Friday, September 30, 2022

Time Is Flying!!


Yesterday's show:  Liked Mac scenes. Great Scorpio stuff. EVEN with Cody in them. I want Robert around though!! 

Is Austin harvesting organs? or is he the hooker?  It looked like harvesting  --which would be great and I might like Austin LOL I'm so mean. 

Dex on a hook.. LOL the water in the face was great.  I guess Josslyn saved him. 

Portia and Jordan. Didn't do it for me. Kinda weird and I wish it was Stella that found out about Curtis. 

I like Dante in detective mode. BUT Dog tags wouldn't jingle.. Why wouldn't anyone figure out that the hooker wore a covering? Plus, blood splatter is at a minimum. Anyway..

WHAT about DIANE? Nary a mention of her!! LOL 


Sonny and Nina at the Metro (did he let Dex go and I missed it?).  Nina still wants to have Ava come to her place to stay.  Selina WU walks up and says she's sorry about Brando. She wonders if Sonny will come see Chase tonight at the Savoy. She also tells him about the high-stakes poker game. 

Ava and Liz at the hospital. Ava wants to "clear the air". Elizabeth thinks Nikolas really does love Ava. Ava asks Liz if she's ok. Liz hedges and flashes back to the stairs. 

Greg and Alexis still waiting on Diane. We haven't seen Diane in the hospital bed. OMG Greg says they are STILL OPERATING lol geesh!! 

Nikolas is big mad at Finn for telling Ava the truth.  They come to blows. Greg and Alexis break them up. Finn and Greg are going to see Chase tonight. Nikolas tells Alexis he likes her paper. 

Brook sees Chase in a towel at his place and smooshes some coffee in her hand. Chase is singing tonight. They talk about taking Linc down THEN THEY KISS! wow. Then go to the bedroom but no, Brook stops him. Damn it. She clears out his kitchen to help his vocal cords. Then they go to breakast. 

Victor visits Spencer in jail and Spencer looks HORRIBLE. He says he's not getting beat up but he's getting bullied in other ways. He asks about Ava but won't talk about Nikolas. He's angry no one has come to visit yet. (besides Victor) Victor leaves. 

VAnna afterglow. Charlotte texts a photo --Val is sad. Anna says they will take on Victor together. They decide Nina could help them.   

Spencer is assaulted in the library of Pentonville

Liz asks Greg for help ...she wants to know about Reiko

Ava decides to stay with Nina for a bit 

MONDAY: Robert is on!! 

Thursday, September 29, 2022



I have a big meeting today so I am not sure I'll make it for the show! Sorry-- I'll get back into it tomorrow. 

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

I see You


Yesterday's show: Well, DEX didn't do it...I think we know that!! LOL Too easy. I'm SO SO tired of Curtis/Jordan and Portia talks. And Drew and Carly?? WTF. That wallpaper killed me. Donna's about old enough for Kindergarten LOL . All in all a filler show. 

I CAN'T BELIEVE I FORGOT BADGER BOB AND MOSS in the ABCs of GH!! GEESH!! I think I was going more for places but yeah, BIG MISS!! 


Sonny has Dex on a meat hook wanting an explanation about Diane. LOL  Dex isn't telling him anything. Then he brings in a guy from the Wu family to 'really make him talk"-- 

Joss goes to talk to Dante at the PCPD. She has evidence for him--maybe. She heard jinging in the alley way. OMG there is NO WAY IN HELL you could hear dog tags under a HOODIE and raincoat in the pouring rain!! come ON Dante. 

Austin and Maxie are in her place and Spin is there too.  Then Cody comes and says "Hi Sis"  He asks her if she thinks Mac is his father. They talk about Leopold Taub and the back story and Austin is listening ...oh and Cody knew the name "Gatlin" when Austin said it. SO...ties? 

Sam and Michael talk about Diane. It's nothing. Then Spin shows up. Michael leaves. Spin talks about Star Wars and that he and Georgie are watching all the movies in order . Spinelli also tells her HE's the matchmaker for Society Social. 

Curtis tells Ava Diane was hooked. Then Taggert and Trina come up.  Trina talks to Ava and feels like Curtis is being too much of a dad to her even before he's her step-dad.  Then Trina leaves. Curtis comes in and tells Ava she has to fire Trina so she can 'be safe'. 

