Thursday, January 14, 2021



This was on Twitter..can you tell who they are?? Answers at the end! 


Sonny is at some hospital. Phyllis Caufield is his nurse! She was the one that knew where Nina's baby ended up, remember? He has on a Julian Jerome plaid shirt LOL The nurse loves to take care of people and she encourages him to eat. She's a good cook she says.  She notices he has a wedding ring on too and his coat was from a store on 5th Ave NYC. Stupid part of all this is she says that "there's no reports of missing people fitting his description". 

Jason and Brick talk about Sonny's death. Blah, blah....catching people blah..They go check out a storage facility. Bunch of dead guys in there from a gun fight. 

Alexis gets home, finds a bag from Ava with something from Julian's effects in there. It's a photo album/scrap book. She can't bear to look at it. She drinks. 

Cyrus talks to Sam, tells her to tell her boyfriend to give back his mother. Sasha overhears it. Cyrus is all upset about his mother and says he only does what he does to take care of her. 

Olivia tells Sam she's concerned about her mother. Sam's concerned too. Olivia thinks Tracy might have lied about driving off the road.  They visit Alexis. I tell you NANCY IS FABULOUS. WOW..Sam is figuring out that maybe Alexis wasn't driving that night. 

Amy checks out Brando's abs? Weird segment there.

Laura tells Cyrus about The Gray Family.  He's stunned. She tells him about her past. Now she has to find 

ANSWER: TJ, Peter and Brando 


  1. No answer at the end! Looks like Hiney in the middle. On his left looks like Kamar de los Reyes...maybe because I've been seeing him in things lately. Other clue.
    In this time of rampant social media a photo of Sonny sent out on every venue would lead him home in about 10 seconds.

  2. Now if Phyllis had said, "I don't do social media or watch then news" at least it would have made little more sense......gotta be a reason Phyllis found him....

    1. "Mufasa says, gotta be a reason Phyllis found him...."

      Maybe they are being chem tested.

    2. I actually think that is correct. It looks like the writers and going to take the time and cook up a whole other life for "Mike"/Sonny, so he will be conflicted when his memory eventually returns. I like Phyllis, but not this storyline.

    3. me either - I really like her, but she seems too old??? I want Sonny and Carly back together - without mob - I think THEY are the couple that needs to stay together/be the patriarch and matriarch family...…..

  3. The hospital:

    Brando and Amy: Ummmm. Chem testing? Meh I want Sasha and Brando together now. Sorry Amy.

    Laura and Curtis: BESTIES!!! :) I'm glad she told Curtis about her new half bros! :) No Laura, Jurtis shouldn't be going to marriage counseling! They should get a divorce.

    Curtis: Love. Love is not the problem. But what good is it without trust?


    Alexis's home: Awwww Ava. :( So Julian had that picture album huh? :( Awww Alexis.. Don't cut your wedding pictures with Julian up! :(

    Alexis, Sam, and Olivia: OH! Alexis has an alarm system! :) YAY! So glad Sam and Olivia are working together to find out the truth! :)

    The Pennsylvania side of the river hospital:

    Miss Cauffee and Sonny: Oh look it's miss Cauffee! The actress sounds like she has a cold. Hey where is hawt Hiker guy? :( Mmmmm spaghetti with Bolognese sauce! YUM! She can cook!!! :) I like the scene. Oh my she thinks his name is Mike! Well, his birth name IS Michael. :) Hey Miss Cauffee, he goes by Sonny now!

    "Karen says, Stupid part of all this is she says that "there's no reports of missing people fitting his description".

    ROFL! They were probably told, but then they got amnesia themselves. Just like that cop who found Hiker and Sonny! :) Amnesia! :)

    Sonny'a restaurant:

    Brick and Jason: Bring the Tribbles along with you! I am sure the 5 families would be happy to see the Tribbles again! :)

    The garage: Hmmm looks like Steve Burton got a zit! :) It's covered, I still notice it.

    Brick, Jason, and dead men: I thought at first that the dead men were the 5 families. Guess not. I know who killed those men!!! THE TRIBBLES!!!!!!!

    Sonny's restaurant:

    Brick, Jason, and Cyrus: Cyrus can use a night cap? Can he please yell really loudly? Please?

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Cyrus and Sam:

    Sam: You have a mother? Wonders never cease to amaze.

    No Sam. Cyrus was hatched from an egg.

    Cyrus and Sasha: I think what Sasha REALLY wants is another date with Cyrus and the drugs. ROFL!

    Cyrus, Sasha, and Brando: Whoa Brando! :) Are you skeered that Sasha is near Cyrus? Awwww. :) Well, they notice your lip. I hope Sasha takes care of you! :)

    Brando: I deserved it.

