Monday, January 11, 2021

On The River Bank

OMG SONNY Has been LAYING IN THE DAMN SNOW (mashed potato flakes) for THREE WEEKS? ahahhhaha . Oh he wakes up and sees MIKE!! Dead MIKE! Oh, Sonny's in purgatory. Mike covers him with his coat. He says he's not sure if Sonny is ready to "travel" the last part of the journey. Mike gives him a pep talk and Sonny stands. 

Olivia is crying over Sonny.. Tracy almost spills to her. WHOOPS. Ned and she talk about Ned adopting Leo. Ned is waiting for the "other shoe to drop" about his affair. 

Everyone at the Corinthos' house "mourning" Sonny. :eyeroll:  They drink his scotch. There's a Dante Sam chem test in the works. Then Olivia comes in with pasta and to see Dante. 
Sam and Jason see each other.  Yada yada. 

Jason yells at Brando for messing up the whole Cyrus thing on the docks. And Brando tells him that Cyrus knows about Dev and will go to the feds. 

CARLY finds out they can't kill Cyrus because they will out them about Dev ot the feds. 

TJ and Molly shower scene.  COVID Shower (lots of steam) then TJ sees Brando at GH and decks him. 

A hiker finds Sonny. Sonny doesn't even have stubble LOL. And I think he lost his memory. :Eyeroll: 

A remarkably clunky show after 3 weeks of stellar material 


  1. Sonny has been gone for about 3 weeks in our time but in GH time it's probably been 3 days. I heard that Sonny was going to have amnesia but I'm hoping the information is wrong. The last thing that we need is another amnesia storyline.

  2. It was a bit "clunky" but at least it's on.
    Always good to see "Mike" even if scenes are out there.
    I agree about the time Sonny has spent in those mashed potato flakes(LOL)...probably 3-4 days GH time.

    1. I once knew someone who had a medical emergency and was passed out in the snow for 4-5 hours. They ended up with kidney damage and slight frostbite.

  3. so a random hiker? No one we know? Male or female?

    1. Nope nobody we know and it was male. Yes random hiker.

    2. I watch the show with Closed Captioning, and they attributed the comment made by the hiker to "Eddie"... That may mean that the hiker will be around long enough for us to at least learn who he is.

  4. Replies
    1. Exactly! I am getting tired of "GH" not including Kristina in Corinthos family events. Although I prefer she be present, the writers could *at least* explain she is out of state for some reason.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I'm not feeling Danta and Sam. Not at all

  7. TJ and Molly home:

    TJ and Molly: I thought they worked things out?! What is with the awkwardness? This scene was weird. So then what? Molly is so relieved that TJ wants to spend forever with her, that she takes a shower with him? Weird weird scene.

    Chase's home: Is it summer in Port Chuckles? Chase is in his underwear and has his leg over the covers! Must be very hot in your bedroom huh Chase? :) Awww can't sleep? Can't stop thinking of the carona kiss with Willow? :)

    Q home:

    Tracy and Ned: Boy they are talking way too much about the cheating!!! Better be careful Tracy! Someone could walk in on you two talking about it!!! Just like Robert did when Ned and Alexis were talking about it.

    Carson home:

    Dante and Sam: Yes yes. Chem testing. Remember when Sonny had that anniversary in 2018 and showed a fake flashback of him about what could have been? And it showed Sam and Dante together, I went back to 2018 in Karen's blog to remember what I thought of Sam and Dante together. So here is what I said back then.

    "Yuck! Dante and Sam? No no no no no.... What should they be called? DAM? :)"

    ROFL! They have to be called Dam! Hahahahaha!

    Carly and everyone:

    Carly: We are going to hug.

    What Carly REALLY means: Free love!

    Carly: We are going to tell stories,

    What Carly REALLY means: Oh yes. Stories about how Sonny is a wonderful thoughtful, generous man! He is an angel.

    Me: I will call them denial stories.

    Carly: And we are going to drink his scotch.

    What Carly REALLY means: Let's get drunk!