Portia goes it to lay into Jordan. Jordan comes right out and asks if Curtis is Trina's dad and Portia won't answer. Yells at her about wanting her ex hubby back. They argue. 

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

The ABCs of GH


Note: These are places/things and 

David and Karen did it without Google!

You have any to add? 

A is for Asian Quarter, Annabelle and Aurora   

is for Beecher's Corners, Brownstone, Bucket O' Blood, The Box Car and Bensonhurst

is for Cassadine Island, Crimson Magazine, Catacombs, Charlie's,  Corinthos' Coffee and the Campus Disco

is for Deception, The Docks 

is for ELQ International.  

is for Floating Rib, Franco's Egg Salad painting, Ferncliff, Ferry to Wyndemere, Foster and the Five Families

is for General Hospital 

is for Haunted Star and Hook 

is for Ice Princess

is for the Jerome Gallery, Jake's 

is for Kelly's (and their BLT Sandwich)

is for the Left-Handed boy, the Laurelton Murders, L&B Records and Luke's Place

is for the Metro Court and Mercy Hospital

is for the Nurse's Ball and Noodle Buddha 

is for the Outback

is for PCU, Pentonville, Promethius Disc, Paradise Lounge, Phoenix, Picalila and the Port Charles Grille

is for Quartermaine Mansion

is for Q's Rose Garden, The River, Roxy 

is for the Savoy, Spoon Island, Sigmund, The Steam Room and Shadybrook

is for the Tan-O, Toxic Balls  and Triple L Diner 

is for Underground Bunker (Cassadine Island)

is for Volonino's Gym

is for Wyndhams,  Wyndemere and the Worm Farm

is for X rays 

is for Yacht Club ?? Is there a yacht club? LOL 

is for Zodiac (boat) 

Monday, September 26, 2022

TOXIN and Scotch

Vanna Fans are HAPPY!! IT's a ANNA DAY . They are by the fire, drinking scotch and talking about romantical things. Anna's worried about Val because he found out about Helena being his mama and Victor being his Daddy and now Charlotte is gone. They end up having Steamy sex. 

Also a MAC DADDY, Robert and Felicia day! They are at the Metro and See Cody. Robert wonders why they are looking at him. Mac says that he's Cody Bell. Robert says: Oh wasn't he at the Q picnic?? T

Cody is waiting for a date with Britt at The Metro. He's uneasy because Mac is there. He wants to go to another spot. Mac gets the call someone was stabbed. He and Robert leave. Felicia goes to talk to Cody and Britt. Cody is mean to Felicia.  Felicia says that Mac was close to Dominique. "How Close" asks Cody. Felicia says he has to ask Mac. Gives him Mac's phone number. 

Finn wants to talk to Terry. UGH. First he wants to get an antidote in and then he wants to talk about Liz. She's so glad he's there to help her. 

Ava opens a note from Nik. He says you "have my life in your hands" ....He wrote down that he killed Esme on his own. Ava doesn't think that's enough. She will keep the letter but needs more to take him back. 

Alexis and Greg decide to tackle the hooker story together. They go to Brando's garage to get more info on his life. 

We see Diane on the garage floor in a pool of blood. Alexis and Greg gasp and Dex is over Diane's body.  Dex says he's stopping the blood and called 911. Weak pulse. Diane is taken out by stretcher...Mac runs in. Wonders why Dex is there "you're at another scene"!!? Alexis says he tried to save Diane. 

Diane goes into GH .. Finn runs over. They have to operate immediately. Finn is getting the antidote FAST! 

Show ends with Vanna Sex Scenes. 

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Sunday Surgery: The Happy Hooker


Interesting week. No interruptions!! I think next week we will get one due to the Jan 6th committee so let's enjoy this. While a lot happened, I still felt the show was splintered into many different parts that didn't really fit together. Most of the happenings raised more questions than not. Such is the life of a soap watcher! 

Let's get into it! It's NATIONAL LOBSTER DAY so Albert and I say, dig in!! 

Friday, September 23, 2022

You hooked?



Sonny and Sasha talk in Brando's garage. They are sad. Talk about Brando. Sonny mentions MORGAN. Then Diane comes in when Sasha is in the office. She has to talk to her about Brando's estate and Martin is still out of town. Sonny is still angry with her about how he questioned him on the stand. What a baby he is LOL 

Diane tells Sasha that they have to think about her guardianship. SASHA freaks out.. Diane is going to ask for a continuance. She goes into Brando's office to look for the papers. Sonny is going to take Sasha home. 