    No you didn't Brando!!! TJ had no right to hit you! You did NOTHING wrong!

    Sasha and Brando: Sasha wins the line of the day.

    Sasha: Don't worry about me. Worry about yourself. Judging by that split lip, you need to make better life choices.


    Sam and Olivia: Uh why is a table near a bathroom? Doesn't that smell? Are they able to hear the flushing going on?

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to 1978* It's the end of the David Hamilton story, and onto other storylines, like Tracy first showing up and being introduced to people. Alan and Monica just got married. Gail not liking Tracy hahaha. This is a partial episode, but I think I can safely say that Heather's mother wins the line of the day.

    Heather's mother: Heather! Now I think you have gone a little crazy.

    ROFL! You haven't seen nothing yet. :)

    1. Thanks for sharing the clip, great memories! This was my favorite Heather. The character was always careening out of control and kept you on the edge of your seats but wasn't out right evil like Robin Mattson's portrayal evolved into. Her mother was the perfect character actress. I've always thought the show has wasted such an opportunity to bring back Steven Lars as a central character, since so much of the late 70s revolved around him and that story. And Jane Elliot is the still the same fabulous Tracy she was in 1978. No one can deliver a line like she can.

    2. "Diana Taylor says, Thanks for sharing the clip, great memories!"

      You're welcome!! :)

      "This was my favorite Heather. The character was always careening out of control and kept you on the edge of your seats but wasn't out right evil like Robin Mattson's portrayal evolved into."

      Yeahhhhh after she accidentally took the LSD it all changed!

      "I've always thought the show has wasted such an opportunity to bring back Steven Lars as a central character, since so much of the late 70s revolved around him and that story."

      Yeah he needs to come back!!! :( I loved him with Olivia!

      "And Jane Elliot is the still the same fabulous Tracy she was in 1978. No one can deliver a line like she can."

      Hahaha yeah she has a way with one liners. :)

    3. Sonya, I'm giving you the line of the day about Jason's zit. HAHAHAHAHAH!

    4. "Julie H says, Sonya, I'm giving you the line of the day about Jason's zit. HAHAHAHAHAH!"

      ROFL! Did you notice it? Or maybe I was seeing things.

    5. I noticed, couldn't believe you did too!! :)

    6. "Julie H says, I noticed, couldn't believe you did too!! :)"

      ROFL! Well, I also noticed the table near the bathroom! :) I wonder if anybody hears flushing. :)

  4. Replies
    1. Nuts, you beat me to it, that's who I was going to say! :)

  5. If Phyllis Caulfield is Sonny's nurse, that has got to be a red herring for Nell somewhere. Interesting to see where this leads, and barely willing to suspend belief that they wouldn't have a description for a missing person as notorious as Sonny Corinthos. Eye roll.

  6. Cyrus "says he only does what he does to take care of" his mother - are they setting things up so he can eventually be "reformed"?

  7. Question:did they skip an episode or is it just me? I know we didn't get an episode because of Trump being impeached? Last episode I saw TJ was wailing on Brando and Sonny taken to hospital. Next Brando is in hospital room and Sonny is in his hospital room being fed. Were they checked out? Was this offscreen? Did I not miss anything? LOL?

    1. you didn't miss but yes, it was weird..I had NO idea at first why Amy was looking at Brando's abs LOL

    2. I have NO idea why Brando would have his shirt off because he got a split lip. lol Someone behind the camera just likes seeing these young guys with their shirts off. lol

    3. "Di says someone behind the camera just likes seeing these young guys with their shirts off. lol"

      ROFL! Ahem and other people.. *Slowly puts hand up* ROFL!

  8. I had a problem with the nurse serving Sonny, who is in the hospital, food that she made. Really, lol!

    I had a problem with Jason and Brick leaving finger prints on the garage door they opened, yet Brick deleted the camera footage before looking at it.

    I had a problem with Amy busting in Brando's exam room, apparently just to ogle him. Nothing wrong about ogling (lol!) but she's a nurse and at work for crying out loud!

    I had a problem with myself that I didn't recognize the nurse as Nina's.

    Guess I had a lot of problems yesterday, lol!

    I loved Alexis's snark to Sam. Mumbles was one step away from a coma when she and Liv were at the Metro Court talking about Alexis. Sheesh!

  9. LOL It was a WEIRD day of a weird week. Not as snappy as they've been

  10. I like the Phyllis character, but this "Sonny has amnesia" storyline is falling flat for me and breaks up the flow of the show, IMO.

    1. cause he needs to be home! it doesn't work with his character for sure.


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...