Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Wubsy Is Neglecting GH !!


BUT!! For good reason! With all the COVID stuff, there aren't enough people to cover everything so I'm going to be subbing again for the preschool. This time from 12-4pm which will probably kill me LOL . 

I saw yesterday's show on Hulu. Jackie Z looks fantastic. Glad to see Bobbie. Can you imagine the convo between she and Carly?

"MOM! I need you to help me kidnap an old lady"!

"Sure honey!!

"MOM! You have to take care of her too!

"Sure honey"!! 

"MOM! Can you help me steal a necklace"?

"Sure honey"!! 


Yesterday was also the day that Martin (Tad) and Jackie (Jenny) met!! OMG! OMG! My teenie AMC heart exploded!!  Of course I didn't see it in real time. Figures...

Anyway.. Today watch as Jackie interviews Sasha on "GMA 3" (really the Metro Court turned GMA3 set). 

I will try my hardest to make Wed show. I might have to sub again Thursday. If I can still function after today! 


  1. "This time from 12-4pm which will probably kill me LOL ."


    "I might have to sub again Thursday. If I can still function after today!"

    Hahahahaha. Oh now stop it! ROFL!

  2. Tad and Jenny. They must love working together again.

  3. Loved when Jenkie said "Should I know you?" to him. hahaha. And Tadmart seemed giddy to meet her.

    1. Jenkie? :) How cute! :) Is that the couple name for Martie and Jackie? :)

  4. https://soaps.sheknows.com/general-hospital/comings-and-goings/590291/general-hospital-briana-nicole-henry-recast-jordan-tiffany-daniels/

  5. Why a NuJordan??? No mention??? Just me?

    1. The other actress has COVID

    2. I posted the link to the article explaining it above you.

  6. kim delaney has had bad plastic surgery just like the actresses that play bobbie and monica. which I find very distracting. why can't they age gracefully like genie and finola, who are both beautiful.

    1. No offense, but Finola has clearly had work done. I think hers is more apparent than Kim Delaney's.

    2. You know what....didn't even notice. Who cares. LOL! It doesn't affect their acting so...they have the money so why not...

    3. It only bothers me when they disfigure their faces to the point that they're hard to watch or they can't talk or smile properly. Between the lips and the cheek implants that look like squirrel pouches so many beautiful women have ruined their looks. The cheeks become so noticeble when they get older and the rest of the face has peacefully settled into place.

  7. Q home:

    Willow and Michael: Still staring at those annulment papers.. I thought at first they were going to re-show them signing them. Whew glad they didn't. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.

    Sasha and Michael: Sasha telling Michael she is doing an interview tomorrow.. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    The hospital:

    Jackie and Finchy: Jackie is doing an interview tomorrow with Sasha at GMA3! Finchy wants a DNA test to see if he is the papa of Chase!!

    Jackie: You can go straight to hell.

    Ohhhhhhhhh.. This right there tells me, that Finchy is Chase's papa!!!!

    Anna and Finchy: Finchy needs Anna's help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Yes let's do this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

    The gym:

    Curtis and random guy: Whoa whoa whoa Curtis! Don't start a fight just because you are upset with Jordan! Now take off your shirt please. :) Then start running around so you could get all sweaty.

    Curtis and Portia: Awwww I'm glad Portia is there for him and being a good friend and a good listener. :)

    Chillow: SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! All sparkly. :) He finds out she is going to be a nurse.. Meh. I rather she be a teacher.

    Wyndemere: Oh they re-showed Carly grabbing the half heart necklace doing what she was doing yesterday.

    Carly and Nik: She heard noises!!! Ooops the two half heart necklaces fell on the ground! ROFL! Oh hi Nik. :) Oh which one is which? Carly doesn't know! ROFL!

    Carly, Bobbie, and Nava: Carly making up lies! Hahahahahaha. Ava knows Carly is lying but doesn't care! OUT CARLY OUT! Hahahaha.

    Jax's home:

    Jax and Carly: Carly is unraveling.. Oh more Morgan talk. :) Jax tells her grief can blind your judgement.. You mean like having Zex with an ex? :)

    Jax: The next time you feel like switching the necklace or tangling with Ava, just give me a call.

    Oh so you could have phone zex with her? Like she is really going to call you Jax! She will come over so upset and crying on your shoulder, which will lead to ZEX!!!

    Nina and Bobbie:

    Nina: I'm not threatened by Jax's bond with Carly.

    Oh sure, until CarJax has zex then you will want to cut a bitch.

    Nax: OH! They had carona zex! They actually showed them taking off their clothes and being in bed!!! But with no kissing! ROFL!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    NuJordan and Anna:

    Announcer: Today, the role of Jordan AshFord is being played by Tiffany Daniels.

    HEY! We had the announcer to introduce the temp recast! ALRIGHT!!!! *Clapping* NuJordan is afraid of rejection and doesn't want to talk to Curtis. Anna is encouraging her to.

    Jurtis: He wuvs her, but doesn't trust her. :( So he did what she was afraid of. Reject her! Will he divorce her? Will it take weeks? Months? Will they look at the divorce papers for hours and hours on end like Willow and Michael has done with the annulment papers?

    1. Next time I have trouble falling asleep, I will watch a Willow/Michael scene.

    2. I agree-beyond boring. By the way, Tonya Walker (Olivia Jerome) was on To Tell the Truth tonite.

    3. "Paul773 says, Next time I have trouble falling asleep, I will watch a Willow/Michael scene."

      Oh! Good idea!!! Hahaha! :)

    4. I was zzzzzzzzz right along with you. I'm officially off the Willow/Mikey bandwagon!

      Sonya, stop talking about "the zex" with Carly/Jax. Bad karma, baaaaaaad karma! LOL! And I immediately thought of you when they announced the new Jordan. TPTB must read this blog! I liked the new temp Jordan, but not her lipstick. I'm so picky. :)

    5. "Julie H says, I was zzzzzzzzz right along with you."

      Want to borrow my teddy bear? ROFL!

      "I'm officially off the Willow/Mikey bandwagon!"

      YAY! ROFL!

      "Sonya, stop talking about "the zex" with Carly/Jax. Bad karma, baaaaaaad karma! LOL!"

      Hahahaha. Sorry!!!! :)

      "And I immediately thought of you when they announced the new Jordan."

      Haha yeah I was happy. :)

      "TPTB must read this blog!"

      Yeah I wonder!!!

      "I liked the new temp Jordan, but not her lipstick. I'm so picky. :)"

      Hahahahha. Picky Julie. :) I noticed her lipstick too. It looked too dark.

  8. "LSV422J says, I agree-beyond boring. By the way, Tonya Walker (Olivia Jerome) was on To Tell the Truth tonite."

    Yup I saw that!!! I was like she was on one life to live!! She brings up she was on General hospital. Uh okay! ROFL!

  9. She was on GH first! She looked great!



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