Monday, January 18, 2021


 It's Monday..MLK day. Hope you are safe and happy and full of some joy. 

Sonny unarms the robber and gets the gun. Of course he does. Mobular instincts. The guy ends up running. 

Carly's crying over Sonny at the Metro. Jax is there. She says NJ said unless a body is found, Sonny won't be declared dead for 3 years. She thinks it's Karma for Nelle dying. She wonders if  they should tell Nina about Nelle. Jax is 

Joss is crying over Sonny in the kitchen. Cam, Trina, Moss are there. Joss talks about her journal. Cam wonders why she threw it out (he saw it in the trash at GH) and she goes to look for it. It's missing!! OH NOOOOO!! 

Olivia asks Robert to help her become a spy so she can figure out if Tracy set up Alexis. 😊

Ned talks to Tracy about Alexis. Not a lot of movement.  Olivia comes home and then Leo is going to be adopted by Ned. There's going to be a celebration.  They flashback to Robert coaching Olivia on how to trap Tracy in a lie. Which she does--about the house alarm.  She catches Tracy in a lie and is all 'ha ha'. 

Willow and Michael go back and forth about their Amish lifestyle and  whether or not they like each other or Chase and Sasha. OMG. THEY HAVE TO BE LIBRAS!!!!  I can't really deal with them at all. There's no sexual tension..there's no romance...? Chem? UGH They go back and forth. "the sex wasn't reality..we wouldn't have had it if it wasn't for what Sasha and Chase did" --then they think they should go back with them. THEN Willow says "UNLESS YOU DON"T WANT TO" omg OH MY GAWD! Both of them can just GO

Nina is putting away her heart necklace in a keepsake box (in her office??) and Ava walks in. What's in there?! Ava wants Nina to talk to Carly about being nice about Avery. I think it was just to get a look at the necklace. They chat about Nina getting closer to Joss. Good friendship chat. I do miss Michelle tho.  Nina decides to keep wearing her necklace. 

Nina wants to give Josslyn her HS sports letter for good luck. 

END: Josslyn gives Ava the necklace for Avery! She found it in her mom's jewelry box!! 


  1. Carson kitchen:

    Joss, Trina, Cam, and the Tribbles: Great camera angle for the Tribbles. :) One minute the Tribbles were there, and the next minute they were gone!!! I was in a panic! WHERE DID THEY GO! Oh they are back. Whew. :) They must have went to visit Wiley. :) Oh oh people! The journal is gone!!! Alert alert! The journal is gone!!!!! Is Joss going to have a melt down?

    Ava and Joss: Joss bringing up Morgan again. Does that mean Morgan is going to be found alive? Joss just like her mama don't forgive Ava. I'm surprised Joss didn't ask Ava if she has seen her journal.

    Metrocourt restaurant:


    Carly: I don't know how to grieve for Sonny.

    Yes you do!!! With zex! :) Oh well what do you know? Jax is in wuv with Nina. :)

    Robert and Olivia: Ohhhh Olivia!!!!! Robert is the perfect person to ask for help about being a spy!!! :) Robert and Olivia are so sparkly. :) No Olivia don't encourage Robert to ask Jackie out on a date! I want Robert and Anna back together!

    Central Perk:

    Cam and Trina:

    Cam: If we tell her the truth it will ruin the memory of Dev.

    Oh Cam!! Seriously! SERIOUSLY!!!!!! COME ON!! *Facepalm* Dev was not a angel saint of beautiful things. Give me a break.

    Q home:

    13 year old Willow and 14 year old Michael: I just.. I.. *Facepalm*

    All around the mulberry bush
    The monkey chased the weasel
    The monkey thought 'twas all in fun
    Pop! goes the weasel

    Olivia and Tracy: Oh that was a perfect scene the way they went back and forth with Tracy/Olivia, to Olivia/Robert. :) At first Olivia telling Tracy how young she looks in that shirt, well damn Olivia sucks at this ROFL! But then she got really better.. YES YOU CAUGHT TRACY IN A LIE! HAHAHAHAHA! Too bad Tracy's parents aren't alive anymore. I bet they would kick her out of the house again!

    Nina's office:

    Ava, Nina, and her cupcakes: Awwww besties!!! :) Love that Nina is sharing things with Ava. :) Great scenes. Thank you writers! :)


    Jax: I love you.

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :) But once Nina finds out Jax lied to her about Nelle being her daughter, I'm afraid they will be over. :( And then what? CarJax has comfort zex? :)

    Pennsylvania side of the river bar:

    Mrs and Mr. Caufee, Sonny, and Jerry Jr: Sonny wins the line of the day.

