's 2021 - GOOGLE the man and see that it is SONNY! BEYOND ridiculous..
    hate hate Alexis storyline - makes me wonder if Frank is mad at her and NLG just doesn't care anymore.

    1. Yes. There has to be something going on behind the scenes. Either that or there's more than a little misogyny in the works, mixed with liberal amounts of ageism.

    2. I SO disagree. I think this is great material for NLG. I love that she slept with Ned and has lost everything. Gives Sam a decent story instead of moping around for Jason. The whole stabbing of Dante was also good for me because it was totally unexpected. LOVED IT...and Nancy acted the hell out of the aftermath. Anyway, I'm so enjoying the show except for the Sonny story. I can't wait for today

  5. Metrocourt GMA3 interview: This was hysterical!!! Carly looking at Sasha and the half heart necklace, V.C. looking at Sasha and the half heart necklace, Nina looking at Sasha and the half heart necklace, V.C. looking at Nina. Carly looking at Nina. Sasha in her own little oblivious world! :) The Tribbles are watching the interview and freaking out over the half heart necklace too, because the mama Tribble has seen it before and yelled out, THAT'S MINE!!! DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNNNNN! Biker chick Maxie wins the line of the day.

    Carly: You don't understand, Sasha is having a wardrobe malfunction.

    *Biker chick Maxie and Lucy both look*


    Maxie: She looks fine to me.


    Pennsylvania side of the river bar:

    Mr. and Mrs. Cauffee and Sonny: Yeah Sonny I mean Mike, get yourself checked or GET THE HELL OUT! Mrs. Cauffee has a soft heart, so why is she married to this man? Why is the cop calling the people Mrs. Cauffee helps as strays? They are people you jerk! GAH!

    Invader office:

    Hiney and britch: Hiney wuvs his sister, but threatens her. Hmmm. Sure you threaten the people you wuv!

    Hiney, Britch, and Jason: Love that Britch was telling Hiney off.

    Jason: Obviously it's your call, you wanna slide this one time?

    The look on Britch's face! Hahahahahaha.

    The hospital:

    Curtis and Portia: Oh Portia shut up. He doesn't like to be lied to. It's time for Jurtis to divorce.

    Jason and Britch:

    Liz, BobTodd, Sam, and Alexis: My jaw dropped hard on the floor and my eyes wide!!! WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW!!!! Man these writers know how to shock us! ROFL!

    Alexis, Sam, and Chase: I'm glad Sam told the truth. Alexis wore old school eyeliner!!! LOVE IT! :) Also I love when Chase works out, because his hair is a mess! :) I love his messy hair! :) Not today, just making an observation. :)

    Dante's private room: OH BOY!!!!!!!!! LIVE DANTA LIVE! What the hell is in that needle? Karen asked on twitter if it's a horse tranquilizer! But why would a horse tranquilizer be at a hospital?! ROFLMAOPMP!

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to 1991* Mac saves Robert's life! Mac's accent ROFL! It's awful! I'm glad he finally dropped it.

    1. sonya said, "But why would a horse tranquilizer be at a hospital? "

      *** and an even better question, Why would a full syringe be laying on the table ready to go? You don't load a syringe til you're ready to use it.

      I'm personally hoping that the effects of this drug cause Dante to come back to his old self again and that Dr. O can't control him anymore. I'd like him cured and back on the force because Police Commissioners don't go out on cases and arrest people.

      And I sincerely hope that the pieces of the heart don't match and we can finally lose this storyline. I don't ever want to hear the name Nell again!

    2. "Di says, and an even better question, Why would a full syringe be laying on the table ready to go? You don't load a syringe til you're ready to use it."

      Maybe the patient who the nurse was going to administer the needle, had a seizure or something and had to be rushed out and maybe the nurse forgot it. Maybe the nurse was new.

      "I'm personally hoping that the effects of this drug cause Dante to come back to his old self again and that Dr. O can't control him anymore. I'd like him cured and back on the force because Police Commissioners don't go out on cases and arrest people."

      Yeah we need Dante back to his old self now!!!!!

      "And I sincerely hope that the pieces of the heart don't match and we can finally lose this storyline. I don't ever want to hear the name Nell again!"

      I hope it does match and then we can watch Carly implode! ROFL!

    3. sonya says..I hope it does match and then we can watch Carly implode! ROFL!