    Carly, Jason, and The Tribbles: Uh the Manicotti is right next to the Tribbles!!! Be careful, cus the Tribbles might eat it!!! When Carly was getting upset, I had a visual in my head of Carly grabbing one of the Tribbles and throwing it across the room.

    Pennsylvania side of the river:

    Sonny and Ghost Mike:

    "Karen says mashed potato flakes"

    HAHAHAHAHA! Yeah. It does look like it. :)

    Sonny: Come back!

    Did you forget who that guy is Sonny? He is your papa! Oh hello stranger! Yes please help Sonny!

    The hospital: Oh Chase what happened?! Couldn't sleep in your very hot bedroom?! I guess you want to go to the hospital to talk to your "brother"

    Chase and Finchy: Finchy on the phone with Anna. Finchy wins the line of the day.

    Finchy: Chase is here. He is playing charades. He's making gestures. Oh he wants to talk.


    Chase: I guess we get that honesty gene from dad.

    Oh Finchy looks very uncomfortable! :)

    Chase: Maybe this time Anna and Mom can get in on the action?

    More uncomfortableness from Finchy! Boy Chase is all happy and like a kid in the candy store! When he finds out Finchy is his bio daddy, oh boy!

    Brando and Sasha: YAY! More "stalking" from Brando! :) They are all smiles at each other and flirty. :) Me likey! :)

    Brando and TJ: I knew TJ was going to punch Brando. This isn't Brando's fault TJ! There is no reason to hit him.

    1. I had totally forgotten about that old Dante/Sam pairing. Great memory!

    2. Liked the line of the day. Finchy always keeps such a straight face, lol! Yesterday's show was weird. Chase acting like he was 12, the TJ/Molly scenes, Tracy almost spilling the beans (which quite frankly she would never do!) and then Sonny and the potato flakes...hahahaha!

      I really liked your Carly translations, so true. :)

    3. "Kevin says, I had totally forgotten about that old Dante/Sam pairing. Great memory!"

      Haha thanks! :)

      "Julie H says, Liked the line of the day. Finchy always keeps such a straight face, lol!"

      "Hahahaha. Yes he does!!"

      "Yesterday's show was weird."

      Yeah some of it was.

      "Chase acting like he was 12,"

      Oh because of him playfully punching Finchy? ROFL! Chase is just adorable. :) He sure wasn't acting like a 12 year old when he was trying to sleep in his bed. *Fans self*

      "the TJ/Molly scenes,"

      Yup very odd.

      "Tracy almost spilling the beans (which quite frankly she would never do!)"

      Yeah I don't know what she is doing! Maybe subconsciously she WANTS Olivia to know.

      "and then Sonny and the potato flakes...hahahaha!"


      "I really liked your Carly translations, so true. :)"

      Hahahaha. Thanks. I was reading her mind. :)

  8. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, it's about time that not only did tj find out the truth about brando hitting the sack with molly, but,tj and molly gettin'it on in the shower, you better gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, boyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, hahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, ha,glory.

  9. I really hope Finn and Chase remain brothers and aren't revealed to be father and son. I like their current dynamic.

  10. So I got my first covid vaccine yesterday, too. Not one side effect. And I always have something. (Tetanus booster sends me to bed for a half a day, lol!) It was a very pleasant surprise, and I feel safer already. And I'm not joking. :)

    1. "Julie H says, So I got my first covid vaccine yesterday, too. Not one side effect."

      Great!!! :) Let us know if any side effects show up.

      "And I always have something. (Tetanus booster sends me to bed for a half a day, lol!)"

      Oh geez why? :(

    2. I have no clue Sonya, ever since I was a kid I've had issues. Fever, aches pains, exhaustion, then poof! It all disappears, lol!

    3. "Julie H says, I have no clue Sonya, ever since I was a kid I've had issues. Fever, aches pains, exhaustion, then poof! It all disappears, lol!"

      ROFL! Well, I'm glad nothing serious happens to you. Whew! :)



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