Saturday, January 2, 2021

First Scene Saturday: Finola Hughes


Finola Hughes as Anna Devane

Many of you probably know that Finola Hughes starred in the moving Stayin' Alive with John Tavolta a year before she made her debut as Anna Devane on GH. I always had high hopes that John would someday cameo during a Nurse's Ball with Anna losing her dance partner and John's character just steps in and does the tango with her. I know, wishful thinking, but still it could be as cheesy as possible and I would gush over it.

Anyway, here we have Anna's first scene, where she plays someone fencing stolen jewels. Notice her hairstyle with most of her locks covering part of her face? That was covering her "penance" scar. Which was fake as Grant Putnam pointed out in an episode. She's had many adventures and this is where it all began.

ENJOY! NOTE: Today's Blog is by David who had this concept from the beginning! 



  1. Did I hear him right? He said that they've done business together with Sam Morgan? Of course, it isn't the Sam Morgan of today. But I thought it was funny. I would love it if First Scene Saturday became a weekly thing!!

  2. "First Scene Saturday:"

    OH! Is this going to be a new feature?!!?!? :) I hope so!! :) I love it!! :) Great idea David. :)

    "I always had high hopes that John would someday cameo during a Nurse's Ball with Anna losing her dance partner and John's character just steps in and does the tango with her."

    Oh my! That would have been soapy delicious fun! :)

  3. Thanks Dave! This is a fun idea.

  4. Thanks, David. First Scene Saturday sounds terrific. lol

  5. Great idea Dave.keep them coming.

  6. I love this idea too. And, I love Finola Hughes. She has been one of my favorites forever. Although when she was very first on I was a Robert and Holly fan and didn't like Anna. Don't remember when I really started liking her. Guess when she was with little Kimberly McCullough. Now Anna is my second favorite after Laura.



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