      *** If she does I hope she tramples your tribbles to death and finishes up with a ...You wanted a match!!! Match these!!! muyhaha ಠ╭╮ಠ

    4. "Di says, If she does I hope she tramples your tribbles to death"

      HEY! You trader!!! :)

      "and finishes up with a ...You wanted a match!!! Match these!!! muyhaha ಠ╭╮ಠ"

      ROFL! Finish your sentence. Finish up with a what? :)

    5. Oh my goodness, Di you are killing me, lol!! Trample the tribbles? That's murder!!

      I would like to see Carly implode along with Nina. But can they do it without mentioning the name N*ll? I think not, which may make me rethink the entire thing! :)

      I'm more worried about the Britch's shaking hand than I am about Franco. He needs to remember, like now (!) and for PLP to bite the dust. I figure if I keep repeating that last part the soap gods will finally listen!

      Didn't like the temp Jordan at all today, and I totally agree with Diane Taylor's comments above.

      Biker Chick Maxie.....I was rolling. Good description Sonya!

    6. "Julie H says, Oh my goodness, Di you are killing me, lol!! Trample the tribbles? That's murder!!"


      "I would like to see Carly implode along with Nina. But can they do it without mentioning the name N*ll?"

      But but but you just mentioned her. ROFL!

      "I think not, which may make me rethink the entire thing! :)"


      "I'm more worried about the Britch's shaking hand than I am about Franco. He needs to remember, like now (!) and for PLP to bite the dust. I figure if I keep repeating that last part the soap gods will finally listen!"

      Yeah Britch should see her doctor, BobTodd needs to remember ASAP, and yes Hiney needs to have a who done it murder mystery.

      "Biker Chick Maxie.....I was rolling. Good description Sonya!"

      Hahahaha thanks. :)

    7. sonya, she finishes up with the quote....this quote..."You wanted a match!!! Match these!!!" muyhaha ... as she tries to put the pieces of the tribbles back together. lol

      and Julie....They're tribbles. She just needs to water them. lol They'll revive. So it's not really murder and she won't be in an 'tribble' at all. PMSL

    8. "Di says, sonya, she finishes up with the quote....this quote..."You wanted a match!!! Match these!!!" muyhaha ... as she tries to put the pieces of the tribbles back together. lol'"

      ROFL! Oh you!!!! :)

      "and Julie....They're tribbles. She just needs to water them. lol They'll revive. So it's not really murder"


      "and she won't be in an 'tribble' at all. PMSL"

      OH! A PUN!!! ROFL!

    9. Stop!!!!! Yer all killing me! :)

  6. Hopefully the Peter and Necklace story will be finished soon.

  7. NuJordan is about 12.

    They have RUINED Alexis completely.

    Peter needs to die

    The necklace storyline needs to go away completely. So stupid.

  8. Oh, and they NEVER would leave a syringe unattended like that

  9. I have mixed feelings about the Alexis storyline. On one hand, I am sure if gives NLG a lot of juicy material to play with. When an actor plays a character for decades, they need to shake it up occasionally to keep from getting bored. But on the other hand, I wonder what the long-term plan is for Alexis? My hope is she pulls it together, then launches a new career as an addiction counselor.

    1. I agree. My fear is that this is a way of walking her off the canvas. They are not just backing her into a hole, theyre pushing her off a cliff with this latest act.

      And I hope she gets nominated for this too. Great acting.

  10. The Jordan recast is the worst ever. Nothing about her says police. Or adult.
    I hate what they do to the strong women on GH. I hope Alexis' situation can be fixed. But what if Dante dies. And he could.
    Just not feeling Jackie Templeton at all. As a reporter or as Harry's mom.

    1. I hate that Jordan always looks scared or nervous when she sees Taggart. She certainly doesn't look like a woman in control.

  11. I agree with Karen about the current shows. Was thinking yesterday that I can't wait to watch GH each day. It's been quite a while since I've felt that way.

    I suspect Sonny will leave Phyllis now because he won't want to see a doctor, and somehow will end up back in Port Charles.

    As for the actress playing Jordan, it's possible that they had to take who they could get on short notice, because she sure doesn't look the part.

    I am sure hoping that the drug Alexis gave Dante is the cure-all that he needs. Can't think of any other reason why they would have allowed that to happen. Could they have gotten Dante backed into a corner and decided to find a way to get him well again?



  I was SO EXCITED that I forgot to publish the fact that the "Golden Bachelorette" RUNNER-UP Guy Gansert is guesting on GH this w...