Diane and Alexis talk in the Metro Bar. Diane wonders how Kristina is and Alexis says fine. She tell her about about the argument they had over her job. Then Nikolas shows up and wants Alexis' help with wooing Ava back. 

Nina asks Ava where she will go after she gets out of the hospital. She offers her place. Ava kinda wants to go back to Wyndemere. UGH NO. Nina figures out Ava still loves Nikolas. Gross. Nina says no she doesn't. But..???? hmmm... 

Greg sees Finn looking at Reiko's photo. Finn says he's just thinking about the island they went to. "Why you thinking about your ex-wife" ...Finn doesn't answer and leaves to see a patient. 

Liz wonders who the lady is she drew. Finn finds her in the hallway. They go into his office and she sees his phone and ex-wife's photo!! She asks about her. He tells her about the island and Liz knows it's by Guam. I think Jeff was probably there when he was with Doctors without Borders. 

Anna and Val are still skulking on the Haunted Star. They end up pushing the goonie overboard. They go to rescue Lucy but she says she doesn't want to be rescued! She convinces them to let her stay and get information. Victor brings the guy that went overboard back. He thinks something is "off". 


Diane is in the office and hook person comes in! 


Robert is on

Diane lays in a pool of blood. 

Thursday, September 22, 2022

It's the POISON

I'm here !! Tillie and I walked in the rain-- oy! But now there is bright sunshine LOL Crazy. 

The poison Toxin is identified. Finn says whoever did it has a 'real imagination for murder" it's a reptile poison. Like natives used on spears. I'm going with poison dart frog LOL / Jordan figures out the killer did it to ensure the person died this time. Finn says when he and his wife (first one) were on some islolated island doing medical work a doctor he knew died of poison and it was long and painful. 

Maxie tells Val and Anna that Lucy left with Victor. They are worried.  Maxie says that Lucy tweeted a star and jack-o-lantern and I think they will figure out she's on the Haunted Star. 

Victor has lunch ready for Lucy on the Haunted Star and then they leave port!! OOOUPS! He says he has her all to himself this afternoon. They eat... chat and he gives her a giant diamond bracelet. He says there's an 'earth shattering' event coming and she can be his first-mate on the boat that will 'save people'. 

Valentin and Anna get a boat to the Haunted Star and get on board. They are looking for Lucy. 

Sonny and Nina are sad about Brando at Charlie's. Drew is too and tells Sonny he's not heard from Carly in a couple of days.Sonny's like WELL CALL THE PLACE SHE WAS GOING TO! Drew is like: Um, I guess I should do that. Idiot. Drew finds out Carly never landed. He calls her phone again. 

Carly gets a new phone. She starts to listen to her messages but Linda Purl comes and interrupts her. They argue about the graveyard stuff. She doesn't answer when Drew calls. Stupid. 

Carly calls Sonny and Nina leaves. He tells her about Brando. She's sad. Wants to come home. He says no, stay put where it's safe. So, she's staying in Florida to make sure her mother's body isn't moved. 

Liz and Kevin.. she has an idea. He thinks she should call her father. She convinces him to hypnotize her again. She still can't see any faces. She says I know what I need to do when she wakes up and leaves. She goes to try to draw the faces. 


Liz draws the lady and its' some LADY THAT'S ON FINN'S PHONE!! LOL What!!!!! It' s so weird

Valentin is going to sneeze and the goon hears him. 


Wednesday, September 21, 2022


 Sonny asks Alexis about her newspaper article.  They go into Charlie's to see Kristina and Victor is laughing it up with her. 

Chase asks Finn how Brando died so suddenly. Finn thinks he's trying to get back on the force by solving the hooker case.  Chase says he's crazy. 

Portia tries to find out what the autopsy says about Brando's death.  She wonders if Finn tipped off The Invader. 

Brook Lynn has a dream about Chase but she's really in the Deception meeting with Lucy and Maxie. Lucy is chewing her out for being too into Chase. And Brook has to leave for Chases' audition. Lucy chomps gummies and wants to hire a new social media person and Maxie says no.