    Sonny: Tell them you know you are sorry, and you won't come back!

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. He is like a parent and 5 year old Jerry Jr scurries away! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Sonny yelling, meh. I rather hear Cyrus yelling. Well anyway Sonny is a HERO HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    1. Sonya: They have been bringing Morgan up a lot lately. I mean, we haven't had a back-from-the dead SL in ages.

    2. "Paul773 says, Sonya: They have been bringing Morgan up a lot lately."

      Yeah they have! I wonder if they are bringing him back.

      "I mean, we haven't had a back-from-the dead SL in ages."

      Hahaha true! :)

    3. I loved the entire Robert/Liv/Tracy stuff. Well done! And so true that Robert and Livvy are so sparkly! I love them together!

      I so agree with Paul, way too many mentionings of Penguin loving Morgan. Makes me seriously queasy.

      You know I like Willow and Michael but yesterday was even painful for me. I'm with Di and her mom, sh*t or get off the pot.

      Line of the day was ok, but there really weren't any that stood out for me, lol!

    4. "Julie H says, I loved the entire Robert/Liv/Tracy stuff."

      Yes yes! The scene was fantastic!! :)

      "I so agree with Paul, way too many mentionings of Penguin loving Morgan."

      Penguin loving Morgan! ROFL!

      "You know I like Willow and Michael but yesterday was even painful for me.


      "I'm with Di and her mom, sh*t or get off the pot."

      And don't forget to flush! :)

      "Line of the day was ok, but there really weren't any that stood out for me, lol!"

      ROFL! Yeah nothing really stood out you're right. Sonny's line was pretty funny when he acted like a father and scolded 5 year old Jerry Jr! ROFL! And then he ran away! Hahahahahaha!

    5. Julie, so interesting you said that Robert and Olivia are sparkly. I think Chase is sparkly whenever he's on camera and he almost brings Willow to life. I prefer Willow with Chase over boring Michael.

    6. grammargal, I agree about Chase. He does light up the screen even by himself. I might be jumping on the Chase/Willow bandwagon soon. Mikey/Willow are killing me!

  2. kd says ". OMG. THEY HAVE TO BE LIBRAS!!!! I can't really deal with them at all. "

    *** I swear to God if I have to see another scene of this debate I might poke my eyes out with a sharp stick! Come on writers! As my mother would say have them sh** or get off the pot!

    sonya says:
    All around the mulberry bush
    The monkey chased the weasel
    The monkey thought 'twas all in fun

    *** Pop! Goes Di's eyeball.

    1. "Di says, Pop! Goes Di's eyeball."

      ROFL! Exactly! :)

  3. sorry to be stupid - are the tribbles Joss/Cam/Trina?
    Did we HAVE a service for Dev and I just missed it - kinda odd WEEKS later to be bringing up the journal unless Joss and Trina are gonna fight over Cam?

    1. "mufasa says, sorry to be stupid - are the tribbles Joss/Cam/Trina?"

      ROFL! No. The tribbles are the moss that is on the kitchen island! :) At the Corinthos kitchen!

    2. that is SO FUNNY - I had NO clue!!!!!!LOL

    3. "mufasa says, that is SO FUNNY - I had NO clue!!!!!!LOL"

      Really? You didn't know? Hahahahahaha! Hysterical! :) That green moss keeps growing bigger and bigger!!! :)

  4. kd says ". OMG. THEY HAVE TO BE LIBRAS!!!! I can't really deal with them at all. "
    That cracked me up, cuz I am a Libra tho not THAT bad!

  5. KD says "Willow and Michael go back and forth about their Amish lifestyle". HAHAHAHHA! I laughed out loud! Thanks for that!

  6. I am so pissed at Millow! Yes they were painful yesterday! I can't believe they signed the papers! 😥😥 I hope they get back with their others and realize how stupid they were and get back together! LOL! Sex changes you...

    1. They will go back to their other partners and realize they belonged together. That always happens.

  7. I agree with the Morgan speculation. They never mention someone frequently unless they're headed back. (Although, for the record, I am against his resurrection.) I guess if it gets Sonny and Carly off Ava's a**, I can deal with it.

    1. There's no scenario where I can deal with Morgan again.

    2. I couldn't stand Morgan the character and actor. Young Morgan was great, though. Please don't let him some back.

    3. I also liked Young Morgan, when he was a little nerdy and hung out with Molly all the time.


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...