Sunday, January 24, 2021

Sunday Surgery: MEDLESS


Another week, another GH interruption! Here's hoping life calms the hell down and we get smooth sailing for awhile. GH this week was better for me, especially with the whole Q scene-- and Sonny's story might be getting a tad interesting within it's tiny bubble. 

Since Sonny is saving the day for the Bar, let's have a WUBS Signature Cocktail shall we?  Johnny Walker Black on the Rocks. 

MANIC MONDAY OF THE WEEK:   Still not a big fan of the quaint Sonny story but... the fact he's off his meds could prove to be great material. So far, he's knocked down a gun man, cleaned the floors and all the liquor bottles AND tried to get Lenny to improve things. Lenny has had it!!  Phyllis thinks he has an underlying condition. Hmmm, what will happen when Sonny crashes? BTW, I call him MikeSon or Sike for short. It's still unbelievable they haven't tried to track down who he is but... eh.  I'll hang in there a bit longer. 

WHERE'S MY BABY OF THE WEEK? Ok, I was going to use Nina as the poster girl for this but Joss was the one that finally drove this story ahead. What started out as a good "who is it" has just spun into 'get it over already'.  There's a necklace floating around that Ava finally got. Jax wants to come clean but Carly doesn't-- because she's afraid of ....Nina? (okay..?)  But Nina HAS THE OTHER HALF and anyone who sees it will know! So even if she does get the necklace, won't matter. And even when she finds out NELLE IS 'DEAD' so??? Unless there's a switcheroo or Nelle appears, don't care. 

SECRET'S OUT OF THE WEEK: Stunning work by all involved in the whole Q meltdown. Olivia finds out the truth! Tracey is outted as setting Alexis up!! Sam and Finn watch in horror! The fact that these characters all shared airtime was wonderful. Of course, Lisa LoCicero did a bang up job as the cheated on wife. Alexis went after Tracy and Jane Elliot sold me on the "I was just looking out for you" excuse because...well, Jane Elliot.  Sam said she's sorry to her Mama; Alexis seems like she's going to stop drinking and Ned's off for a bit so Olivia can be alone. Oh! And looks like Leo won't be adopted after all. Only thing left is for Olivia to buy Charlie's and rename it "Cheaters" and live with Leo in the back. She can take her pizza oven!  Photo thx to @NivFansGH 

THROWDOWN OF THE WEEK: Oh, Lizzie is PISSED!! "If you want to kill Franco, you'll have to go through me"!!  By the way, last thing Jason does after she leaves is...cock is gun!! LOL BLOOP! 

EYE-OPENING OF THE WEEK:  Jason tries to tell Britt her brother is a badie but she's not so sure. That is until Peter waltzes in and wants her computer. She complies but just to find out what he's up to. Ah, he's stealing Franco's medical information. Interesting. Maybe Britt and Jason can go to the double wedding together? Please? 

CHEM-TRAILS OF THE WEEK: Oh, Dante and Maxie. Yep. I can so see this. She gets hurt by Peter and who else to pick up the pieces but her Coma-tized BF's  ex-hubby?? That's SOAP 101 people!! You know they'll form their little fam and then--Lulu awakens! Plus I kinda dig them together. 

CHEM -TRAILS 2 OF THE WEEK:  Yes, I enjoyed these scenes. I'd love for Tad Martin Gray and Alexis to get together! 


Carly and Jax try to figure out what to do about Ava having the 1/2 necklace

Sonny is full on manic-mode at the bar 

Peter steals Franco's medical info; Britt finds out

Olivia figures out the truth and lays into Alexis and Ned

Tracey's plan is also figured out and Alexis is off the hook for DWI

Ned leaves the Q mansion for a bit

Dante and Maxie remember Lulu and he vows to be there for her

Nina tells Curtis she secretly still wants to find her daughter

Liz tells Jason to back off the plan to kill Franco

Franco wants to hire Dad to rep him if and when he is killed 

Anna and Kevin find out that Dr. O was one of Dr. Kirk's patients

SCOOPS:  Get ready for Tuesday Jan 27th when Jackie Templeton interviews Sasha for Good Morning America "3".. which airs right before GH.  I guess it's all about her "overcoming' her addiction but it's promised that a secret is set up in the segment. 

Look for Portia and Curtis to team up a bit and Maxie visits Nathans' grave.  

As always check out Diagnosis Daytime for all the upcoming Spoilers! 

That's it!! Next week will hopefully run smoothly and I won't have to watch too much Hulu. Monday I have an appointment but should be back by 2. What's your fave part of the show right now? Mine has to be Alexis, Olivia and Nedly. I'm a bit intrigued by Sonny's state of mind as well. Seems everyone has forgotten about Poor Florence who's still being held at some safe house! You'd think Jason would just get her back to the facility but??? 

HEY BILLS GAME later today. I'm nervous as all hell. I'm not even sure I want to go through another Super Bowl. You have NO idea how 4 loses just gut a person. We will enjoy wings today tho, Anchor Bar style! Have a good one. 


  1. You're probably tired of hearing about how good your SS's are... but they ARE! I agree with you about Alexis and Martin Grey... All I could think of while watching their scenes was "why not put them together?"... I'd like her with Valentin too, though. Either one would be fine... Bills game for me today, too.

    1. "Bills game for me today, too."

      GO BILLS!!!! Love Josh Allen and my BEASLEY!!! :)

  2. Or, as I like to think of it- HEY CHEIFS GAME later today, lol. May the best team win, Karen, but this Kansas City native hopes you don't have to to worry about another Super Bowl appearance this year, lol.