HOOK IS ON THE DOCKS AND ANNA IS THERE!!!!! OMG It's just Jordan!! ahahaha She bought it from the Marina shop to take a look at it. God, that was a fake out. Anna and Jordan talk about Jordan's "information" on Curtis and if she should spill. Anna doesn't know what the info is but adivses her to do the best thing for Curtis. 

Selina Wu goes to the Savoy and tells Curtis "things are getting dangerous in Port Charles". She says if she would have gotten notice of his engagement, she could have gotten him a Great GEM! AND then she brings in Chase for an audition. 

Victor finds Lucy at the office and is glad to have her all to himself. 

Chase singing

They get the tox results for Brando. I had to leave so hopefully Sonya will fill you in! 

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

So Long, Brando!


TODAY IS TUESDAY AND I can stay the whole time--IF my TV cooperates!! 

I KNEW Brando would code at the end of yesterday's show without ever watching it LOL Just knew it. Soaps been on a LONG time and well, that fit. 


Alexis and Greg talking about whether or not to put the Hook information into her paper. Stupid FINN had to use his blabbermouth. She thinks they should write a letter to the killer via the paper to get to their ego and they might answer back. 

Jordan and Curtis still arguing about the divorce papers. It's weird. Stella sees TJ. They hug. 

Carly is visiting Virginia's grave in Florida. Talks about her past and such. Boring. I mean.. REALLY boring. Oh she finds out they are moving the graves because they are putting in a freeway. SOoooooo...I can only assume Virginia won't be in the grave? 

Liz is being hypnotized ..she saw the lady at the bottom of the stairs. Then she sees Peter at the bottom of the stairs. Kevin brings her out of it. She leaves. Goes and hugs Finn. She thinks Peter's death triggered her memories. 

Sonny stops and talks to some old guy that reminds him of Mike. I guess a symbolism scene. 

Brando is seizing. Crash cart comes in... Portia trying to save him. Brando-Sasha montage. A LONG ONE . Portia says it makes no sense why Brando is seizing--'it's like his body was hit with something else" someone injected him with something OR the hook was poisoned. Anyway, Sasha says give me a sign and the lights flicker and Portia comes out. Tells Sasha. Gladys and Nina come out. Everyone is screamin and cryin' 

They all go in to say goodbye. 

TJ is baffled with Brando's death. Has no clue how it could have happened. 

Liz tells Kevin she remembers something

Portia asks Finn to figure out what killed Brando

Liz thinks her father might have pushed that lady down the stairs.

Alexis is going to run the hooker story. 

Monday, September 19, 2022

Speedy Day


Ok, so I can stay a BIT-- I have a meeting at3 I have to prepare for so we shall see. Also, I'm hoping the Queen coverage is over!!  The pomp was something and the entire country seemed so silent and united. I don't think the US would have that in them!! 

On to Soaps: 

Alexis and Greg are in the hall at GH waiting for different people and talking. They discuss the attack on Brando. He says he liked The Invader's coverage on the story and it wasn't too sensational. He wants her to go to a lecture at PCU with him. 

Portia and Curtis. She wants to know if Jordan hadn't lied, would he still be with her. He says no, he wants her but they talk a LOT about not lying to people. Gulp. 

Joss and Trina at the pool, some weird guy looking at them. Dex also comes into the pool area. Joss gives him his sunglasses.  Joss confronts the weird guy and he leaves. We find out Dex was having him watch over Joss. 

Elizabeth is visiting Kevin for therapy. She says it was a mistake to leave Shadybrook. She tells him about the missing time at the Q party. She also tells about her memory and it has something to do with her father. Stairs, grabbing woman and feeling angry. 

Sonny is bugging Jordan to tell him about the investigation. Being a pill. Keeps harping on it. 

Brando wakes up and strokes Sasha's face.  Finn comes in to examine him because Portia wants a consult. Brando is coughing and doesn't look good.  Jordan comes in and asks him who stabbed him. Brando can't identify anyone. He did hear a noise like a jingling sound. (Dog tags? handcuffs? Ryan's chains? what? and how you hear in the pouring RAIN lol) 

I can't finish I have a meeting !! I'll get the end tonight. xxoo 

Sunday, September 18, 2022

Sunday Surgery: Scream Dream


Well, another one is hooked and we are all just...waiting to see who the next one will be! I love a good murder mystery. I've often been really disappointed in the people doing it however so.. let's see if this surprises me! 

Short and Sweet this time because I was in and out when it came to watching the show. I saw a lot on Hulu and skipped around. 

Ready do dive in?? Let's get going! 

Friday, September 16, 2022

Today is...


Niagara Falls Day for me! So, again, I'm out. I watched yesterday's show quickly and DAMN! They are doing a deep dive into Carly's past or what? It's a whole thing where her BFFs father raped her. I'm assuming the lady (Linda Purl) was his wife at the time? 

Perhaps all this revisiting history (Dominique) is part of the lead-up to the  60th anniversary ? I have no idea. But here we are, in Jacksonville Florida for the duration. 

I hear another victim of the hooker is found. Hmmmmm. Rumors say Diane. That would further seal the "Trina Connection" 


Have at it !! I hope I get in a Sunday Surgery !! 

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Who's THAT Hookah!!? For Wed Comments!


SO, here we go!! We know who the hooker isn't!! 


Those were most of the people I saw yesterday while Brando was being hooked. It could have been DEX because he could have circled back. Other suspects: MASON --RORY-- ESME AND RYAN. 

I'm now going with Ryan -- that figure was way too big to be a woman imo. Ryan is mobile and targeted Ava and maybe Joss ... ergo.. if he knows Esme is "dead" or she's alive and healing, he'll go after whoever tried to kill her. Right? 

Oh boy. The person looks to be left handed... and Ryan's RIGHT hand was cut off. So-- RYAN is my new go to hooker. 


Sorry I'm out again today--Hair Day and tomorrow is my son's Bday and we are out to celebrate -- have to travel a bit to the falls. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Tail End Of Yesterday


Just caught yesterday's ending!! 

I can't believe how much Finn man-splained to Ava when Liz was trying to talk to her. Also, check Ava's pillowcase; I think it's silk! LOL Did Trina bring that!!? 

Jordan and Stella--loved. 

Is Dex the hook-killer? I mean he showed up out of nowhere and helped "Save" Ava-- then he leaves Charlie's via he back door..Joss goes after him with his sunglasses and there is the hook person RIGHT THERE? Hmmm. 

Brando is a gonner. Guess hiring Dex and Drew did him in. What happens to a guardianship when the guardian is dead? 

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Half Time

 I can only give you 30 minutes on the front end of GH TODAY! I have a meeting. I am skipping Wed/Thursday AND Friday so.. I figured I'd better get in here now! 

Nik and Sonny: Sonny tells Nikolas to stay away from Ava's room. They banter. Yada yada. 

Stella, Curtis and Jordan talk about the divorce papers being missing. Jordan takes the fall for Stella. 

Drew apologizes to Marshall. 

Sasha has to sign guardianship papers or go to trial. 

Ava and Portia talk. Ava confesses that she thinks Nikolas could have stabbed her. She also notices Portia's engagement ring. 

Carly and Joss in Charlie's. Carly's going to a summit in Aruba. Dex walks in. He and Joss give each other the eyeball. 

Finn and Liz are talking again.. it's just boring. She thinks Nikolas may have given them an alibi for himself. SAME convo as yesterday. 

Monday, September 12, 2022

A WU Day!


N'Neka alerts Curtis of the WU situation!! 

Cody meets Wu at The Savoy. He has a proposition for her.  He wants to be staked 10K and he'll make her 15K at the table. He wants to leave town. N'neka calls Curtis on the phone to get there. 
Selina says that she'll do it if he works for her to fix games. He's not sure. She says don't take too long. He leaves. Curtis comes in and Wu says she's going to upgrade his audio board but wants a local artist to play. 

Sonny asks Ava who hurt her, was it Nikolas? She says no. He doesn't believe her. They talk about Esme and OMG just WATCH THE TWO of them together. WOW...magic. SO much chem. 

Violet, Greg, Chase (shirtless), Finn and Curtis at the pool. They talk and Greg meets Curtis. Violet wants to go to the wedding.  Then Greg and Finn sit down together to talk about Elizabeth's problems. FOR THE WHOLE SHOW geesh. 