  3. I have to still watch the scene you are talking about. I was a huge Tad fan, but until they gave him a back story recently didn't like Marin Gray. Now he has "layers" and I would like to find out more about him. Will have to watch he and Alexis.

    Loved the scenes at Q mansion. Miss Laura and the "Florence" thing is taking too long right now.

    Thanks for another wonderful SS

    1. PS. I would just like Alexis and Valentin as "besties"

    2. So, Alexis didn't know Martin Gray before now???

    3. Just watched the scene with Alexis, Valentin and Martin. LOVED it. "Boom" that's your defense. LOL. And, Valentin mentioning her typos and "Defective Chase". She was drinking when she typed that for sure. Some great writing and the 3 of them are just wonderful together in that scene

    4. Lindie OMG I agree and lmao I almost just spit my milk out just now! That was a great scene! I do agree I like Valentin and Alexis as besties.

    5. It was funny. I had to watch that scene twice.The writers seem to be exploring different characters in scenes and it's working well .

  4. Johnny Walker Black on the rocks and when finished you have to smash the barware.

  5. I literally kept screaming all week - IT'S 2021 - you CAN find out WHO Sonny is- GOOGLE for goodness sake - this is BEYOND Stupid, Frank!!!!!!!!!!!! let him come home and STILL not remember but this is just STUPID....I fast forward through I am captivated by anything Olivia does or Martin or Valentin ------ still hate that ALexis is made to be a drunk....

  6. I'm hoping that Curtis goes to talk to Phyllis and finds Sonny/Mike. If Nina does find out about Nelle that would make her Wileys grandmother which could be interesting.

  7. "Still not a big fan of the quaint Sonny story but... the fact he's off his meds could prove to be great material."

    Yeah the Sonny story of him losing his memory is okay, but yeah off his meds, sounds interesting.

    "So far, he's knocked down a gun man,"

    Jerry Jr. :) And where the hell is the hot hiker? Bring him back!!! :)

    "Stunning work by all involved in the whole Q meltdown. Olivia finds out the truth!"

    Yeah the scene was fantastic!!! Great acting! BRAVO!

    "Oh, Dante and Maxie. Yep. I can so see this. She gets hurt by Peter and who else to pick up the pieces but her Coma-tized BF's ex-hubby?? That's SOAP 101 people!! You know they'll form their little fam and then--Lulu awakens! Plus I kinda dig them together."

    Yeah I don't know. I really want her with Chet, but Maxie and Dante could surprise me. What shall we call them? Daxie? Mante? :)

    "CHEM -TRAILS 2 OF THE WEEK: Yes, I enjoyed these scenes. I'd love for Tad Martin Gray and Alexis to get together!"

    Yes yes! I can see them together. Too bad Dr. Kirk is gone. :(

    "HEY BILLS GAME later today. I'm nervous as all hell."

    Yeah exciting, but yet nerve wracking!!!!

    "I'm not even sure I want to go through another Super Bowl. You have NO idea how 4 loses just gut a person."

    Yes I know!!! :( I want them to go to the superbowl, but nervous they will lose.. :'(

    "We will enjoy wings today tho, Anchor Bar style! Have a good one."

    YUM! :)

  8. Thanks for another Great SS!
    Just tell Nina the truth for goodness sakes. That darn half-a-heart that Avery now has should be worn out from Nelle fondling it for years. Enough already. IMO she will be back.
    The scenes with the Q's and Alexis are fantastic.
    Sonny being 'lost' in these times is ridiculous.
    Looks like we are good up until Feb. 8th when the real life trial begins. Unless of course something else happens.

  9. Just saw Kim Delaney is in Long Island Serial Killer. Lifetime movie. That's where she's been I guess

  10. My main issue with GH is that the cast is too bloated. They focus on certain stories for 2 weeks and then POOF, the characters are gone for another week, sometimes two with no mention while they go back to the other stories they weren't focusing on. Case in point: Florence Grey. Amazing build up and then POOF. Jackie Templeton. Great character and recast and when she's on, she's on fire. But then POOF.
    Sonny's story has me intrigued and I'm happy to see more actors and characters of color on screen. Wondering if they'll be connected to the canvass beyond Phyllis' connection to Nina. They've never revealed the name of the town they're in..but I note the bar is called the Tan-O, I'm wondering if that's short for Llantano Mountain which was often referred to on One Life to Live. That said, there are obviously major plot holes with how no one has looked for Sonny or Phyllis or her husband haven't went to the local police to see if they could ID Sonny.
    And regarding Nelle being revealed as Nina's daughter. Remember what Nina was like when she was first introduced by Michelle Stafford - that scene where she rises out of her wheelchair, kicks it and screams bloody murder while taking an axe to Silas' apartment as only Michelle Stafford could do. Remember Cynthia Watros had a turn as Annie Dutton on Guiding Light and we know as an actress she's capable of similar scenery chewing rage. I look for Nina to go full on nuclear when she hears the truth or to live in silence and plot her revenge while having fun toying with Carly and Jax.

  11. I enjoy Maxie as a character but have never warmed up to Kirsten Storms' portrayal. Maxie must be in her 30s by now, but Kirsten has that "baby doll" delivery in some of her lines that is annoying. The previous actress to me brought much more emotion to the role and brought the same familiarity that Kimberly McCullough did with Robin as we watched her grow up. With Robyn Richards' portrayal you got the angxt of her trying to live up to being worthy of getting BJ's heart. Kirsten Storms is better when they give her something serious to play.


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...