Stella goes to tell Jordan she took the divorce papers...or does she?? She tells Jordan she made a mistake and she's sorry.  Let's Jordan know she took the papers and they were never filed.  Jordan freaks out. Then Curtis walks in!! 

Dante wants to see who was brought into the hospital the same time that Ava was. No one was admitted with wounds. Nikolas gets off the elevator and sees them. Dante leaves. Elizabeth says she has to talk to Nikolas alone.  She asks him why he gave her an alibi or did he do it himself? Why are you acting so weird she asks him. Nikolas says he's NOT acting suspicious. Liz says her life is out of control and Nik hugs her. FINN WALKS IN!! WOOT 

Ned and Brook talk about her managing Chase and how hard that will be. They ate really yummy looking sandwiches. Ned keeps telling Brook that it's probably not a good idea to manage Chase if they are in a relationship.  Then Chase comes in and Brook is gone. Ned tells Chase to get good to his daughter yada yada. Also says it might be a bad idea for her to manage him. 

Dante and Cody meet at the park. Cody wonders why Mac is on his ass. He thinks they are looking at him for Ava's stabbing (not the Daddy Situation). He eludes to something that happened in the past and Dante was there too. 


Cody takes the job from WU! He's staying in PC 

Curtis found out there's no record of their divorce. 

Sonny tells Ava if he finds out that Nikolas stabbed her, Nik is going to have hell to pay

Liz thinks she might need to tell the police she doesn't remember where she was when Ava was hooked. 

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Sunday Surgery: Keep Drinkin'!


Oh, people....between the Queen interruptions, my job and my stupid TV, it was just a BAD, BAD WEEK.  Ergo...not much is going into this surgery! 

--why aren't we shipping THESE TWO? Roger has the chops to play opposite Kelly when it comes to her Huntington's and Brittt could be getting major symptoms now. Then,, go off to seek treatment in a teary goodbye. See? Fixed it. 

  I DID IT.. it was me... Yep. 

SPEAKING OF THE CEMETERY: BLOOP! NELLE pops up!! After terrorizing Willow she manages to corner Nina and make her feel like crap too. Quite a great day for one of my fave villains! 

Sasha freaks out over Lucy's firing her. Lucy was hoping a public place would tame her but nope. 

SPENCER MOMENT OF THE WEEK: Ok, he had a few, especially with the whole Trina letter thing but he was on point telling Rory where to go! 

SMILEY BUGS OF THE WEEK: Sam and Dante are awfully giggly about moving into a tiny cramped Penthouse with no yard but hey ...

AM I THE DADDY OF THE WEEK: So happy JJY and KW are getting airtime. Cody? I guess I'll have to live with it! 

PERFECTION OF THE WEEK:  That's it. That's the post. Yes, I'm a VAnna fan but I love OG Anna and Robert as friends. 

FINALLY, WUBS DREAM OF THE WEEK: Yes, I wished it was true. Michael, Carly DOA from Nelle's knife and WILEY GONE? WHAT?!!! Of course it was just a nightmare. Dang it. 


Willow had a Nelle-Nightmare

Carly told Nina what a terrible person she is 

Trina had her party, Cam sang

Dex and Joss went into the dumpster 

Sonny and Victor had lunch

Sasha freaked out and killed a phone

Spencer burned his letter to Trina then went to the pokey 

Trina learns the truth but doesn't catch Spencer in time 

Mac thinks Cody could be his but is hesitant to find out 

I feel like this--- caught in a trap!! LOL (I just watched ELVIS! on HBO and loved it). Sorry I'm busy and just not with GH as much as I should be!! Hopefully I'll get my app fixed for YouTube and be around more. Spoilers say someone dies around Sept 20th, Emma Samms will be back as Holly this month and the Elizabeth story heats up even more. 

Friday, September 9, 2022


Well, here I am!! Poor GH so interrupted!! We had some Newcastle Brown Ale and shortbread last night. 

Victor and Sonny at The PC Grille ...Sonny basically asks why Victor "let" Ava get attacked and why Spencer is going to jail if he did the bribing of the guards. 

Sam and Dante. Dante moved into the PH. His neighbor saw him moving and their son wants to buy the house for over market price. He's sad because it's he and Lulu's. 

Trina and Ava. Trina is so happy she's ok

Rory and Spencer. Spencer gives up his personal items. Rory tell him that he can get him a job in the library at Pentonville. Spencer says thanks but no thanks. 

Maxie, Felicia and Mac.. they are trying to convince him to tell Cody and get a DNA test. He's like "it could destroy our family'! 

Britt and Cody.. OMG he has the same damn shirt on. They talk about the night Ava was stabbed and they were together. 

I am so sorry. My YouTube TV service has ANOTHER PLAYBACK ERROR today --it just turned off. This is happening more and more. We pay a lot for it too just to watch network TV. GRRRRRRRRR I'll have to catch GH on HULU 

Thursday, September 8, 2022


Catching up ... Saw Tuesday's show-- (mainly because I wanted to see Nelle) ...loved her with Nina. 

Stupid Rory interrupting Spencer and Trina. Grrrrrrrrrrr. I do love Taggart being her Dad and I KNOW they are going to change that. 

Spencer burned the letter!!!!

Stella remembering that she didn't mail the divorce papers!! LOL WHOOPS "you'd better look into your divorce papers" LOL 


Missing from the party:  Molly. Liz should have been there too. My kid plays the guitar and I never miss!! 

Carly. UGH. 


Queen Died...and my husband is British so it's a sad day here. She was so important to his mother during the war. His Mom is gone now too... ends of eras. 

I don't think GH will be on today.  There is a 10 day process to get through and then the funeral at the end.  Not that it will be on here daily but GH might be interrupted here and there. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2022



I'm still angry my You Tube TV didn't have the show on yesterday live. I didn't get a chance to watch Hulu yet either!! I hear it was a whopper at Nelle's grave!! Anyway, I'm out today (I think most Wed will be hard) and won't see the show live. 

A GOOD NOTE:  Lydia Look who plays Selina Wu was in the opening credits yesterday for the first time!! Moving up on the GH ladder!! YIPPEEE!! 

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

One and a Miss


Yesterday's GH: Portia's party... 

Dumpster Dive Date!! Enough Chem testing with Joss and Rex?? 


LUCY takes Sasha in PUBLIC to fire her? LOL I did enjoy it tho! 


Sonny getting kicked out of Trina's PARTY!! LOL 

Trina picks up the letter when Spencer drops it..won't give it back. 

Joss arrives all decked out. Will she tell Cam about Dex-Dumpser-Diving ?? 

OMG Willow dreams that Nelle kills Carly and Michael and takes Wiley!! I SO wish it was TRUE!! LOL!! 

I CAN'T BELIEVE it...good show and My You Tube PLUS goes out!! It won't play ABC right now. I get a 'playback error"!! UGH SORRY> 

Monday, September 5, 2022



OH MY GOODNESS! I totally forgot there was a NEW SHOW TODAY!! LOL .. whoops!! Anyway, I will watch it tomorrow sometime so if you DID watch, drop some comments !! 

Sunday, September 4, 2022

Sunday Surgery: The Return Of Moss


I TOLD you he'd come back.... Mommy promised! 

I was seriously not going to write a SS this week because I didn't feel like it but if MOSS can return, I can do a short recap for you all! 

Sonny made us pancakes so get the whipped cream and come on in! 

Friday, September 2, 2022



Nina and Ava talk. Ava tells her about Esme. Nina says "That's disgusting" LOL 

Joss tells Cam about Ava and that she and DEX helped. Giggle 

Willow doesn't feel great. Terry wants to talk to her. She says she should take time off to take care of herself and the baby/cancer. Willow's like NOPE!! 

Sam and Dante talk about moving in together. 

Chase and Book. They make out at the pool. They have a plan. 

Sonny talks to Dex at GH while TEMP Michael watches. YES, there's a TEMP again. :EYEROLL: :Michael asks Sonny if he's involved with the Ava stabbing.  Sonny yells. Michael stomps off. Dex goes and guards Ava. 

Best thing is Spencer's dream about Esme. She berates him about Trina and says even IF Trina knows she might not forgive him. And she slept with his father because Spence wasn't man enough LOL. 

Spencer writes Trina a letter

Willow decides to cut her hours down

NOTE: GH WILL BE NEW ON MONDAY! It usually shows a repeat on Labor Day so enjoy!! 

Monday Monday

  WOW, do we have a nice weather here!! Just gorgeous. All weekend was beautiful and now it's up into the 70s and maybe 80s tomorrow.  T...